
Defines functions timevarying_porepressure timevarying_surface_displacement timevarying_fluidmass .surface_g surface_displacement segall85

Documented in segall85 surface_displacement .surface_g timevarying_fluidmass timevarying_porepressure timevarying_surface_displacement

#' Surface deformation associated with fluid withdrawl
#' @name segall85
#' @export
#' @param help logical; load documentation for \code{\link{segall85}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Simple-deformation}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x. <- c(-10:-2, seq(-1.9,1.9,by=0.1), 2:10)
#' su <- surface_displacement(x.*1e3, z_src=1e3)
#' plot(uz ~ x, su, type="b")
#' ## Model the surface displacements for a source at 700m
#' #
#' .x. <- sort(unique(c(-7:-3, seq(-3.90,3.90,by=0.15), 3:7)))
#' su <- surface_displacement(.x.*1e3, C.=1e13, z_src=0.7e3)
#' ## Calculate simple deformation quantities: surface tilt
#' # and uniaxial horizontal extension
#' #
#' sut <- with(su, Tilt(x, z=uz))
#' sue <- with(su, Uniaxial_extension(x, X=ux))
#' plot(uz ~ x, su, col=NA, ylim=c(-1,1)*20, xlim=c(-1,1)*7*1e3)
#' abline(v=0,h=0,col="grey")
#' lines(uz ~ x, su, type="l", pch=16, cex=1, lwd=2, col="grey")
#' text(2e3, -5, expression(U[Z]))
#' lines(ux ~ x, su, type="l", pch=16, col="blue", cex=1, lwd=2)
#' text(0, 6, expression(U[X]), col="blue", pos=2)
#' points(uxz.mag ~ x, su, col="red", pch=16, cex=0.6)
#' text(-3e3, 8, expression(abs(U[XZ])), col="red")
#' lines(ztilt*1e2 ~ x, sut, type="h", lwd=5, col="lightgreen")
#' text(-1.1e3, 2, expression("Tilt" == 2%*%dU[Z]/dx), col="dark green", pos=2)
#' lines(ztilt*1e2 ~ x, sut, lwd=3,col="dark green")
#' lines(dXdx*1e2 ~ x, sue, type="h", lwd=4, col="grey60")
#' text(5e2, 2, expression(E[ee] == dU[X]/dx), pos=4)
#' lines(dXdx*1e2 ~ x, sue, lwd=3)
#' ## A more complicated example: multiple sources and Figs 7,8 from Segall (1985)
#' mxx <- 50
#' .x.km. <- sort(unique(c((-1*mxx):-3, seq(-2.90,2.90,by=0.1), 3:mxx)))
#' .z.km. <- sort(unique(c(seq(0,3,by=0.25),seq(3,12,by=0.75))))
#' yr <- 365*86400
#' .time. <- seq(2,10,by=2)*10*yr
#' .Vdot. <- 2e6/yr # volume rate m^3/yr to m^3/s
#' .D. <- 1e3 # depth of burial
#' .L. <- 10e3 # length (Vdot/L is the average rate of fluid extraction per unit length)
#' .B. <- 0.6 # Skemptons coeff
#' .c. <- 0.1 # hydraulic diffusivity m^2/s
#' .Sources.x. <- 1e3*c(0)
#' .TwoSources.x. <- 1e3*c(0,20)
#' # for mass computation
#' .t. <- 100 # thickness
#' .phi. <- 0.2 #porosity
#' # for pressure computation
#' .mu. <- 5.6 #GPa -- shear modulus
#' ## Surface displacements
#' # perform the integration and make the figure:
#' # -- single source
#' zz1 <- timevarying_surface_displacement(.x.km.*1e3, .time., .Vdot., 
#'     .B., .L., .D., .c., 
#'     Pt.Sources.x=.Sources.x.)
#' matplot(.x.km., zz1*1e3, type="l", col="black", 
#'     main="Subsidence, mm, Segall 1985, Fig 8B", sub=Sys.time())
#' # -- dual sources
#' zz2 <- timevarying_surface_displacement(.x.km.*1e3, .time., c(1,0.5)*.Vdot., 
#'     .B., .L., .D., .c., 
#'     Pt.Sources.x=.TwoSources.x.)
#' matplot(.x.km., zz2*1e3, type="l", col="black", 
#'     main="Dual-source Subsidence, mm, Segall 1985, Fig 8B", sub=Sys.time())
#' # -- tilt history for multiple sources
#' zz2t <- apply(zz2, 2, function(.z.) matrix(Tilt(.x.km.*1e3, z=.z.)$ztilt))
#' matplot(.x.km., zz2t*1e6, type="l", col="black", main="Tilt")
#' ## Fluid mass content history 
#' zz3 <- timevarying_fluidmass(.x.km.*1e3, .time., .Vdot., .L., .t., .c., phi.=.phi.)
#' matplot(.x.km., zz3*1e2, type="l", col="black", 
#'     main="t.v. Fluid mass change, Segall 1985, Fig 7B")
#' ## Pore pressure changes (computationally expensive!)
#' zzp <- timevarying_porepressure(.x.km.*1e3, .z.km.*1e3, .time., .Vdot.*c(1,2), 
#'     .B., .L., .D., .c., .t., .mu., 
#'     Pt.Sources.x=.TwoSources.x.)
#' # result is an array of images with the 3rd dimension equal to length(.time.)
#' layout(matrix(1:6,nr=2, byrow=TRUE))
#' zl <- c(-10,-1)*1e3
#' IMF <- function(n){
#'  yrlbl <- paste("\nafter",.time.[n]/yr,"years")
#'  if (n==1){ yrlbl <- paste("Pore Pressure Perturbation", yrlbl) }
#'  image(.x.km.,.z.km.,zzp[,,n], zlim=zl, main=yrlbl)
#'  # Locations of the sources
#'  abline(v=.TwoSources.x./1e3, col="grey40", lwd=2)
#'  # and the depleting layer
#'  abline(h=(.D.+c(-1*.t.,.t.)/2)/1e3, col="grey40", lwd=2)
#' }
#' sapply(seq_along(.time.), IMF)
#' # hack colorbar
#' plot.new()
#' plot.window(xlim=c(-10,-1), ylim=c(0,1))
#' points(cbind(matrix(-10:-1),1), pch=22, cex=3.2, bg=heat.colors(length(-10:-1)))
#' text(-5.5, 0.95, "kPa", pos=1, font=2)
#' axis(3, at=-11:0)
#' }
segall85 <- function(help=FALSE){
  cat("\nThis function is simply a placeholder. See the documentation ( `?segall85` ).\n")
  if (help) ?segall85

