
#' @include allGenerics.R

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="ValidBinType", y="numeric"),
  function(x, y, w, name, min.iv=0.01, min.cnt=10, min.res=0, max.bin=10, mono=0,
            exceptions=numeric(0), ...) {

    # set weights to 1 if not provided
    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, length(x))

    callGeneric(x=x, y=y, w=w, name=name, min.iv=min.iv, min.cnt=min.cnt,
                min.res=min.res, max.bin=max.bin, mono=mono, exceptions=exceptions, ...)

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="numeric", y="numeric", w="numeric"),
  function(x, y, w, name, min.iv=0.01, min.cnt=10, min.res=0, max.bin=10, mono=0,
            exceptions=numeric(0), ...) {
    ## discretize numeric vars and return the cut points
    if (all(is.na(x))) return(NULL)

    f <- !is.na(x)
    cuts <- .Call('bin', as.double(x[f]), as.double(y[f]), as.double(w[f]),
                  as.double(min.iv), as.integer(min.cnt),
                  as.integer(min.res), as.integer(max.bin),
                  as.integer(mono), as.double(exceptions))

    out <- new("continuous", x=x, y=y, w=w, cuts=cuts, min.iv=min.iv,
               min.cnt=min.cnt, min.res=min.res, max.bin=max.bin, mono=mono,
               exceptions=exceptions, name = name,
               drop = all(is.infinite(cuts)))
    # get the binned levels and map to woe predictions

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="factor", y="numeric", w="numeric"),
  function(x, y, w, name = "NONE", min.iv=0.01, min.cnt=10, min.res=0, max.bin=10,
           mono=0, exceptions=numeric(0), ...) {
    ## create a mapping of raw values to collapsed values, store in "map"

    ## Remove "" and unused levels
    x <- factor(x, levels=levels(x)[!levels(x) == ""])
    x <- droplevels(x) # Strip NAs as a level
    if (all(is.na(x))) return(NULL)

    ## sort the factor levels by bad rate and bin as if numeric
    x <- factor(x, levels(x)[order(-tapply(y, x, mean))])

    b <- Bin(as.numeric(x), y, w, name=name, min.iv=min.iv, min.cnt=min.cnt,
             min.res=min.res, max.bin=max.bin, mono=0, exceptions=exceptions, ...)

    grps <- split(levels(x), cut(seq_along(levels(x)), b@cuts))

    ## take the numeric cut points and map back to original factor levels
    map <- grps[cut(seq_along(levels(x)), b@cuts)]
    map <- lapply(map, paste, collapse=",")
    names(map) <- levels(x)

    out <- new("Discrete", x=x, y=y, w=w, map=map, name=name, drop=dropped(b))
    ## get the binned levels and map to woe predictions

setMethod("Bin", signature = "ANY", function(x, y, w, name="NONE", ...) {NULL})

setMethod("Bin", signature = "logical",
  function(x, y, w, name="NONE", ...) {
    warning(sprintf("Not Binned: %s -- All missing" , name), call.=F)

setMethod("Bin", signature = "character",
  function(x, y, w, name="NONE", ...) {
    warning(sprintf("Not Binned: %s -- Character, hint: cast to factor",
                     name), call.=F)

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="Bin"),
  function(x, y, w, ...) {
    do.call(Bin, modifyList(slots.to.list(x), list(...)))

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="ANY"),
  function(x, y, w, ...) {
    warning("Invalid object passed to Bin", call.=F)

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="data.frame", y="numeric", seg="missing"),
  function(x, y, w, seg, min.iv=0.01, min.cnt=10, min.res=0, max.bin=10, mono=0,
           exceptions=numeric(0)) {

    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, nrow(x))

    cols <- colnames(x)
    classing <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(cols)) {
      .progress(i, ncol(x), "Binning   ", cols[i])
      classing[[cols[i]]] <- callGeneric(
        x[,cols[i]], y=y, w=w, min.iv=min.iv, min.cnt=min.cnt, min.res=min.res,
        max.bin=max.bin, mono=mono, exceptions=exceptions, name=cols[i])
    cat("", sep="\n")
    new("Classing", classing=classing, y=y, w=w)

setMethod("Bin", signature = c(x="data.frame", y="numeric", seg="factor"),
  function(x, y, w, seg, min.iv=0.01, min.cnt=10, min.res=0, max.bin=10, mono=0,
           exceptions=numeric(0)) {

    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, nrow(x))

    ## check that x, y, w, and seg are correct dimensions
    stopifnot(all(sapply(list(y, w, seg), length) == nrow(x)))

    ys <- split(y, seg, drop=T)
    xs <- split(x, seg, drop=T)
    ws <- split(w, seg, drop=T)

    out <- mapply(Bin, xs, ys, ws, MoreArgs = list(
      min.iv=min.iv, min.cnt=min.cnt, min.res=min.res, max.bin=max.bin,
      mono=mono, exceptions=exceptions), SIMPLIFY = F)

    new("Segmented-Classing", segmentor=seg, classings=out)
Zelazny7/binnr2 documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:56 a.m.