
#' Accessing IRIS WS services with .wadl protocol
#' @description
#' WADL is the Web Applications Description Language, which
#' is essentially a way to specify WS parameters 
#' through dressed up XML
#' These functions can only be used to inspect the 
#' query protocol for a given webservice.
#' @param service character
#' @param u the full url
#' @param x object to test, describe, or query-construct with
#' @param ... additional objects
#' @name irisws-wadl
#' @author A.J. Barbour
#' @references 
#' [1] \url{http://www.w3.org/Submission/wadl/}
#' @seealso \code{\link{constructor}}, which generates the appropriate url
#' \code{\link{iris.query}} to query IRIS WS
#' @seealso \code{\link{irisws-package}}
#' @family Utilities
#' @examples
#' # simply parse some wadl-xml:
#' wadl("http://service.iris.edu/irisws/distaz/1/application.wadl")
#' # shortcut to generating the url, with attributes:
#' wd <- waddler("timeseries")
#' class(wd)
#' is.iriswadl(wd)
#' # print some information about the webservice
#' # and return query parameters:
#' describe(wd)
#' # Try another webservice
#' wd <- waddler("traveltime")
#' # return a data.frame showing the parameters acceptable
#' # for a query, and indicating if
#' # they are required and/or have default values:
#' print(p <- parameters(wd))

#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
waddler <- function(service, ...){
    wadl.xml <- constructor("application.wadl", service=service, query.field="", ...)
    wml <- wadl(wadl.xml)
    attr(wml, "service") <- service
    class(wml) <- "iriswadl"
#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
wadl <- function(u, ...){
    XML2R::XML2R(u, df=TRUE)

#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
is.iriswadl <- function(x, ...) inherits(x, what="iriswadl", ...)

#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
parameters <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("parameters")
#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
parameters.iriswadl <- function(x, ...){
  serv <- attr(x, "service")
  args <- suppressMessages(describe(x))
  anms <- names(args)
  rqd <- ifelse("required" %in% anms, TRUE, FALSE)
  def <- ifelse("default" %in% anms, TRUE, FALSE)
  args$required <- if (!rqd){
  } else {
    with(args, required=="true" & !is.na(required))
  if (!def){
    args$default <- NA
  name <- type <- required <- default <- NULL
  params <- subset(args, select=c(name, type, required, default))
  params$type <- as.factor(with(params, gsub("^xsd:","", gsub("^xs:","",type))))
  attr(params, "service") <- serv
  #class(params) <- "wsparams"

#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
describe <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("describe")
#' @rdname irisws-wadl
#' @export
describe.iriswadl <- function(x, ...){
  nms <- names(x)
  parami <- grep(pattern="//request//param$",nms)
  if (length(parami)>1) stop("Multiple '...//request//param' children? Check the validity of the wadl file.")
  params <- subset(x[[parami]], select=-c(url))
  desc <- x[['application//doc']]
  nd <- colnames(desc)
  desc2 <- paste(desc[,!c(nd %in% c("lang","url"))], collapse="\n")
  resour <- x[['application//resources']]
  msg <- paste(paste(strwrap(desc2, width=60), collapse="\n"),"",
               "+++++++  Web-service & WADL urls:","",
               "+++++++  Parameters:\n","",sep="\n")
  message(msg, ...)
abarbour/irisws documentation built on May 10, 2019, 4:07 a.m.