#' Initialize documentation template for the R Markdown results report.
#' @name init_docs
#' @description Create documentation template (a series of .md files) to
#' fill out for the R Markdown results report. If the `experiment` is
#' provided, the documentation files can be found in the `Experiment`'s
#' results directory (see `Experiment$get_save_dir()`) under docs/.
#' Otherwise, the documentation files can be found in the specified
#' `save_dir` directory under docs/. The documentation files generated
#' include objectives.md and .md files corresponding to `DGPs`,
#' `Methods`, `Evaluators`, and `Visualizers` in the
#' `Experiment`.
#' @param experiment An `Experiment` object. If provided, documentation is
#' created for all previously saved `Experiments` that are found in the
#' directory given by `experiment$get_save_dir()`. If no
#' `Experiments` have been previously saved under this directory, then
#' the current `experiment` is saved to disk and used to create the
#' documentation template.
#' @param save_dir An optional directory in which to find previously saved
#' `Experiment` objects. Documentation is created for these found
#' `Experiments`. Not used if `experiment` is provided.
#' @returns The original `Experiment` object if provided. Otherwise,
#' returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create documentation template from an experiment (of class `Experiment`)
#' init_docs(experiment)
#' # or alternatively, create documentation template from a specific directory
#' init_docs(save_dir = experiment$get_save_dir())}
#' @export
init_docs <- function(experiment, save_dir) {
if (missing(experiment) && missing(save_dir)) {
abort("Must provide argument for one of experiment or save_dir.")
if (!missing(experiment)) {
if (!inherits(experiment, "Experiment")) {
err_msg <- sprintf("%s must be an instance of simChef::%s",
as.character(substitute(experiment)), "Experiment")
abort(err_msg, call. = FALSE)
save_dir <- experiment$get_save_dir()
if (!dir.exists(file.path(save_dir, "docs"))) {
dir.create(file.path(save_dir, "docs"), recursive = TRUE)
if (!file.exists(file.path(save_dir, "docs", "objectives.md"))) {
fname <- file.path(save_dir, "docs", "objectives.md")
utils::write.csv(NULL, file = fname, quote = F)
descendants <- purrr::map(
list.dirs(save_dir), function(d) {
if (file.exists(file.path(d, "experiment.rds"))) {
return(readRDS(file.path(d, "experiment.rds")))
} else {
descendants[sapply(descendants, is.null)] <- NULL
fields <- c("dgp", "method", "evaluator", "visualizer")
if (identical(descendants, list()) && !missing(experiment)) {
saveRDS(experiment, file.path(save_dir, "experiment.rds"))
descendants <- list(experiment)
if (!identical(descendants, list())) {
for (field in fields) {
obj_names <- purrr::map(descendants,
~names(.x[[paste0("get_", field, "s")]]())) %>%
purrr::reduce(c) %>%
for (obj_name in obj_names) {
fname <- file.path(save_dir, "docs", paste0(field, "s"),
paste0(obj_name, ".md"))
if (!file.exists(fname)) {
if (!dir.exists(dirname(fname))) {
dir.create(dirname(fname), recursive = TRUE)
utils::write.csv(NULL, file = fname, quote = F)
if (!missing(experiment)) {
#' Initialize documentation template for the R Markdown results report.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `create_doc_template()` was renamed to `init_docs()` to create a more
#' consistent API.
#' @inheritParams init_docs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create documentation template from an experiment (of class `Experiment`)
#' create_doc_template(experiment)
#' # or alternatively, create documentation template from a specific directory
#' create_doc_template(save_dir = experiment$get_save_dir())}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
create_doc_template <- function(experiment, save_dir) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.1.0", "create_doc_template()", "init_docs()")
init_docs(experiment, save_dir)
#' Render an R Markdown file summarizing the results of an `Experiment` or
#' set of `Experiments`.
#' @name render_docs
#' @description Knits and/or writes an R Markdown file summarizing the results of
#' an `Experiment` or set of `Experiments`. This document may
#' contain (1) the code corresponding to the `DGPs`, `Methods`,
#' `Evaluators`, `Visualizers`, and `vary_across` parameters
#' from the `Experiment`, (2) the results of the `Evaluators`
#' (typically tables), and (3) the results of the `Visualizers`
#' (typically figures). Note that `render_docs()` will process and
#' include results from all `Experiments` found *under* the root
#' directory. This root directory is determined via
#' `experiment$get_save_dir()` if `experiment` is provided and
#' `save_dir` otherwise.
#' @inheritParams init_docs
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::render
#' @param write_rmd Logical indicating whether or not to write out the raw
#' R Markdown file used to generate the results. If `TRUE`, both the
#' raw R Markdown file and the rendered R Markdown output are saved to disk.
#' If `FALSE`, only the rendered R Markdown output is saved. Default is
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param output_file The name of the output file. If using `NULL`, then
#' the output filename will be based on the `experiment`'s root results
#' directory and the name of the `experiment`. Note that the filename
#' may include the path to the output file.
#' @param output_format The R Markdown output format to convert to. Must be an
#' object of class `rmarkdown_output_format` (e.g.,
#' [rmarkdown::html_document()], [rmarkdown::pdf_document()],
#' [rmarkdown::md_document]).
#' @param title Character string. Title of the report. By default, this will be
#' the name of the `experiment` if `experiment` is provided.
#' @param author Character string of author names to display in knitted R
#' Markdown document.
#' @param show_code Logical indicating whether or not to show code portions in
#' the output document.
#' @param show_eval Logical indicating whether or not to show the results of
#' the `Evaluators` in the output document.
