getHighresCords: The function to sample the spatial location information for...

View source: R/CARD.SCMapping.R

getHighresCordsR Documentation

The function to sample the spatial location information for each single cell


The function to sample the spatial location information for each single cell


getHighresCords(Cords, numCell, shape = "Square")



The spatial location information in the measure spatial locations, with the first and second columns represent the 2-D x-y coordinate system


a numeric value indicating the number of single cells in each measured location, we suggest 20 for ST technology, 7 for 10x Viisum and 2 for Slide-seq


a character indicating whether the sampled spatial coordinates for single cells locating in a Square-like region or a Circle-like region. The center of this region is the measured spatial location in the non-single cell resolution spatial transcriptomics data. The default is "Square", the other shape is "Circle"


Returns a dataframe with the sampled spatial location information for each single cell

YingMa0107/CARD documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 12:23 p.m.