# Various internal functions
# The following functions are taken from "truncdist" and "sure" packages,
# But:
# 1. A few functions have been modified to not throw warnings.
# 2. A few bugs are fixed.
# 3. "generate_residuals" has been modified with new arguments. It can deal with
# several other residuals.
# 4. "generate_surrogate" has been modified with new arguments.
# 5. The bootstrap procedure for more replications of residuals has been changed
# to be consistent with partial association analysis. It conduct multiple
# draws for residuals.
#' Simulate sample from truncated distribution
#' a function to generate truncated distribution. Simulate one random sample from
#' a standard normal distribution truncated to the left in the middle
#' .rtrunc(1, spec = "norm", a = -Inf, b = 0)
#' @param n the number of observations.
#' @param spec a character string to specify the distribution.
#' @param a lower bound.
#' @param b upper bound.
#' @param ... any other arguments that can be used for the functions of different distribution
#' such as "mean", "sd" for "qnorm()".
#' @import stats
#' @return A vector contains n random samples from the truncated distribution "spec".
#' @keywords internal
.rtrunc <- function (n, spec, a = -Inf, b = Inf, ...) {
.qtrunc(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), spec, a = a, b = b, ...)
#' @keywords internal
.qtrunc <- function (p, spec, a = -Inf, b = Inf, ...) {
tt <- p
G <- get(paste("p", spec, sep = ""), mode = "function")
Gin <- get(paste("q", spec, sep = ""), mode = "function")
G.a <- G(a, ...)
G.b <- G(b, ...)
pmin(pmax(a, Gin(G(a, ...) + p * (G(b, ...) - G(a, ...)), ...)), b)
#' @keywords internal
sim_trunc <- function(n, distribution, a, b, location = 0, scale = 1) {
if (distribution == "norm") {
.rtrunc(n, spec = distribution, a = a, b = b,
mean = location, sd = scale)
} else {
.rtrunc(n, spec = distribution, a = a, b = b,
location = location, scale = scale)
# Gumbel distribution functions
# For log-log link
#' @keywords internal
pgumbel <- function(q, location = 0, scale = 1) {
q <- (q - location) / scale
#' @keywords internal
qgumbel <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1) {
-scale * log(-log(p)) + location
#' @keywords internal
rgumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) {
qgumbel(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), location = location, scale = scale)
# For complimentary log-log link
#' @keywords internal
pGumbel <- function(q, location = 0, scale = 1) {
q <- (q - location) / scale
1 - exp(-exp(q))
#' @keywords internal
qGumbel <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1) {
scale * log(-log(1 - p)) + location
#' @keywords internal
rGumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) {
qGumbel(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), location = location, scale = scale)
# Generic function to extract truncation bounds for cumulative link models;
# these are used when sampling the surrogate values
#' @keywords internal
getBounds <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getBounds.clm <- function(object, ...) {
c(-Inf, stats::coef(object)[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] -
stats::coef(object)[1L], Inf)
#' @keywords internal
getBounds.glm <- function(object, ...) {
y <- getResponseValues(object)
c(ifelse(y == 0, yes = -Inf, no = 0), ifelse(y == 1, yes = Inf, no = 0))
#' @keywords internal
getBounds.lrm <- function(object, ...) {
coefs <- -unname(stats::coef(object))
c(-Inf, coefs[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] - coefs[1L], Inf)
#' @keywords internal
getBounds.orm <- function(object, ...) {
coefs <- -unname(stats::coef(object))
c(-Inf, coefs[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] - coefs[1L], Inf)
#' @keywords internal
getBounds.polr <- function(object, ...) {
c(-Inf, object$zeta - object$zeta[1L], Inf)
#' @keywords internal
getBounds.vglm <- function(object, ...) {
coefs <- unname(stats::coef(object)) # No need to reverse coefficients.
