# The combine function used in foreach
comb <- function(x, ...) {
function(i) c(x[[i]], lapply(list(...), function(y) y[[i]])))
# Convert an object of class 'imlist' to an object of class 'data.frame'
ims2df <- function(ims) {
rx <- rep(ims[[1]]$xcol, length(ims[[1]]$yrow))
for(i in 1:length(ims[[1]]$yrow)) {
if (i == 1) { ry <- rep(ims[[1]]$yrow[i], length(ims[[1]]$xcol)) }
if (i != 1) { ry <- c(ry, rep(ims[[1]]$yrow[i], length(ims[[1]]$xcol))) }
out <- data.frame("x" = rx,
"y" = ry,
"v" = as.vector(t(ims[[1]]$v)))
out$v <- ifelse(is.infinite(out$v), NA, out$v)
out$z <- as.vector(t(ims[[2]]$v))
out$z <- ifelse(is.infinite(out$z), NA, out$z)
# Progress bar used in foreach
progBar <- function(kk, N, per = 1) {
if (kk %in% seq(1, N, per)) {
x <- round(kk * 100 / N)
message("[ ",
paste(rep("=", x), collapse = ""),
paste(rep("-", 100 - x), collapse = ""),
" ] ", x, "%", "\r",
appendLF = FALSE)
if (kk == N) cat("\r")
# Temporary stopgap for converting 'SpatRaster' to 'im'
## Modification of `as.im.RasterLayer` from `maptools` because `maptools` is retiring in 2023
as.im.SpatRaster <- function(from, factor.col.name = NULL) {
if (!requireNamespace("spatstat.geom", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop(paste("package spatstat.geom required; please install it (or the full spatstat package) first"))
else {
spst_ver <- try(utils::packageVersion("spatstat"), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(spst_ver, "try-error") && spst_ver < 2 -
0) {
stop(paste("You have an old version of spatstat installed which is",
" incompatible with spatstat.geom. Please update spatstat (or uninstall it).",
sep = ""))
if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE))
stop("package sf required for coercion")
if (!requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE))
stop("package terra required for coercion")
if (!terra::hasValues(from))
stop("values required in SpatRaster object")
rs <- terra::res(from)
orig <- sf::st_bbox(from)[1:2] + 0.5 * rs
dm <- dim(from)[2:1]
xx <- unname(orig[1] + cumsum(c(0, rep(rs[1], dm[1] - 1))))
yy <- unname(orig[2] + cumsum(c(0, rep(rs[2], dm[2] - 1))))
val <- terra::values(from)
if (is.factor(from)) {
lev <- levels(from)[[1]]
if (!is.null(factor.col.name)) {
if (factor.col.name %in% colnames(lev)) {
factor.col <- which(colnames(lev) == factor.col.name)
else {
stop("'factor.col.name' is not a column name of the SpatRaster 'from'")
else {
factor.col <- length(lev)
val <- factor(val, levels = lev$ID, labels = lev[[factor.col]])
dim(val) <- dm
val <- spatstat.geom::transmat(val, from = list(x = "-i",
y = "j"), to = "spatstat")
im <- spatstat.geom::im(val, xcol = xx, yrow = yy)
# False Discovery Rate (Benjamini & Hochberg)
fdr <- function(pvals, alpha) {
pcrit <- NULL
m <- length(pvals)
for (i in 1:m) {
if (pvals[i] <= (i/m) * alpha) {
pcrit <- pvals[i]
return(max(pcrit, pvals[1]))
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