
newsimpleLoess <- function (y, x, allx, weights, span = 0.05, degree = 2L, distance = "Latlong", parametric = FALSE,
    drop_square = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, statistics = "approximate",
    surface = "interpolate", cell = 0.2, iterations = 1L, trace.hat = "exact") {

    D <- as.integer(NCOL(x))
    if (is.na(D))
        stop("invalid NCOL(X)")
    if (D > 4)
        stop("only 1-4 predictors are allowed")
    N <- as.integer(NROW(x))
    if (is.na(N))
        stop("invalid NCOL(X)")
    alN <- as.integer(NROW(allx))
    if (N > alN)
        stop("invalid NROW(alN)")
    if (!N || !D)
        stop("invalid 'x'")
    if (!length(y))
        stop("invalid 'y'")
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    allx <- as.matrix(allx)
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"
    storage.mode(y) <- "double"
    storage.mode(weights) <- "double"
    max.kd <- max(N, 200)
    robust <- rep(1, N)
    divisor <- rep(1, D)

    ## if normalize is TRUE, the scaler factor "divisor" is calculated based on the sd of truncated data betwen 5% - 95% quantiles
    ## set normalization with distance="Euclid" is same as we choose distance="Mahal" with M = SIGMA^(-1), which SIGMA is a diagonal
    ## matrix with variance of each predictor as diagnonal elements.
    if (normalize && D > 1L && distance != "Latlong") {

        trim <- ceiling(0.1 * N)
        divisor <- sqrt(apply(apply(x, 2L, sort)[seq(trim + 1,
            N - trim), , drop = FALSE], 2L, var))
        x <- x / rep(divisor, rep(N, D))

        trim <- ceiling(0.1 * alN)
        divisor <- sqrt(apply(apply(allx, 2L, sort)[seq(trim + 1,
            alN - trim), , drop = FALSE], 2L, var))
        allx <- allx / rep(divisor, rep(alN, D))

    sum_drop_sqr <- sum(drop_square)
    sum_parametric <- sum(parametric)
    nonparametric <- sum(!parametric)
    order_parametric <- order(parametric)
    x <- x[, order_parametric]
    allx <- allx[, order_parametric]
    order_drop_sqr <- (2L - drop_square)[order_parametric]
    if (degree == 1L && sum_drop_sqr)
        stop("specified the square of a factor predictor to be dropped when degree = 1")
    if (D == 1L && sum_drop_sqr)
        stop("specified the square of a predictor to be dropped with only one numeric predictor")
    if (sum_parametric == D)
        stop("specified parametric for all predictors")
    if (distance == "Latlong" & (D - sum_parametric) != 2)
        stop("dimension for great circle distance must be 2 in spatial loess")

    if (distance == "Latlong") {
        xtdist <- 1
    } else if (distance == "Euclid") {
        xtdist <- 0

    ## The real computation engine of loess is in c code named "loess_raw"
    if (iterations) {
        for (j in seq_len(iterations)) {
            robust <- weights * robust
            if (j > 1)
                statistics <- "none"
            else if (surface == "interpolate" && statistics ==
                statistics <- if (trace.hat == "exact")
                else "2.approx"
            surf.stat <- paste(surface, statistics, sep = "/")
            if (length(span) != 1L)
                stop("invalid argument 'span'")
            if (length(cell) != 1L)
                stop("invalid argument 'cell'")
            if (length(degree) != 1L)
                stop("invalid argument 'degree'")
            #myv <- rep(0, 5000)

