## That's to support and interface the AnnotionDbi package.
## .getColMappings
## That returns a character vector of abbreviated column names
## which can be/are used by AnnotationDbi with the names correponding
## to the column names from ensembldb.
## x: is supposed to be an EnsDb object.
## all: if TRUE we return all of them, otherwise we just return those
## that should be visible for the user.
.getColMappings <- function(x, all=FALSE){
cols <- listColumns(x)
cols <- cols[!(cols %in% c("name", "value"))]
ret <- toupper(gsub("_", replacement="", cols))
names(ret) <- cols
## columnForKeytype
## Returns the appropriate column name in the database for the
## given keytypes.
ensDbColumnForColumn <- function(x, column){
maps <- .getColMappings(x)
revmaps <- names(maps)
names(revmaps) <- maps
cols <- revmaps[column]
warning("The following columns can not be mapped to column names in the",
" db: ", paste(column[is.na(cols)], collapse=", "))
cols <- cols[!is.na(cols)]
## Fixing tx_name; tx_name should be mapped to tx_id in the database!
##cols[cols == "tx_name"] <- "tx_id"
## columns method
## Just return the attributes, but as expected by the AnnotationDbi
## interface (i.e. upper case, no _).
.getColumns <- function(x){
cols <- .getColMappings(x, all=FALSE)
names(cols) <- NULL
setMethod("columns", "EnsDb",
function(x) .getColumns(x)
## keytypes method
## I will essentially use all of the filters here.
setMethod("keytypes", "EnsDb",
return(.filterKeytypes(withProteins = hasProteinData(x)))
## This just returns some (eventually) usefull names for keys
.simpleKeytypes <- function(x){
.filterKeytypes <- function(withProteins = FALSE){
return(names(.keytype2FilterMapping(withProteins = withProteins)))
## returns a vector mapping keytypes (names of vector) to filter names (elements).
.keytype2FilterMapping <- function(withProteins = FALSE){
filters <- c(ENTREZID = "EntrezFilter",
GENEID = "GeneIdFilter",
GENEBIOTYPE = "GeneBiotypeFilter",
GENENAME = "GenenameFilter",
TXID = "TxIdFilter",
TXBIOTYPE = "TxBiotypeFilter",
EXONID = "ExonIdFilter",
SEQNAME = "SeqNameFilter",
SEQSTRAND = "SeqStrandFilter",
TXNAME = "TxIdFilter",
SYMBOL = "SymbolFilter")
if (withProteins) {
filters <- c(filters,
PROTEINID = "ProteinIdFilter",
UNIPROTID = "UniprotFilter",
filterForKeytype <- function(keytype, x, vals){
if (missing(vals))
vals <- 1
if (!missing(x)) {
withProts <- hasProteinData(x)
} else {
withProts <- FALSE
filters <- .keytype2FilterMapping(withProts)
if(any(names(filters) == keytype)){
filt <- do.call(filters[keytype], args = list(value = vals))
## filt <- new(filters[keytype])
stop("No filter for that keytype!")
## keys method
## This keys method returns all of the keys for a specified keytype.
## There should also be an implementation without keytypes, which
## returns in our case the gene_ids
setMethod("keys", "EnsDb",
function(x, keytype, filter, ...){
keytype <- "GENEID"
filter <- AnnotationFilterList()
filter <- .processFilterParam(filter, x)
keyt <- keytypes(x)
if (length(keytype) > 1) {
keytype <- keytype[1]
warning("Using only first provided keytype.")
if (!any(keyt == keytype))
stop("keytype '", keytype, "' not supported! ",
"Allowed choices are: ",
paste0("'", keyt ,"'", collapse = ", "), ".")
