CARD.imputation: Construct an enhanced spatial expression map on the...

View source: R/CARD.imputation.R

CARD.imputationR Documentation

Construct an enhanced spatial expression map on the unmeasured tissue locations


Construct an enhanced spatial expression map on the unmeasured tissue locations


CARD.imputation(CARD_object, NumGrids, ineibor = 10, exclude = NULL)



CARD Object with estimated cell type compositions on the original spatial resolved transcriptomics data.


Initial number of newly grided spatial locations. The final number of newly grided spatial locations will be lower than this value since the newly grided locations outside the shape of the tissue will be filtered


Numeric, number of neighbors used in the imputation on newly grided spatial locations, default is 10.


Vector, the rownames of spatial location data on the original resolution that you want to exclude. This is to avoid the weird detection of the shape.


Return CARD object with the refined cell type compositions estimated for newly grided spots and the refined predicted gene expression (normalized).

YingMa0107/CARD documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 12:23 p.m.