
Defines functions lmselect_boot lmselect_fit logLik.lmse p_value.lmse confint.lmse nobs.lmse print.summary_lmse get_summary.lmse get_param_type get_cp get_dp to_selm residuals.lmse fitted.lmse coef.lmse get_coef get_family get_selm_args selm_fit

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

## regression with skew-elliptical errors
#' @importFrom sn selm.fit
## @importFrom methods new
selm_fit <- function(x, y, intercept = TRUE, family = "ST",
                     fixed.param = list()) {
  # selm.fit() always requires constant for intercept, so argument is ignored
  n <- nrow(x)
  x <- cbind("(Intercept)" = rep.int(1, n), x)
  # fit the linear model
  control <- list(method = "MLE")
  fit <- selm.fit(x, y, family = family, fixed.param = fixed.param,
                  selm.control = control)
  # -----
  # # return model fit as object of S4 class "selm"
  # new("selm", call = call("selm"), family = family, logL = fit$logL,
  #     method = control$method, param = fit$param, param.var = fit$param.var,
  #     size = fit$size, residuals.dp = fit$resid.dp,
  #     fitted.values.dp = fit$fitted.dp, control = list(), input = list(),
  #     opt.method = fit$opt.method)
  # -----
  # S4 classes lead to problems with the S3 generics that are used throughout
  # the package, therefore a similar S3 class is defined instead (called "lmse"
  # to avoid naming conflicts with package 'sn')
  out <- list(call = NULL, family = family, logL = fit$logL,
              method = control$method, param = fit$param,
              param.var = fit$param.var, size = fit$size,
              residuals.dp = fit$resid.dp, fitted.values.dp = fit$fitted.dp,
              control = list(), input = list(), opt.method = fit$opt.method)
  class(out) <- "lmse"
  # -----

## function to convert 'family' argument to arguments as in package 'sn'
get_selm_args <- function(family = "student") {
  # convert argument
  if (family == "student") {
    family <- "ST"
    fixed.param <- list(alpha = 0)  # no skewness
  } else {
    family <- if (family == "skewnormal") "SN" else "ST"
    fixed.param <- list()
  # return list of arguments
  list(family = family, fixed.param = fixed.param)

## convert from class structure as in package 'sn'
get_family <- function(family, param) {
  if (is.null(family) && is.null(param)) "gaussian"
  else if (family == "SN") "skewnormal"
  else if (family == "ST") {
    fixed <- param$fixed
    alpha <- fixed$alpha
    if (length (fixed) == 0 || is.null(alpha) || alpha != 0) "skewt"
    else "student"

## workhorse function to extract coefficients from lists returned by selm.fit()
## (this is needed for bootstrap replicates)
get_coef <- function(param, family) {
  # initializations
  family <- get_family(family, param)
  # extract coefficients
  if (family == "student") {
    coefficients <- param$dp
    remove <- c("omega", "alpha", "nu")
  } else {
    coefficients <- param$cp
    remove <- c("s.d.", "gamma1", "gamma2")
    if (is.null(coefficients)) {
      # sometimes the centered parametrization of the skew-t distribution
      # doesn't exist
      coefficients <- param[["pseudo-cp"]]
      remove <- paste0(remove, "~")
      # the centered parametrization does not exist when the higher moments
      # of the skew-t distribution do not exist, but we can still get a correct
      # estimate of the intercept that yields centered residuals
      coefficients <- c(unname(param$dp[1]) + param$mu0, coefficients[-1])
  # regression coefficients without parameters of the residual distribution
  keep <- setdiff(names(coefficients), remove)

## method to extract regression coefficients from 'lmse' objects
#' @export
coef.lmse <- function(object, ...) get_coef(object$param, object$family)

## method to extract fitted values from 'lmse' objects
#' @export
fitted.lmse <- function(object, ...) {
  # initializations
  param <- object$param
  family <- get_family(object$family, param)
  fitted_dp <- object$fitted.values.dp
  # return fitted values in the suitable parametrization
  if (family == "student") fitted_dp
  else fitted_dp + unname(param$mu0)

## method to extract residuals from 'lmse' objects
#' @export
residuals.lmse <- function(object, ...) {
  # initializations
  param <- object$param
  family <- get_family(object$family, param)
  residuals_dp <- object$residuals.dp
  # return fitted values in the suitable parametrization
  if (family == "student") residuals_dp
  else residuals_dp - unname(param$mu0)

## convert S3 object of class "lmse" into S4 object of class "selm"
to_selm <- function(object) {
  new("selm", call = call("selm"), family = object$family,
      logL = object$logL, method = object$method,
      param = object$param, param.var = object$param.var,
      size = object$size, residuals.dp = object$residuals.dp,
      fitted.values.dp = object$fitted.values.dp,
      control = object$control, input = object$control,
      opt.method = object$opt.method)

