
Defines functions forward.opt.simsem

Documented in forward.opt.simsem

#' Search for the optimal PM design using forward assembly. 
#'  \code{forward.opt.simsem} runs simulations using \code{lavaan} and \code{simsem}. It returns the search results for optimal item-level PM designs via forward assembly. 
#' @inheritParams balance.miss.l
#' @param max.mk Specify the maximum number of unique missing data
#'   patterns in the selected design. Only applicable if forward assembly
#'   is used. 
#' @return An object containing the information of the optimal
#'    item-level missing design. The optimal design is the one that yields
#'    highest power for testing the focal parameters, compared to other
#'    plausible candidate PM designs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{simPM}} which is a warpper function for this
#'    function.
#' @import MplusAutomation
#' @import simsem
#' @import lavaan
#' @export forward.opt.simsem
#' @examples

forward.opt.simsem <- function(
  max.mk,                 # maximum number of missing slots allowed
  eval.budget=F,          # logical, whether the user would like to evaluate the budget constraints. If =T, the function will stop with a warning if all possible patterns would exceed the avaialbe remaining budget.
  rm.budget=NULL,          # remaining available budget
  previous <- list()

  if (max.mk > n - (pc + pd) * n) {
    stop("Consider using a smaller value for max.mk")

  if (max.mk==1) {          # when num.miss=1
    output <- opt1.simsem(popModel=popModel,

    ### if user wish to evaluate the budget
    if (eval.budget==T) {
      if ((1 - prod(output$results$cost.design > rm.budget)) == 0) {
        warning("all designs would cost more than the avaiable remaing budget. Consider increasing max.mk.")
  } else if (max.mk >= 2){     # when max number of missing slots is greater than 1
    all.results <- vector(mode = "list", length = max.mk) # to store all the results in the process
    future.k <- (Time - Time.complete) * k   # data points not yet completed, also maximum possible # of missing
    ms.range <- c((Time.complete * k + 1):(Time * k))  # The available time slots to plant missingness

    design.order <- rep(NA, max.mk)    # keep record of the order of the selected designs
    design.power <- rep(NA, max.mk)    # record the power for each level of max.mk
    design.cost <- rep(NA, max.mk)     # record the cost for each level of max.mk
    #num.miss must be less than future.k
    if (max.mk >= future.k) {
      stop ("number of missing points exceeds the maximum possible value.")

    output1 <- opt1.simsem(popModel=popModel,
    previous[[1]] <- output1$opt.pattern
    design.order[1] <- output1$design.order

#    design.power[1] <- output1$opt.design$weakest.para.power
#    design.cost[1] <- output1$opt.design$cost.design
    all.results[[1]] <- output1
    for (num.miss in 2:max.mk) {

      if (eval.budget==T) {            # evaluate the cost and the budget
        if (num.miss==max.mk) {        # cannot evaluate the cost without knowing the previous selected patterns

          ms.combn <- combn(ms.range,num.miss) #all possible combinations of missing slots given num.miss
          all.pattern <- matrix(0,nrow=choose(future.k,num.miss),ncol=length(VNAMES)) # place holder, all possible patterns with a certain ms

          for (q in seq_len(nrow(all.pattern))) {
            all.pattern[q,ms.combn[, q]] <- 1
          }                                         # add missingness

          if (length(complete.var)==1) {
            # find which column these variables are
            complete.cols <- which(VNAMES%in%complete.var)
            # whether to keep the rows
            keep <- all.pattern[,complete.cols]==0

            temp.pattern <- all.pattern[keep, , drop=FALSE]
            if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==F) {
              all.pattern <- temp.pattern
            if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==T) {    # it may become a non-matrix object, if only one row
              all.pattern <- t(as.matrix(temp.pattern))

          if (length(complete.var)>1) {
            complete.cols <- which(VNAMES %in% complete.var)
            keep <- rowSums(all.pattern[,complete.cols]==0)==length(complete.var)

            temp.pattern <- all.pattern[keep, , drop=FALSE]
            if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==F) {
              all.pattern <- temp.pattern
            if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==T) {
              all.pattern <- t(as.matrix(temp.pattern))       # need to be a matrix object even if it's only one row

