eval_reject_prob: Evaluate the rejection probability of a hypothesis test.

View source: R/evaluator-lib-inference.R

eval_reject_probR Documentation

Evaluate the rejection probability of a hypothesis test.


Evaluate the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis across various levels of significance (possibly for multiple hypothesis tests, one for each feature).


  vary_params = NULL,
  nested_cols = NULL,
  feature_col = NULL,
  group_cols = NULL,
  alphas = NULL,
  na_rm = FALSE



A tibble, as returned by fit_experiment().


A vector of DGP or Method parameter names that are varied across in the Experiment.


(Optional) A character string or vector specifying the name of the column(s) in fit_results that need to be unnested before evaluating results. Default is NULL, meaning no columns in fit_results need to be unnested prior to computation.


A character string identifying the column in fit_results with the feature names or IDs.


A character string identifying the column in fit_results with the estimated p-values data. Each element in this column should be an array of length p, where p is the number of features and the feature order aligns with that of truth_col.


(Optional) A character string or vector specifying the column(s) to group rows by before evaluating metrics. This is useful for assessing within-group metrics.


(Optional) Vector of significance levels at which to evaluate the rejection probability. By default, alphas is NULL, which evaluates the full empirical cumulative distribution of the p-values, i.e., the rejection probability is evaluated at all possible significance levels.


A logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


A grouped tibble containing both identifying information and the rejection probability results aggregated over experimental replicates. Specifically, the identifier columns include .dgp_name, .method_name, any columns specified by group_cols and vary_params, and the feature names given in feature_col if applicable. In addition, there are results columns .alpha and reject_prob, which respectively give the significance level and the estimated rejection probabilities (averaged across experimental replicates).

See Also

Other inference_funs: eval_testing_curve_funs, eval_testing_err_funs, plot_reject_prob(), plot_testing_curve(), plot_testing_err()


# generate example fit_results data for a feature selection problem
fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
  .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
  .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
  .method_name = c("Method"),
  feature_info = lapply(
    FUN = function(i) {
        # feature names
        feature = c("featureA", "featureB", "featureC"),
        # true feature support
        true_support = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
        # estimated p-values
        pval = 10^(sample(-3:0, 3, replace = TRUE))

# evaluate rejection probabilities for each feature across all possible values of alpha
eval_results <- eval_reject_prob(
  nested_cols = "feature_info",
  feature_col = "feature",
  pval_col = "pval"

# evaluate rejection probability for each feature at specific values of alpha
eval_results <- eval_reject_prob(
  nested_cols = "feature_info",
  feature_col = "feature",
  pval_col = "pval",
  alphas = c(0.05, 0.1)

Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 9:19 p.m.