# coefs <- if (object@misc$reverse) {
# -unname(stats::coef(object))
# } else {
# unname(stats::coef(object))
# }
c(-Inf, coefs[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] - coefs[1L], Inf)
# Generic function for extracting the assumed cumulative distribution function
# from a cumulative link model
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.clm <- function(object) {
"logit" = plogis,
"probit" = pnorm,
"loglog" = pgumbel,
"cloglog" = pGumbel,
"cauchit" = pcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.glm <- function(object) {
"logit" = plogis,
"probit" = pnorm,
# "loglog" = pgumbel, # glm does not support this link function
"cloglog" = pGumbel,
"cauchit" = pcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.lrm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.orm <- function(object) {
"logistic" = plogis,
"probit" = pnorm,
"loglog" = pgumbel,
"cloglog" = pGumbel,
"cauchit" = pcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.polr <- function(object) {
"logistic" = plogis,
"probit" = pnorm,
"loglog" = pgumbel,
"cloglog" = pGumbel,
"cauchit" = pcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.vglm <- function(object) {
"logit" = plogis, # Old "logit" in VGAM
"logitlink" = plogis, # "logit" is deprecated, use "logitlink" instead
"probit" = pnorm,
"loglog" = pgumbel,
"cloglog" = pGumbel,
"cauchit" = pcauchy,
"loglink" = plogis,
"probitlink" = pnorm,
"logloglink" = pgumbel,
"clogloglink" = pGumbel,
"cauchitlink" = pcauchy)
# Generic function for extracting the name of the assumed distribution from a
# cumulative link model
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.clm <- function(object) {
"logit" = "logis",
"probit" = "norm",
"loglog" = "gumbel",
"cloglog" = "Gumbel",
"cauchit" = "cauchy")
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.glm <- function(object) {
"logit" = "logis",
"probit" = "norm",
# "loglog" = "gumbel", # glm does not support this link function
"cloglog" = "Gumbel",
"cauchit" = "cauchy")
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.lrm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.orm <- function(object) {
"logistic" = "logis",
"probit" = "norm",
"loglog" = "gumbel",
"cloglog" = "Gumbel",
"cauchit" = "cauchy")
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.polr <- function(object) {
"logistic" = "logis",
"probit" = "norm",
"loglog" = "gumbel",
"cloglog" = "Gumbel",
"cauchit" = "cauchy")
#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.vglm <- function(object) {
"logit" = "logis",
"logitlink" = "logis",
"probit" = "norm",
"loglog" = "gumbel",
"cloglog" = "Gumbel",
"cauchit" = "cauchy",
"loglink" = "logis",
"probitlink" = "norm",
"logloglink" = "gumbel",
"clogloglink" = "Gumbel",
"cauchitlink" = "cauchy")
# Generic function for extracting the fitted probabilities from a cumulative
# link model
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.clm <- function(object) {
newdata <- stats::model.frame(object)
vars <- as.character(attr(object$terms, "variables"))
resp <- vars[1 + attr(object$terms, "response")] # response name
newdata <- newdata[!names(newdata) %in% resp]
predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")$fit
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.glm <- function(object) {
prob <- object$fitted.values
cbind(prob, 1 - prob)
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.lrm <- function(object) {
predict(object, type = "fitted.ind")
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.orm <- function(object) {
predict(object, type = "fitted.ind")
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.polr <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.vglm <- function(object) {
# Generic function for extracting the fitted mean response from a cumulative
# link model
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse <- function(object) { # for j = 1
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.clm <- function(object) {
# Have to do this the long way, for now! :(
mf <- model.frame(object)
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(object$terms, "dataClasses"))) {
.checkMFClasses(cl, mf)
X <- model.matrix(object$terms, data = mf, contrasts = object$contrasts)
if(sum(object$aliased$beta) > 0) {
X <- X[, !c(FALSE, object$aliased$beta), drop = FALSE]
# drop(X[, -1L, drop = FALSE] %*% object$beta)
drop(X[, -1L, drop = FALSE] %*% object$beta - object$alpha[1L])
# -predict(object, type = "linear.predictor")$eta2
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.glm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.lrm <- function(object) {
# No negative sign since orm uses the reverse parameterization: Pr(Y >= j)
predict(object, type = "lp", kint = 1L)
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.orm <- function(object) {
# No negative sign since orm uses the reverse parameterization: Pr(Y >= j)
predict(object, type = "lp", kint = 1L)
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.polr <- function(object) {
# object$lp
object$lp - object$zeta[1L] # Xb - a1
#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.vglm <- function(object) { # Need to check "reverse", if True, predictors is right, o.w. reverse it.
