coverageOverRanges: Coverage function for BSFDataSet objects

View source: R/CoverageFunctions.R

coverageOverRangesR Documentation

Coverage function for BSFDataSet objects


The crosslink coverage is computed for all ranges in the the given BSFDataSet object (see BSFDataSet for details). Depending on the returnOptions the resulting coverage information is summarized, suitable for diverse computation and plotting tasks. The coverage can only be compute for objects with identical ranges.


  returnOptions = c("merge_ranges_keep_positions", "merge_replicates_per_condition",
    "merge_all_replicates", "merge_positions_keep_replicates"),
  method = "sum",
  allowNA = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE



a BSFDataSet object


one of merge_ranges_keep_positions, merge_replicates_per_condition, merge_all_replicates, merge_positions_keep_replicates


sum/ mean, select how replicates/ ranges should be summarized


TRUE/ FALSE, allow NA values in the output if input ranges are of different width


logical, whether to print messages


If returnOptions is set to merge_ranges_keep_positions: Returns a matrix with ncol being the nucleotides of the ranges (equal to the width of the input ranges) and nrow being the number of replicates in the meta information.

If returnOptions is set to merge_replicates_per_condition: Returns a list of matrices. Each list corresponds to one condition set in the meta information. The matrix in each entry has ncols equal to the ranges width and nrow equal to the number of ranges. Counts per ranges and position are summed.

If returnOptions is set to merge_all_replicates: Returns a matrix with ncols equal to the range width and nrow equal to the number of ranges. Counts per range and position are summed.

If returnOptions is set to merge_positions_keep_replicates: Returns a GRanges object where the counts are summed for each replicate and added to the original granges object.


an object of class specified in returnOptions


# load data
files <- system.file("extdata", package="BindingSiteFinder")
load(list.files(files, pattern = ".rda$", full.names = TRUE))

rng = coverageOverRanges(bds, returnOptions = "merge_ranges_keep_positions")
rng = coverageOverRanges(bds, returnOptions = "merge_replicates_per_condition")
rng = coverageOverRanges(bds, returnOptions = "merge_all_replicates")
rng = coverageOverRanges(bds, returnOptions = "merge_positions_keep_replicates")

ZarnackGroup/BindingSiteFinder documentation built on May 31, 2024, 3:29 a.m.