Defines functions setPortfolioParam cvarGauss mctCVaRnts mctCVaRmnts mctVaRnts mctVaRmnts dCVaR_numint integrand_dCVaRstdNTS psi_stdNTS dinvCdf_stdNTS dBeta mctStdDev portfolioCVaRmnts portfolioVaRmnts getPortNTSParam

Documented in cvarGauss dBeta dCVaR_numint dinvCdf_stdNTS getPortNTSParam mctCVaRmnts mctCVaRnts mctStdDev mctVaRmnts mctVaRnts portfolioCVaRmnts portfolioVaRmnts setPortfolioParam

#' @export
#' @title getPortNTSParam
#' @description Portfolio return with capital allocation weight is \eqn{R_p=<w,r>},
#' which is a weighted sum of of elements in the N-dimensional NTS random vector.
#' \eqn{R_p} becomes an 1-dimensional NTS random variable.
#' \code{getPortNTSParam} find the parameters of \eqn{R_p}.
#' @param strPMNTS Structure of parameters for the n-dimensional NTS distribution.
#' \code{strPMNTS$ndim} : dimension
#' \code{strPMNTS$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$beta} : \eqn{\beta} vector (column vector) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{res$Rho} : \eqn{\rho} matrix (Correlation) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{res$Sigma} : Covariance \eqn{\Sigma} matrix of return data \eqn{r}.
#' @param w Capital allocation weight vector.
#' @param stdform If \code{stdform} is \code{FALSE}, then the return parameter has the following representation
#' \eqn{R_p = <w, r> = \mu + diag(\sigma) X},
#' where
#' \eqn{X} follows \eqn{stdNTS_1(\alpha, \theta, \beta, 1)}.
#' If \code{stdform} is \code{TRUE}, then the return parameter has the following representation
#' \eqn{R_p = <w, r>} follows \eqn{NTS_1(\alpha, \theta, \beta, \gamma, \mu, 1)}
#' @usage
#' \code{res <- setPortfolioParam(strPMNTS,w)}
#' \code{res <- setPortfolioParam(strPMNTS,w, FALSE)}
#' @return The weighted sum follows 1-dimensional NTS.
#' \eqn{R_p = <w, r> = \mu + diag(\sigma) X},
#' where
#' \eqn{X} follows \eqn{stdNTS_1(\alpha, \theta, \beta, 1)}.
#' Hence we obtain
#' \code{res$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean of \eqn{R_p}.
#' \code{res$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation of \eqn{R_p}.
#' \code{res$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of \eqn{X}.
#' \code{res$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of \eqn{X}.
#' \code{res$beta} : \eqn{\beta} of \eqn{X}.
#' @references
#' Proposition 2.1 of
#' Kim, Y. S. (2020) Portfolio Optimization on the Dispersion Risk and the Asymmetric Tail Risk
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.13972.pdf}
#' @examples
#' library("temStaR")
#' strPMNTS <- list(ndim = 2,
#'                  mu = c( 9.876552e-05, 4.747343e-04 ),
#'                  sigma = c( 0.01620588, 0.02309643 ),
#'                  alpha = 0.1888129 ,
#'                  theta = 0.523042,
#'                  beta =  c( -0.04632938,  0.04063555 ),
#'                  Rho = matrix( data = c(1.0, 0.469883,
#'                                        0.469883, 1.0),
#'                                nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#'                  CovMtx = matrix( data = c(0.0002626304, 0.0001740779,
#'                                          0.0001740779, 0.0005334452),
#'                                  nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#'                  )
#' w <- c(0.3, 0.7)
#' res <- getPortNTSParam(strPMNTS,w)
getPortNTSParam <- function(strPMNTS, w, stdform = TRUE){
  if(strPMNTS$ndim != length(w)){
    print("The dimension of the weight vector must be the same as strPMNTS$ndim")
  w <- matrix(data = w, nrow = strPMNTS$ndim, ncol = 1)
  sigmaBar <- as.numeric(sqrt(t(w)%*%strPMNTS$CovMtx%*%w))
  mbar <- sum(w*strPMNTS$mu)
  betbar <- sum(w*strPMNTS$sigma*strPMNTS$beta)/sigmaBar
  stdntsparam <- c(as.numeric(strPMNTS$alpha), as.numeric(strPMNTS$theta), betbar)
  names(stdntsparam) <- c("alpha", "theta", "beta")
  param <- list(stdparam = stdntsparam, mu = mbar, sig = sigmaBar)
  if (stdform == FALSE){
    param <- change_stdntsparam2ntsparam(param$stdparam, mbar, sigmaBar)
    param <- param[1:5]