if (object@misc$reverse) {
object@predictors[, 1L, drop = TRUE]
} else {
- object@predictors[, 1L, drop = TRUE]
# Generic function for extracting the assumed quantile function from a
# cumulative link model
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.clm <- function(object) {
"logit" = qlogis,
"probit" = qnorm,
"loglog" = qgumbel,
"cloglog" = qGumbel,
"cauchit" = qcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.glm <- function(object) {
"logit" = qlogis,
"probit" = qnorm,
"log" = qgumbel,
"cloglog" = qGumbel,
"cauchit" = qcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.lrm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.orm <- function(object) {
"logistic" = qlogis,
"probit" = qnorm,
"loglog" = qgumbel,
"cloglog" = qGumbel,
"cauchit" = qcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.polr <- function(object) {
"logistic" = qlogis,
"probit" = qnorm,
"loglog" = qgumbel,
"cloglog" = qGumbel,
"cauchit" = qcauchy)
#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.vglm <- function(object) {
"logit" = qlogis,
"logitlink" = qlogis,
"probit" = qnorm,
"loglog" = qgumbel,
"cloglog" = qGumbel,
"cauchit" = qcauchy,
# Above are for vglm cumulative links.
"loglink" = qlogis,
"probitlink" = qnorm,
"logloglink" = qgumbel,
"clogloglink" = qGumbel,
"cauchitlink" = qcauchy
# Above are for the "acat" links.
# Generic function to extract the response values from a cumulative link or
# general model; returns an integer, not a factor!
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.clm <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.glm <- function(object) {
# FIXME: What about binomial models with matrix response, etc.?
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.lrm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.orm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.polr <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.vglm <- function(object, ...) {
unname(apply(object@y, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) which(x == 1)))
# Generic function to extract the covariates from a cumulative link or
# general model; returns as a matrix!
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.clm <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.glm <- function(object) {
# FIXME: What about binomial models with matrix response, etc.?
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.lrm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.orm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.polr <- function(object, ...) {
#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.vglm <- function(object, ...) {
# head(fit@x)
# Number of response categories
#' @keywords internal
ncat <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
ncat.clm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
ncat.glm <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
ncat.lrm <- function(object) {
object$non.slopes + 1
#' @keywords internal
ncat.orm <- function(object) {
object$non.slopes + 1
#' @keywords internal
ncat.polr <- function(object) {
#' @keywords internal
ncat.vglm <- function(object) {
# Surrogate and residual workhorse functions
#' @keywords internal
generate_surrogate <- function(object, method = c("latent", "uniform"),
jitter.uniform.scale = c("probability", "response"),
draws_id = NULL) {
# Match arguments
method <- match.arg(method)
# Get distribution name (for sampling)
distribution <- getDistributionName(object) # distribution name
# Generate surrogate response values
s <- if (method == "latent") { # latent variable approach
# Simulate surrogate response values from the appropriate truncated
# distribution
if (distribution %in% c("norm", "logis", "cauchy", "gumbel", "Gumbel")) {
y <- getResponseValues(object)
if (is.null(draws_id)) {
draws_id <- seq_along(y)
mean_response <- getMeanResponse(object) # mean response values
if (!inherits(object, what = "lrm") && inherits(object, what = "glm")) {
sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
# {0, 1} -> {1, 2}
a = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 1, yes = -Inf, no = 0),
b = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 2, yes = Inf, no = 0),
location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1) # surrogate values
} else {
trunc_bounds <- getBounds(object) # truncation bounds
sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
a = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id]],
b = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id] + 1L],
location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1) # surrogate values
} else {
stop("Distribution not supported.", call. = FALSE)
} else { # jittering approach
# Determine scale for jittering
jitter.uniform.scale <- match.arg(jitter.uniform.scale)
y <- getResponseValues(object)
if (is.null(draws_id)) {
draws_id <- seq_along(y)
y <- y[draws_id]
prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
if (jitter.uniform.scale == "response") { # jittering on the response scale
j <- seq_len(ncol(prob))
jmat <- matrix(rep(j, times = nrow(prob)), ncol = ncol(prob), byrow = TRUE)
runif(length(y), min = y, max = y + 1)
} else { # jittering on the probability scale
if (distribution == "logis") {
# stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
# " for logit-type models.", call. = FALSE)
.min <- pbinom(y - 2, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE]) # F(y-1)
.max <- pbinom(y - 1, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE]) # F(y)
runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max) # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
