
  'GetFeatures', 'diaFeature',
  function(obj, files,
           polarity = c('positive', 'negative'), lc = c('HILIC', 'RPLC'),
           ppm.pd = 25, sn = 6, peakwidth = c(5,30),
           mzdiff = 0.01, minfrac = 0.5, method.rector = c('obiwarp', 'peakgroups'),
           is.ms1.filter = FALSE, thr.ms1.filter = NULL,
           filed.ms1.filter = c('maxo', 'into', 'intb'),
           is.plot.eic.feature = TRUE, is.check.eic = FALSE,
           nSlaves = 6, bw = 5, mzwid = 0.015) {
    filed.ms1.filter <- match.arg(filed.ms1.filter)
    method.rector <- match.arg(method.rector)
    is.xcms3 <- FALSE
    if (packageVersion("xcms") >= '1.50.1') {
      is.xcms3 <- TRUE
      param <- SnowParam(workers = nSlaves, type = 'SOCK')

    fn.lc.list <- switch(polarity,
                         'positive' = paste0(lc, '_POS.csv'),
                         'negative' = paste0(lc, '_NEG.csv')

    rules.camera <- read.csv(file.path(system.file(package = getPackageName(), 'rules'), fn.lc.list))
    cat('Detect peaks with xcms ...\n')
    if (is.xcms3) {
      xset <- xcmsSet(files, method = 'centWave', ppm = ppm.pd, snthr = sn, peakwidth = peakwidth, mzdiff = mzdiff, BPPARAM = param)
    } else {
      xset <- xcmsSet(files,  method = 'centWave', ppm = ppm.pd, snthr = sn, peakwidth = peakwidth, mzdiff = mzdiff, nSlaves = nSlaves)
    save(xset, file = 'xset-centWave.Rda')
    sclassv <- as.character(sampclass(xset))
    # output the detected peak num
    for (i in 1:length( xset@filepaths)) {
      cat( i, xset@filepaths[ i], "\t [",  sclassv[ i], "]", sep = "")
      cat( "  --> ", length( which( xset@peaks[, "sample"] == i)), " Features. \n")
    # output sample group information
    cat("\n Sample classes -> ", levels(sampclass(xset)), "\n")

    if (length(files) == 1) {
      ftname <- apply(xset@peaks, 1, function(dr) {
        paste("M", sprintf('%.0f', dr['mz']),
              "T", sprintf('%.0f', dr['rt']),
              sep = "")
      is.duplicated <- TRUE
      while (is.duplicated) {
        i <- 2
        idx.duplicated <- which(duplicated(ftname))
        if (length(idx.duplicated) > 0) {
          ftname[idx.duplicated] <- paste0(ftname[idx.duplicated], '_', i)
          i <- i + 1
        } else {
          is.duplicated <- FALSE
      pt <- cbind('name' = ftname, xset@peaks)
      col.nm <- colnames(pt)
      col.nm[c(2,5)] <- c('mzmed', 'rtmed')
      colnames(pt) <- (col.nm)
      write.csv(pt, file = "PeakTable-raw.csv", row.names = T)

      # for one sample only, no peak alignment
      xa <- xsAnnotate(xset, polarity = polarity)
      xa <- groupFWHM(xa)
      xa <- findIsotopes(xa)
      xa <- findAdducts(xa, rules = rules.camera, polarity = polarity)
      peaklist.filtered <- peaklist.anno <- cbind('name' = ftname,
                                                  getPeaklist(xa, intval = filed.ms1.filter))
      col.nm <- colnames(peaklist.anno)
      col.nm[c(2,5)] <- c('mzmed', 'rtmed')
      colnames(peaklist.anno) <- col.nm
      colnames(peaklist.filtered) <- col.nm

