
Defines functions exomePeak2_PC

Documented in exomePeak2_PC

#'@title Produce code for Peak Calling with exomePeak2
#'@import magrittr
#'@import exomePeak2
exomePeak2_PC <- function(coldata,
  #Create specific representation of those code.
  code_library <- c("library(exomePeak2)",

  expr_scanbam <- call("scanMeripBAM",
    bam_files = paste0( bam_dir, "/", coldata$SRR_RUN, ".bam" ),
    design_ip = coldata$IP_input == "IP" ,
    paired_end = all(coldata$Lib == "Paired")

  code_epcalling <- call("exomePeakCalling",
    merip_bams = expr_scanbam
  ) %>% deparse #ellipse is not implemented yet, since call function cannot recognize it.

  index_last <- length(code_epcalling)

  code_epcalling[index_last] <- gsub(")$", "", code_epcalling[index_last] )
  code_epcalling[index_last] <- paste0(code_epcalling[index_last],", txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)")
  code_epcalling[1] <- paste0("SEP <- ", code_epcalling[1])

  code_save <- paste0("saveRDS( SEP, '", paste0(front_name, coldata$Experiment[1]), ".rds' )")
  code_all <- c(code_library, code_epcalling, code_save)

ZW-xjtlu/exomePeak2Test documentation built on Jan. 6, 2020, 3:36 p.m.