
Defines functions get_model_results get_model_details get_models

Documented in get_model_details get_model_results get_models

#' @title Get Models
#' @description
#' \code{get_models} Calls Models endpoint of API
#' @details
#' This API provides the list of available models in the aWhere platform.
#' Today a variety of crop growth stage models are generally available, with many more on the way.
#' Each models applies to particular crops from the Crops API, and after an initial
#' review of the available models, you can often save the model ID and simply reference the details and results as needed.
#' @references https://developer.awhere.com/api/reference/models/get-models
#' @param model_id Either a model id to retrieve information for that specific model
#'                   or an empty string to retrieve information on all model associated
#'                   with the user's aWhere API account (string - optional)
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @import httr
#' @return - data.frame containing information about requested model(s)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{get_models('BarleyGenericMSU')
#'          get_models()
#' }

#' @export

get_models <- function(model_id = ''
                       ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                       ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                       ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                       ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {
  ## Create Request
  url <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/agronomics/models/")
  if(model_id != "") {
    url <- paste0(url, model_id)
  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    request <- httr::GET(url,
                         httr::add_headers(Authorization =
                                             paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))
    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request))
    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]
  ## Create & fill data frame
  if(model_id == "") {
    data <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(a$models, rbind)))[, c(1:5)]
    source <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(data$source, rbind)))
    data$source <- NULL
    data <- cbind(data, source)
    colnames(data) <- c("modelId", "name", "description", "type", "sourceName", "sourceLink")
    rownames(data) <- c(1:nrow(data))
    data <- data.frame(lapply(data, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    data <- as.matrix(data)
    data[sapply(data, is.null)] <- NA
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
  } else {
    source <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, lapply(a$source, cbind)))
    data <- as.data.frame(rbind(a))[,c(1:4)]
    data <- cbind(data, source)
    colnames(data) <- c("modelId", "name", "description", "type", "sourceName", "sourceLink")
    rownames(data) <- c(1:nrow(data))
  data <- dplyr::mutate_if(data, is.factor, as.character)
  if(nrow(data) == 0) {
  } else {

#' @title Get Model Details
#' @description
#' \code{get_model_details} Calls Model Details endpoint of API
#' @details
#' Every model has its own parameters and criteria it uses to calculate the results.
#' This API will return those details; for the growth stage models currently available
#' this API returns information about the crop stages that the model may return.
#' @references https://developer.awhere.com/api/reference/models/details
#' @param model_id A model id to retrieve details for that specific model
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @import httr
#' @return - data.frame containing details about requested model
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{get_model_details('BarleyGenericMSU')
#' }

#' @export

get_model_details <- function(model_id
                              ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                              ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                              ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                              ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {
  ## Create Request
  url <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/agronomics/models/")
  url <- paste0(url, model_id, "/details")
  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    request <- httr::GET(url,
                         httr::add_headers(Authorization =
                                             paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))
    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request))
    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]
  a[sapply(a, is.null)] <- NA
  data <- data.frame(biofix = a$biofix, gddMethod = as.character(a$gddMethod), gddBaseTemp = a$gddBaseTemp, gddMaxBoundary = as.integer(a$gddMaxBoundary),
                     gddMinBoundary = as.integer(a$gddMinBoundary), gddUnits = as.character(a$gddUnits))
  stages <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(a$stages, rbind)))[, c(2:5)]
  stages <- data.frame(lapply(stages, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  stages$gddThreshold <- as.integer(stages$gddThreshold)
  data <- cbind(data, stages)
  colnames(data) <- c("biofix", "gddMethod", "gddBaseTemp", "gddMaxBoundary", "gddMinBoundary",
                      "gddUnits", "id", "stage", "description", "gddThreshold")
  rownames(data) <- c(1:nrow(data))
  data <- dplyr::mutate_if(data, is.factor, as.character)
  if(nrow(data) == 0) {
  } else {

#' @title Get Model Results
#' @description
#' \code{get_model_details} Calls Model Results endpoint of API
#' @details
#' Running a model is as simple as requesting its current results. The aWhere platform
#' will use the information previously provided about a field and planting to generate
#' the relevant, field-specific information. For growth stage models, the results are
#' the current stage as well as information about the most recent and next stage.
#' Important: Models require the use of the Fields and Plantings APIs to store important
#' information about a field and crop. When a Field is specified for this API, it will
#' select the most recently created Planting record to retrieve the crop and planting date.
#' @references https://developer.awhere.com/api/reference/models/results
#' @param model_id A model id to retrieve details for that specific model
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @import httr
#' @return - 3 element named list containing information on previous growth stages
#'           that have completed (previousStages), the current growth stage (currentStage)
#'           and the next growth stage(nextStage)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{get_model_results('Field1', 'BarleyGenericMSU')
#' }

#' @export

get_model_results <- function(field_id
                              ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                              ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                              ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                              ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {
  ## Create Request
  url <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/agronomics/fields/",field_id, "/models/", model_id, "/results")
  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    request <- httr::GET(url,
                         httr::add_headers(Authorization =
                                             paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))
    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request))
    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]
  a[sapply(a, is.null)] <- NA
  data <- data.frame(biofixDate = a$biofixDate, gddUnits = a$gddUnits, modelId = a$modelId, latitude = a$location$latitude,
                     longitude = a$location$longitude, fieldId = a$location$fieldId, plantingDate = a$plantingDate)
  previousStages <- data.frame()
  if(class(a$previousStages) == "list" & length(a$previousStages) > 0) {
    previousStages <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(a$previousStages, rbind)))[, c(1:5)]
    previousStages <- data.frame(lapply(previousStages, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    previousStages <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::mutate_at(previousStages, c("date"), as.Date))
    previousStages <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::mutate_at(previousStages, c("gddThreshold"), as.integer))
    previousStages <- dplyr::select(previousStages,c('date','stage','id','description','gddThreshold'))
  currentStage <- data.frame()
  if(class(a$currentStage) == "list" & length(a$currentStage) > 0) {
    currentStage <- data.frame(rbind(a$currentStage))
    currentStage <- data.frame(lapply(currentStage, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    currentStage <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::mutate_at(currentStage, c("date"), as.Date))
    currentStage <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::mutate_at(currentStage, c("accumulatedGdds",'gddThreshold'), as.numeric))
    currentStage <- dplyr::mutate_at(currentStage, c("accumulatedGdds",'gddThreshold'), round, 2)
    currentStage <- dplyr::select(currentStage,c('date','stage','id','description','gddThreshold'))
  nextStage <- data.frame()
  if(class(a$nextStage) == "list" & length(a$nextStage) > 0) {
    nextStage <- as.data.frame(rbind(a$nextStage))
    nextStage <- data.frame(lapply(nextStage, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    nextStage <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::mutate_at(nextStage, c("gddRemaining",'gddThreshold'), as.numeric))
    nextStage <- dplyr::mutate_at(nextStage, c("gddRemaining",'gddThreshold'), round, 2)
    nextStage <- dplyr::select(nextStage,c('stage','id','description','gddThreshold','gddThreshold'))
  stages <- list(previousStages = previousStages
                 ,currentStage = currentStage
                 ,nextStage = nextStage)
  if(nrow(data) == 0) {
  } else {
aWhereAPI/aWhere-R-Library documentation built on Nov. 5, 2021, 3:35 a.m.