            ## the 7th argument is added by Xiaosu Tong, which is the distance calculation flag
            ## the 8th argument is added by Xiaosu Tong, which is passing all x locations to the kd-tree
            ## the 9th argument is added by Xiaosu Tong, which is the nrow of all x location
            z <- .C("loess_raw", y, x, weights, robust, D, N, as.integer(xtdist), allx, alN,
                as.double(span), as.integer(degree), as.integer(nonparametric),
                as.integer(order_drop_sqr), as.integer(sum_drop_sqr),
                as.double(span * cell), as.character(surf.stat),
                fitted.values = double(N), parameter = integer(7L),
                a = integer(max.kd), xi = double(max.kd), vert = double(2L *
                  D), vval = double(max.kd * (D + 1L)), diagonal = double(N),
                trL = double(1L), delta1 = double(1L), delta2 = double(1L),
                as.integer(surf.stat == "interpolate/exact"), vert2 = double(D * max.kd))
            if (j == 1) {
                trace_hat_out <- z$trL
                one.delta <- z$delta1
                two.delta <- z$delta2

            fitted.residuals <- y - z$fitted.values

            ## if current iteration is less than the total number of iteration time, calculate the
            ## robust factor based on fitted residuals.
            if (j < iterations) {
                robust <- .Fortran("lowesw", fitted.residuals, N, robust = double(N), integer(N))$robust

    ## if the calculation is interpolate which is fitting at vertices of kd-tree
    ## and reture a list object named fit.kd which including all kd-tree information
    if (surface == "interpolate") {
        pars <- setNames(z$parameter, c("d", "n", "vc", "nc",
            "nv", "liv", "lv"))
        enough <- (D + 1L) * pars["nv"]
        ## nv is the number of vertex
        fit.kd <- list(
            parameter = pars,
            a = z$a[1L:pars[4L]],
            xi = z$xi[1L:pars[4L]],
            vert = z$vert,
            vval = z$vval[1L:enough],
            vert2 = data.frame(matrix(z$vert2, ncol = D))[1:pars["nv"], ]
    if (iterations > 1L) {
        pseudovalues <- .Fortran("lowesp", N, as.double(y), as.double(z$fitted.values),
            as.double(weights), as.double(robust), integer(N),
            pseudovalues = double(N))$pseudovalues
        ## the 7th argument is added by Xiaosu Tong, which is the distance calculation flag
        ## the 8th argument is added by Xiaosu Tong, which is passing all x locations to the kd-tree
        ## the 9th argument is added by Xiaosu Tong, which is the nrow of all x location
        zz <- .C("loess_raw", as.double(pseudovalues), x, weights,
            weights, D, N, as.integer(xtdist), allx, alN, as.double(span), as.integer(degree),
            as.integer(nonparametric), as.integer(order_drop_sqr),
            as.integer(sum_drop_sqr), as.double(span * cell),
            as.character(surf.stat), temp = double(N), parameter = integer(7L),
            a = integer(max.kd), xi = double(max.kd), vert = double(2L *
                D), vval = double(max.kd * (D + 1L)), diagonal = double(N),
            trL = double(1L), delta1 = double(1L), delta2 = double(1L),
        pseudo.resid <- pseudovalues - zz$temp
    sum.squares <- if (iterations <= 1L)
        sum(weights * fitted.residuals ^ 2)
    else sum(weights * pseudo.resid ^ 2)
    enp <- one.delta + 2 * trace_hat_out - N

    s <- sqrt(sum.squares / one.delta)
    pars <- list(
        robust = robust,
        span = span,
        degree = degree,
        normalize = normalize,
        parametric = parametric,
        drop_square = drop_square,
        surface = surface,
        cell = cell,
        distance = distance,
        family = if (iterations <= 1L) "gaussian" else "symmetric",
        iterations = iterations
    fit <- list(
        n = N,
        fitted = z$fitted.values,
        residuals = fitted.residuals,
        enp = enp,
        s = s,
        one.delta = one.delta,
        two.delta = two.delta,
        trace.hat = trace_hat_out,
        divisor = divisor
    fit$pars <- pars
    if (surface == "interpolate")
        fit$kd <- fit.kd
    class(fit) <- "spaloess"
XiaosuTong/Spaloess documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:06 p.m.