
#' Fit a growth curve model using the Shape Invariant Model with random effects
#' The basis of the Shape Invariant Model is that a population has a common 
#' characteristic curve or function, which by shifting and scaling can be made to   
#' have the form of any individual curve. After fitting a growth model using the
#' Shape Invariant Model, this function can compute apv, pv and ypv of each 
#' individual by the numerical method.
#' @param x vector of ages.
#' @param y vector of measurements.
#' @param id factor of subject identifiers.
#' @param df degrees of freedom for cubic regression spline.
#' @param knots vector of values for knots (default df quantiles of x distribution).
#' @param len time (age) measures after extension for computing aphv, if it is missing, then
#'        it equals round(365*diff(range(x))); if cal=FALSE, it is useless. 
#' @param cal control for whether to calculate pv, apv and height at pv or not (default FALSE). 
#' @param fixed character string specifying a, b, c fixed effects (default random).
#' @param random character string specifying a, b, c random effects (default "a+b+c").
#' @param bounds span of x for regression spline, or fractional extension of range (default 0.04).
#' @param start optional numeric vector of initial estimates for the fixed effects, or list of initial
#'        estimates for the fixed and random effects (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param bstart optional starting value for fixed effect b, if it is missing, then it equals to mean(x) when calculating.
#' @param verbose optional logical value to print information on the evolution of the iterative algorithm (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param correlation optional corStruct object describing the within-group correlation structure (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param weights optional varFunc object or one-sided formula describing the within-group heteroscedasticity structure (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param subset optional expression indicating the subset of the rows of data that should be used
#'        in the fit (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param method character string, either "REML" or "ML" (default) (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param na.action function for when the data contain NAs (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @param control list of control values for the estimation algorithm (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).
#' @details \strong{Start} is an initial estimation vector for fixed effect parameters, it is suggested that the 
#' initial values for a, b, c are 0, mean(x) and 0, respectively. Note that a, b, c are corresponding to $alpha_0$,
#' $beta_0$ and -$beta_1$ in model (7) of Beath (2007). One method for improving the initial 
#' guess for coefficients of fixed effects is to fit the model without random effects to the pooled data
#' using a standard nonlinear least squares package. \strong{bstart} allows the origin
#' of b to be varied. Changing the original of b affects its random effect variance. 
#' @return An object inheriting from class gmusim representing the nonlinear mixed-effects model fit, includes
#' all the components returned by nlme (see \code{\link[nlme]{nlmeObject}} for a full description) plus the following
#' components:
#'  \strong{bstart:} the value of arg bstart.
#'  \strong{call.gmusim: } the internal gmusim call that produced the object.
#'  \strong{fitnlme: }  the function returning the predicted value of y.
#'  \strong{ns: } the lm object providing starting values for the B-spline curve.
#'  \strong{calindex: } APV(age at pv), PV(peak velocity) and HPV(height at pv). 
#'  \strong{fitted.values: } a data frame, including expanded x (age), fitted values (y) for corresponding expanded x and id. 
#' Generic functions such as print, plot, anova and
#' summary can be used to show the results of the fit. The functions
#' resid, coef, fitted, fixed.effects,
#' random.effects, predict, getData, getGroups,
#' getCovariate and getVarCov can be used to extract some of gmusim's components. 
#' @author Zhiqiang Cao \email{zcaoae@@connect.ust.hk}, Man-Yu Wong \email{mamywong@@ust.hk}
#' @references Beath KJ. Infant growth modelling using a shape invariant model with random effects.
#' Statistics in Medicine 2007;26:2547-2564.
#' Cole TJ, Donaldson MD, Ben-Shlomo Y. SITAR--a useful instrument for growth
#' curve analysis. Int J Epidemiol 2010;39:1558-66.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[sitar]{sitar}},\code{\link{gmusim_both}},\code{\link{gmusim_com}},\code{\link{gmusim_gr}},\code{\link{gmusim_size}}.
