create_rmd: Render an R Markdown file summarizing the results of an...

View source: R/docs.R

create_rmdR Documentation

Render an R Markdown file summarizing the results of an Experiment or set of Experiments.



create_rmd() was renamed to render_docs() to create a more consistent API.


  write_rmd = FALSE,
  output_file = NULL,
  output_format = vthemes::vmodern(),
  title = NULL,
  author = "",
  show_code = TRUE,
  show_eval = TRUE,
  show_viz = TRUE,
  eval_order = NULL,
  viz_order = NULL,
  use_icons = TRUE,
  quiet = TRUE,
  verbose = 2,



An Experiment object. If provided, documentation is created for all previously saved Experiments that are found in the directory given by experiment$get_save_dir(). If no Experiments have been previously saved under this directory, then the current experiment is saved to disk and used to create the documentation template.


An optional directory in which to find previously saved Experiment objects. Documentation is created for these found Experiments. Not used if experiment is provided.


Logical indicating whether or not to write out the raw R Markdown file used to generate the results. If TRUE, both the raw R Markdown file and the rendered R Markdown output are saved to disk. If FALSE, only the rendered R Markdown output is saved. Default is FALSE.


The name of the output file. If using NULL, then the output filename will be based on the experiment's root results directory and the name of the experiment. Note that the filename may include the path to the output file.


The R Markdown output format to convert to. Must be an object of class rmarkdown_output_format (e.g., rmarkdown::html_document(), rmarkdown::pdf_document(), rmarkdown::md_document).


Character string. Title of the report. By default, this will be the name of the experiment if experiment is provided.


Character string of author names to display in knitted R Markdown document.


Logical indicating whether or not to show code portions in the output document.


Logical indicating whether or not to show the results of the Evaluators in the output document.


Logical indicating whether or not to show the results of the Visualizers in the output document.


Vector of Evaluator names in their desired order for display. By default, the report will display the Evaluator results in the order that they were computed.


Vector of Visualizer names in their desired order for display. By default, the report will display the Visualizer results in the order that they were computed.


Logical indicating whether or not to use fontawesome icons.


An option to suppress printing during rendering from knitr, pandoc command line and others. To only suppress printing of the last "Output created: " message, you can set rmarkdown.render.message to FALSE


Level of verboseness (0, 1, 2) when knitting R Markdown. Default is 2.


Additional arguments to pass to rmarkdown::render(). Useful for applying a custom R Markdown output theme.


## Not run: 
# create basic Rmd from an experiment (of class `Experiment`)

# or alternatively, create basic Rmd from a specific directory
create_rmd(save_dir = experiment$get_save_dir())
## End(Not run)

Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 9:19 p.m.