Man pages for VoisinneG/pannot
Annotate and perform annotation enrichment analysis within sets of proteins or genes

annotation_enrichment_analysisPerform enrichment analysis
create_summary_table_PPIRetrieve protein-protein interaction information from...
filter_annotation_resultsPlot the result of the annotation enrichment analysis
get_annotations_enrichrGet annotations using enrichR
get_annotations_KEGGCreate a data.frame with KEGG pathways corrresponding to a...
get_annotations_uniprotCreate a data.frame with UniProt annotations corrresponding...
get_PPI_from_BioGRIDRetrieve protein-protein interaction information from BioGRID
get_PPI_from_HPRDRetrieve protein-protein interaction information from HPRD
identify_reviewed_proteins_idsIdentify which protein IDs correspond to SwissProt reviewed...
parse_idsParse protein ids. This is useful to remove additionnal...
plot_annotation_resultsPlot the result of the annotation enrichment analysis
retrieve_all_KEGG_pathwaysCreate a data.frame with all KEGG pathways for a given...
VoisinneG/pannot documentation built on July 5, 2023, 4:19 p.m.