

The goal of simChef is to help you quickly cook up a fully-realized, high-quality, reproducible, and transparently-documented simulation study in a flexible, efficient, and low-code manner. simChef removes many of the administrative burdens of simulation design through:

  1. An intuitive tidy grammar of data science simulations
  2. Powerful abstractions for distributed simulation processing backed by future
  3. Automated generation of interactive R Markdown simulation documentation, situating results next to the workflows needed to reproduce them.


simChef is under active development. To install the package directly from GitHub, please use:


Example Usage

Consider the following toy simulation experiment, where we want to study the prediction accuracy of linear regression and random forests under both linear and non-linear data-generating processes for varying signal-to-noise ratios.

Let us first code up the necessary simulation components, namely, the linear and nonlinear (here, an exclusive-or) data-generating processes as well as the linear regression and random forest models. To evaluate the methods and visualize the results, one can also write custom code, but we will leverage built-in evaluation and visualization functions (e.g., summarize_pred_err and plot_pred_err) from simChef for convenience.

# Generate data via linear model
linear_dgp_fun <- function(n_train, n_test, p, beta, noise_sd) {
  n <- n_train + n_test
  X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
  y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n, sd = noise_sd)
  data_list <- list(
    X_train = X[1:n_train, , drop = FALSE],
    y_train = y[1:n_train],
    X_test = X[(n_train + 1):n, , drop = FALSE],
    y_test = y[(n_train + 1):n]

# Generate data via exclusive-or model
xor_dgp_fun <- function(n_train, n_test, p, thresh, beta, noise_sd) {
  n <- n_train + n_test
  X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
  xor <- (((X[, 1] > thresh) + (X[, 2] > thresh)) == 1)
  y <- beta * xor + rnorm(n, sd = noise_sd)
  data_list <- list(
    X_train = X[1:n_train, , drop = FALSE],
    y_train = y[1:n_train],
    X_test = X[(n_train + 1):n, , drop = FALSE],
    y_test = y[(n_train + 1):n]

# Fit linear regression model
linear_reg_fun <- function(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) {
  train_df <- dplyr::bind_cols(data.frame(X_train), y = y_train)
  fit <- lm(y ~ ., data = train_df)
  predictions <- predict(fit, data.frame(X_test))
  return(list(predictions = predictions, y_test = y_test))

# Fit random forest model
rf_fun <- function(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, ...) {
  train_df <- dplyr::bind_cols(data.frame(X_train), y = y_train)
  fit <- ranger::ranger(y ~ ., data = train_df, ...)
  predictions <- predict(fit, data.frame(X_test))$predictions
  return(list(predictions = predictions, y_test = y_test))

From here, there is minimal coding on the user's end, as simChef provides a powerful tidy grammar to instantiate, assemble, and run various configurations of the simulation experiment.


# Uncomment to run experiment across multiple processors
# library(future)
# plan(multisession, workers = 5)

# Create `simChef` DGPs (data-generating processes)
linear_dgp <- create_dgp(
  .dgp_fun = linear_dgp_fun, .name = "Linear DGP",
  # additional named parameters to pass to .dgp_fun()
  n_train = 200, n_test = 200, p = 2, beta = c(1, 0), noise_sd = 1
xor_dgp <- create_dgp(
  .dgp_fun = xor_dgp_fun, .name = "XOR DGP",
  # additional named parameters to pass to .dgp_fun()
  n_train = 200, n_test = 200, p = 2, thresh = 0, beta = 1, noise_sd = 1

# Create `simChef` Methods
linear_reg <- create_method(
  .method_fun = linear_reg_fun, .name = "Linear Regression"
  # additional named parameters to pass to .method_fun()
rf <- create_method(
  .method_fun = rf_fun, .name = "Random Forest", 
  # additional named parameters to pass to .method_fun()
  num.threads = 1

# Create `simChef` Evaluators
pred_err <- create_evaluator(
  .eval_fun = summarize_pred_err, .name = 'Prediction Accuracy',
  # additional named parameters to pass to .eval_fun()
  truth_col = "y_test", estimate_col = "predictions"