} else if (distribution == "norm") {
# This is for Issue #6. Keep this in mind, this may have issues due to different settings in different packages!
.min <- pnorm(q = y - 1, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1) # F(y-1)
.max <- pnorm(q = y, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1) # F(y)
runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max) # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
} else {
stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
" for logit, probit-type models. The 'cauchy', 'gumbel', 'Gumbel' are under construction.", call. = FALSE)
# Return results
#' @keywords internal
generate_residuals <-
function(object, method = c("latent", "uniform", "sign", "general", "deviance"),
jitter.uniform.scale = c("probability", "response"),
draws_id = NULL) {
# Match arguments
method <- match.arg(method)
# Pull "y" and "draws_id" for all methods
y <- getResponseValues(object)
if (is.null(draws_id)) {
draws_id <- seq_along(y)
# Get distribution name (for sampling)
distribution <- getDistributionName(object) # distribution name
# Generate surrogate response values
r <- if (method == "latent") { # latent variable approach
# Simulate surrogate response values from the appropriate truncated
# distribution
if (distribution %in% c("norm", "logis", "cauchy", "gumbel", "Gumbel")) {
mean_response <- getMeanResponse(object) # mean response values
s <- if (!inherits(object, what = "lrm") &&
inherits(object, what = "glm")) {
sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
# {0, 1} -> {1, 2}
a = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 1, yes = -Inf, no = 0),
b = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 2, yes = Inf, no = 0),
location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1) # surrogate values
} else {
trunc_bounds <- getBounds(object) # truncation bounds
sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
a = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id]],
b = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id] + 1L],
location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1) # surrogate values
} else {
stop("Distribution not supported.", call. = FALSE)
s - mean_response[draws_id] # surrogate residuals
} else if (method == "uniform") { # jittering approach
jitter.uniform.scale <- match.arg(jitter.uniform.scale)
y <- y[draws_id]
prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
if (jitter.uniform.scale == "response") { # jittering on the response scale
j <- seq_len(ncol(prob))
jmat <- matrix(rep(j, times = nrow(prob)), ncol = ncol(prob), byrow = TRUE)
runif(length(y), min = y, max = y + 1) - rowSums((jmat + 0.5) * prob)
} else { # jittering on the probability scale
if (distribution == "logis") {
# stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
# " for logit-type models.", call. = FALSE)
.min <- pbinom(y - 2, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE]) # F(y-1)
.max <- pbinom(y - 1, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE]) # F(y)
runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max) # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
} else if (distribution == "norm") {
# This is for Issue #6. Keep this in mind, this may have issues due to different settings in different packages!
.min <- pnorm(q = y - 1, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1) # F(y-1)
.max <- pnorm(q = y, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1) # F(y)
runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max) # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
} else {
stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
" for logit, probit-type models. The 'cauchy', 'gumbel', 'Gumbel' are under construction.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (method == "sign") { # sign-based residuals
n <- length(y)
y <- y[draws_id]
prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
# calculate probability based residual based on fitted value (prbabilities)
pyej <- prob[cbind(1:n, y)]
pysj <- sapply(1:n, function(x) sum(prob[x,1:y[x]])) - pyej
PR <- -1 + 2*pysj + pyej
PR # Return sign-based residuals
} else if (method == "general") { # generalized residuals
n <- length(y); y <- y[draws_id]
prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
y <- as.integer(y)
F_acat <- t(apply(prob, 1, cumsum))
F_acat <- cbind(0, F_acat)
# An workaround to avoid BUG below: dnorm(qnorm(1)) return Inf
F_acat[,dim(F_acat)[2]] <- 0.9999999999
Pj <- sapply(1:n, function(x) prob[x,y[x]])
Fj <- sapply(1:n, function(x) F_acat[x,y[x]+1])
Fj_1 <- sapply(1:n, function(x) F_acat[x,y[x]])
fj <- dnorm(qnorm(Fj))
fj_1 <- dnorm(qnorm(Fj_1))
(fj_1-fj)/Pj # Return generalized residuals
} else { # deviance residuals (-2*loglik)
n <- length(y); y <- y[draws_id]
prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
-2*log(prob[cbind(1:n, y)]) # Return deviance residuals
# Return results
.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
library.dynam.unload("PAsso", libpath)
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