
Defines functions generate_residuals generate_surrogate ncat.vglm ncat.polr ncat.orm ncat.lrm ncat.glm ncat.clm ncat getCovariates.vglm getCovariates.polr getCovariates.orm getCovariates.lrm getCovariates.glm getCovariates.clm getCovariates getResponseValues.vglm getResponseValues.polr getResponseValues.orm getResponseValues.lrm getResponseValues.glm getResponseValues.clm getResponseValues getQuantileFunction.vglm getQuantileFunction.polr getQuantileFunction.orm getQuantileFunction.lrm getQuantileFunction.glm getQuantileFunction.clm getQuantileFunction getMeanResponse.vglm getMeanResponse.polr getMeanResponse.orm getMeanResponse.lrm getMeanResponse.glm getMeanResponse.clm getMeanResponse getFittedProbs.vglm getFittedProbs.polr getFittedProbs.orm getFittedProbs.lrm getFittedProbs.glm getFittedProbs.clm getFittedProbs getDistributionName.vglm getDistributionName.polr getDistributionName.orm getDistributionName.lrm getDistributionName.glm getDistributionName.clm getDistributionName getDistributionFunction.vglm getDistributionFunction.polr getDistributionFunction.orm getDistributionFunction.lrm getDistributionFunction.glm getDistributionFunction.clm getDistributionFunction getBounds.vglm getBounds.polr getBounds.orm getBounds.lrm getBounds.glm getBounds.clm getBounds qGumbel pGumbel qgumbel pgumbel sim_trunc

# Various internal functions
# The following functions are taken from "truncdist" and "sure" packages,
# But:
# 1. A few functions have been modified to not throw warnings.
# 2. A few bugs are fixed.
# 3. "generate_residuals" has been modified with new arguments. It can deal with
#     several other residuals.
# 4. "generate_surrogate" has been modified with new arguments.
# 5. The bootstrap procedure for more replications of residuals has been changed
#    to be consistent with partial association analysis. It conduct multiple
#    draws for residuals.

#' Simulate sample from truncated distribution
#' a function to generate truncated distribution. Simulate one random sample from
#' a standard normal distribution truncated to the left in the middle
#' .rtrunc(1, spec = "norm", a = -Inf, b = 0)
#' @param n the number of observations.
#' @param spec a character string to specify the distribution.
#' @param a lower bound.
#' @param b upper bound.
#' @param ... any other arguments that can be used for the functions of different distribution
#' such as "mean", "sd" for "qnorm()".
#' @import stats
#' @return A vector contains n random samples from the truncated distribution "spec".
#' @keywords internal
.rtrunc <- function (n, spec, a = -Inf, b = Inf, ...) {
  .qtrunc(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), spec, a = a, b = b, ...)

#' @keywords internal
.qtrunc <- function (p, spec, a = -Inf, b = Inf, ...) {
  tt <- p
  G <- get(paste("p", spec, sep = ""), mode = "function")
  Gin <- get(paste("q", spec, sep = ""), mode = "function")
  G.a <- G(a, ...)
  G.b <- G(b, ...)
  pmin(pmax(a, Gin(G(a, ...) + p * (G(b, ...) - G(a, ...)), ...)), b)

#' @keywords internal
sim_trunc <- function(n, distribution, a, b, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  if (distribution == "norm") {
    .rtrunc(n, spec = distribution, a = a, b = b,
            mean = location, sd = scale)
  } else {
    .rtrunc(n, spec = distribution, a = a, b = b,
            location = location, scale = scale)

# Gumbel distribution functions

# For log-log link

#' @keywords internal
pgumbel <- function(q, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  q <- (q - location) / scale

#' @keywords internal
qgumbel <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  -scale * log(-log(p)) + location

#' @keywords internal
rgumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  qgumbel(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), location = location, scale = scale)

# For complimentary log-log link

#' @keywords internal
pGumbel <- function(q, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  q <- (q - location) / scale
  1 - exp(-exp(q))