#  spatial coordinates in segall
#   x is positive downwards (here z)
#   y is positive away from source (here x)
#   z is along line source (here y)
#  source coordinates:
#   z_src is zeta (depth)
#   y_src is xi (distance away)
#  parameters:
#   mu shear modulus
#   C units of force, proportional to the source strength
#' @param x numeric; spatial coordinate relative to extraction point
#' @param C. numeric; units of force, proportional to source strength (e.g., extraction rate)
#' @param mu. numeric; the shear modulus in Pascals
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{.surface_g}}
#' @rdname segall85
#' @export
surface_displacement <- function(x, C.=1, mu.=1e9, ...){
  gx <- gz <- ux <- uz <- NULL
  sg <- .surface_g(x, ...)
  c. <- C./mu.
  sg <- plyr::mutate(sg,
               ux = gx * c.,
               uz = gz * c.,
               uxz.mag = sqrt(ux^2 + uz^2),
               uxz.ang = atan2(uz,ux) * 180/pi )

#' @rdname segall85
#' @export
#' @param x_src numeric; the horizontal distance from the source
#' @param z_src numeric; the depth of the source below the surface
#' @param nuu. numeric; the 'undrained' Poisson's ratio (typically 1/3)
.surface_g <- function(x=0, x_src=0, z_src=0, nuu.=1/3){
  # segall85 C9
  gx <-  2*(1 - nuu.)*(x - x_src)/(z_src^2 + (x - x_src)^2)
  gz <- -2*(1 - nuu.)*z_src/(z_src^2 + (x - x_src)^2)
  data.frame(x, gx, gz, xz=x/z_src)

#' @rdname segall85
#' @export
#' @param Time numeric; the time from xxx
#' @param Vdot. numeric; the volumetric flow rate xxx
#' @param L. numeric; the xxx
#' @param t. numeric; the xxx
#' @param HD. numeric; the xxx
#' @param phi. numeric; the xxx
timevarying_fluidmass <- function(x, Time, Vdot., L., t., HD., phi.){
  # [ ] account for multiple Vdot.
  FUN <- function(ti){
    -1 * Vdot. * sqrt(ti / HD.) * erfc1_re(sqrt(x^2 / (4 * HD. * ti))) / (L. * t. * phi.)
  apply(matrix(Time), 1, FUN)

#' @rdname segall85
#' @export
#' @param B. numeric; the xxx
#' @param D. numeric; the xxx
#' @param Pt.Sources.x numeric; a vector of point-source locations in the x direction
#' @param x.lim numeric; the limit of integration in both the positive and negative directions; if 
#' missing this is based on the absolute maximum of \code{x}
timevarying_surface_displacement <- function(x, Time, Vdot., B., L., D., HD., nuu.=1/3, Pt.Sources.x=0, x.lim){
  # Time varying deformation associated with fluid extraction
  # segall85 eq 26
  x.lim <- if (missing(x.lim)){
    2 * round(max(abs(x), na.rm=TRUE))
  } else {
  Sources <- matrix(Pt.Sources.x, ncol=1)
  .FUN <- function(ti, Xi.sources){
    # sum over source contributions
    .fun <- function(Xi., dXi.=0, X.=x, ti.=ti){
      # from the spatio-temporal component
      ti.d <- Xi.^2 / (4 * HD. * ti.)
      erfc1_re(sqrt(ti.d))/((D.)^2 + (X. - Xi. - dXi.)^2)
    # integrate over Xi
    .xi.integ <- function(dxi){
      apply(matrix(x), 1, FUN=function(xx){
        integrate(.fun, -1*x.lim, x.lim, X.=xx, dXi.=dxi, 
                  subdivisions = 50L, 
    srci <- seq_along(Xi.sources)
    xvar.t2 <- apply(Xi.sources, MARGIN=1, FUN=.xi.integ)
    # time varying component (scaling)
    tvar <- -2 * B. * (1 + nuu.) * Vdot. * D. * sqrt(ti / HD.) / (3 * pi * L.)
    nctv2 <- ncol(xvar.t2)
    sc <- if (length(tvar) == nctv2){
      # accounts for multiple values of Vdot.
      matrix(rep(tvar, nrow(xvar.t2)), ncol=nctv2, byrow = TRUE)
    } else {
      if (length(tvar)==1){
      } else {
        warning("Number of values for Vdot is not 1, or not equal to the number of sources.\nUsed first value.")
    # combine and return
    res <- rowSums(xvar.t2 * sc)
  # apply FUN through time
  apply(X=matrix(Time), MARGIN=1, FUN=.FUN, Xi.sources=Sources)