#' @importFrom stats AIC BIC coef cor fitted lag lm logLik
#' mad model.frame model.matrix na.fail na.omit pnorm predict qnorm quantile
#' residuals sd setNames
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @keywords package nonlinear regression models
#' @examples
#' require(sitar)
#' data(heights)
#' x <- heights$age
#' y <- heights$height
#' id <- heights$id
#' df <- 5
#' ## Do not calculate phv, aphv and hphv
#' resu1 <- gmusim(x,y,id,df)
#' summary(resu1)
#' ## Calculate phv, aphv and height at phv (hphv)
#' resu2 <- gmusim(x,y,id,df,cal=TRUE)
#' summary(resu2)
#' aphv <- resu2$calindex
#' fitted.values <- resu2$fitted.values
gmusim <- function(x, y, id, df, knots, len, cal=FALSE, fixed = random, 
          random = "a+b+c", bounds = 0.04, start, bstart, verbose = FALSE, 
          correlation = NULL, weights = NULL, subset = NULL, method = "ML", 
          na.action = na.fail, control = nlmeControl(returnObject = TRUE)){
  diff.quot <- function(x, y) {
    n <- length(x); i1 <- 1:2; i2 <- (n-1):n
    c(diff(y[i1]) / diff(x[i1]), (y[-i1] - y[-i2]) / (x[-i1] - x[-i2]),
      diff(y[i2]) / diff(x[i2]))
  mcall <- match.call()
  if (missing(df) & missing(knots)) 
    stop("either df or knots must be specified")
  if (!missing(df) & !missing(knots)) 
    cat("both df and knots specified - df redefined from knots\n")
  if (missing(knots)) 
    knots <- quantile(x, (1:(df - 1))/df)
  else {
    df <- length(knots) + 1
  if (length(x) <= df) 
    stop("too few data to fit spline curve")
  if (length(bounds) == 1) 
    bounds <- range(x) + abs(bounds) * c(-1, 1) * diff(range(x))
  if (length(bounds) != 2) 
    stop("bounds should be length 1 or 2")
  if (missing(bstart)) bstart <- mean(x)
  x <- x - bstart
  knots <- knots - bstart      
  bounds <- bounds - bstart 
  spline.lm <- lm(y ~ ns(x, knots = knots, Bound = bounds))
  if (missing(start)) start <- coef(spline.lm)[c(2:(df + 1), 1)]
  fix <- fixed
  if (!grepl("a", fix)) 
    fix <- paste("a", fix, sep = "+")
  fixed <- ss <- paste("s", 1:df, sep = "")
  pars <- c("x", ss)
  names(model) <- model <- letters[1:3]
  if (is.null(subset)) subset <- 1:length(x)
  fulldata <- data.frame(x, y, id, subset)
  for (l in model) {
    if (!grepl(l, fix) && !grepl(l, random)) {
      model[l] <- NA
    pars <- c(pars, l)
    if (!grepl(l, fix)) next
    fixed <- c(fixed, l)
    if (l == "b") 
      start <- c(start, 0)
    if (l == "c") 
      start <- c(start, 0)
  pars <- paste(pars, collapse = ",")
  fixed <- paste(fixed, collapse = "+")
  sscomma <- paste(ss, collapse = ",")
  nsd <- paste(model["a"], "+")
  nsf <- paste("(x", ifelse(!is.na(model["b"]), paste("- (", 
                                                        model["b"], "))"), ")"))
  if(!is.na(model["c"])) nsf <- paste(nsf, "* exp(", model["c"], ")")
  fitenv <- NULL
  fitcode <- c("fitenv <- new.env()", "fitenv$fitnlme <- function($pars) {", 
                 "as.vector( $nsd", "(as.matrix(cbind($sscomma)) * as.matrix(ns($nsf,", 
                 "knots=knots, Boundary.knots=bounds))) %*%", "matrix(rep(1,df), ncol=1))", 
                 "}", "on.exit(detach(fitenv))", "attach(fitenv)", 
                 "nlme(y ~ fitnlme($pars),", "fixed = $fixed ~ 1,", 
                 "random = $random ~ 1 | id,", "data = fulldata,", 
                 "start = start, correlation = correlation,", "weights = weights, subset = subset, method = method,", 
                 "na.action = na.action, control = control, verbose = verbose)")
  for (i in c("random", "pars", "fixed", "sscomma", "nsd", "nsf")) 
    fitcode <- gsub(paste("$", i, sep = ""), get(i), fitcode, fixed = TRUE)
  nlme.out <- eval(parse(text = fitcode))
  nlme.out$fitnlme <- fitenv$fitnlme
  nlme.out$call.gmusim <- mcall
  nlme.out$ns <- spline.lm
  if (!"gmusim" %in% class(nlme.out)) 
    class(nlme.out) <- c("gmusim", class(nlme.out))
  if (cal == TRUE){
    if (missing(len)) len <- round(365 * diff(range(x))) 
    idmat <- matrix(unique(id), ncol = 1)
    exdata <- function(x, id, idmat, n = len){
      npt <- n/diff(range(x))
      extage <- apply(idmat, 1, function(x1){
        index <- id==x1
        id.x <- x[index]
        nt <- floor(npt*diff(range(id.x))) + 1
        newx <- seq(min(id.x), max(id.x), length = nt)
        newid <- rep(x1,nt)
        extx <- data.frame(x = newx, id = newid)
        colnames(extx) <- c("x", "id")
      df <- extage[[1]][FALSE, ]
      for (dft in extage) df <- rbind(df, dft)
    newdata <- exdata(x, id, idmat, len)
    ncol <- dim(newdata)[2]
    for (i in 1:ncol){
      if (class(newdata[,i]) == "list") newdata[,i] <- as.numeric(newdata[,i])
    eval(parse(text = "attach(nlme.out)"))
    fit.y <- predict(nlme.out, newdata=newdata) 
    fit.x <- newdata$x
    fit.id <- newdata$id
    newd1 <- data.frame(fit.x, fit.y, fit.id)
    calindex <- apply(idmat, 1, function(x1){
      ind <- newd1$fit.id == x1
      x.id <- newd1$fit.x[ind]
      y.id <- newd1$fit.y[ind]
      dydx <- diff.quot(x.id, y.id)
      maxid <- which.max(dydx)
      pv <- dydx[maxid]
      apv <- x.id[maxid] 
      hpv <- y.id[maxid] 
      resu <- c(pv, apv, hpv)
    calindex <- cbind(as.numeric(idmat), t(calindex))
    colnames(calindex) <- c("id", "pv", "apv", "hpv")
    calindex <- as.data.frame(calindex)
    calindex$apv <- calindex$apv + bstart 
    nlme.out$calindex <- calindex
    nlme.out$fitted.values <- newd1
Zhiqiangcao/gmusim documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:58 a.m.