#' @export
#' @title portfolioVaRmnts
#' @description
#' Calculate portfolio value at risk on the NTS market model
#' @param strPMNTS Structure of parameters for the n-dimensional NTS distribution.
#' \code{strPMNTS$ndim} : dimension
#' \code{strPMNTS$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$beta} : \eqn{\beta} vector (column vector) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{res$Rho} : \eqn{\rho} matrix (Correlation) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{res$Sigma} : Covariance \eqn{\Sigma} matrix of return data \eqn{r}.
#' @param w Capital allocation weight vector.
#' @param eta significanlt level
#' @return portfolio value at risk on the NTS market model
portfolioVaRmnts <- function(strPMNTS, w, eta){
  if(strPMNTS$ndim != length(w)){
    print("The dimension of the weight vector must be the same as strPMNTS$ndim")
  ntsparam <- getPortNTSParam(strPMNTS, w)
  VaR <- (- ntsparam$mu - ntsparam$sig * qnts(eta, ntsparam$stdparam))

#' @export
#' @title portfolioCVaRmnts
#' @description
#' Calculate portfolio conditional value at risk (expected shortfall) on the NTS market model
#' @param strPMNTS Structure of parameters for the n-dimensional NTS distribution.
#' \code{strPMNTS$ndim} : dimension
#' \code{strPMNTS$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$beta} : \eqn{\beta} vector (column vector) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{res$Rho} : \eqn{\rho} matrix (Correlation) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{res$Sigma} : Covariance \eqn{\Sigma} matrix of return data \eqn{r}.
#' @param w Capital allocation weight vector.
#' @param eta significanlt level
#' @return portfolio value at risk on the NTS market model
portfolioCVaRmnts <- function(strPMNTS, w, eta){
  if(strPMNTS$ndim != length(w)){
    print("The dimension of the weight vector must be the same as strPMNTS$ndim")
  ntsparam <- getPortNTSParam(strPMNTS, w)
  CVaR <- (- ntsparam$mu + ntsparam$sig * cvarnts(eta, ntsparam$stdparam))

#' @export
#' @title mctStdDev
#' @description
#' Morginal contribution to Risk for Standard Deviation.
#' @param n The targer stock to calculate the mctCVaR
#' @param w The capital allocation rate vector for the current portfolio
#' @param CovMtx Covariance matrix of return data.
mctStdDev <- function(n, w, covMtx){
  sig <-  sqrt(w%*%covMtx%*%t(w))
  return( w%*%covMtx[,n]/sig )

#' @export
#' @title dBeta
#' @description
#' The first derivative of the beta.
#' Developer's version.
dBeta <- function(n, w, betaArray, covMtx){
  barsig <-  sqrt(w%*%covMtx%*%t(w))
  barBeta <- sum(w*betaArray)
  mctsd <- mctStdDev(n, w, covMtx)
  sig <- sqrt(covMtx[n,n])
  #db <- w[n]*sig*betaArray[n]/(barsig^2)-(barBeta/barsig)*mctsd
  db <- sig*betaArray[n]/barsig-(barBeta/barsig)*mctsd
  return( db )

#' @export
#' @title dinvCdf_stdNTS
#' @description
#' The first derivative of inverse CDF for the beta parameter of the stdNTS.
#' Developer's version.
dinvCdf_stdNTS <- function(eta, alpha, theta, beta){
  h <- abs(beta)*(0.0001)
  Fu <- ipnts(eta, ntsparam = c(alpha, theta, beta+h))
  Fd <- ipnts(eta, ntsparam = c(alpha, theta, beta-h))
  return( (Fu-Fd)/(2*h) )

psi_stdNTS <- function( z, a, th, b ){
  sz <- (2-a)/(2*th)

integrand_dCVaRstdNTS <- function( u, eta, alpha, theta, beta, rho = 0.0001 ){
  param <- c(alpha, theta, beta)
  Finv <- ipnts(eta, param)
  dFinv <- dinvCdf_stdNTS(eta, alpha, theta, beta)
  res <- (exp((1i*u+rho)*Finv)*chf_stdNTS(-u+rho*1i, param)/(rho*1i-u)^2)
  res <- res*((rho+1i*u)*dFinv+psi_stdNTS(-u+1i*rho, alpha, theta, beta))

