
Defines functions ggtexttable ttheme colnames_style rownames_style tbody_style minimalTableGrob lightTableGrob tstyle

Documented in colnames_style ggtexttable rownames_style tbody_style ttheme

#' @include utilities.R
#'Draw a Textual Table
#'@description Draw a textual table. \itemize{ \item \code{ggtexttable()}: draw
#'  a textual table. \item \code{ttheme()}: customize table theme. \item
#'  \code{rownames_style(), colnames_style(), tbody_style()}: helper functions
#'  to customize the table row names, column names and body. }
#'@inheritParams gridExtra::tableGrob
#'@param x a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#'@param theme a list, as returned by the function \code{ttheme()}, defining the
#'  parameters of the table theme. Allowed values include one of \code{ttheme()}
#'  and \code{ttheme_clean()}.
#'@param base_style charcter string the table style/theme. The available themes
#'  are illustrated in the
#'  \href{http://www.sthda.com/english/rpkgs/ggpubr/files/ggtexttable-theme.pdf}{ggtexttable-theme.pdf}
#'   file. Allowed values include one of \code{c("default", "blank", "classic",
#'  "minimal", "light", "lBlack", "lBlue", "lRed", "lGreen", "lViolet", "lCyan",
#'  "lOrange", "lBlackWhite", "lBlueWhite", "lRedWhite", "lGreenWhite",
#'  "lVioletWhite", "lCyanWhite", "lOrangeWhite", "mBlack", "mBlue", "mRed",
#'  "mGreen", "mViolet", "mCyan", "mOrange", "mBlackWhite", "mBlueWhite",
#'  "mRedWhite", "mGreenWhite", "mVioletWhite", "mCyanWhite", "mOrangeWhite" )}.
#'  Note that, l = "light"; m = "medium".
#'@param colnames.style a list, as returned by the function
#'  \code{colnames_style()}, defining the style of the table column names.
#'  Considered only when \code{base_size = "default"}.
#'@param rownames.style a list, as returned by the function
#'  \code{rownames_style()}, defining the style of the table row names.
#'  Considered only when \code{base_size = "default"}.
#'@param tbody.style a list, as returned by the function \code{tbody_style()},
#'  defining the style of the table body. Considered only when \code{base_size =
#'  "default"}.
#'@param color,face,size text font color, face and size, respectively. Allowed
#'  values for face include c("plain", "bold", "italic", "bold.italic").
#'@param fill background color.
#'@param linewidth,linecolor line width and color, respectively.
#'@param ... extra parameters for text justification, e.g.: hjust and x. Default
#'  is "centre" for the body and header, and "right" for the row names. Left
#'  justification: \code{hjust = 0, x = 0.1}. Right justification: \code{hjust = 1, x = 0.9}.
#'@return an object of class ggplot.
#' @examples
#' # data
#' df <- head(iris)
#' # Default table
#' # Remove row names using rows = NULL
#' ggtexttable(df, rows = NULL)
#' # Blank theme
#' ggtexttable(df, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("blank"))
#' # classic theme
#' ggtexttable(df, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("classic"))
#' # minimal theme
#' ggtexttable(df, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("minimal"))
#' # Medium blue (mBlue) theme
#' ggtexttable(df, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("mBlue"))
#' # Customize the table as you want
#' ggtexttable(df, rows = NULL,
#'            theme = ttheme(
#'              colnames.style = colnames_style(color = "white", fill = "#8cc257"),
#'              tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#e8f3de", "#d3e8bb"))
#'            )
#' )
#' # Use RColorBrewer palette
#' # Provide as many fill color as there are rows in the table body, here nrow = 6
#'            theme = ttheme(
#'              colnames.style = colnames_style(fill = "white"),
#'              tbody.style = tbody_style(fill = get_palette("RdBu", 6))
#'            )
#'# Text justification
#'# Default is "centre" for the body and header, and "right" for the row names.
#'# Left justification: hjust=0, x=0.1
#'# Right justification: hjust=1, x=0.9
#'tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black",
#'    fill = c("#e8f3de", "#d3e8bb"), hjust=1, x=0.9)
#'ggtexttable(head(iris), rows = NULL,
#'            theme = ttheme(
#'              colnames.style = colnames_style(color = "white", fill = "#8cc257"),
#'              tbody.style = tbody.style
#'            )
#' # Combine density plot and summary table
#'# Density plot of "Sepal.Length"
#'density.p <- ggdensity(iris, x = "Sepal.Length",
#'                       fill = "Species", palette = "jco")
#'# Draw the summary table of Sepal.Length
#'# Descriptive statistics by groups
#'stable <- desc_statby(iris, measure.var = "Sepal.Length",
#'                      grps = "Species")
#'stable <- stable[, c("Species", "length", "mean", "sd")]
#'stable.p <- ggtexttable(stable, rows = NULL,
#'                        theme = ttheme("mOrange"))
#'# Arrange the plots on the same page
#'ggarrange(density.p, stable.p,
#'          ncol = 1, nrow = 2,
#'          heights = c(1, 0.5))
#'@rdname ggtexttable
ggtexttable <- function(x, rows = rownames(x), cols = colnames(x), vp = NULL,
                       theme = ttheme(), ...)
  style <- attr(theme, "style")