#' @keywords internal
qGumbel <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  scale * log(-log(1 - p)) + location

#' @keywords internal
rGumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  qGumbel(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), location = location, scale = scale)

# Generic function to extract truncation bounds for cumulative link models;
# these are used when sampling the surrogate values

#' @keywords internal
getBounds <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getBounds.clm <- function(object, ...) {
    c(-Inf, stats::coef(object)[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] -
        stats::coef(object)[1L], Inf)

#' @keywords internal
getBounds.glm <- function(object, ...) {
  y <- getResponseValues(object)
  c(ifelse(y == 0, yes = -Inf, no = 0), ifelse(y == 1, yes = Inf, no = 0))

#' @keywords internal
getBounds.lrm <- function(object, ...) {
  coefs <- -unname(stats::coef(object))
  c(-Inf, coefs[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] - coefs[1L], Inf)

#' @keywords internal
getBounds.orm <- function(object, ...) {
  coefs <- -unname(stats::coef(object))
  c(-Inf, coefs[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] - coefs[1L], Inf)

#' @keywords internal
getBounds.polr <- function(object, ...) {
    c(-Inf, object$zeta - object$zeta[1L], Inf)

#' @keywords internal
getBounds.vglm <- function(object, ...) {
  coefs <- unname(stats::coef(object)) # No need to reverse coefficients.

  # coefs <- if (object@misc$reverse) {
  #   -unname(stats::coef(object))
  # } else {
  #   unname(stats::coef(object))
  # }
  c(-Inf, coefs[seq_len(ncat(object) - 1)] - coefs[1L], Inf)

# Generic function for extracting the assumed cumulative distribution function
# from a cumulative link model

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.clm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = plogis,
         "probit" = pnorm,
         "loglog" = pgumbel,
         "cloglog" = pGumbel,
         "cauchit" = pcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.glm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = plogis,
         "probit" = pnorm,
         # "loglog" = pgumbel,  # glm does not support this link function
         "cloglog" = pGumbel,
         "cauchit" = pcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.lrm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.orm <- function(object) {
         "logistic" = plogis,
         "probit" = pnorm,
         "loglog" = pgumbel,
         "cloglog" = pGumbel,
         "cauchit" = pcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.polr <- function(object) {
         "logistic" = plogis,
         "probit" = pnorm,
         "loglog" = pgumbel,
         "cloglog" = pGumbel,
         "cauchit" = pcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionFunction.vglm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = plogis, # Old "logit" in VGAM
         "logitlink" = plogis, # "logit" is deprecated, use "logitlink" instead
         "probit" = pnorm,
         "loglog" = pgumbel,
         "cloglog" = pGumbel,
         "cauchit" = pcauchy,
         "loglink" = plogis,
         "probitlink" = pnorm,
         "logloglink" = pgumbel,
         "clogloglink" = pGumbel,
         "cauchitlink" = pcauchy)

# Generic function for extracting the name of the assumed distribution from a
# cumulative link model

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.clm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = "logis",
         "probit" = "norm",
         "loglog" = "gumbel",
         "cloglog" = "Gumbel",
         "cauchit" = "cauchy")

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.glm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = "logis",
         "probit" = "norm",
         # "loglog" = "gumbel",  # glm does not support this link function
         "cloglog" = "Gumbel",
         "cauchit" = "cauchy")

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.lrm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.orm <- function(object) {
         "logistic" = "logis",
         "probit" = "norm",
         "loglog" = "gumbel",
         "cloglog" = "Gumbel",
         "cauchit" = "cauchy")

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.polr <- function(object) {
         "logistic" = "logis",
         "probit" = "norm",
         "loglog" = "gumbel",
         "cloglog" = "Gumbel",
         "cauchit" = "cauchy")

#' @keywords internal
getDistributionName.vglm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = "logis",
         "logitlink" = "logis",
         "probit" = "norm",
         "loglog" = "gumbel",
         "cloglog" = "Gumbel",
         "cauchit" = "cauchy",
         "loglink" = "logis",
         "probitlink" = "norm",
         "logloglink" = "gumbel",
         "clogloglink" = "Gumbel",
         "cauchitlink" = "cauchy")

