Man pages for ZarnackGroup/BindingSiteFinder
Binding site defintion based on iCLIP data

add-BSFDataSetAdd two 'BSFDataSet' objects
annotateWithScoreAnnotation function for BSFDataSet object
assignToGenesAssign binding sites to their hosting genes
assignToTranscriptRegionsAssign binding sites to their hosting transcript regions
bindingSiteCoveragePlotPlot signal coverage of selected ranges
bindingSiteDefinednessPlotBinding site definedness plot
BSFDataSetBSFDataSet object and constructors
BSFindRBP binding site definition for iCLIP data
calculateBsBackgroundCompute background coverage for binding sites per gene
calculateBsFoldChangeCompute fold-changes per binding site
calculateSignalToFlankScoreCalculate signal-to-flank score
clipCoverageCoverage function for BSFDataSet objects
collapseReplicatesCollapse signal from replicates
combineBSFCombine multiple 'BSFDataSet' objects
coverageOverRangesCoverage function for BSFDataSet objects
duplicatedSitesPlotPlot the number of overlaps when assigning crosslink sites to...
estimateBsWidthFunction to estimate the appropriate binding site width...
estimateBsWidthPlotPlot the signal-to-flank score for varying gene-wise filter...
exportTargetGenesFunction to export sorted RBP target genes
exportToBEDWrapper function to export binding sites as BED files
filterBsBackgroundFilter for genes not suitable for differential testing
geneOverlapsPlotUpSet-plot to that shows the gene type overlaps
getMetaAccessor method for the meta data of the BSFDataSet object
getNameAccessor method for the name of the BSFDataSet object
getRangesAccessor method for the ranges of the BSFDataSet object
getSignalAccessor method for the signal data of the BSFDataSet object
getSummaryAccessor method for the summary slot of the BSFDataSet object
globalScorePlotPlot the PureCLIP score distribution after re-assignment
imputeBsDifferencesForTestdataImpute artificial differences in the example data set
makeBindingSitesDefine equally sized binding sites from peak calling results...
makeBsSummaryPlotPlot binding site filter diagnostics
mergeCrosslinkDiagnosticsPlotPlot binding site merging diagnostics
mergeSummaryPlotPlot summarized results of the different binding site merging...
plotBsBackgroundFilterDiagnostic plots for the differential binding background
plotBsMAMA style plot
plotBsVolcanoVolcano style plot
processingStepsFlowChartStep-wise flowchart plot
processingStepsTableCreate a table of all workflow steps for reporting
pureClipGeneWiseFilterFilter PureCLIP sites by their score distribution per gene
pureClipGlobalFilterFilter PureCLIP sites by their score distribution
pureClipGlobalFilterPlotPlot the PureCLIP score distribution with global cutoff...
quickFigureQuick figures
rangeCoveragePlotPlot crosslink event coverage over binding site range
reproducibilityCutoffPlotPlot to that shows how many replicates support each binding...
reproducibilityFilterReplicate reproducibility filter function
reproducibilityFilterPlotPlot to that shows the crosslink site distribution per...
reproducibilitySamplesPlotUpSet-plot to that shows how each replicate supports binding...
reproducibilityScatterPlotPlot that shows binding site reproducibility as scatter
setMetaSetter method for the meta data of the BSFDataSet object
setNameSetter method for the names of the BSFDataSet object The name...
setRangesSetter method for the ranges of the BSFDataSet object The...
setSignalSetter method for the signal data of the BSFDataSet object
setSummarySetter method for the summary slot of the BSFDataSet object
showShow method to for the BSFDataSet
subset-BSFDataSetSubset a BSFDataSet object
summarySummary method to for the BSFDataSet
supportRatioSupport ratio function for BSFDataSet objects
supportRatioPlotPlot that shows the binding site support ratio
targetGeneSpectrumPlotBar-chart to show the hosting gene types of binding sites
transcriptRegionOverlapsPlotUpSet-plot to that shows the transcript region overlaps
transcriptRegionSpectrumPlotBar-chart to show the hosting transcript regions of binding...
ZarnackGroup/BindingSiteFinder documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 10:41 a.m.