
Defines functions IsingOccu_Murray_sampler_Ising_det

## main sampler:
IsingOccu_Murray_sampler_Ising_det <- function(X,detmat,detX # list with each entry as a period
                    ,mcmc.iter = 10000, burn.in = 10 
                    ,vars_prop = list( beta_occu = rep(1e-5,2 * ncol(X))
                                        ,beta_det = rep(1e-5,2 * (ncol(detX[[1]][[1]]) + ncol(X)) )
                                        ,eta_intra = rep(1e-5,nspp)
                                        ,eta_inter = rep(1e-5,nspp*(nspp-1)/2)
                                        ,d_inter = rep(1e-5,nspp)
                                        ,spp_mat = 1e-5
                                        ,spp_mat_det = 1e-5)
                    ,para_prior = list( beta_occu = rep(1000,2 * ncol(X))
                                        ,beta_det = rep(1000,2 * (ncol(detX[[1]][[1]]) + ncol(X)) )
                                        ,eta_intra = rep(1e-1,nspp)
                                        ,eta_inter = rep(1000,nspp*(nspp-1)/2)
                                        ,d_inter = rep(1000,nspp)
                                        ,spp_mat = 1000
                                        ,spp_mat_det = 1000)
                    ,uni_prior = T
                    ,Zprop_rate = 1
                    ,dist_mainland , link_mainland
                    ,seed = 42,ini,thin.by = 100,report.by=100,nIter=100, Gibbs = T,method="CFTP"){ # ini has same formate of theta
  if(uni_prior) getlogprior <- getlogprior_uniform
  else getlogprior <- getlogprior_normal
  vars_prop <- vars_prop[names(ini)]
  para_prior <- para_prior[names(ini)]
  cat("Setting for imperfect observation and missing sites:\n")
  if(Zprop_rate==0) cat("    Perfect observation, given by Z\n")
  else cat("    Imperfect observation, Z propose with rate",Zprop_rate,"\n")
  cat("MCMC reported every",report.by,"iterations and thinned by",thin.by,"\n\n")
  nsite <- (nrow(distM))
  theta <- ini
  spp_neig <- 1 *( spp_mat!=0 )
  nspp <- nrow(spp_mat)
  nrep <- length(detmat)
  ini <- lapply(ini,as.matrix)
  theta.mcmc <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(ini)){
    theta.mcmc[[i]] <- mcmc(matrix(nrow = floor(mcmc.iter/thin.by),ncol = length(ini[[i]])),thin = thin.by)
  names(theta.mcmc) <- names(ini)
  Z.mcmc <- mcmc(matrix(nrow = floor(mcmc.iter/thin.by),ncol = nsite*nspp*nrep),thin = thin.by)
  #Z_absolute = (sapply(detmat,rowSums)>0) * 2 - 1
  detmat_nona <- lapply(detmat,function(mat){
    mat[is.na(mat)] <- -1
  Z_absolute <- (sapply(detmat_nona,function(detmat_i){rowSums((detmat_i+1)/2)>0})) * 2 - 1
  Z_curr <- Z_absolute
  Z_temp <- Z_absolute
  MRF_curr <- getMRF(ini,envX,distM,link_map,dist_mainland,link_mainland,int_range_intra,int_range_inter)
  theta_curr <- ini
  cat("Algorithm start...\n")
  accept_Z <- 0
  accept_Z_missing_obs <- 0
  accept_theta_occu <- 0
  accept_theta_det <- 0
  low_acc_Z <- 0
  low_acc_Z_missing_obs <- 0
  low_acc_theta_occu <- 0
  low_acc_theta_det <- 0
  propose_Z_num <- 0
  propose_Z_missing_obs <- 0
  timing <- proc.time()
  n_para_group <- length(theta_curr)
  constrains <- as.vector( Z_absolute)
  constrains[constrains==-1] <- NA
  for(i in 1:(burn.in+mcmc.iter)){# to burn in 
    #propose theta 
    theta_prop <- theta_curr

    for(j in c(1:length(theta_curr))[-c(2,n_para_group)]){ # no detection proposing
        theta_prop[[j]] <- matrix( rnorm(length(theta_curr[[j]]),mean = 0,sd = sqrt(vars_prop[[j]])),nrow(theta_curr[[j]]),ncol(theta_curr[[j]]) )+ theta_curr[[j]]
    theta_prop$spp_mat <- theta_prop$spp_mat * spp_neig  #  theta_prop$spp_mat=theta_prop$spp_mat * spp_neig
    theta_prop$spp_mat <- .5*(theta_prop$spp_mat + t( theta_prop$spp_mat)) # must be sym
    # MH ratio
    MRF_prop <- getMRF(theta_prop,envX,distM,link_map,dist_mainland,link_mainland,int_range_intra,int_range_inter)
    Z_temp <- rIsingOccu_multi(MRF_prop,n=1,method = method,nIter)
    Murray_ratio <- Murray_ratio_occu_theta(MRF_curr ,MRF_prop, getlogprior(theta_prop,theta_curr,para_prior)
    r <- runif(1)
      Murray_ratio <- 0
    if(Murray_ratio<exp(-10)) low_acc_theta_occu <- low_acc_theta_occu + 1
      theta_curr <- theta_prop
      #Z_temp = Z_temp
      MRF_curr <- MRF_prop
      accept_theta_occu <- accept_theta_occu + 1
    theta_prop <- theta_curr

