
Defines functions forecasts_area forecasts_latlng forecasts_fields

Documented in forecasts_area forecasts_fields forecasts_latlng

#' @title forecasts_fields
#' @description
#' \code{forecasts_fields} pulls forecast weather data from aWhere's API based on field id
#' @details
#' This function returns today's forecast plus the forecast for up to 7 more days. Forecasts are available
#' in many sizes of time blocks, from hourly to daily. The data this function returns is
#' Min/Max Temperature, Precipitation Amount, Chance of Precipitation,
#' Max Humidity, Relative Humidity, Solar Radiation, Average Wind Speed, Max Windspeed, Percentage
#' of Sky Covered by Clouds, and Percentage of Clear Sky for the field id specified.
#' Default units are returned by the API.
#' Note that when block_size = 1 the fields min/max relative humidity and min/max wind will be NA
#' The Weather APIs provide access to aWhere's agriculture-specific Weather Terrain system,
#' and allows retrieval and integration of data across all different time ranges long term normals,
#' daily observed, current weather, and forecasts. These APIs are designed for efficiency,
#' allowing you to customize the responses to return just the attributes you need.
#' Note about dates: The system does not adjust for any difference in dates between the location of the user
#'           and where data is being requested from.  It is the responsibility of the user to ensure a valid
#'           date range is specified given any differences in timezone.  These differences can have implications
#'           for whether a given date should be requested from the daily_observed functions or the forecast functions
#' @references https://docs.awhere.com/knowledge-base-docs/forecast-weather/
#' @param field_id the field_id associated with the location for which you want to pull data.
#'                  Field IDs are created using the create_field function. (string)
#' @param day_start character string of the first day for which you want to retrieve data, in the form: YYYY-MM-DD
#'                    Defaults to system date if left blank. (optional)
#' @param day_end character string of the last day for which you want to retrieve data, in form: YYYY-MM-DD
#'                 Returns all available forecast if left blank. (optional)
#' @param block_size Integer value that corresponds to the number of hours to include in each time block.
#'                     Defaults to a 1 hour block.  This value must divide evenly into 24. (integer - optional)
#' @param useLocalTime whether the data specified is the date specified at the location where data is
#'                        being requested from or at UTC = 0.  Default is TRUE
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @import httr
#' @import data.table
#' @import lubridate
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import lutz
#' @return data.frame of requested data for dates requested
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{forecasts_fields(field_id = 'field_test'
#'                           ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
#'                           , block_size = 12)
#'          forecasts_fields('field_test'
#'                           ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
#'                           ,day_end = as.character(Sys.Date() + 5))}
#' @export

forecasts_fields <- function(field_id
                             ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
                             ,day_end = ''
                             ,block_size = 1
                             ,useLocalTime = TRUE
                             ,returnOnlySoilVars = FALSE
                             ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                             ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                             ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                             ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {


  fieldInfo <- get_fields(field_id)
  #Checks if dates need to be adjusted.  This only applies when someone is request
  tz_request <- lutz::tz_lookup_coords(fieldInfo$Latitude
                                       ,method = 'fast'
                                       ,warn = FALSE)
  currentTime <- ymd_hms(Sys.time(), tz = Sys.timezone())
  timeAtRequestSite <- with_tz(currentTime, tz_request)
  if (substr(currentTime,1,10) != substr(timeAtRequestSite,1,10) & useLocalTime == TRUE) {
    if (day_start == Sys.Date()) {
      cat(paste0('Adjusted the startDate of query to one day later because the location data being requested for has a different date\n'))
      day_start <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(day_start) + 1)
    if (day_end != '') {
      if (day_end == Sys.Date()) {
        cat(paste0('Adjusted the endDate of query to one day later because the location data being requested for has a different date\n'))
        day_end <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(day_end) + 1)
      } else if (day_end == Sys.Date() + 15) {
        cat(paste0('Adjusted the endDate of query to one day earlier because the location data being requested for has a different date\n'))
        day_end <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(day_end) - 1)
  #Create Query
  urlAddress <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/weather")

  strBeg <- paste0('/fields')
  strCoord <- paste0('/',field_id)
  strType <- paste0('/forecasts')

  if (as.character(day_start) != '' & as.character(day_end) != '') {
    strDates <- paste0('/',day_start,',',day_end)
  } else if (as.character(day_start) != '') {
    strDates <- paste0('/',day_start,',',day_start)
  } else {
    strDates <- ''

  blockString <- paste0('?blockSize=',block_size)
  localTimeString <- paste0('&useLocalTime=',useLocalTime)

  url <- paste0(urlAddress, strBeg, strCoord, strType, strDates,blockString,localTimeString)

  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    postbody = ''
    request <- httr::GET(url, body = postbody, httr::content_type('application/json'),
                         httr::add_headers(Authorization =paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))

    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request, as = "text"))