# Create `simChef` Visualizers
pred_err_plot <- create_visualizer(
  .viz_fun = plot_pred_err, .name = 'Prediction Accuracy Plot',
  # additional named parameters to pass to .viz_fun()
  eval_name = 'Prediction Accuracy'

# Create experiment
experiment <- create_experiment(name = "Test Experiment") |>
  add_dgp(linear_dgp) |>
  add_dgp(xor_dgp) |>
  add_method(linear_reg) |>
  add_method(rf) |>
  add_evaluator(pred_err) |>
  add_visualizer(pred_err_plot) |>
  # vary across noise parameter in linear dgp
    .dgp = "Linear DGP",
    noise_sd = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)
  ) |>
  # vary across noise parameter in xor dgp
    .dgp = "XOR DGP",
    noise_sd = c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)

# Run experiment over n_reps
results <- run_experiment(experiment, n_reps = 100, save = TRUE)

# Render automated documentation and view results

Simulation experiment complete!

In addition, the code, narrative, and results of the simulation experiment have been automatically rendered into an interactive html document via R Markdown (see ? render_docs), such as the one shown below:

Interactive R Markdown simulation documentation

For a more detailed walkthrough of this example usage, please see vignette("simChef").

For an example real-world case study using simChef to develop novel statistical methodology, please check out Boileau et al.. The corresponding interactive R Markdown documentation can be found here.

More examples of the rendered documentation for different simulation experiments: - Toy Example 1 - Toy Example 2

Grammar of a simChef Simulation Experiment

The simChef API distills a simulation experiment into four modular concepts, two of which are optional (but highly recommended): data-generating processes (DGPs), methods, evaluation (optional), and visualization (optional). simChef takes an object-oriented approach to encapsulate these simulation concepts, using R6 classes to make them concrete. These four classes are:

A fifth R6 class and concept, Experiment, unites the four concepts above. More precisely, an Experiment is a collection of DGP(s), Method(s), Evaluator(s), and Visualizer(s), which are thoughtfully composed to answer a particular question of interest. An Experiment can also include references to DGP and/or Method parameters that should be varied and combined during the simulation run (see ? add_vary_across).

Using the DGP, Method, Evaluator, and Visualizer classes, users can easily build a simChef Experiment using reusable building blocks and customizable functions.

Once an Experiment has been constructed, users can finally run the simulation experiment via the function run_experiment(). As summarized in the figure below, running the experiment will (1) fit each Method on each DGP (and for each of the varying parameter configurations), (2) evaluate the experiment according to the given Evaluator(s), and (3) visualize the experiment according to the given Visualizer(s).

Overview of running a simChef Experiment. The Experiment class handles relationships among the four classes: DGP, Method, Evaluator, and Visualizer. Experiments may have multiple DGPs and Methods, which are combined across the Cartesian product of their varying parameters (represented by \*). Once computed, each Evaluator and Visualizer takes in the fitted simulation replicates, while Visualizer additionally receives evaluation summaries.

Origins of simChef

Towards veridical data science

In their 2020 paper "Veridical Data Science", Yu and Kumbier propose the predictability, computability, and stability (PCS) framework, a workflow and documentation for "responsible, reliable, reproducible, and transparent results across the data science life cycle". Under the umbrella of the PCS framework, we began the process of deriving a set of guidelines tailored specifically for simulation studies, inspired by both high-quality simulation studies from the literature and our own simulations to examine the statistical properties of methods within the PCS framework.

While creating our own simulations, we soon found that no existing R package could fully satisfy our developing requirements. What began as a toolbox for our own simulations became simChef. We believe these tools will be useful for anyone intending to create their own simulation studies in R.

Thinking like a chef

The development of simChef has been guided by our love of... cooking? Perhaps surprisingly, we found that cooking serves as useful analogy for the process of creating a simulation study. For the aspiring chefs, consider the following components of a high-quality meal:

Related R packages

Below, we examine the main functionality of a number of existing tools for running reproducible simulation experiments that are currently available on CRAN and have been updated within the last couple of years.

Citing simChef

To cite simChef in publications, please use:

  title={simChef: High-quality data science simulations in R},
  author={Duncan, James and Tang, Tiffany and Elliott, Corrine F and Boileau, Philippe and Yu, Bin},
  journal={Journal of Open Source Software},

Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 1:12 p.m.