      write.csv(peaklist.anno, 'PeakTable-annotated.csv',
                row.names = FALSE)
      nr.remove <- NULL
      nr.isotope <- which(grepl('\\]\\[M\\+\\d+', peaklist.anno[, 'isotopes']))
      nr.ms1.filter <- which(xset@peaks[, filed.ms1.filter] < thr.ms1.filter)
      if (is.ms1.filter & (length(nr.ms1.filter) > 0 | length(nr.isotope) > 0)) {
        nr.remove <- unique(c(nr.isotope, nr.ms1.filter))
        xset@peaks <- xset@peaks[-nr.remove, , drop = FALSE]
        peaklist.filtered <- peaklist.anno[-nr.remove, , drop = FALSE]
      peaklist.filtered <- cbind('ft.idx' = seq(nrow(peaklist.filtered)), peaklist.filtered)
      write.csv(peaklist.filtered, 'PeakTable-annotated_filtered.csv',
                row.names = FALSE)

      tmp <- lapply(seq(nrow(xset@peaks)), function(idx.r) {
        r <- xset@peaks[idx.r, ]
        r.gp <- c(r[1:6], 1, 1)
        names(r.gp) <- c("mzmed", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rtmed", "rtmin", "rtmax", "npeaks", "10")

      xset@groups <- do.call(rbind,tmp)
      xset@groupidx <- lapply(seq(nrow(xset@groups)), function(i) {
      if (is.null(nr.remove)) {
        obj@peaks <- data.frame(xset@peaks)
      } else {
        obj@peaks <- data.frame(xset@peaks[-nr.isotope, , drop = FALSE])

      obj@peakgroup$raw <- lapply(seq(nrow(obj@peaks)),
                                  function(nr) {
                                    obj@peaks[nr, , drop = FALSE]
      obj@peakgroup$corrected <- obj@peakgroup$raw
      obj@samplenames <- sampnames(xset)
      obj@filepaths <- xset@filepaths
      obj@smpclass <- sclassv
      if(is.plot.eic.feature) {
        eics <- plotFeatureEIC(xset, is.check.eic = is.check.eic, extra = 30)
      xset3 <- xset
      save(xset3, file = 'xset-centWave-final.Rda')
    } else {
      # for multiple samples, peak alignment

      xset <- group(xset, minfrac = minfrac)
      pdf(paste0('retcor-', method.rector, '.pdf'))
      xset2 <- switch(method.rector,
                      'obiwarp' = retcor(xset, method = method.rector, plottype = 'deviation', profStep = 0.1),
                      'peakgroups' = retcor(xset, method = method.rector, plottype = 'deviation')

      CatLineSeparator("Creating retention time corrected TIC's ...")
      TICS.rtcor <- GetTICs(xset2, fn.tic = 'TICs-rtcor.pdf',
                            rt = 'corrected')  # total ion current
      save(xset2, TICS.rtcor, file = 'xset-centWave-retcor.Rda')

      xset2 <- group(xset2, bw = bw, mzwid = mzwid, minfrac = minfrac)

      groupmat <- xcms::groups(xset2)
      pt <- data.frame(cbind('name' = groupnames(xset2), groupmat,
                             groupval(xset2, "medret", 'into')),
                       row.names = NULL)
      write.csv(pt, file = "PeakTable-raw.csv", row.names = T)

      cat(nrow(groupmat), "aligned features. \n")

      xset3 <- fillPeaks(xset2)

      xa <- xsAnnotate(xset3, polarity= polarity, nSlaves = nSlaves)
      xa <- groupFWHM(xa)
      xa <- findIsotopes(xa)
      xa <- findAdducts(xa, rules = rules.camera, polarity = polarity)
      pt <- data.frame(cbind('name' = groupnames(xset2), groupmat,
                             groupval(xset3, "medret", 'into')),
                       row.names = NULL)
      pt.filter <- groupval(xset3, value = filed.ms1.filter)
      colnames(pt.filter) <- paste0(filed.ms1.filter, '_',
      rownames(pt.filter) <- NULL
      pt.anno <- getPeaklist(xa, intval = filed.ms1.filter)[, c('isotopes', 'adduct', 'pcgroup')]
      peaklist.filtered <- peaklist.anno <- cbind(pt, pt.filter, pt.anno)
      nr.isotope <- which(grepl('\\]\\[M\\+\\d+', peaklist.anno[, 'isotopes']))
      write.csv(peaklist.anno, 'PeakTable-annotated.csv', row.names = FALSE)

