eval_pred_err_funs: Evaluate and/or summarize prediction errors.

eval_pred_err_funsR Documentation

Evaluate and/or summarize prediction errors.


Evaluate various prediction error metrics, given the true responses and the predicted (or estimated) responses. eval_pred_err() evaluates the various prediction error metrics for each experimental replicate separately. summarize_pred_err() summarizes the various prediction error metrics across experimental replicates.


  vary_params = NULL,
  nested_cols = NULL,
  prob_cols = NULL,
  group_cols = NULL,
  metrics = NULL,
  na_rm = FALSE

  vary_params = NULL,
  nested_cols = NULL,
  prob_cols = NULL,
  group_cols = NULL,
  metrics = NULL,
  na_rm = FALSE,
  summary_funs = c("mean", "median", "min", "max", "sd", "raw"),
  custom_summary_funs = NULL,
  eval_id = "pred_err"



A tibble, as returned by fit_experiment().


A vector of DGP or Method parameter names that are varied across in the Experiment.


(Optional) A character string or vector specifying the name of the column(s) in fit_results that need to be unnested before evaluating results. Default is NULL, meaning no columns in fit_results need to be unnested prior to computation.


A character string identifying the column with the true responses. The column should be numeric for a regression problem and a factor for a classification problem.


A character string identifying the column with the estimated or predicted responses. The column should be numeric for a regression problem and a factor (with the predicted classes) for a classification problem.


A character string or vector identifying the column(s) containing class probabilities. If the truth_col column is binary, only 1 column name should be provided. Otherwise, the length of the prob_cols should be equal to the number of factor levels of the truth_col column. This argument is not used when evaluating numeric metrics.


(Optional) A character string or vector specifying the column(s) to group rows by before evaluating metrics. This is useful for assessing within-group metrics.


A metric_set object indicating the metrics to evaluate. See yardstick::metric_set() for more details. Default NULL will use the default metrics in yardstick::metrics().


A logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


Character vector specifying how to summarize evaluation metrics. Must choose from a built-in library of summary functions - elements of the vector must be one of "mean", "median", "min", "max", "sd", "raw".


Named list of custom functions to summarize results. Names in the list should correspond to the name of the summary function. Values in the list should be a function that takes in one argument, that being the values of the evaluated metrics.


Character string. ID to be used as a suffix when naming result columns. Default NULL does not add any ID to the column names.


The output of eval_pred_err() is a tibble with the following columns:


Replicate ID.


Name of DGP.


Name of Method.


Name of the evaluation metric.


Value of the evaluation metric.

as well as any columns specified by group_cols and vary_params.

The output of summarize_pred_err() is a grouped tibble containing both identifying information and the prediction error results aggregated over experimental replicates. Specifically, the identifier columns include .dgp_name, .method_name, any columns specified by group_cols and vary_params, and .metric. In addition, there are results columns corresponding to the requested statistics in summary_funs and custom_summary_funs. These columns end in the suffix specified by eval_id.

See Also

Other prediction_error_funs: eval_pred_curve_funs, plot_pred_curve(), plot_pred_err()


#### Regression Problem ####

# generate example fit_results data for a regression problem
fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
  .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
  .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
  .method_name = c("Method"),
  # true response
  y = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100)),
  # predicted response
  predictions = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100)),
  group = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rep(c("a", "b"), length.out = 100))

# evaluate prediction error (using all default metrics) for each replicate
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions")
# summarize prediction error (using all default metric) across replicates
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions")

# evaluate/summarize prediction error within subgroups
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions",
                              group_cols = "group")
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions",
                                           group_cols = "group")

# evaluate/summarize prediction errors using specific yardstick metrics
metrics <- yardstick::metric_set(yardstick::rmse, yardstick::rsq)
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions",
                              metrics = metrics)
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions",
                                           metrics = metrics)

# summarize prediction errors using specific summary metric
range_fun <- function(x) return(max(x) - min(x))
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(
  truth_col = "y",
  estimate_col = "predictions",
  custom_summary_funs = list(range_pred_err = range_fun)

#### Binary Classification Problem ####
# generate example fit_results data for a binary classification problem
fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
  .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
  .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
  .method_name = c("Method"),
  # true response
  y = lapply(1:4,
             FUN = function(x) {
               as.factor(sample(0:1, size = 100, replace = TRUE))
  # predicted class probabilities
  class_probs = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 1)),
  # predicted class responses
  predictions = lapply(class_probs,
                       FUN = function(x) as.factor(ifelse(x > 0.5, 1, 0)))

# evaluate prediction error (using all default metrics) for each replicate
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions",
                              prob_cols = "class_probs")
# summarize prediction error (using all default metric) across replicates
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions",
                                           prob_cols = "class_probs")

# can also evaluate results using only class predictions (without class probs.)
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions")
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions")

#### Multi-class Classification Problem ####
# generate example fit_results data for a multi-class classification problem
fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
  .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
  .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
  .method_name = c("Method"),
  # true response
  y = lapply(1:4,
             FUN = function(x) {
               as.factor(sample(c("a", "b", "c"), size = 100, replace = TRUE))
  # predicted class probabilities
  class_probs = lapply(1:4,
                       FUN = function(x) {
                         tibble::tibble(a = runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 0.5),
                                        b = runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 0.5),
                                        c = 1 - a - b)
  # predicted class responses
  predictions = lapply(class_probs,
                       FUN = function(x) {
                         yhat <- apply(x, 1,
                                       FUN = function(xi) names(which.max(xi)))

# evaluate prediction error (using all default metrics) for each replicate
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions",
                              prob_cols = c("a", "b", "c"),
                              nested_cols = c("y", "class_probs", "predictions"))
#' summarize prediction error (using all default metric) across replicates
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions",
                                           prob_cols = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                           nested_cols = c("y", "class_probs", "predictions"))

# can also evaluate results using only class predictions (without class probs.)
eval_results <- eval_pred_err(fit_results,
                              truth_col = "y",
                              estimate_col = "predictions")
eval_results_summary <- summarize_pred_err(fit_results,
                                           truth_col = "y",
                                           estimate_col = "predictions")

Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 9:19 p.m.