    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]

  #The JSONLITE Serializer properly handles the JSON conversion
  x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(a,flatten = TRUE)

  if (length(x) != 4) {
    dataTemp <- x[[1]]$forecast
    data <- data.table::as.data.table(data.table::rbindlist(dataTemp))
  } else { #this corresponds to a single day of data
    data <- data.table::as.data.table(x[[3]])

  varNames <- colnames(data)

  data <- removeUnnecessaryColumns(data

  currentNames <- data.table::copy(colnames(data))
  data[,field_id  := field_id]

  if(block_size == 1) {
    suppressWarnings(data[,c("relativeHumidity.max", "relativeHumidity.min", "wind.max", "wind.min") := NULL])

  if (returnOnlySoilVars == FALSE) {


#' @title forecasts_latlng
#' @description
#' \code{forecasts_latlng} pulls historical weather data from aWhere's API based on latitude & longitude
#' @details
#' This function returns today's forecast plus the forecast for up to 7 more days. Forecasts are available
#' in many sizes of hourly blocks, from hourly to daily. The data this function returns is
#' Min/Max Temperature, Precipitation Amount, Chance of Precipitation,
#' Max Humidity, Relative Humidity, Solar Radiation, Average Wind Speed, Max Windspeed, Percentage
#' of Sky Covered by Clouds, and Percentage of Clear Sky for the location specified by latitude and longitude.
#' Default units are returned by the API. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees.
#' Note that when block_size = 1 the fields min/max relative humidity and min/max wind will be NA
#' The Weather APIs provide access to aWhere's agriculture-specific Weather Terrain system,
#' and allows retrieval and integration of data across all different time ranges long term normals,
#' daily observed, current weather, and forecasts. These APIs are designed for efficiency,
#' allowing you to customize the responses to return just the attributes you need.
#' Note about dates: The system does not adjust for any difference in dates between the location of the user
#'           and where data is being requested from.  It is the responsibility of the user to ensure a valid
#'           date range is specified given any differences in timezone.  These differences can have implications
#'           for whether a given date should be requested from the daily_observed functions or the forecast functions
#' @references https://docs.awhere.com/knowledge-base-docs/forecast-weather-by-geolocation/
#' @param latitude the latitude of the requested location (double)
#' @param longitude the longitude of the requested locations (double)
#' @param day_start character string of the first day for which you want to retrieve data, in the form: YYYY-MM-DD
#'                    Defaults to system date if left blank. (optional)
#' @param day_end character string of the last day for which you want to retrieve data, in form: YYYY-MM-DD
#'                  Returns all available forecast if left blank. (optional)
#' @param block_size Integer value that corresponds to the number of hours to include in each time block.
#'                     Defaults to a 1 hour block.  This value must divide evenly into 24. (integer - optional)
#' @param useLocalTime whether the data specified is the date specified at the location where data is
#'                        being requested from or at UTC = 0.  Default is TRUE
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @return data.frame of requested data for dates requested
#' @import httr
#' @import data.table
#' @import lubridate
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import lutz
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{forecasts_latlng(latitude = 39.8282
#'                           ,longitude =  -98.5795
#'                           ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
#'                           ,day_end = as.character(Sys.Date() + 5)
#'                           ,block_size = 12)
#'          forecasts_latlng(latitude = 19.328489
#'                           ,longitude = -99.145681
#'                           ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
#'                           ,block_size = 4)}

#' @export

forecasts_latlng <- function(latitude
                             ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
                             ,day_end = ''
                             ,block_size = 1
                             ,useLocalTime = TRUE
                             ,returnOnlySoilVars = FALSE
                             ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                             ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                             ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                             ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {


  #Checks if dates need to be adjusted.  This only applies when someone is request
  tz_request <- lutz::tz_lookup_coords(latitude
                                       ,method = 'fast'
                                       ,warn = FALSE)
  currentTime <- ymd_hms(Sys.time(), tz = Sys.timezone())
  timeAtRequestSite <- with_tz(currentTime, tz_request)
  if (substr(currentTime,1,10) != substr(timeAtRequestSite,1,10) & useLocalTime == TRUE) {
    if (day_start == Sys.Date()) {
      cat(paste0('Adjusted the startDate of query to one day later because the location data being requested for has a different date\n'))
      day_start <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(day_start) + 1)
    if (day_end != '') {
      if (day_end == Sys.Date()) {
        cat(paste0('Adjusted the endDate of query to one day later because the location data being requested for has a different date\n'))
        day_end <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(day_end) + 1)
      } else if (day_end == Sys.Date() + 15) {
        cat(paste0('Adjusted the endDate of query to one day earlier because the location data being requested for has a different date\n'))
        day_end <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(day_end) - 1)
  #Create Query
  urlAddress <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/weather")

  strBeg <- paste0('/locations')
  strCoord <- paste0('/',latitude,',',longitude)
  strType <- paste0('/forecasts')
  strDates <- paste0('/',day_start,',',day_end)
  blockString <- paste0('?blockSize=',block_size)
  localTimeString <- paste0('&useLocalTime=',useLocalTime)

  url <- paste0(urlAddress, strBeg, strCoord, strType, strDates,blockString,localTimeString)