    theta_prop[[2]] <- matrix( rnorm(length(theta_curr[[2]]),mean = 0,sd = sqrt(vars_prop[[2]])),nrow(theta_curr[[2]]),ncol(theta_curr[[2]]) )+ theta_curr[[2]]
    theta_prop[[n_para_group]] <- matrix( rnorm(length(theta_curr[[n_para_group]]),mean = 0,sd = sqrt(vars_prop[[n_para_group]])),nrow(theta_curr[[n_para_group]]),ncol(theta_curr[[n_para_group]]) )+ theta_curr[[n_para_group]]
    theta_prop$spp_mat_det <- theta_prop$spp_mat_det * spp_neig
    theta_prop$spp_mat_det <- .5*(theta_prop$spp_mat_det + t( theta_prop$spp_mat_det)) # must be sym
    Murray_ratio <- MH.ratio.Ising_det(theta_curr ,theta_prop,getlogprior(theta_prop,theta_curr,para_prior)
                        ,envX, detX
    r <- runif(1)
    if(is.na(Murray_ratio)) {
      Murray_ratio <- 0
    if(Murray_ratio<exp(-10)) low_acc_theta_det <- low_acc_theta_det + 1
      theta_curr <- theta_prop
      accept_theta_det <- accept_theta_det + 1
    Z_prop <- Z_curr
      Z_curr <- Gibbs_Z_rep(theta_curr, envX, detX,detmat,Z_curr,Z_absolute,MRF_curr)
      Z_prop <- propose_Z_plain(Z_curr,Z_absolute,Zprop_rate)
      MH_ratio <- MH_ratio_Z_plain(theta_curr, MRF_curr,Z_curr, Z_prop
                      ,detmat,envX, detX)
      r <- runif(1)
      if(is.na(MH_ratio)) {
        MH_ratio <- 0
      if(MH_ratio<exp(-10)) low_acc_Z <- low_acc_Z + 1
        accept_Z <- accept_Z + 1 - (sum(Z_prop==Z_curr)==length(Z_prop))
        Z_curr <- Z_prop
    if(i%%report.by == 0) {
      if(i<=burn.in) cat("Burn in iteration",i-report.by+1,"to",i,":\n\n")
      else cat("Sampling iteration",i-burn.in-report.by+1,"to",i-burn.in,"\n\n")
      #cat("    # of Z proposed for imperfect detection: ",propose_Z_num,"\n")
        cat("    # of Z acceptance: " , accept_Z,"\n")
        cat("    # of Z acceptance ratio <exp(-10): ",low_acc_Z,"\n\n")
      cat("    # of occupancy theta acceptance: " , accept_theta_occu,"\n")
      cat("    # of occupancy acceptance ratio <exp(-10): ",low_acc_theta_occu,"\n\n")
      cat("    # of detection theta acceptance:" , accept_theta_det,"\n")
      cat("    # of detection acceptance ratio <exp(-10): ",low_acc_theta_det,"\n\n")
      timing = proc.time()- timing
      cat("Time used in this" ,report.by,":",timing[1],"s\n")
      accept_Z <- 0
      accept_Z_missing_obs <- 0
      accept_theta_occu <- 0
      accept_theta_det <- 0
      low_acc_Z <- 0
      low_acc_Z_missing_obs <- 0
      low_acc_theta_occu <- 0
      low_acc_theta_det <- 0
      propose_Z_num <- 0
      propose_Z_missing_obs <- 0
      timing <- proc.time()
    sample_iter <- i-burn.in
    ## saving result when in sample
    if( sample_iter > 0 & sample_iter %% thin.by==0){
      for(j in 1:length(theta_curr)){
        theta.mcmc[[j]][sample_iter/thin.by,] <- as.vector( theta_curr[[j]])
      } # saving the results
      Z.mcmc[sample_iter/thin.by,] <- Z_curr
  theta.mean <- lapply(theta.mcmc,function(thetaa){ apply(thetaa,2,mean,na.rm=T)})
  res <- list(theta.mcmc = theta.mcmc
             ,means = theta.mean
             ,Z.mcmc = Z.mcmc,vars=vars_prop
             ,distM = distM
             ,dist_mainland = dist_mainland
             ,linkmap = link_map
             ,link_mainland = link_mainland
             ,interaction.range =list( inter = int_range_inter,intra = int_range_intra)
             ,envX=X, detX = detX,detmat = detmat,uni_prior=uni_prior,para_prior = para_prior,method = method)
  class(res) <- "IsingOccu_samples"
YunyiShen/IsingOccu-core documentation built on April 30, 2020, 8:09 p.m.