      value.ms1.filter <- unname(apply(pt.filter, 1, max))
      nr.ms1.filter <- which(value.ms1.filter < thr.ms1.filter)
      if (is.ms1.filter & (length(nr.ms1.filter) > 0 | length(nr.isotope) > 0)) {
        nr.remove <- unique(c(nr.isotope, nr.ms1.filter))
        xset3@groups <- xset3@groups[-nr.remove, , drop = FALSE]
        xset3@groupidx <- xset3@groupidx[-nr.remove]
        peaklist.filtered <- peaklist.anno[-nr.remove, , drop = FALSE]
      peaklist.filtered <- cbind('ft.idx' = seq(nrow(peaklist.filtered)), peaklist.filtered)
      write.csv(peaklist.filtered, 'PeakTable-annotated_filtered.csv',
                row.names = FALSE)

      obj@peaks <- data.frame(xset3@peaks)

      grpIdx.pre <- xset3@groupidx
      grpIdx <- lapply(seq_along(grpIdx.pre), function(idx) {
        Index <- grpIdx.pre[[idx]][order(abs(obj@peaks[grpIdx.pre[[idx]], 'rt'] - median(obj@peaks[grpIdx.pre[[idx]], 'rt'])))]
        Index[match(seq_along(sampnames(xset)), obj@peaks[Index,'sample'])]

      obj@peakgroup$corrected <- lapply(grpIdx, function(idx) {
        obj@peaks[idx, , drop = FALSE]

      obj@rt$corrected <- xset3@rt$corrected
      obj@rt$raw <- xset3@rt$raw

      obj@peakgroup$raw <- lapply(obj@peakgroup$corrected, function(peak) {
        peak.raw.list <- lapply(1:nrow(peak), function(y) {
          rt.idx <- which.min(abs(peak[y, "rt"] - obj@rt$corrected[[peak[y, "sample"]]]))
          peak[y, "rt"] <- obj@rt$raw[[peak[y, "sample"]]][rt.idx]
          rtmin.idx <- which.min(abs(peak[y, "rtmin"] - obj@rt$corrected[[peak[y, "sample"]]]))
          peak[y, "rtmin"] <- obj@rt$raw[[peak[y, "sample"]]][rtmin.idx]
          rtmax.idx <- which.min(abs(peak[y, "rtmax"] - obj@rt$corrected[[peak[y, "sample"]]]))
          peak[y, "rtmax"] <- obj@rt$raw[[peak[y, "sample"]]][rtmax.idx]
          peak[y, ]
        peak.raw <- do.call(rbind, peak.raw.list)

      obj@samplenames <- sampnames(xset3)
      obj@filepaths <- xset3@filepaths
      obj@smpclass <- sclassv
      if(is.plot.eic.feature) {
        eics <- plotFeatureEIC(xset3, is.check.eic = is.check.eic, extra = 30)

      save(xset3, file = 'xset-centWave-final.Rda')

setGeneric('plotFeatureEIC', function(xset, is.check.eic = TRUE, extra = 30) {
  rt.range.data <- range(xset@rt)

  rtmin.origin <- unname(apply(groupval(xset, value = 'rtmin'), 1, median))
  rtmax.origin <- unname(apply(groupval(xset, value = 'rtmax'), 1, median))

  rtmin <- rtmin.origin - extra
  rtmax <- rtmax.origin + extra

  rtmin[which(rtmin < rt.range.data[1])] <- rt.range.data[1]
  rtmax[which(rtmax > rt.range.data[2])] <- rt.range.data[2]

  rt.range.eic <- cbind( rtmin, rtmax)
  eics <- getEIC(xset, rtrange = rt.range.eic, sampleidx = seq(length(xset@filepaths)), groupidx = seq(nrow(rt.range.eic)))

  cat('Ploting EICs ... ')
  smpnames <- names(eics@eic)
  clr <- rainbow(length(smpnames), end = 0.85)
  rgbvec <- pmin(col2rgb(clr) + 153, 255)
  clr_gray <- rgb(rgbvec[1, ], rgbvec[2, ], rgbvec[3, ], max = 255)