  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    postbody = ''
    request <- httr::GET(url, body = postbody, httr::content_type('application/json'),
                         httr::add_headers(Authorization =paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))

    # Make forecast request
    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request, as = "text"))

    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]

  #The JSONLITE Serializer properly handles the JSON conversion
  x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(a,flatten = TRUE)

  if (length(x) != 4) {
    dataTemp <- x[[1]]$forecast
    data <- data.table::as.data.table(data.table::rbindlist(dataTemp))
  } else { #this corresponds to a single day of data
    data <- data.table::as.data.table(x[[3]])

  data <- removeUnnecessaryColumns(data

  currentNames <- data.table::copy(colnames(data))

  data[,latitude  := latitude]
  data[,longitude := longitude]


  if(block_size == 1) {
    suppressWarnings(data[,c("relativeHumidity.max", "relativeHumidity.min", "wind.max", "wind.min") := NULL])

  if (returnOnlySoilVars == FALSE) {


#' @title forecasts_area
#' @description
#' \code{forecasts_area} pulls forecasted weather data from aWhere's API based on a data.frame of lat/lon, polygon or extent
#' @details
#' This function returns today's forecast plus the forecast for up to 15 more days. Forecasts are available
#' in many sizes of hourly blocks, from hourly to daily. The data this function returns is
#' Min/Max Temperature, Precipitation Amount, Chance of Precipitation,
#' Max Humidity, Relative Humidity, Solar Radiation, Average Wind Speed, Max Windspeed, Percentage
#' of Sky Covered by Clouds, and Percentage of Clear Sky for the location specified by latitude and longitude.
#' Default units are returned by the API. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees.
#' Note that when block_size = 1 the fields min/max relative humidity and min/max wind will be NA
#' The Weather APIs provide access to aWhere's agriculture-specific Weather Terrain system,
#' and allows retrieval and integration of data across all different time ranges long term normals,
#' daily observed, current weather, and forecasts. These APIs are designed for efficiency,
#' allowing you to customize the responses to return just the attributes you need.
#' Note about dates: The system does not adjust for any difference in dates between the location of the user
#'           and where data is being requested from.  It is the responsibility of the user to ensure a valid
#'           date range is specified given any differences in timezone.  These differences can have implications
#'           for whether a given date should be requested from the daily_observed functions or the forecast functions
#' @references https://docs.awhere.com/knowledge-base-docs/forecast-weather-by-geolocation/
#' @param polygon either a data.frame with column names lat/lon, SpatialPolygons object,
#'                   well-known text string, or extent from raster package. If the object contains
#'                   multiple polygons, the union of them is used.  Information from each individal
#'                   polygon can be retrieved by returning spatial data and using
#'                   the over function from the sp package
#' @param day_start character string of the first day for which you want to retrieve data, in the form: YYYY-MM-DD
#' @param day_end character string of the last day for which you want to retrieve data, in the form: YYYY-MM-DD
#' @param block_size Integer value that corresponds to the number of hours to include in each time block.
#'                     Defaults to a 1 hour block.  This value must divide evenly into 24. (integer - optional)
#' @param useLocalTime whether the data specified is the date specified at the location where data is
#'                        being requested from or at UTC = 0.  Default is TRUE
#' @param numcores number of cores to use in parallel loop. To check number of available cores: parallel::detectCores()
#'                    If you receive an error regarding the speed you are making calls, reduce this number
#' @param bypassNumCallCheck set to TRUE to avoid prompting the user to confirm that they want to begin making API calls
#' @param returnSpatialData returns the data as a SpatialPixels object.  Can be convered to raster with the command raster::stack
#'                             NOTE: if multiple days worth of data is returned, it is necessary to subset to specific day for working with
#'                             as spatial data (sp package: optional)
#' @param verbose Set to TRUE tp print messages to console about state of parallization call.  Typically only visible if run from console and not GUI
#' @param maxTryCount maximum number of times a call is repeated if the the API returns an error.  Random pause between each call                             
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse: aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter.  Note that if you specify
#'                      your own token there is no functionality in this function for requesting a new token if the one originally used expires while
#'                      requesting data.  Use at your own risk (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse: Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @import httr
#' @import data.table
#' @import lubridate
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import foreach
#' @import doParallel
#' @import rgeos
#' @import sp
#' @return data.frame of requested data for dates requested
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{forecasts_area(polygon = raster::getData('GADM', country = "Gambia", level = 0, download = T),
#'                         ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
#'                         ,day_end = as.character(Sys.Date() + 5)
#'                         ,block_size = 12)
#'                         ,numcores = 2)}
#' @export