#' @export
#' @title dCVaR_numint
#' @description
#' The first derivative of CVaR for the beta parameter of the stdNTS.
#' Developer's version.
dCVaR_numint <- function( eta, alpha, theta, beta, N = 200, rho = 0.1 ){
  dFinv <- dinvCdf_stdNTS(eta, alpha, theta, beta)
  f <- Re(pracma::integral(functional::Curry(integrand_dCVaRstdNTS,
                                             eta = eta,
                                             alpha = alpha,
                                             theta = theta,
                                             beta = beta,
                                             rho = rho),
                           0, N))
  dcvar <- -dFinv-f/(pi*eta)
  return( dcvar )

#' @export
#' @title mctVaRmnts
#' @description Calculate the marginal contribution to VaR for the multivariate NTS market model:
#' the random vector \eqn{r} is
#' \eqn{r = \mu + diag(\sigma) X}
#' where
#' \eqn{X} follows \eqn{stdNTS_N(\alpha, \theta, \beta, \Sigma)}
#' @usage
#' \code{mctVaRmnts(eta, n, w, st)}
#' @param eta Significant level of CVaR.
#' @param n The targer stock to calculate the mctCVaR
#' @param w The capital allocation rate vector for the current portfolio
#' @param st Structure of parameters for the N-dimensional NTS distribution.
#' \code{st$ndim} : Dimension of the model. Here \code{st$ndim=N}.
#' \code{st$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{st$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{st$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{st$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{st$beta} : \eqn{\beta} vector (column vector) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{st$Rho} : \eqn{\rho} matrix of the std NTS distribution (X),
#'                     which is correlation matrix of epsilon.
#' \code{st$CovMtx} : Covariance matrix of return data \eqn{r}.
#' @references
#' Kim, Y. S. (2020) Portfolio Optimization on the Dispersion Risk and the Asymmetric Tail Risk
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.13972.pdf}
#' @examples
#' library(functional)
#' library(nloptr)
#' library(pracma)
#' library(spatstat)
#' library(Matrix)
#' library(quantmod)
#' library(mvtnorm)
#' library("temStaR")
#' #Fix alpha and theta.
#' #Estimate alpha dna theta from DJIA and use those parameter for IBM, INTL parameter fit.
#' getSymbols("^DJI", src="yahoo", from = "2020-8-25", to = "2020-08-31")
#' prDJ <- as.numeric(DJI$DJI.Adjusted)
#' ret <- diff(log(prDJ))
#' ntsparam <-  fitnts(ret)
#' getSymbols("IBM", src="yahoo", from = "2016-1-1", to = "2020-08-31")
#' pr1 <- as.numeric(IBM$IBM.Adjusted)
#' getSymbols("INTL", src="yahoo", from = "2016-1-1", to = "2020-08-31")
#' pr2 <- as.numeric(INTL$INTL.Adjusted)
#' returndata <- matrix(data = c(diff(log(pr1)),diff(log(pr2))),
#'                      ncol = 2, nrow = (length(pr1)-1))
#' st <- fitmnts( returndata = returndata,
#'                 n = 2,
#'                 alphaNtheta = c(ntsparam["alpha"], ntsparam["theta"])  )
#' w <- c(0.3, 0.7)
#' eta <- 0.01
#' mctVaRmnts(eta, 1, w, st) #MCT-VaR for IBM
#' mctVaRmnts(eta, 2, w, st) #MCT-VaR for INTL
#' mctCVaRmnts(eta, 1, w, st) #MCT-CVaR for IBM
#' mctCVaRmnts(eta, 2, w, st) #MCT-CVaR for INTL
mctVaRmnts <- function(eta, n, w, st, icdf = NULL, dicdf = NULL  ){
             n = n,
             w = matrix(data = w, nrow = 1, ncol = st$ndim),
             covMtx = st$CovMtx,
             alpha = st$alpha,
             theta = st$theta,
             betaArray = matrix(data = st$beta, nrow = 1, ncol = st$ndim),
             muArray = matrix(data = st$mu, nrow = 1, ncol = st$ndim),
            icdf = icdf,
            dicdf = dicdf)