          # the optimal pattern obtained in previous round of selection
          opt1.pattern <- previous[[num.miss-1]]

          # unit cost of each pattern
          if (nrow(all.pattern) > 1) {
            unit.cost <- rowSums((1 - all.pattern[, ms.range]) * costmx) * ((1 - pc - pd) * n / num.miss)
          if (nrow(all.pattern)==1) {
            temp <- t(as.matrix(1 - all.pattern[, ms.range]))
            unit.cost <- rowSums(temp * costmx) * ((1 - pc - pd) * n / num.miss)

          # cost of previous chosen design
          if (pd==0){
          if (pd!=0) {
            opt1.cost <- sum(rowSums((1 - opt1.pattern[, ms.range]) * costmx) * c(rep((1 - pc - pd) * n / num.miss, num.miss-1),pc * n, pd * n))

          sum.cost <- unit.cost + opt1.cost
          if ((1 - prod(sum.cost > rm.budget)) == 0) {
            stop("All designs cost more than the avaiable remaing budget, please allow a a larger max.mk. To turn off the budget evaluation, set eval.budget=F and rm.budget=NULL")

      ms.combn <- combn(ms.range, num.miss) #all possible combinations of missing slots given num.miss
      all.pattern <- matrix(0, nrow=choose(future.k, num.miss), ncol=length(VNAMES)) # place holder, all possible patterns with a certain ms

      # update the missing patterns with 1s
      for (q in seq_len(nrow(all.pattern))){
        all.pattern[q, ms.combn[, q]] <- 1
      }                                         # add missingness

      # the optimal pattern obtained in previous round of selection
      opt1.pattern <- previous[[num.miss-1]]

      if (length(complete.var)==1) {
        # find which column these variables are
        complete.cols <- which(VNAMES%in%complete.var)
        # whether to keep the rows
        keep <- all.pattern[,complete.cols]==0

        temp.pattern <- all.pattern[keep, , drop=FALSE]
        if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==F) {
          all.pattern <- temp.pattern
        if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==T) {
          all.pattern <- t(as.matrix(temp.pattern))

        # take out these designs columns out of the ms.combn

        temp.combs <- ms.combn[, keep]

        if (is.null(dim(temp.combs))==F) {
          ms.combn <- temp.combs
        if (is.null(dim(temp.combs))==T) {        #may become a non-matrix object if only one column
          ms.combn <- as.matrix(temp.combs)

      if (length(complete.var) > 1) {
        complete.cols <- which(VNAMES %in% complete.var)
        keep <- rowSums(all.pattern[, complete.cols]==0)==length(complete.var)
        temp.pattern <- all.pattern[keep, , drop = FALSE]

        if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==F) {
          all.pattern <- temp.pattern
        if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==T) {
          all.pattern <- t(as.matrix(temp.pattern))

        # take out these designs columns out of the ms.combn

        temp.combs <- ms.combn[,keep]
        if(is.null(dim(temp.combs))==F) {
          ms.combn <- temp.combs
        if(is.null(dim(temp.combs))==T) {
          ms.combn <- as.matrix(temp.combs)

      # storage bins for simulation results

      ct <- ncol(ms.combn)

      convergence.rate <- rep(NA, ct)   #convergence rate
      weakest.param.name <- rep(NA, ct)
      weakest.para.power <- rep(NA, ct)
      cost.design <- rep(NA, ct) # cost of each design
      miss.num <- rep(num.miss, ct)
      miss.name <- matrix(NA, ct, num.miss)
      sim.seq <- rep(NA, ct)
      miss.loc <- matrix(NA, ct, num.miss)
      sim.out <- vector("list", ct)   # simulation output storage