## functions to extract all parameters in direct or centered parametrization
## (this is needed to extract starting values for bootstrap replicates)
get_dp <- function(object) object$param$dp
get_cp <- function(object) object$param$cp

## get type of parametrization to use for a certain error distribution
get_param_type <- function(object) {
  # extract some relevant information
  family <- get_family(object$family, object$param)
  have_student <- family == "student"
  missing_cp <- is.null(get_cp(object))
  # return type of parametrization
  if (have_student) "DP"
  else if (missing_cp) "pseudo-CP"
  else "CP"

## summary of regression with skew-elliptical errors: return list that contains
## coefficient matrix and information on parameters of error distribution
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom sn summary
get_summary.lmse <- function(object, ...) {
  # construct S4 object as in package 'sn'
  objectS4 <- to_selm(object)
  # use summary method from package 'sn'
  type <- get_param_type(object)
  summary <- summary(objectS4, param.type = type)
  # extract coefficients
  param_table <- summary@param.table
  # change column names to be consistent with other models
  colnames(param_table) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  # split up in regression coefficients and parameters of error distribution
  keep <- 1:object$size["p"]
  coefficients <- param_table[keep, , drop = FALSE]
  parameters <- param_table[-keep, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
  # return results
  result <- list(coefficients = coefficients, parameters = parameters)
  class(result) <- "summary_lmse"

#' @export
print.summary_lmse <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3),
                               signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
                               signif.legend = signif.stars, ...) {
  # print coefficient matrix
  printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
               signif.legend = signif.legend, ...)
  # print information on other parameters
  cat("\nParameters of error distribution:\n")
  print(x$parameters, digits = digits, ...)
  # return object invisibly

## extract number of observations from regression with skew-elliptical errors
#' @export
#' @import stats
nobs.lmse <- function(object, ...) as.integer(object$size["n.obs"])

## extract confidence intervals from regression with skew-elliptical errors
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom sn summary
#' @export
confint.lmse <- function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95, ...) {
  # construct S4 object as in package 'sn'
  objectS4 <- to_selm(object)
  # -----
  # # use confint method from package 'sn'
  # family <- get_family(object$family, object$param)
  # have_student <- family == "student"
  # if (have_student) ci <- confint(objectS4, level = level, param.type = "DP")
  # else ci <- confint(objectS4, level = level, param.type = "CP")
  # # extract confidence intervals for regression coefficients
  # keep <- 1:object$size["p"]
  # ci <- ci[keep, , drop = FALSE]
  # coef_names <- rownames(ci)
  # -----
  # The confint() method from package 'sn' gives errors with the makeshift S4
  # object created above.  Therefore the confidence intervals are computed
  # based on the standard errors from the summary() method.
  # -----
  # use summary method from package 'sn'
  type <- get_param_type(object)
  summary <- summary(objectS4, param.type = type)
  # extract coefficients
  param_table <- summary@param.table
  # split up in regression coefficients and parameters of error distribution
  keep <- 1:object$size["p"]
  coef_mat <- param_table[keep, , drop = FALSE]
  coef_names <- rownames(coef_mat)
  # extract estimates and standard errors
  estimates <- coef_mat[, 1]
  se <- coef_mat[, 2]
  # compute confidence intervals and combine into one matrix
  ci <- mapply(confint_z, mean = estimates, sd = se,
               MoreArgs = list(level = level),
  ci <- do.call(rbind, ci)
  # add row and column names
  cn <- get_ci_names(level)
  dimnames(ci) <- list(coef_names, cn)
  # -----
  # check parameters to extract
  if (missing(parm)) parm <- coef_names
  else if (is.numeric(parm)) parm <- coef_names[parm]
  # return confidence interval
  ci[parm, , drop = FALSE]

## extract confidence intervals from regression with skew-elliptical errors
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom sn summary
#' @export
p_value.lmse <- function(object, parm = NULL, ...) {
  # construct S4 object as in package 'sn'
  objectS4 <- to_selm(object)
  # use summary method from package 'sn'
  type <- get_param_type(object)
  summary <- summary(objectS4, param.type = type)
  # extract coefficients
  param_table <- summary@param.table
  # split up in regression coefficients and parameters of error distribution
  keep <- 1:object$size["p"]
  coef_mat <- param_table[keep, , drop = FALSE]
  coef_names <- rownames(coef_mat)
  # extract p-values
  p_values <- coef_mat[, 4L]
  if (is.null(names(p_values))) names(p_values) <- coef_names
  # check parameters to extract
  if (missing(parm) || is.null(parm)) parm <- coef_names
  else if (is.numeric(parm)) parm <- coef_names[parm]
  # extract p-values of selected parameters