#' @export
#' @title mctVaRnts
#' @description
#' Calculate the marginal contribution to VaR for the multivariate NTS market model.
#' Developer's version.
mctVaRnts <- function(eta, n, w, covMtx, alpha, theta, betaArray, muArray, icdf = NULL, dicdf = NULL ){
  barsig <-  sqrt(w%*%covMtx%*%t(w))
  mcts <- mctStdDev(n, w, covMtx)
  db <- dBeta(n, w, betaArray, covMtx)
  barBeta <- sum(w*betaArray)
  if( is.null(icdf) ) icdf <- ipnts(eta, ntsparam = c(alpha, theta, barBeta))
  if( is.null(dicdf) ) dicdf <- dinvCdf_stdNTS(eta, alpha, theta, barBeta)
  return(-muArray[n] - icdf*mcts - barsig*db*dicdf )

#' @export
#' @title mctCVaRmnts
#' @description Calculate the marginal contribution to CVaR for the multivariate NTS market model:
#' the random vector \eqn{r} is
#' \eqn{r = \mu + diag(\sigma) X}
#' where
#' \eqn{X} follows \eqn{stdNTS_N(\alpha, \theta, \beta, \Sigma)}
#' @usage
#' \code{mctCVaRmnts(eta, n, w, st)}
#' @param eta Significant level of CVaR.
#' @param n The targer stock to calculate the mctCVaR
#' @param w The capital allocation rate vector for the current portfolio
#' @param st Structure of parameters for the N-dimensional NTS distribution.
#' \code{st$ndim} : Dimension of the model. Here \code{st$ndim=N}.
#' \code{st$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{st$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{st$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{st$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{st$beta} : \eqn{\beta} vector (column vector) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{st$Rho} : \eqn{\rho} matrix of the std NTS distribution (X),
#'                     which is correlation matrix of epsilon.
#' \code{st$CovMtx} : Covariance matrix of return data \eqn{r}.
#' @references
#' Kim, Y. S. (2020) Portfolio Optimization on the Dispersion Risk and the Asymmetric Tail Risk
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.13972.pdf}
#' @examples
#' library(functional)
#' library(nloptr)
#' library(pracma)
#' library(spatstat)
#' library(Matrix)
#' library(quantmod)
#' library(mvtnorm)
#' library("temStaR")
#' #Fix alpha and theta.
#' #Estimate alpha dna theta from DJIA and use those parameter for IBM, INTL parameter fit.
#' getSymbols("^DJI", src="yahoo", from = "2020-8-25", to = "2020-08-31")
#' prDJ <- as.numeric(DJI$DJI.Adjusted)
#' ret <- diff(log(prDJ))
#' ntsparam <-  fitnts(ret)
#' getSymbols("IBM", src="yahoo", from = "2016-1-1", to = "2020-08-31")
#' pr1 <- as.numeric(IBM$IBM.Adjusted)
#' getSymbols("INTL", src="yahoo", from = "2016-1-1", to = "2020-08-31")
#' pr2 <- as.numeric(INTL$INTL.Adjusted)
#' returndata <- matrix(data = c(diff(log(pr1)),diff(log(pr2))),
#'                      ncol = 2, nrow = (length(pr1)-1))
#' st <- fitmnts( returndata = returndata,
#'                 n = 2,
#'                 alphaNtheta = c(ntsparam["alpha"], ntsparam["theta"])  )
#' w <- c(0.3, 0.7)
#' eta <- 0.01
#' mctVaRmnts(eta, 1, w, st) #MCT-VaR for IBM
#' mctVaRmnts(eta, 2, w, st) #MCT-VaR for INTL
#' mctCVaRmnts(eta, 1, w, st) #MCT-CVaR for IBM
#' mctCVaRmnts(eta, 2, w, st) #MCT-CVaR for INTL
mctCVaRmnts <- function(eta, n, w, st, CVaR = NULL, dCVaR = NULL ){
             n = n,
             w = matrix(data = w, ncol = st$ndim, nrow = 1),
             covMtx = st$CovMtx,
             alpha = st$alpha,
             theta = st$theta,
             betaArray = matrix(data = st$beta, ncol = st$ndim, nrow = 1),
             muArray = matrix(data = st$mu, ncol = st$ndim, nrow = 1),
             CVaR = CVaR,
             dCVaR = dCVaR)

#' @export
#' @title mctCVaRnts
#' @description
#' Calculate the marginal contribution to CVaR for the multivariate NTS market model.
#' Developer's version.
mctCVaRnts <- function(eta, n, w, covMtx, alpha, theta, betaArray, muArray, CVaR = NULL, dCVaR = NULL ){
  barBeta <- sum(w*betaArray)
  if( is.null(CVaR) ) CVaR <- cvarnts(eps = eta, ntsparam = c(alpha, theta, barBeta))
  if( is.null(dCVaR) ) dCVaR <- dCVaR_numint(eta, alpha, theta, barBeta)

  barsig <-  sqrt(w%*%covMtx%*%t(w))
  mcts <- mctStdDev(n, w, covMtx)
  db <- dBeta(n, w, betaArray, covMtx)
  return(-muArray[n] + CVaR*mcts + barsig*db*dCVaR )

