context("utils: Utility functions from \"sure\"")
test_that("utility functions work for \"clm\" objects", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link model
fit_logit <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, link = "logit")
fit_probit <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, link = "probit")
fit_loglog <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, link = "loglog")
fit_cloglog <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, link = "cloglog")
fit_cauchit <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, link = "cauchit")
# Expectations
expect_equal(length(getBounds(fit_logit)), 5)
expect_identical(getResponseValues(fit_logit), as.integer(df1$y))
expect_equal(ncat(fit_logit), 4)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_logit), plogis)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_probit), pnorm)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_loglog), pgumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cloglog), pGumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cauchit), pcauchy)
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_logit), "logis")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_probit), "norm")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_loglog), "gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cloglog), "Gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cauchit), "cauchy")
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_logit), qlogis)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_probit), qnorm)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_loglog), qgumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cloglog), qGumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cauchit), qcauchy)
test_that("utility functions work for \"glm\" objects", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit binary probit model
# BUG? only works for binary? But the response has 4 levels
fit <- stats::glm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
family = binomial(link = "probit"))
# Expectations
# expect_null(getBounds(fit))
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit), pnorm)
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit), "norm")
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit), qnorm)
expect_identical(getResponseValues(fit), as.integer(df1$y))
# expect_equal(ncat(fit), 4)
test_that("utility functions work for \"lrm\" objects", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link model
fit <- rms::lrm(y ~ x, data = df1)
# Expectations
expect_equal(length(getBounds(fit)), 5)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit), plogis)
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit), "logis")
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit), qlogis)
expect_identical(getResponseValues(fit), as.integer(df1$y))
expect_equal(ncat(fit), 4)
test_that("utility functions work for \"orm\" objects", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link model
fit <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = probit)
# Fit cumulative link models
fit_logit <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = logistic)
fit_probit <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = probit)
fit_loglog <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = loglog)
fit_cloglog <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = cloglog)
fit_cauchit <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = cauchit)
# Expectations
expect_equal(length(getBounds(fit_logit)), 5)
expect_identical(getResponseValues(fit_logit), as.integer(df1$y))
expect_equal(ncat(fit_logit), 4)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_logit), plogis)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_probit), pnorm)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_loglog), pgumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cloglog), pGumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cauchit), pcauchy)
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_logit), "logis")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_probit), "norm")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_loglog), "gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cloglog), "Gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cauchit), "cauchy")
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_logit), qlogis)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_probit), qnorm)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_loglog), qgumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cloglog), qGumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cauchit), qcauchy)
test_that("utility functions work for \"polr\" objects", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link models
fit_logit <- MASS::polr(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, method = "logistic")
fit_probit <- MASS::polr(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, method = "probit")
fit_loglog <- MASS::polr(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, method = "loglog")
fit_cloglog <- MASS::polr(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, method = "cloglog")
fit_cauchit <- MASS::polr(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1, method = "cauchit")
# Expectations
expect_equal(length(getBounds(fit_logit)), 5)
expect_identical(getResponseValues(fit_logit), as.integer(df1$y))
expect_equal(ncat(fit_logit), 4)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_logit), plogis)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_probit), pnorm)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_loglog), pgumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cloglog), pGumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cauchit), pcauchy)