# Generic function for extracting the fitted probabilities from a cumulative
# link model

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.clm <- function(object) {
  newdata <- stats::model.frame(object)
  vars <- as.character(attr(object$terms, "variables"))
  resp <- vars[1 + attr(object$terms, "response")]  # response name
  newdata <- newdata[!names(newdata) %in% resp]
  predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")$fit

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.glm <- function(object) {
  prob <- object$fitted.values
  cbind(prob, 1 - prob)

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.lrm <- function(object) {
  predict(object, type = "fitted.ind")

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.orm <- function(object) {
  predict(object, type = "fitted.ind")

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.polr <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getFittedProbs.vglm <- function(object) {

# Generic function for extracting the fitted mean response from a cumulative
# link model

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse <- function(object) {  # for j = 1

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.clm <- function(object) {
  # Have to do this the long way, for now! :(
  mf <- model.frame(object)
  if (!is.null(cl <- attr(object$terms, "dataClasses"))) {
    .checkMFClasses(cl, mf)
  X <- model.matrix(object$terms, data = mf, contrasts = object$contrasts)
  if(sum(object$aliased$beta) > 0) {
    X <- X[, !c(FALSE, object$aliased$beta), drop = FALSE]
  # drop(X[, -1L, drop = FALSE] %*% object$beta)
  drop(X[, -1L, drop = FALSE] %*% object$beta - object$alpha[1L])
  # -predict(object, type = "linear.predictor")$eta2

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.glm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.lrm <- function(object) {
  # No negative sign since orm uses the reverse parameterization: Pr(Y >= j)
  predict(object, type = "lp", kint = 1L)

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.orm <- function(object) {
  # No negative sign since orm uses the reverse parameterization: Pr(Y >= j)
  predict(object, type = "lp", kint = 1L)

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.polr <- function(object) {
  # object$lp
  object$lp - object$zeta[1L]  # Xb - a1

#' @keywords internal
getMeanResponse.vglm <- function(object) { # Need to check "reverse", if True, predictors is right, o.w. reverse it.
  if (object@misc$reverse) {
    object@predictors[, 1L, drop = TRUE]
  } else {
    - object@predictors[, 1L, drop = TRUE]

# Generic function for extracting the assumed quantile function from a
# cumulative link model

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.clm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = qlogis,
         "probit" = qnorm,
         "loglog" = qgumbel,
         "cloglog" = qGumbel,
         "cauchit" = qcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.glm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = qlogis,
         "probit" = qnorm,
         "log" = qgumbel,
         "cloglog" = qGumbel,
         "cauchit" = qcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.lrm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.orm <- function(object) {
         "logistic" = qlogis,
         "probit" = qnorm,
         "loglog" = qgumbel,
         "cloglog" = qGumbel,
         "cauchit" = qcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.polr <- function(object) {
         "logistic" = qlogis,
         "probit" = qnorm,
         "loglog" = qgumbel,
         "cloglog" = qGumbel,
         "cauchit" = qcauchy)

#' @keywords internal
getQuantileFunction.vglm <- function(object) {
         "logit" = qlogis,
         "logitlink" = qlogis,
         "probit" = qnorm,
         "loglog" = qgumbel,
         "cloglog" = qGumbel,
         "cauchit" = qcauchy,
         # Above are for vglm cumulative links.

         "loglink" = qlogis,
         "probitlink" = qnorm,
         "logloglink" = qgumbel,
         "clogloglink" = qGumbel,
         "cauchitlink" = qcauchy
         # Above are for the "acat" links.

# Generic function to extract the response values from a cumulative link or
# general model; returns an integer, not a factor!

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.clm <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.glm <- function(object) {
  # FIXME: What about binomial models with matrix response, etc.?