#' @export
#' @title cvarGauss
#' @description
#' Calculate the CVaR for the normal distributed market model.
#' Developer's version.
cvarGauss <- function( eta, mu = 0, sigma = 1){
  #var = -qnorm(eta, mu, sigma)
  stdK = qnorm(eta, 0, 1)
  cvar = sigma/(eta*sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-stdK^2/2)-mu

#' @title setPortfolioParam
#' @description Please use \code{getPortNTSParam} instead of \code{setPortfolioParam}.
#' Portfolio return with capital allocation weight is \eqn{R_p=<w,r>},
#' which is a weighted sum of of elements in the N-dimensional NTS random vector.
#' \eqn{R_p} becomes an 1-dimensional NTS random variable.
#' \code{setPortfolioParam} find the parameters of \eqn{R_p}.
#' @param strPMNTS Structure of parameters for the n-dimensional NTS distribution.
#' \code{strPMNTS$ndim} : dimension
#' \code{strPMNTS$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation vector (column vector) of the input data.
#' \code{strPMNTS$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$beta} : \eqn{\beta} vector (column vector) of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' \code{strPMNTS$Rho} : \eqn{\Sigma} matrix of the std NTS distribution (X).
#' @param w Capital allocation weight vector.
#' @usage
#' \code{res <- setPortfolioParam(strPMNTS,w)}
#' @return The weighted sum follows 1-dimensional NTS.
#' \eqn{R_p = <w, r> = \mu + diag(\sigma) X},
#' where
#' \eqn{X} follows \eqn{stdNTS_1(\alpha, \theta, \beta, 1)}.
#' Hence we obtain
#' \code{res$mu} : \eqn{\mu} mean of \eqn{R_p}.
#' \code{res$sigma} : \eqn{\sigma} standard deviation of \eqn{R_p}.
#' \code{res$alpha} : \eqn{\alpha} of \eqn{X}.
#' \code{res$theta} : \eqn{\theta} of \eqn{X}.
#' \code{res$beta} : \eqn{\beta} \eqn{X}.
#' @references
#' Kim, Y. S. (2020) Portfolio Optimization on the Dispersion Risk and the Asymmetric Tail Risk
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.13972.pdf}
#' @examples
#' library("temStaR")
#' strPMNTS <- list(ndim = 2,
#'                  mu = c( 9.876552e-05, 4.747343e-04 ),
#'                  sigma = c( 0.01620588, 0.02309643 ),
#'                  alpha = 0.1888129 ,
#'                  theta = 0.523042,
#'                  beta =  c( -0.04632938,  0.04063555 ),
#'                  Rho = matrix( data = c(1.0, 0.469883,
#'                                        0.469883, 1.0),
#'                                nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#'                  CovMtx = matrix( data = c(0.0002626304, 0.0001740779,
#'                                          0.0001740779, 0.0005334452),
#'                                  nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' )
#' w <- c(0.3, 0.7)
#' res <- setPortfolioParam(strPMNTS,w)
setPortfolioParam <- function(strPMNTS, w){
  if(strPMNTS$ndim != length(w)){
    print("The dimension of the weight vector must be the same as strPMNTS$ndim")
  w <- matrix(data = w, nrow = strPMNTS$ndim, ncol = 1)
  m <- sum(w*strPMNTS$mu)
  b <- sum(w*strPMNTS$sigma*strPMNTS$beta)
  gammaMtx <- diag(as.numeric(sqrt(1-strPMNTS$beta^2*(2-strPMNTS$alpha)/(2*strPMNTS$theta))))
  sigMtx <- diag(as.numeric(strPMNTS$sigma))
  g <- as.numeric(sqrt(t(w)%*%sigMtx%*%gammaMtx%*%strPMNTS$Rho%*%gammaMtx%*%sigMtx%*%w))
  a <- as.numeric(strPMNTS$alpha)
  th <- as.numeric(strPMNTS$theta)
  param <- change_ntsparam2stdntsparam(c(a, th, b, g, m))
aaron9011/temStaR-v0.814 documentation built on Dec. 24, 2021, 6:16 p.m.