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_logit), "logis")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_probit), "norm")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_loglog), "gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cloglog), "Gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cauchit), "cauchy")
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_logit), qlogis)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_probit), qnorm)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_loglog), qgumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cloglog), qGumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cauchit), qcauchy)
test_that("utility functions work for \"vglm\" objects", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link models
fit_logit <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "logitlink",
parallel = TRUE))
fit_probit <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "probit",
parallel = TRUE))
# fit_loglog <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
# family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "loglog",
# parallel = TRUE))
fit_cloglog <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "cloglog",
parallel = TRUE))
fit_cauchit <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "cauchit",
parallel = TRUE))
# Fit an adjacent categories regression model
fit_acat <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x + I(x ^ 2), data = df1,
family = VGAM::acat(reverse=TRUE, parallel=TRUE))
# Expectations
expect_equal(length(getBounds(fit_logit)), 5)
expect_identical(getResponseValues(fit_logit), as.integer(df1$y))
expect_equal(ncat(fit_logit), 4)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_logit), plogis)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_probit), pnorm)
# expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_loglog), pgumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cloglog), pGumbel)
expect_equal(getDistributionFunction(fit_cauchit), pcauchy)
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_logit), "logis")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_probit), "norm")
# expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_loglog), "gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cloglog), "Gumbel")
expect_equal(getDistributionName(fit_cauchit), "cauchy")
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_logit), qlogis)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_probit), qnorm)
# expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_loglog), qgumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cloglog), qGumbel)
expect_equal(getQuantileFunction(fit_cauchit), qcauchy)
test_that("generate_residuals function works for different methods", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link models
fit_clm <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x, data = df1, link = "logit")
resids_clm <- generate_residuals(fit_clm, method = "sign", draws_id = NULL)
resids_clm_boot <-
generate_residuals(fit_clm, method = "sign",
draws_id = sample(nobs(fit_clm), replace = TRUE))
fit_polr <- MASS::polr(y ~ x, data = df1, method = "logistic")
resids_polr <- generate_residuals(fit_polr, method = "sign", draws_id = NULL)
resids_polr_boot <-
generate_residuals(fit_polr, method = "sign",
draws_id = sample(nobs(fit_polr), replace = TRUE))
fit_lrm <- rms::lrm(y ~ x, data = df1)
resids_lrm <- generate_residuals(fit_lrm, method = "sign", draws_id = NULL)
resids_lrm_boot <-
generate_residuals(fit_lrm, method = "sign",
draws_id = sample(nobs(fit_lrm), replace = TRUE))
fit_orm <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = logistic)
resids_orm <- generate_residuals(fit_orm, method = "sign", draws_id = NULL)
resids_orm_boot <-
generate_residuals(fit_orm, method = "sign",
draws_id = sample(nobs(fit_orm), replace = TRUE))
fit_vglm <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x, data = df1,
family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "logitlink",
parallel = TRUE))
resids_vglm <- generate_residuals(fit_vglm, method = "sign", draws_id = NULL)
resids_vglm_boot <-
generate_residuals(fit_vglm, method = "sign",
draws_id = sample(nobs(fit_vglm), replace = TRUE))
# Expectations
expect_equal(length(resids_clm), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_clm_boot), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_polr), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_polr_boot), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_lrm), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_lrm_boot), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_orm), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_orm_boot), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_vglm), nrow(df1))
expect_equal(length(resids_vglm_boot), nrow(df1))
expect_null(attr(resids_clm, "draws"))
expect_null(attr(resids_clm, "draws_id"))
expect_null(attr(resids_vglm_boot, "draws"))
expect_null(attr(resids_vglm_boot, "draws_id"))
test_that("getMeanResponse works", {
# Skips
# Load data
# Fit cumulative link models
fit_clm <- ordinal::clm(y ~ x, data = df1, link = "logit")
fit_polr <- MASS::polr(y ~ x, data = df1, method = "logistic")
fit_lrm <- rms::lrm(y ~ x, data = df1)
fit_orm <- rms::orm(y ~ x, data = df1, family = logistic)
fit_vglm <- VGAM::vglm(y ~ x, data = df1,
family = VGAM::cumulative(link = "logitlink",
parallel = TRUE))
# fit_vglm@misc$reverse
# unname(stats::coef(fit_clm))
# unname(stats::coef(fit_polr))
# unname(stats::coef(fit_lrm))
# unname(stats::coef(fit_orm))
# unname(stats::coef(fit_vglm))
# Mean response
mr <- cbind(
"clm" = getMeanResponse(fit_clm),
"polr" = getMeanResponse(fit_polr),
"lrm" = getMeanResponse(fit_lrm),
"orm" = getMeanResponse(fit_orm),
"vglm" = getMeanResponse(fit_vglm)
# Compute maximum pairwise difference per row
max_diff <- apply(mr, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) max(as.numeric(dist(x))))
# Expectations
expect_true(max(max_diff) < 1e-04)
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