#' @param show_viz Logical indicating whether or not to show the results of
#' the `Visualizers` in the output document.
#' @param eval_order Vector of `Evaluator` names in their desired order for
#' display. By default, the report will display the `Evaluator` results
#' in the order that they were computed.
#' @param viz_order Vector of `Visualizer` names in their desired order for
#' display. By default, the report will display the `Visualizer` results
#' in the order that they were computed.
#' @param use_icons Logical indicating whether or not to use fontawesome icons.
#' @param verbose Level of verboseness (0, 1, 2) when knitting R Markdown.
#' Default is 2.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to [rmarkdown::render()]. Useful
#' for applying a custom R Markdown output theme.
#' @returns The original `Experiment` object if provided. Otherwise,
#' returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create basic Rmd from an experiment (of class `Experiment`)
#' render_docs(experiment)
#' # or alternatively, create basic Rmd from a specific directory
#' render_docs(save_dir = experiment$get_save_dir())}
#' @export
render_docs <- function(experiment, save_dir, write_rmd = FALSE,
output_file = NULL, output_format = vthemes::vmodern(),
title = NULL, author = "",
show_code = TRUE, show_eval = TRUE, show_viz = TRUE,
eval_order = NULL, viz_order = NULL, use_icons = TRUE,
quiet = TRUE, verbose = 2, ...) {
if (missing(experiment) && missing(save_dir)) {
abort("Must provide argument for one of experiment or save_dir.")
if (!missing(experiment)) {
if (!inherits(experiment, "Experiment")) {
err_msg <- sprintf("%s must be an instance of simChef::%s",
as.character(substitute(experiment)), "Experiment")
abort(err_msg, call. = FALSE)
save_dir <- experiment$get_save_dir()
if (is.null(title)) {
title <- experiment$name
} else {
save_dir <- R.utils::getAbsolutePath(save_dir)
if (is.null(title)) {
title <- "Results"
init_docs(save_dir = save_dir)
input_file <- system.file(
"rmd", "results.Rmd", package = utils::packageName()
if (is.null(output_file)) {
output_file <- file.path(save_dir, title)
output_format_type <- rlang::call_name(rlang::enexpr(output_format))
use_vmodern <- output_format_type == "vmodern"
if (use_vmodern) {
reason = "to run `render_docs(output_format = vthemes::vmodern(), ...)`")
if (write_rmd) {
reason = "to run `render_docs(write_rmd = TRUE, ...)`")
yml_header <- ymlthis::yml() %>%
ymlthis::yml_title(title) %>%
ymlthis::yml_author(author) %>%
ymlthis::yml_output({{output_format}}) %>%
sim_path = ymlthis::shiny_text(
label = "Path to Simulation Experiment Folder:",
value = save_dir
template_path <- system.file(
"rmd", "results_header_template.Rmd", package = utils::packageName()
.yml = yml_header, open_doc = FALSE,
path = sprintf("%s.Rmd", output_file), template = template_path
if (use_icons) {
if (!rlang::is_installed("fontawesome")) {
use_icons <- FALSE
warn("fontawesome package is not installed. Setting use_icons to FALSE. Install package via `install.packages('fontawesome')` to use use_icons = TRUE.")
} else if (identical(output_format_type, "pdf_document")) {
abort("Cannot output pdf_document when use_icons = TRUE. To output a pdf_document, please set use_icons = FALSE.")
if (write_rmd) {
output_format <- rmarkdown::html_document()
output_file_temp <- file.path(
dirname(output_file), sprintf("%s_temp", title)
quiet_temp <- TRUE
} else {
output_file_temp <- output_file
quiet_temp <- quiet
params_list <- list(
sim_name = title, sim_path = save_dir, author = author,
write_filename = sprintf("%s.Rmd", output_file),
show_code = show_code, show_eval = show_eval, show_viz = show_viz,
eval_order = eval_order, viz_order = viz_order, use_icons = use_icons,
use_vmodern = use_vmodern, write = write_rmd, verbose = verbose
input = input_file, params = params_list, output_file = output_file_temp,
output_format = output_format, quiet = quiet_temp, ...
if (write_rmd) {
file.remove(sprintf("%s.html", output_file_temp))
input = sprintf("%s.Rmd", output_file), output_file = output_file,
quiet = quiet, ...
if (write_rmd) {
if (rlang::is_installed("rstudioapi")) {
if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(sprintf("%s.Rmd", output_file), line = 2)
if (verbose > 1) {
inform(sprintf("Rendered document can be found at %s", output_file))
if (!missing(experiment)) {
#' Render an R Markdown file summarizing the results of an `Experiment` or
#' set of `Experiments`.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `create_rmd()` was renamed to `render_docs()` to create a more consistent
#' API.
#' @inheritParams render_docs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create basic Rmd from an experiment (of class `Experiment`)
#' create_rmd(experiment)
#' # or alternatively, create basic Rmd from a specific directory
#' create_rmd(save_dir = experiment$get_save_dir())}
#' @export
create_rmd <- function(experiment, save_dir, write_rmd = FALSE,
output_file = NULL, output_format = vthemes::vmodern(),
title = NULL, author = "",
show_code = TRUE, show_eval = TRUE, show_viz = TRUE,
eval_order = NULL, viz_order = NULL, use_icons = TRUE,
quiet = TRUE, verbose = 2, ...) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.1.0", "create_rmd()", "render_docs()")
render_docs(experiment, save_dir, write_rmd, output_file, output_format,
title, author, show_code, show_eval, show_viz,
eval_order, viz_order, use_icons, quiet, verbose, ...)
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