## function to extract log-likelihood (necessary to compute AIC/BIC)
#' @export
logLik.lmse <- function(object, ...) {
  logL <- object$logL
  attr(logL, "df") <- unname(object$size["n.param"])
  class(logL) <- "logLik"

## regression with selecting family of error distribution via BIC
## selm.fit() always requires constant for intercept, so argument is ignored
#' @importFrom sn selm.fit
## @importFrom methods new
lmselect_fit <- function(x, y, intercept = TRUE) {
  # selm.fit() always requires constant for intercept, so argument is ignored
  # fit model with normal errors
  fit_gaussian <- lm_fit(x, y)
  bic_gaussian <- BIC(fit_gaussian)
  # start with model for normal errors
  bic <- bic_gaussian
  fit <- fit_gaussian
  # fit model with skew-normal errors and check if it fits better
  fit_skewnormal <- tryCatch(selm_fit(x, y, family = "SN"),
                             error = function(condition) NULL)
  bic_skewnormal <- if (is.null(fit_skewnormal)) Inf else BIC(fit_skewnormal)
  if (bic_skewnormal < bic) {
    bic <- bic_skewnormal
    fit <- fit_skewnormal
  # fit model with t errors and check if it fits better
  fit_student <- tryCatch(selm_fit(x, y, family = "ST",
                                   fixed.param = list(alpha = 0)),
                          error = function(condition) NULL)
  bic_student <- if (is.null(fit_student)) Inf else BIC(fit_student)
  if (bic_student < bic) {
    bic <- bic_student
    fit <- fit_student
  # fit model with skew-t errors only if both skew-normal and t distribution
  # are an improvement to normal errors
  if (bic_skewnormal < bic_gaussian && bic_student < bic_gaussian) {
    fit_skewt <- tryCatch(selm_fit(x, y, family = "ST"),
                          error = function(condition) NULL)
    bic_skewt <- if (is.null(fit_skewt)) Inf else BIC(fit_skewt)
    if (bic_skewt < bic) {
      bic <- bic_skewt
      fit <- fit_skewt
  } else fit_skewt <- NULL
  # add starting values for bootstrap
  fit$start <- list(skewnormal = get_cp(fit_skewnormal),
                    student = get_dp(fit_student),
                    skewt = get_dp(fit_skewt))
  # return best model fit according to BIC

## regression with selecting family of error distribution via BIC
## (this is a more barebones version to be used within bootstrap)
lmselect_boot <- function(x, y, start = NULL, control = list(method = "MLE")) {
  # initializations
  d <- dim(x)
  n <- d[1]
  log_n <- log(n)
  p <- d[2]
  # fit model with normal errors
  coef_gaussian <- drop(solve(crossprod(x)) %*% crossprod(x, y))
  # compute BIC
  residuals <- y - x %*% coef_gaussian
  sigma2 <- sum(residuals^2) / n
  bic_gaussian <- n * (log(2 * pi) + 1 + log(sigma2)) + (p + 1) * log_n
  # start with model for normal errors
  bic <- bic_gaussian
  coefficients <- coef_gaussian
  # fit model with skew-normal errors and check if it fits better
  fit_skewnormal <- tryCatch(selm.fit(x, y, family = "SN",
                                      start = start$skewnormal,
                                      selm.control = control),
                             error = function(condition) NULL)
  if (is.null(fit_skewnormal)) bic_skewnormal <- Inf
  else bic_skewnormal <- -2 * fit_skewnormal$logL + (p + 2) * log_n
  if (bic_skewnormal < bic) {
    bic <- bic_skewnormal
    coefficients <- get_coef(fit_skewnormal$param, family = "SN")
  # fit model with t errors and check if it fits better
  fit_student <- tryCatch(selm.fit(x, y, family = "ST", start = start$student,
                                   fixed.param = list(alpha = 0),
                                   selm.control = control),
                          error = function(condition) NULL)
  if (is.null(fit_student)) bic_student <- Inf
  else bic_student <- -2 * fit_student$logL + (p + 2) * log_n
  if (bic_student < bic) {
    bic <- bic_student
    coefficients <- get_coef(fit_student$param, family = "ST")
  # fit model with skew-t errors only if both skew-normal and t distribution
  # are an improvement to normal errors
  if (bic_skewnormal < bic_gaussian && bic_student < bic_gaussian) {
    fit_skewt <- tryCatch(selm.fit(x, y, family = "ST", start = start$skewt,
                                   selm.control = control),
                          error = function(condition) NULL)
    if (is.null(fit_skewt)) bic_skewt <- Inf
    else bic_skewt <- -2 * fit_skewt$logL + (p + 3) * log_n
    if (bic_skewt < bic) {
      bic <- bic_skewt
      coefficients <- get_coef(fit_skewt$param, family = "ST")
  # return best model fit according to BIC
aalfons/robmed documentation built on July 4, 2023, 7:48 a.m.