      VNAMES <- c(NAMES, distal.var)

      for (i in seq_len(nrow(all.pattern))) {

        ###distal variables
        if (is.null(distal.var)==F) {
#          dis.pat <- rep(0, length(distal.var))
#          patmx <- rbind(c(all.pattern[i,], dis.pat),cbind(opt1.pattern, t(replicate(nrow(opt1.pattern), dis.pat))))
          dis.vec <- rep(0, length(distal.var))
          dis.pat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(opt1.pattern), ncol=length(distal.var))
          patmx <- rbind(c(all.pattern[i,], dis.vec),cbind(opt1.pattern, dis.pat))
        if (is.null(distal.var)==T) {
          patmx <- rbind(all.pattern[i, ], opt1.pattern)   # missing patterns

#        FNAME=paste0("missing-",num.miss,"-sim.seq-",i)  #file name

        # pattern probs

        if (pd==0) {
          p.probs <- c(rep(round((1 - pc - pd) / (nrow(patmx) - 1), 6), nrow(patmx) - 1), pc)
        if (pd!=0) {
          p.probs <- c(rep(round((1 - pc - pd) / (nrow(patmx) - 2), 6), nrow(patmx) - 2), pc, pd)

        # ns in each pattern
        pn <- rep(0, length(p.probs))
        for (pp in 1:(length(pn)-1)) {
          pn[pp] <- floor(n * p.probs[pp])
        pn[length(pn)] <- n-sum(pn[1:(length(pn)-1)])

        logical.mx <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=ncol(patmx))
        logical.mx[1:pn[1], ] <- patmx[rep(1, pn[1]), ]

        if (length(pn)>=3) {
          for (pi in 2:(length(pn)-1)) {
            logical.mx[(sum(pn[1:(pi-1)])+1):sum(pn[1:pi]), ] <- patmx[rep(pi,pn[pi]), ]
        # rest are completers

        logical.Mx <- logical.mx==1

        # need to make sure the order of the variable is consistent
        colnames(logical.Mx) <- colnames(logical.mx) <- VNAMES
        get_data <- simsem::sim(nRep = 1, 
                                model = analyzeModel, 
                                generate = popModel, 
                                n = 2, 
                                dataOnly = T)
        # important! Need the variable to be ordered the same as the generated data!
        logical.Mx.reorder <- logical.Mx[, colnames(get_data[[1]])]
        misstemplate <- miss(logical = logical.Mx.reorder, m=0)

        if (num.miss==max.mk) {
        output <- simsem::sim(nRep = nreps, 
                              n = n, 
                              model = analyzeModel, 
                              generate = popModel, 
                              miss = misstemplate,
                              seed = seed)
        } else if (num.miss < max.mk) {
        output <- simsem::sim(nRep = nreps/5, 
                              n = n, 
                              model = analyzeModel, 
                              generate = popModel, 
                              miss = misstemplate,
                              seed = seed)

        sim.out[[i]] <- output

        sim.param <- summaryParam(output)
        name.param <- rownames(summaryParam(output))
        converged <- output@converged == 0

        if (sum(converged)==0) {
          convergence.rate[i] <- 0
          weakest.param.name[i] <- "NA"
          weakest.para.power[i] <- 0
        if (sum(converged)>0) {
          f.param <- sim.param[name.param %in% focal.param, ]
          weakest.f.param <- f.param[f.param$`Power (Not equal 0)`==min(f.param$`Power (Not equal 0)`), ]
          if (nrow(weakest.f.param)>1) {
            weakest.f.param <- weakest.f.param[1, ]      ########## may need to be changed later
          convergence.rate[i] <- sum(converged) / nreps    #converged number of simulations
          weakest.param.name[i] <- rownames(weakest.f.param)
          weakest.para.power[i] <- weakest.f.param$`Power (Not equal 0)`