keytype <- match.arg(keytype, keyt)
## Map the keytype to the appropriate column name.
dbColumn <- ensDbColumnForColumn(x, keytype)
## Perform the query.
res <- getWhat(x, columns = dbColumn, filter = filter)[, dbColumn]
## select method
## We have to be carefull, if the database contains protein annotations too:
## o If the keys are DNA/RNA related, start from a DNA/RNA related table.
## o if keys are protein related: start from a protein column.
## Reason is that we do have only protein annotations for protein coding genes
## and no annotation for the remaining. Thus the type of the join (left join,
## left outer join) is crucial, as well as the table with which we start the
## query!
## What if we provide more than one filter?
## a) GenenameFilter and ProteinidFilter: doesn't really matter from which table
## we start, because the query will only return results with protein
## annotions. -> if there is one DNA/RNA related filter: don't do anything.
## b) Only protein filters: start from the highest protein table.
setMethod("select", "EnsDb",
function(x, keys, columns, keytype, ...) {
if (missing(keys))
keys <- NULL
if (missing(columns))
columns <- NULL
if (missing(keytype))
keytype <- NULL
return(.select(x = x, keys = keys, columns = columns,
keytype = keytype, ...))
.select <- function(x, keys = NULL, columns = NULL, keytype = NULL, ...) {
extraArgs <- list(...)
## Perform argument checking:
## columns:
if (missing(columns) | is.null(columns))
columns <- columns(x)
notAvailable <- !(columns %in% columns(x))
if (all(notAvailable))
stop("None of the specified columns are avaliable in the database!")
if (any(notAvailable)){
warning("The following columns are not available in the database and",
" have thus been removed: ",
paste(columns[notAvailable], collapse = ", "))
columns <- columns[!notAvailable]
## keys:
if (is.null(keys) | missing(keys)) {
## Get everything from the database...
keys <- list()
} else {
if (!(is(keys, "character") | is(keys, "list") | is(keys, "formula") |
is(keys, "AnnotationFilter") | is(keys, "AnnotationFilterList")))
stop("Argument keys should be a character vector, an object",
" extending AnnotationFilter, a filter expression",
" or an AnnotationFilterList.")
if (is(keys, "character")) {
if (is.null(keytype)) {
stop("Argument keytype is mandatory if keys is a",
" character vector!")
## Check also keytype:
if (!(keytype %in% keytypes(x)))
stop("keytype ", keytype, " not available in the database.",
" Use keytypes method to list all available keytypes.")
## Generate a filter object for the filters.
keyFilter <- filterForKeytype(keytype, x, vals = keys)
## value(keyFilter) <- keys
## keyFilter@value <- keys
keys <- list(keyFilter)
## Add also the keytype itself to the columns.
if (!any(columns == keytype))
columns <- c(keytype, columns)
## Check and fix filter.
keys <- .processFilterParam(keys, x)
## Map the columns to column names we have in the database and
## add filter columns too.
ensCols <- unique(c(ensDbColumnForColumn(x, columns),
addFilterColumns(character(), filter = keys, x)))
## TODO @jo: Do we have to check that we are allowed to have protein filters
## or columns?
## OK, now perform the query given the filters we've got.
## Check if keys does only contain protein annotation columns; in that case
## select one of tables "protein", "uniprot", "protein_domain" in that order
## if (all(unlist(lapply(keys, isProteinFilter)))) {
if (all(isProteinFilter(keys))) {
startWith <- "protein_domain"
if (any(unlist(lapply(keys, function(z) is(z, "UniprotFilter")))))
startWith <- "uniprot"
if (any(unlist(lapply(keys, function(z) is(z, "ProteinIdFilter")))))
startWith <- "protein"
} else {
startWith <- NULL
## Otherwise set startWith to NULL
res <- getWhat(x, columns = ensCols, filter = keys, startWith = startWith)
