
## code source:
#' Make customized database
#' Make customized database with new bulk DNase-seq data
#' This function makes a new customized database if users have new bulk DNase-seq data and such information can be contribued to the model building of SCATE.
#' @param datapath path to the data package folder (e.g. myfolder/hg19/). User must first download the data package to use this function. The data package for hg19 and mm10 can be downloaded from or The compressed file should be unzipped. If users do not want to use existing data compendium (e.g. to build a database in a new species), datapath should be set NULL, and 'genome' will be ignored.
#' @param savepath path to save the generated database. e.g. myfolder/database.rds.
#' @param bamfile location of bulk DNase-seq bamfiles.
#' @param cre dataframe of new CRE sites to be added to the database. First column: chromosome name. Second column: start position. Third column: end position.
#' @param genome Character variable of either "hg19" or "mm10". Default is 'hg19'. Ignored when datapath is NULL.
#' @param genomerange Data frame with two columns. First column is the chromosome and second column is the length of the genome. Only useful when datapath is NULL. Example is
#' @export
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @author Zhicheng Ji, Weiqiang Zhou, Wenpin Hou, Hongkai Ji <>

makedatabase <- function(datapath,savepath,bamfile=NULL,cre=NULL,genome='hg19',genomerange=NULL) {
      if (is.null(datapath)) {
            chrlen <- genomerange
            allres <- NULL
            #sort chromosome
            for (i in 1:nrow(chrlen)) {
                  #keep all chromosome
                  start <- 200 * (0:floor((chrlen[i,2])/200))
                  end <- start + 199
                  allres <- rbind(allres,data.frame(chr=chrlen[i,1],start=start,end=end))
            gr <- GRanges(seqnames=allres$chr,IRanges(start=allres$start,end=allres$end))
            over <- as.matrix(findOverlaps(gr,blacklist))[,1]
            gr <- gr[setdiff(1:length(gr),over),]

            if (!is.null(cre)) {
                  cre <- GRanges(seqnames=cre[,1],IRanges(start=cre[,2],end=cre[,3]))
                  creid <- as.matrix(findOverlaps(gr,cre))[,1]	
            } else {
                  creid <- NULL
            len <- rep(0,length(bamfile))
            names(len) <- bamfile
            count <- matrix(0,nrow=length(gr),ncol=length(bamfile),dimnames = list(NULL,bamfile))
            for (f in bamfile) {
                  tmp <- readGAlignmentPairs(f)
                  if (length(tmp) == 0) tmp <- readGAlignments(f)
                  tmp <- GRanges(tmp)
                  mid <- round((start(tmp) + end(tmp))/2)
                  tmp <- GRanges(seqnames=as.character(seqnames(tmp)),IRanges(start=mid,end=mid))
                  count[,f] <- countOverlaps(gr,tmp)
                  len[f] <- length(tmp)
            len <- len/1e8
            norm <- log2(t(t(count)/len)+1)
            start <- end <- rep(0,length(gr))
            sn <- as.character(seqnames(gr))
            for (s in seqlevels(gr)) {
                  id <- which(sn==s)
                  start[id] <- pmax(min(id),id - 250)
                  end[id] <- pmin(max(id),id + 250)
            pos <- cbind(start,end)
            newid <- lapply(1:ncol(count),function(i) {  
                  id <- which(count[,i] >= 10 & norm[,i] >= 5)
                  backnorm <- sapply(id,function(j) mean(norm[pos[j,1]:pos[j,2],i]))
                  id[which(norm[id,i]/backnorm >= 5)]	
            id <- unique(c(unlist(newid),creid))
      } else {
            packdata <- readRDS(paste0(system.file(package="SCATE"),"/extdata/",genome,".rds"))
            gr <- packdata$gr
            if (!is.null(cre)) {
                  cre <- GRanges(seqnames=cre[,1],IRanges(start=cre[,2],end=cre[,3]))
                  creid <- as.matrix(findOverlaps(gr,cre))[,1]	
            } else {
                  creid <- NULL
            len <- rep(0,length(bamfile))
            names(len) <- bamfile