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.lrm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.orm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.polr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getResponseValues.vglm <- function(object, ...) {
  unname(apply(object@y, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) which(x == 1)))

# Generic function to extract the covariates from a cumulative link or
# general model; returns as a matrix!

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.clm <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.glm <- function(object) {
  # FIXME: What about binomial models with matrix response, etc.?

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.lrm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.orm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.polr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @keywords internal
getCovariates.vglm <- function(object, ...) {
  # head(fit@x)

# Number of response categories

#' @keywords internal
ncat <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
ncat.clm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
ncat.glm <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
ncat.lrm <- function(object) {
  object$non.slopes + 1

#' @keywords internal
ncat.orm <- function(object) {
  object$non.slopes + 1

#' @keywords internal
ncat.polr <- function(object) {

#' @keywords internal
ncat.vglm <- function(object) {

# Surrogate and residual workhorse functions

#' @keywords internal
generate_surrogate <- function(object, method = c("latent", "uniform"),
                               jitter.uniform.scale = c("probability", "response"),
                               draws_id = NULL) {

  # Match arguments
  method <- match.arg(method)

  # Get distribution name (for sampling)
  distribution <- getDistributionName(object)  # distribution name

  # Generate surrogate response values
  s <- if (method == "latent") {  # latent variable approach

    # Simulate surrogate response values from the appropriate truncated
    # distribution
    if (distribution %in% c("norm", "logis", "cauchy", "gumbel", "Gumbel")) {
      y <- getResponseValues(object)
      if (is.null(draws_id)) {
        draws_id <- seq_along(y)
      mean_response <- getMeanResponse(object)  # mean response values
      if (!inherits(object, what = "lrm") && inherits(object, what = "glm")) {
        sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
                  # {0, 1} -> {1, 2}
                  a = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 1, yes = -Inf, no = 0),
                  b = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 2, yes =  Inf, no = 0),
                  location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1)  # surrogate values
      } else {
        trunc_bounds <- getBounds(object)  # truncation bounds
        sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
                  a = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id]],
                  b = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id] + 1L],
                  location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1)  # surrogate values
    } else {
      stop("Distribution not supported.", call. = FALSE)

  } else {  # jittering approach

    # Determine scale for jittering
    jitter.uniform.scale <- match.arg(jitter.uniform.scale)
    y <- getResponseValues(object)
    if (is.null(draws_id)) {
      draws_id <- seq_along(y)
    y <- y[draws_id]
    prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
    if (jitter.uniform.scale == "response") {  # jittering on the response scale
      j <- seq_len(ncol(prob))
      jmat <- matrix(rep(j, times = nrow(prob)), ncol = ncol(prob), byrow = TRUE)
      runif(length(y), min = y, max = y + 1)
    } else {  # jittering on the probability scale
      if (distribution == "logis") {
        # stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
             # " for logit-type models.", call. = FALSE)
        .min <- pbinom(y - 2, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE])  # F(y-1)
        .max <- pbinom(y - 1, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE])  # F(y)
        runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max)  # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
      } else if (distribution == "norm") {
        # This is for Issue #6. Keep this in mind, this may have issues due to different settings in different packages!
        .min <- pnorm(q = y - 1, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1)  # F(y-1)
        .max <- pnorm(q = y, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1)  # F(y)
        runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max)  # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
      } else {
        stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
        " for logit, probit-type models. The 'cauchy', 'gumbel', 'Gumbel' are under construction.", call. = FALSE)



  # Return results


#' @keywords internal
generate_residuals <-
  function(object, method = c("latent", "uniform", "sign", "general", "deviance"),
           jitter.uniform.scale = c("probability", "response"),
           draws_id = NULL) {

  # Match arguments
  method <- match.arg(method)

  # Pull "y" and "draws_id" for all methods
  y <- getResponseValues(object)
  if (is.null(draws_id)) {
    draws_id <- seq_along(y)