## Order results if length of filters is 1.
if (length(keys) == 1) {
## Define the filters on which we could sort.
sortFilts <- c("GenenameFilter", "GeneIdFilter", "EntrezFilter",
"GeneBiotypeFilter", "SymbolFilter", "TxIdFilter",
"TxBiotypeFilter", "ExonIdFilter", "ExonRankFilter",
if (class(keys[[1]]) %in% sortFilts) {
keyvals <- value(keys[[1]])
## Handle symlink Filter differently:
if (is(keys[[1]], "SymbolFilter")) {
## sortCol <- ensDbColumn(keys[[1]])
sortCol <- keys[[1]]@field
} else {
sortCol <- ensDbColumn(keys[[1]])
## sortCol <- removePrefix(ensDbColumn(keys[[1]], x))
res <- res[order(match(res[, sortCol], keyvals)), ]
} else {
## Show a mild warning message
message(paste0("Note: ordering of the results might not match ordering",
" of keys!"))
colMap <- .getColMappings(x)
colnames(res) <- colMap[colnames(res)]
rownames(res) <- NULL
if (returnFilterColumns(x))
res[, columns]
## mapIds method
## maps the submitted keys (names of the returned vector) to values
## of the column specified by column.
## x, key, column, keytype, ..., multiVals
setMethod("mapIds", "EnsDb", function(x, keys, column, keytype, ..., multiVals) {
keys <- NULL
column <- NULL
keytype <- NULL
multiVals <- NULL
return(.mapIds(x = x, keys = keys, column = column, keytype = keytype,
multiVals = multiVals, ...))
## Other methods: saveDb, species, dbfile, dbconn, taxonomyId
.mapIds <- function(x, keys = NULL, column = NULL, keytype = NULL, ...,
multiVals = NULL) {
if (is.null(keys))
stop("Argument keys has to be provided!")
## if (!(is(keys, "character") | is(keys, "list") |
## is(keys, "AnnotationFilter")))
## stop("Argument keys should be a character vector, an object extending",
## " AnnotationFilter or a list of objects extending AnnotationFilter.")
if (is.null(column))
column <- "GENEID"
## Have to specify the columns argument. Has to be keytype and column.
if (is(keys, "character")){
if (is.null(keytype))
stop("Argument keytype is mandatory if keys is a character vector!")
columns <- c(keytype, column)
} else {
## Test if we can convert the filter. Returns ALWAYS an
## AnnotationFilterList
keys <- .processFilterParam(keys, x)
if(length(keys) > 1)
warning("Got ", length(keys), " filter objects.",
" Will use the keys of the first for the mapping!")
cn <- class(keys[[1]])[1]
## Use the first element to determine the keytype...
mapping <- .keytype2FilterMapping()
columns <- c(names(mapping)[mapping == cn], column)
keytype <- NULL
## if(is(keys, "list") | is(keys, "AnnotationFilter")){
## if(is(keys, "list")){
## if(length(keys) > 1)
## warning("Got ", length(keys), " filter objects.",
## " Will use the keys of the first for the mapping!")
## cn <- class(keys[[1]])[1]
## }else{
## cn <- class(keys)[1]
## }
## ## Use the first element to determine the keytype...
## mapping <- .keytype2FilterMapping()
## columns <- c(names(mapping)[mapping == cn], column)
## keytype <- NULL
## }
res <- select(x, keys = keys, columns = columns, keytype = keytype)
if(nrow(res) == 0)
## Handling multiVals.
multiVals <- "first"
if(is(multiVals, "function"))
stop("Not yet implemented!")
theNames <- keys
theNames <- unique(res[, 1])
vals <- res[match(theNames, res[, 1]), 2]
names(vals) <- theNames
## vals <- split(res[, 2], f=factor(res[, 1], levels=unique(res[, 1])))
vals <- split(res[, 2], f=factor(res[, 1], levels=unique(theNames)))
vals <- split(res[, 2], f=factor(res[, 1], levels=unique(theNames)))
vals <- vals[unlist(lapply(vals, length)) == 1]
## Split the vector, set all those with multi mappings NA.
vals <- split(res[, 2], f=factor(res[, 1], levels=unique(theNames)))
vals[unlist(lapply(vals, length)) > 1] <- NA
stop("Not yet implemented!")
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