forecasts_area <- function(polygon
                           ,day_start = as.character(Sys.Date())
                           ,day_end = ''
                           ,block_size = 1
                           ,useLocalTime = TRUE
                           ,numcores = 2
                           ,bypassNumCallCheck = FALSE
                           ,returnSpatialData = FALSE
                           ,verbose = TRUE
                           ,maxTryCount = 3
                           ,returnOnlySoilVars = FALSE
                           ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                           ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                           ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                           ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {
  if (tokenToUse == awhereEnv75247$token) {
    useTokenFromEnv <- TRUE
  } else {
    useTokenFromEnv <- FALSE
  if (!(all(class(polygon) %in% c('data.frame','data.table')))) {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat(paste0('Creating aWhere Raster Grid within Polygon\n'))

    grid <- create_awhere_grid(polygon)
  } else {
    if (!(all(colnames(polygon) %in% c('lat','lon')) & length(colnames(polygon)) == 2)) {
      stop('Data.Frame of Lat/Lon coordinates improperly specified, please correct')
    grid <-  data.table::as.data.table(polygon)
            ,'gridy') := list(getGridX(longitude = lon)
                              ,getGridY(latitude = lat))]
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat(paste0('Requesting data using parallal API calls\n'))
  grid <- split(grid, seq(1,nrow(grid),1))
  if (numcores > 1) {
    `%loopToUse%` <- `%dopar%`
  } else {
    `%loopToUse%` <- `%do%`
  if (length(grid) > 1000) {
    howOftenPrintVerbose <- 100
  } else if (length(grid) > 500) {
    howOftenPrintVerbose <- 50
  } else if (length(grid) > 100) {
    howOftenPrintVerbose <- 25 
  } else {
    howOftenPrintVerbose <- 10
  forecasts <- foreach::foreach(j=c(1:length(grid))
                                ,.packages = c("aWhereAPI")
                                ,.errorhandling = 'pass') %loopToUse% {
    if (verbose == TRUE & (j == 1 | (j %% howOftenPrintVerbose) == 0)) {
      cat(paste0('    Currently requesting data for location ',j,' of ',length(grid),'\n'))
    tryCount <- 1
    while (tryCount < maxTryCount) {
      #this works because if no error occurs the loop will return the data
      #given by the API.  If an error is received it will increment the
      #tryCount timer and repear
      tryCount <- 
          if (useTokenFromEnv == TRUE) {
            tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
          t <-
            forecasts_latlng(latitude = grid[[j]]$lat
                             ,longitude = grid[[j]]$lon
                             ,day_start = day_start
                             ,day_end = day_end
                             ,block_size = block_size
                             ,useLocalTime = useLocalTime
                             ,returnOnlySoilVars = returnOnlySoilVars
                             ,keyToUse = keyToUse
                             ,secretToUse = secretToUse
                             ,tokenToUse = tokenToUse
                             ,apiAddressToUse = apiAddressToUse)
          currentNames <- colnames(t)
          t$gridy <- grid[[j]]$gridy
          t$gridx <- grid[[j]]$gridx
          data.table::setcolorder(t, c(currentNames[c(1:2)], "gridy", "gridx", currentNames[c(3:length(currentNames))]))
        }, error = function(e) {
          cat(paste0('        Error received from API on location ',j,': Try ',tryCount,'\n'))
          Sys.sleep(runif(n = 1
                          ,min = 10
                          ,max = 30))
          tryCount <- tryCount + 1
      if (tryCount >= maxTryCount) {
        cat(paste0('        NO DATA WAS ABLE TO RETRIEVED FROM API FOR LOCATION ',j,'\n'))
        return(simpleError(message = 'Consecutive Errors from API\n'))
  grid <- data.table::rbindlist(grid)
  indexToRemove <- c()
  for (x in 1:length(forecasts)) {
    if (any(class(forecasts[[x]]) == 'simpleError')) {
      indexToRemove <- c(indexToRemove,x)
  if (length(indexToRemove) > 0) {
    warning(paste0('The following locations returned errors and have been removed from the output.  Please investigate by running manually:\n'
                   ,paste0(grid[indexToRemove,paste0('(',lat,', ',lon,')')],collapse = ', ')
    grid <- grid[!indexToRemove]  
    forecasts[indexToRemove] <- NULL
  forecasts <- data.table::rbindlist(forecasts,use.names = TRUE,fill = TRUE)
  if (returnSpatialData == TRUE) {
    sp::coordinates(forecasts) <- ~longitude + latitude
    sp::proj4string(forecasts) <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
    sp::gridded(forecasts) <- TRUE
aWhereAPI/aWhere-R-Library documentation built on Nov. 5, 2021, 3:35 a.m.