  if(style == "minimal"){
    res <- minimalTableGrob(x, rows = rows, cols = cols, vp = vp, ...) %>%
  else if(style == "light"){
    res <- lightTableGrob(x, rows = rows, cols = cols, vp = vp, ...) %>%
    res <- gridExtra::tableGrob(x, rows = rows, cols = cols, vp = vp,
                                theme = theme, ...) %>%


#' @export
#' @rdname ggtexttable
ttheme <- function(base_style = "default", base_size = 11, base_colour = "black", padding = unit(c(4, 4), "mm"),
                    colnames.style = colnames_style(size = base_size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = base_size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(size = base_size)

  style <- tstyle(base_style, size = base_size)

    colnames.style <- style$colnames.style
    rownames.style  <- style$rownames.style
    tbody.style <- style$tbody.style

  .ttheme <- gridExtra::ttheme_default(base_size = base_size,
                                      base_colour = base_colour,
                                       padding = padding)
  .ttheme$colhead <- do.call(.add_item, c(list(.list = .ttheme$colhead), colnames.style))
  .ttheme$rowhead <- do.call(.add_item, c(list(.list = .ttheme$rowhead), rownames.style))
  .ttheme$core <- do.call(.add_item, c(list(.list = .ttheme$core), tbody.style))

  attr(.ttheme, "style") <- base_style


#' @export
#' @rdname ggtexttable
colnames_style <- function(color = "black", face = "bold", size = 12,
                        fill = "grey80", linewidth = 1, linecolor = "white",
                        parse = FALSE, ...)

    fg_params = list(parse = parse, col = color,
                     fontface = face, fontsize = size) %>%
      .add_item(...), # Accept extra parameters
    bg_params = list(fill = fill, lwd = linewidth, col = linecolor))

#' @export
#' @rdname ggtexttable
rownames_style <- function(color = "black", face = "italic", size = 12,
                        fill = NA, linewidth = 1, linecolor = "white",
                        parse = FALSE, ...)
    fg_params = list(parse = parse, col = color,
                     fontface = face, fontsize = size, hjust = 1, x = 0.95) %>%
      .add_item(...), # Accept extra parameters
    bg_params = list(fill = fill, lwd = linewidth, col = linecolor))

#' @export
#' @rdname ggtexttable
tbody_style <- function(color = "black", face = "plain", size = 12,
                        fill = c("grey95", "grey90"),
                        linewidth = 1, linecolor = "white",
                        parse = FALSE, ...)
    fg_params = list(parse = parse, col = color,
                     fontface = face, fontsize = size)%>%
      .add_item(...), # Accept extra parameters
    bg_params = list(fill = fill, lwd = linewidth, col = linecolor))

# Helper function

# Return a minimalist table
minimalTableGrob <- function(x, rows = rownames(x), cols = colnames(x), vp = NULL, ...){

  if (!requireNamespace("gtable", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("gtable package needed for style = 'minimal'. Please install it first.")

  tgrob <- gridExtra::tableGrob(x, rows = rows, cols = cols, vp = vp,
                                theme = gridExtra::ttheme_minimal(), ...)
  separators <- replicate(ncol(tgrob)-1,
                          grid::segmentsGrob(x1 = grid::unit(0, "npc"), gp = grid::gpar(lty=1)),
  # add vertical lines on the left side of columns (after 2nd)
  tgrob <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(tgrob, grobs = separators,
                                   t = 2, b = nrow(tgrob), l = 2:(ncol(tgrob)))

# Return a light table
lightTableGrob <- function(x, rows = rownames(x), cols = colnames(x), vp = NULL, ...){

  if (!requireNamespace("gtable", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("gtable package needed for style = 'minimal'. Please install it first.")

  unit <- grid::unit

  tgrob <- gridExtra::tableGrob(x, rows = rows, cols = cols, vp = vp,
                                theme = gridExtra::ttheme_minimal(), ...)
  separators <- replicate(2,
                          grid::segmentsGrob(x1 = unit(ncol(tgrob),"npc"),
                                             gp = grid::gpar( lty = 1, lwd = 1.5)),
                          simplify = FALSE
  tgrob <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(tgrob, grobs = separators,
                                   t = c(1, nrow(tgrob)),
                                   b = c(1, nrow(tgrob)),
                                   l = 1, r = ncol(tgrob))

