Man pages for YulongNiu/KEGG_BioCyc_API
A package for providing KEGG and BioCyc databases API in R

convKEGGKEGG convert function
CutSeqIntervalCut vectors
getcontentRetreive grepexpr content
getCycGeneInfoGet one gene information from BioCyc.
getCycGenesListGet whole genes/proteins list
getCycPhyloGet species from BioCyc
getCycSpeTUGet whole TU information from a given species
getCycTUfGeneGet TU from ID.
getCycTUInfoGet one TU information
getKEGGGeneMotifGet motif information from KEGG
getKEGGGeneSeqGet protein and gene sequences
getKEGGKOGet KEGG orthology.
getKEGGPathAnnoList pathway of a given species ID
getKEGGPathGenesList pathways and genes of a given KEGG species ID
getKEGGPhyloGet species list from KEGG.
getKEGGTIDGeneSeqKEGG Database Additional API - Get mutiple nucleotide acid...
getNCBITaxoGet NCBI taxonomy information
getProIDGet whole KEGG IDs and annotation
KEGGMotifListGet motif list from KEGG.
singleTIDSeqGet protein and gene sequences from T numbers
testLenTest length is 0 or not
transGeneIDKEGG2CycTransfer KEGG ID to BioCyc ID.
transPhyloCyc2NCBIGet NCBI Taxonomy ID From BioCyc species ID
transPhyloKEGG2NCBIGet NCBI Taxonomy ID From KEGG ID
webTableGet R matrix from weblink
xmlNodeAttrGet all nodes attributes directly from the XML file.
xmlNodeValGet all nodes value directly from the XML file.
YulongNiu/KEGG_BioCyc_API documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:13 a.m.