#' @rdname segall85
#' @export
#' @param nu. numeric; the drained Poisson's ratio (typically 1/4)
#' @param mu.gpa. numeric; the shear modulus in giga-Pascals (GPa)
#' @param z numeric; the observation depth
timevarying_porepressure <- function(x, z, Time, Vdot., B., L., D., HD., t., mu.gpa., nu.=1/4, nuu.=1/3, Pt.Sources.x=0, x.lim){
  # Time varying p.p. associated with fluid extraction
  # segall85 eq 28
  x.lim <- if (missing(x.lim)){
    round(max(abs(x), na.rm=TRUE))
  } else {
  sc <- 1e9
  mu. <- sc * mu.gpa.
  Sources <- matrix(Pt.Sources.x, ncol=1)
  .FUN <- function(ti, zi=0, Xi.sources){
    message(paste("Time:", ti/365/86400, "years"))
    # Function that returns the integral value at
    # a position Xi away from the source at dXi
    .fun <- function(Xi., dXi.=0, X.=x, Z.=0, ti.=ti){
      # from the spatio-temporal component
      ti.d <- Xi.^2 / (4 * HD. * ti.)
      C1 <- erfc1_re(sqrt(ti.d))
      xmxi <- (X. - Xi. - dXi.)^2
      zpd <- (Z. + D.)
      C2A <- zpd / (zpd^2 + xmxi^2)
      zpdt <- zpd + t.
      C2B <- -1 * zpdt / (zpdt^2 + xmxi^2)
      sc * (C2A + C2B) * C1
    # function used to integrate over Xi at different sources
    .xi.integ2D <- function(dxi, ti.=ti){
      message(paste("\t2D integration of source at:", dxi/1e3, "km"))
      grd <- as.matrix(expand.grid(VarX=x, VarZ=z))
      ires <- apply(grd, 1, FUN=function(xxzz){
        #message(paste(xxzz, collapse="//"))
        zi <- try(integrate(.fun, -1*x.lim, x.lim, X.=xxzz[1], Z.=xxzz[2], dXi.=dxi, subdivisions = 150L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5))
        if (inherits(zi,"try-error")){
          #message(paste("\t==== ==== ====>  shrink integration limits to below",x.lim))
          message(paste(xxzz, collapse=" x // z "))
        } else {
          ti.d <- xxzz[1]^2 / (4 * HD. * ti.)
          C1 <- (1 - 2*nu.) * erfc1_re(sqrt(ti.d)) / ((nuu. - nu.) * (1 - 2*nuu.))
          C2 <- -2/(pi * (1 - nuu.))
          C1 + C2 * zi$value
      matrix(ires, ncol=length(z), byrow = FALSE)
    # Array of depth slices for all sources
    sourcePP <- abind::abind(lapply(X = Sources, FUN = .xi.integ2D), along=3)
    # time varying component (scaling)
    tvar <- -2 * mu. * (1 + nuu.)^2 * B.^2 * Vdot. * sqrt(ti / HD.) / (9 * L. * t.)
    nsrc <- length(Sources)
    vsc <- if (length(tvar) == nsrc){
      # accounts for multiple values of Vdot.
      dsp <- dim(sourcePP)
      #array(data = tvar, dim = dim(sourcePP))
      abind::abind(lapply(tvar, function(tv) array(tv, c(dsp[1:2],1))))
    } else {
      if (length(tvar)==1){
      } else {
        warning("Number of values for Vdot is not 1, or not equal to the number of sources.\nUsed first value.")
    # multiple source solution array by tvar (which will be an equal-size array is n_vdot == n_sources)
    sourcePP <- vsc * sourcePP
    # superpostion of all sources
    res <- apply(X = sourcePP, MARGIN = c(1,2), FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE)
  # apply FUN through time
  abind::abind(lapply(X = Time, FUN = .FUN, Xi.sources=Sources), along=3)
abarbour/deform documentation built on Feb. 15, 2022, 6:24 p.m.