
Defines functions filter_vcf POS2GRanges

Documented in filter_vcf

POS2GRanges <- function(Chr, POS){
    POSRange <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
        seqnames = Chr,
            start = POS,
            width = rep(1, length(POS))))

#' #' @description 根据变异位点所在区域的类型进行筛选
#' #' @title filter_hap_by_gff
#' #' @usage
#' #' filter_hap(gff = gff,
#' #'            hap = hap,
#' #'            hapPrefix_new = "C_H",
#' #'            type = c("CDS", "exon", "gene","genome", "custom"),
#' #'            custom_type = c("CDS", "exon", "gene"))
#' #' @param gff gff文件
#' #' @param hap hap或hapResult
#' #' @param hapPrefix_new new prefix for filtered haps
#' #' @param type 筛选模式,CDS/exon/gene/genome/custom之一,
#' #' 如果是custom则必须设定custom_type
#' #' @param custom_type 自定义筛选模式
#' #' @importFrom IRanges start
#' #' @importFrom IRanges `%over%`
#' #' @examples
#' #' # filtet hap
#' #' data("quickHap_test")
#' #' hap <- get_hap(vcf)
#' #' hap <- filter_hap(gff = gff, hap = hap, type = "CDS")
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' filter_hap <- function(gff = gff,
#'                        hap = hap,
#'                        hapPrefix_new = "C_H",
#'                        type = c("CDS", "exon", "gene", "genome", "custom"),
#'                        custom_type = c("CDS", "exon", "gene")){
#'     if(!type %in% c("CDS", "exon", "gene","genome", "custom"))
#'         stop('type must be one of  c("CDS", "exon", "gene","genome", "custom")')
#'     if(type == "custom") type <- custom_type
#'     # filter gff file by type type
#'     if(type == "genome") {
#'         gff <- gff
#'     } else {
#'         gff <- gff[gff$type %in% type]
#'     }
#'     meta <- hap[1:4,]
#'     POS <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(meta[2,]))
#'     POS <- na.omit(POS)
#'     Chr <- meta[1,2]
#'     hapRange <- POS2GRanges(Chr = Chr, POS = POS)
#'     hapRange <- hapRange[!(hapRange %over% gff)]
#'     POS_rm <- IRanges::start(hapRange)
#'     probe <- !(colnames(hap) %in% POS_rm)
#'     hap <- hap[,probe]
#'     meta <- hap[1:4,]
#'     hap <- hap[5:nrow(hap), -1]
#'     hap <- assign_hapID(hap, hapPrefix = hapPrefix_new)
#'     hap <- rbind(meta, hap)
#'     return(hap)
#' }

#' @description filter vcf by gff file or by position or both
#' @title filter_vcf_by_gff
#' @usage
#' filter_vcf(vcf, gff = gff,
#'            mode = c("POS", "type", "both"),
#'            Chr = Chr, start = start, end = end,
#'            type = c("CDS", "exon", "gene", "genome", "custom"),
#'            cusTyp = c("CDS", "five_prime_UTR", "three_prime_UTR"))
#' @param vcf imported vcf
#' @param gff imported gff
#' @param mode filter mode, one of POS/type/both
#' @param Chr CHROM name, needed if mode set to 'POS' or 'both'
#' @param start Start position, needed if mode set to 'POS' or 'both'
#' @param end End position, needed if mode set to 'POS' or 'both'
#' @param type filter type, needed if mode set to 'type' or 'both',
#' one of CDS/exon/gene/genome/custom,
#' if type set to custom, the custom_type is needed.
#' @param cusTyp vector, custom filter type, needed if type set to custom
#' @importFrom IRanges start
#' @importFrom IRanges `%over%`
#' @examples
#' # filtet hap
#' data("quickHap_test")
#' vcf_f1 <- filter_vcf(vcf, mode = "POS",
#'                     Chr = "scaffold_1",
#'                     start = 4300, end = 5890)
#' vcf_f2 <- filter_vcf(vcf, mode = "type",
#'                     gff = gff,
#'                     type = "CDS")
#' vcf_f3 <- filter_vcf(vcf, mode = "both",
#'                     Chr = "scaffold_1",
#'                     start = 4300, end = 5890,
#'                     gff = gff,
#'                     type = "CDS")
#' @export
filter_vcf <- function(vcf, gff = gff,
                       mode = c("POS", "type", "both"),
                       Chr = Chr, start = start, end = end,
                       type = c("CDS", "exon", "gene", "genome", "custom"),
                       cusTyp = c("CDS", "five_prime_UTR", "three_prime_UTR")){

    if(mode == "POS" | mode == "both"){
        if(missing(Chr)) stop("Chr is missing!")
        if(missing(start)) stop("start is missing!")
        if(missing(end)) stop("end is missing!")
        POS <- vcfR::getPOS(vcf)
        POS <- as.numeric(POS)
        Chrs <- vcfR::getCHROM(vcf)
        probe <- POS >= min(start, end) & POS <= max(start, end)
        probe <- probe & Chrs == Chr
        vcf@fix <- vcf@fix[probe,]
        vcf@gt <- vcf@gt[probe,]

    if(mode == "type" | mode == "both"){
        if(missing(gff)) stop("gff is missing!")
        if(type == "custom") type <- cusTyp
        if(length(type) != 1 )
            stop('Type must be one of c("CDS","exon","gene","genome","custom")')
        if(type == "genome") {
            gff <- gff
        } else {
            gff <- gff[gff$type %in% type]
        if(missing(Chr)) Chr <- vcfR::getCHROM(vcf)[1]
        POS <- vcfR::getPOS(vcf)
        POS <- as.numeric(POS)
        POSRange <- POS2GRanges(Chr = Chr, POS = POS)
        POSRange_rm <- POSRange[!(POSRange %over% gff)]

        POS_rm <- IRanges::start(POSRange_rm)
        probe <- !(POS %in% POS_rm)
        vcf@fix <- vcf@fix[probe,]
        vcf@gt <- vcf@gt[probe,]

ZhangRenL/quickHapR documentation built on June 17, 2022, 12:04 a.m.