        if (pd==0) {
          cost.design[i] <- sum(c(rep(n * (1 - pc) / num.miss, num.miss), pc * n) * ((1 - patmx[, ms.range]) %*% costmx))   #patmx depends on i
        if (pd!=0) {
          cost.design[i] <- sum(c(rep(n * (1 - pc - pd) / num.miss, num.miss), pc * n, pd * n) * ((1 - patmx[, ms.range]) %*% costmx))   #patmx depends on i

        miss.name[i, ] <- VNAMES[ms.combn[, i]]
        sim.seq[i] <- i  # location as specified in the miss.combn matrix
        miss.loc[i, ] <- ms.combn[, i]

      colnames(miss.name) <- paste0("miss.var", 1:num.miss)
      colnames(miss.loc) <- paste0("miss.loc", 1:num.miss)

      sim.results.out <- cbind.data.frame(convergence.rate,   #convergence rate
                                       cost.design, # cost of each design
      if (num.miss < max.mk) {
        opt.design.1 <- sim.results.out[sim.results.out[, "weakest.para.power"]==max(sim.results.out[,"weakest.para.power"]), ]
      } else if (num.miss==max.mk) {

      if (eval.budget==F) {
      opt.design.1 <- sim.results.out[sim.results.out[,"weakest.para.power"]==max(sim.results.out[,"weakest.para.power"]), ]

      if (eval.budget==T) {
        sim.results.out <- sim.results.out[sim.results.out$cost.design <= rm.budget, ]
        opt.design.1 <- sim.results.out[sim.results.out[, "weakest.para.power"]==max(sim.results.out[ , "weakest.para.power"]), ]

      if (nrow(opt.design.1)==1) {
        opt.design <- opt.design.1

      if (nrow(opt.design.1)>1) {
        n.min.cost <- nrow(opt.design.1[opt.design.1$cost.design==min(opt.design.1$cost.design), ])
        if (n.min.cost==1) {
          opt.design <- opt.design.1[opt.design.1$cost.design==min(opt.design.1$cost.design), ]
        } else {
          opt.min.cost <- opt.design.1[opt.design.1$cost.design==min(opt.design.1$cost.design), ]
          sum.loc <- rowSums(opt.min.cost[,colnames(miss.loc)])
          opt.design <- opt.min.cost[sum.loc==max(sum.loc),]

      op <- opt.design[,"sim.seq"]

      opt.output <- sim.out[[op]]     #save the simulation output

      opt.pattern <- rbind(all.pattern[op, ], opt1.pattern)
      colnames(opt.pattern) <- NAMES

      if (pd==0) {
        opt.probs <- c(rep(round((1 - pc) / (nrow(patmx) - 1), 6), num.miss), pc)
      if (pd!=0) {
        opt.probs <- c(rep(round((1-pc-pd) / (nrow(patmx) - 2), 6), num.miss), pc, pd)

      # ns in each pattern
      pn=rep(0, length(opt.probs))
      for (pp in 1:(length(pn)-1)) {
        pn[pp] <- floor(n*opt.probs[pp])
      pn[length(pn)] <- n-sum(pn[1:(length(pn) - 1)])

      design.order[num.miss] <- op
      misc <- list(time=Time, k=k, focal.param=focal.param, max.mk = max.mk)
      re.ob <- list(
        "results" = sim.results.out,
        "opt.design" = opt.design,
        "opt.pattern" = opt.pattern,
        "opt.probs" = opt.probs,
        "opt.ns" = pn,
        "design.order" = design.order,
        "opt.output" = opt.output,
        "misc" = misc)
      previous[[num.miss]] <- re.ob$opt.pattern   # update the previous pattern list
      all.results[[num.miss]] <- re.ob
    re.ob2 <- list(re.ob, all.results)
    class(re.ob2) <- append(class(re.ob2),"simpm")
YiFengEDMS/simPM documentation built on July 25, 2020, 4:08 a.m.