  dirEics <- file.path('featureEICs', c('all', smpnames))
  names(dirEics) <- c('all', smpnames)
  sapply(dirEics, function(fp) {
    if (!file.exists(fp)) {
      dir.create(fp, recursive = TRUE)

  fn.all <- file.path(dirEics['all'], paste0(eics@groupnames, '.png'))

  if (length(smpnames) > 1) {
    sapply(seq_along(eics@groupnames), function(idx.ft) {
      max.int <- max(unname(sapply(smpnames, function(smpname) {
        max(eics@eic[[smpname]][[idx.ft]][, 2])
      png(file = fn.all[idx.ft], width = 960, height = 480)
      plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = rt.range.eic[idx.ft,], ylim = c(0, max.int),
           xlab = "Retention Time (seconds)", ylab = "Intensity"
      sapply(seq_along(smpnames), function(idx.smp) {
        ft <- eics@eic[[smpnames[idx.smp]]][[idx.ft]]
        lines(ft, col = clr_gray[idx.smp])
        idx.ft.peak <- which(ft[, 1] >= rtmin.origin[idx.ft] & ft[, 1] <= rtmax.origin[idx.ft])
        lines(ft[idx.ft.peak, ], col = clr[idx.smp])
        if (is.check.eic) {
          abline(v = c(rtmin.origin[idx.ft], rtmax.origin[idx.ft]), col = clr[idx.smp])
      legend('topright', smpnames, col = clr, lty = 1)
      par(new = FALSE)

  sapply(seq_along(smpnames), function(idx.smp) {
    sapply(seq_along(eics@groupnames), function(idx.ft) {
      png(file = file.path(dirEics[smpnames[idx.smp]], paste0(eics@groupnames[idx.ft], '.png')), width = 960, height = 480)
      ft <- eics@eic[[smpnames[idx.smp]]][[idx.ft]]
      plot(ft, col = 'black')
      lines(ft, col = clr_gray[1])
      idx.ft.peak <- which(ft[, 1] >= rtmin.origin[idx.ft] & ft[, 1] <= rtmax.origin[idx.ft])
      lines(ft[idx.ft.peak, ], col = clr[1])
      if (is.check.eic) {
        abline(v = c(rtmin.origin[idx.ft], rtmax.origin[idx.ft]), col = clr[1])

setGeneric('GetTICs', function(xsetc = NULL,
                               fn.tic = "TICs.pdf",
                               rt = c("raw", "corrected")) {
  fn.smps <- xsetc@filepaths
  num.smp <- length(fn.smps)
  TIC <- vector('list', num.smp)
  for (i in 1:num.smp) {
    cat(fn.smps[i], '\n')
    if (!is.null(xsetc) && rt == 'corrected') {
      rtcor <- xsetc@rt$corrected[[i]]
    else rtcor <- NULL
    TIC[[i]] <- GetTIC(fn.smps[i], rtcor = rtcor)
  pdf(fn.tic, width = 16, height = 10)
  cols <- rainbow(num.smp)
  lty = 1:num.smp
  pch = 1:num.smp
  xlim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[, 1], na.rm = T)))
  ylim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[, 2], na.rm = T)))
  plot(0, 0,
       type = "n",
       xlim = xlim,
       ylim = ylim,
       main = "Total Ion Chromatograms",
       xlab = "Retention Time",
       ylab = "TIC")
  for (i in 1:num.smp) {
    tic <- TIC[[i]]
    points(tic[, 1], tic[, 2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i],
           type = "l")
  legend("topright", paste(basename(fn.smps)),
         col = cols, lty = lty, pch = pch)

setGeneric('GetTIC', function (fn, rtcor = NULL) {
  xraw <- xcmsRaw(fn)
  if (is.null(rtcor)) {
    rt <- xraw@scantime
  else {
    rt <- rtcor
  int <- rawEIC(xraw, mzrange = range(xraw@env$mz))$intensity
  cbind(rt, int)
ZhuMSLab/DecoMetDIA documentation built on March 21, 2022, 9:57 a.m.