            count <- matrix(0,nrow=length(gr),ncol=length(bamfile),dimnames = list(NULL,bamfile))
            for (f in bamfile) {
                  tmp <- readGAlignmentPairs(f)
                  if (length(tmp) == 0) tmp <- readGAlignments(f)
                  tmp <- GRanges(tmp)
                  mid <- round((start(tmp) + end(tmp))/2)
                  tmp <- GRanges(seqnames=as.character(seqnames(tmp)),IRanges(start=mid,end=mid))
                  count[,f] <- countOverlaps(gr,tmp)
                  len[f] <- length(tmp)
            len <- len/1e8
            norm <- log2(t(t(count)/len)+1)
            pos <- readRDS(paste0(datapath,"/backgrpos.rds"))
            newid <- lapply(1:ncol(count),function(i) {  
                  id <- which(count[,i] >= 10 & norm[,i] >= 5)
                  backnorm <- sapply(id,function(j) mean(norm[pos[j,1]:pos[j,2],i]))
                  id[which(norm[id,i]/backnorm >= 5)]	
            id <- unique(c(packdata$id,unlist(newid),creid))
            dcount <- readRDS(paste0(datapath,'/countmat.rds'))
            dlen <- readRDS(paste0(datapath,'/len.rds'))/1e8
            dnorm <- log2(t(t(dcount)/dlen)+1)
            count <- cbind(count,dcount)
            len <- c(len,dlen)
            norm <- cbind(norm,dnorm)
      zid <- which(rowSums(norm) == 0)
      id <- setdiff(id,zid)
      excid <- setdiff(1:length(gr),c(id,zid))
      orisum <- sum1 <- sum2 <- sum3 <- rep(0,length(gr))
      for (f in colnames(count)) {
            orisum <- orisum + count[,f]
            sum1 <- sum1 + count[,f]/len[f]
            sum2 <- sum2 + count[,f]^2/len[f]^2
            sum3 <- sum3 + count[,f]/len[f]^2
      mean1 <- sum1/ncol(count)
      mean2 <- sum2/ncol(count)
      mean3 <- sum3/ncol(count)
      alls <- sqrt(log(pmax(1,(mean2-mean3)/mean1^2)))
      allm <- log(mean1)-alls^2/2
      allm <- round(allm,digits=4)
      alls <- round(alls,digits=4)
      s <- alls[id]
      m <- allm[id]
      excs <- alls[excid]
      excm <- allm[excid]
      norm <- norm[id,]
      scalematrix <- function(data) {
            cm <- rowMeans(data)
            csd <- apply(data, 1, sd)
            (data - cm) / csd
      data <- scalematrix(norm)
      data <- round(data,digits=4)
      oriclu <- kmeans(data,5000)$cluster
      splitclu <- lapply(1:max(oriclu),function(cid) {
            distmat <- dist(norm[oriclu==cid,])
      clulist <- list()
      clulist[['5000']] <- oriclu
      spclu <- split(1:length(oriclu),oriclu)
      names(spclu) <- NULL
      for (split in c(2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)) {
            cluster <- oriclu
            curclu <- 1
            for (i in 1:max(oriclu)) {
                  if (sum(oriclu==i) == 1) {
                        cluster[oriclu==i] <- curclu
                        curclu <- curclu + 1
                  } else {
                        tmpclunum <- min(sum(oriclu==i),split)
                        tmpcluster <- cutree(splitclu[[i]],tmpclunum)
                        for (j in 1:tmpclunum) {
                              cluster[spclu[[i]][tmpcluster==j]] <- curclu
                              curclu <- curclu + 1
            clulist[[as.character(max(cluster))]] <- cluster
      clucenter <- matrix(0,nrow=max(oriclu),ncol=ncol(norm))
      for (i in 1:max(oriclu)) {
            clucenter[i,] <- colMeans(norm[which(oriclu==i),,drop=FALSE])
      hclu <- hclust(dist(scalematrix(clucenter)))
      for (clufac in c(2, 4, 8, 16, 32)) {
            clunum <- round(max(oriclu) / clufac)
            clu <- cutree(hclu,k = clunum)
            cluster <- rep(0,length(oriclu))
            for (i in 1:max(oriclu)) {
                  cluster[which(oriclu==i)] <- clu[i]
            clulist[[as.character(clunum)]] <- cluster
      cluster <-,clulist)
      allclunum <- as.numeric(colnames(cluster))
      data <- list(ms=list(m=m,s=s),id=id,gr=gr,cluster=cluster,excid=excid,excms=list(m=excm,s=excs),allclunum=allclunum)
Winnie09/SCATEData documentation built on Oct. 8, 2020, 3:43 p.m.