  # Get distribution name (for sampling)
  distribution <- getDistributionName(object)  # distribution name

  # Generate surrogate response values
  r <- if (method == "latent") {  # latent variable approach

    # Simulate surrogate response values from the appropriate truncated
    # distribution
    if (distribution %in% c("norm", "logis", "cauchy", "gumbel", "Gumbel")) {
      mean_response <- getMeanResponse(object)  # mean response values
      s <- if (!inherits(object, what = "lrm") &&
               inherits(object, what = "glm")) {
        sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
                  # {0, 1} -> {1, 2}
                  a = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 1, yes = -Inf, no = 0),
                  b = ifelse(y[draws_id] == 2, yes =  Inf, no = 0),
                  location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1)  # surrogate values
      } else {
        trunc_bounds <- getBounds(object)  # truncation bounds
        sim_trunc(n = length(y), distribution = distribution,
                  a = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id]],
                  b = trunc_bounds[y[draws_id] + 1L],
                  location = mean_response[draws_id], scale = 1)  # surrogate values
    } else {
      stop("Distribution not supported.", call. = FALSE)
    s - mean_response[draws_id]  # surrogate residuals
  } else if (method == "uniform") {  # jittering approach
    jitter.uniform.scale <- match.arg(jitter.uniform.scale)

    y <- y[draws_id]
    prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]
    if (jitter.uniform.scale == "response") {  # jittering on the response scale
      j <- seq_len(ncol(prob))
      jmat <- matrix(rep(j, times = nrow(prob)), ncol = ncol(prob), byrow = TRUE)
      runif(length(y), min = y, max = y + 1) - rowSums((jmat + 0.5) * prob)
    } else {  # jittering on the probability scale

      if (distribution == "logis") {
        # stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
        # " for logit-type models.", call. = FALSE)
        .min <- pbinom(y - 2, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE])  # F(y-1)
        .max <- pbinom(y - 1, size = 1, prob = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE])  # F(y)
        runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max)  # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
      } else if (distribution == "norm") {
        # This is for Issue #6. Keep this in mind, this may have issues due to different settings in different packages!
        .min <- pnorm(q = y - 1, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1)  # F(y-1)
        .max <- pnorm(q = y, mean = prob[, 1L, drop = TRUE], sd = 1)  # F(y)
        runif(length(y), min = .min, max = .max)  # S|Y=y - E(S|X)
      } else {
        stop("Jittering on the probability scale is currently only supported",
             " for logit, probit-type models. The 'cauchy', 'gumbel', 'Gumbel' are under construction.", call. = FALSE)

  } else if (method == "sign") { # sign-based residuals
    n <- length(y)
    y <- y[draws_id]
    prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]

    # calculate probability based residual based on fitted value (prbabilities)
    pyej <- prob[cbind(1:n, y)]
    pysj <- sapply(1:n, function(x) sum(prob[x,1:y[x]])) - pyej
    PR <- -1 + 2*pysj + pyej
    PR # Return sign-based residuals
  } else if (method == "general") { # generalized residuals
    n <- length(y); y <- y[draws_id]
    prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]

    y <- as.integer(y)
    F_acat <- t(apply(prob, 1, cumsum))
    F_acat <- cbind(0, F_acat)

    # An workaround to avoid BUG below: dnorm(qnorm(1)) return Inf
    F_acat[,dim(F_acat)[2]] <- 0.9999999999

    Pj <- sapply(1:n, function(x) prob[x,y[x]])
    Fj <- sapply(1:n, function(x) F_acat[x,y[x]+1])
    Fj_1 <- sapply(1:n, function(x) F_acat[x,y[x]])

    fj <- dnorm(qnorm(Fj))
    fj_1 <- dnorm(qnorm(Fj_1))
    (fj_1-fj)/Pj # Return generalized residuals

  } else { # deviance residuals (-2*loglik)
    n <- length(y); y <- y[draws_id]
    prob <- getFittedProbs(object)[draws_id, ]

    -2*log(prob[cbind(1:n, y)]) # Return deviance residuals

  # Return results


.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("PAsso", libpath)
XiaoruiZhu/parasol documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 7:34 a.m.