# Define table style
tstyle <- function(pal, size = 12){

  allowed.palettes = c("default", "blank", "classic", "minimal", "light",
                      "lBlack", "lBlue", "lRed", "lGreen", "lViolet", "lCyan", "lOrange",
                      "lBlackWhite", "lBlueWhite", "lRedWhite", "lGreenWhite", "lVioletWhite", "lCyanWhite", "lOrangeWhite",
                      "mBlack", "mBlue", "mRed", "mGreen", "mViolet", "mCyan", "mOrange",
                      "mBlackWhite", "mBlueWhite", "mRedWhite", "mGreenWhite", "mVioletWhite", "mCyanWhite", "mOrangeWhite"
  if(!(pal %in% allowed.palettes ))
    stop(pal, " is not a supported palette")

  style <- switch(pal,

                  blank = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style(fill = NA, linecolor = NA, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(fill = NA, linecolor = NA, size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(fill = NA, linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  classic = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style(fill = NA, linecolor = "black", size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(fill = NA, linecolor = NA, size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(fill = NA, linecolor = "black", size = size)

                  lBlack = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "black", fill = "white", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#D9D9D9", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lBlue = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "#2F5D94", fill = "white",
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "#2F5D94", fill = c("#DAE6F2", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lRed = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "#A3262A", fill = "white",
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "#A3262A", fill = c("#F7DBDA", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lGreen = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "#7F993A", fill = "white",
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "#7F993A", fill = c("#E8F3DE", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lViolet = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "#67417B", fill = "white",
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "#67417B", fill = c("#E6DEEC", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lCyan = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "#00889E", fill = "white",
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "#00889E", fill = c("#D5EFF4", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lOrange = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "#F15F00", fill = "white",
                                                     linecolor = NA, linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "#F15F00", fill = c("#FBE5D4", "white"),
                                              linecolor = NA, size = size)

                  lBlackWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "black", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "black", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "black", size = size)

                  lBlueWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#477DC0", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "#477DC0", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "#477DC0", size = size)

                  lRedWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#D04042", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "#D04042", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "#D04042", size = size)

                  lGreenWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#8CC257", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "#8CC257", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "#8CC257", size = size)

                  lVioletWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#895AA3", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "#895AA3", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "#895AA3", size = size)

                  lCyanWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#00AEC9", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "#00AEC9", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "#00AEC9", size = size)

                  lOrangeWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#FB8F2D", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "#FB8F2D", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = "white",
                                              linecolor = "#FB8F2D", size = size)

                  mBlack = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "black", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#A6A6A6", "#D9D9D9"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)

                  mBlue = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#477DC0",
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#B5CBE5", "#DAE6F2"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)

                  mRed = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#D04042",
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#EFB4B5", "#F7DBDA"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)

                  mGreen = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#8CC257",
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#D3E8BB", "#E8F3DE"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)

                  mViolet = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#895AA3",
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#D0BDDA", "#E6DEEC"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)

                  mCyan = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#00AEC9",
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#ADDFEA", "#D5EFF4"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)

                  mOrange = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#EC8C2C",
                                                     linecolor = "white", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#FDD2AF", "#FFE9D7"),
                                              linecolor = "white", size = size)
                  mBlackWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "black", size = size,
                                                     linecolor = "black", linewidth = 1),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#A6A6A6", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "black", size = size)

                  mBlueWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#477DC0",
                                                     linecolor = "#477DC0", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#B5CBE5", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "#477DC0", size = size)

                  mRedWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#D04042",
                                                     linecolor = "#D04042", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#EFB4B5", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "#D04042", size = size)

                  mGreenWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#8CC257",
                                                     linecolor = "#8CC257", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#D3E8BB", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "#8CC257", size = size)

                  mVioletWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#895AA3",
                                                     linecolor = "#895AA3", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#D0BDDA", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "#895AA3", size = size)

                  mCyanWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#00AEC9",
                                                     linecolor = "#00AEC9", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#ADDFEA", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "#00AEC9", size = size)

                  mOrangeWhite = list(
                    colnames.style = colnames_style( color = "white", fill = "#EC8C2C",
                                                     linecolor = "#EC8C2C", linewidth = 1, size = size),
                    rownames.style = rownames_style(size = size),
                    tbody.style = tbody_style(color = "black", fill = c("#FDD2AF", "white"),
                                              linecolor = "#EC8C2C", size = size)



rgb(71, 125, 192, maxColorValue=255)
YTLogos/ggpubr documentation built on May 3, 2019, 9:04 p.m.