
Defines functions consistent.zoo consistent.unavco consistent.default consistent ave_frequency.default ave_frequency.zoo ave_frequency.unavco ave_frequency ave_deltat.default ave_deltat.unavco ave_deltat.zoo ave_deltat deltat.unavco frequency.unavco unavco_window window.unavco index.unavco time.unavco end.unavco start.unavco as.data.frame.unavco as.zoo.unavco

Documented in as.data.frame.unavco as.zoo.unavco ave_deltat ave_deltat.default ave_deltat.unavco ave_deltat.zoo ave_frequency ave_frequency.default ave_frequency.unavco ave_frequency.zoo consistent consistent.default consistent.unavco consistent.zoo deltat.unavco end.unavco frequency.unavco index.unavco start.unavco time.unavco unavco_window window.unavco

#' Methods for the 'unavco' class
#' @name unavco-methods
#' @param x object
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @param start. start time
#' @param end. end time
#' @param FUN function to use
#' @param trim fraction to trim is \code{FUN} allows
#' @seealso \code{\link{consistent}} and \code{\link{unavco_dataload}}

# @rdname unavco-methods
# @export
#as.zoo <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.zoo")

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
as.zoo.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  #frq <- ave_frequency(x)
  udf <- as.data.frame(x)
  xd <- data.frame(udf[, 2])
  names(xd) <- names(x)[2]
  xord <- udf[, 1]
  zoo(xd, order.by = x[[1]], ...)

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
zoo.unavco <- as.zoo.unavco

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
as.data.frame.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  #> class(x[[2]])
  #[1] "numeric" <-- the data
  #> class(x[[1]])
  #[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"  <- timestamps
  df. <- data.frame(x[[1]], x[[2]], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, ...)
  names(df.) <- names(x)[1:2]
#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
data.frame.unavco <- as.data.frame.unavco

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
start.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  ti <- time(x)
#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
end.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  ti <- time(x)
#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
time.unavco <- function(x, ...){
#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
index.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  as.integer(time(x, ...))

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
window.unavco <- function(x, start. = NULL, end. = NULL, ...){
  stn <- is.null(start.)
  enn <- is.null(end.)
  if (all(stn,enn)){
  } else {
    if (stn) start. <- start(x)
    if (enn) end. <- end(x)
    xwin <- as.list(unavco_window(as.data.frame(x), start., end., ...))
    class(xwin) <- class(x)

#' @details \code{\link{unavco_window}} does the time subsetting.
#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
unavco_window <- function(x, start. = NULL, end. = NULL, ...){
  Dt. <- NULL
  subset(x, Dt. >= start. & Dt. < end., ...)

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
frequency.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  frequency(zoo::zoo(x[[2]], order.by = x[[1]]))

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
deltat.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  deltat(zoo::zoo(x[[2]], order.by = x[[1]]))

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_deltat <- function(x, FUN=mean, trim=0.1, ...) UseMethod("ave_deltat")

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_deltat.zoo <- function(x, FUN=mean, trim=0.1, ...){

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_deltat.unavco <- function(x, FUN=mean, trim=0.1, ...){

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_deltat.default <- function(x, FUN=mean, trim=0.1, ...){
  FUN(trimmer(diff(as.integer(x)), prc = trim), na.rm=TRUE)

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_frequency <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ave_frequency")

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_frequency.unavco <- function(x, ...){
  ave_frequency(x[[1]], ...)

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_frequency.zoo <- function(x, ...){
  ave_frequency(time(x), ...)

#' @rdname unavco-methods
#' @export
ave_frequency.default <- function(x, ...){
  dt <- ave_deltat(x, ...)
  if (dt==0){
  } else {

#' Make the downloaded data consistent in time
#' @export
#' @param dat downloaded data to fortify
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @param verbose logical; should messages be given?
#' @seealso \code{\link{unavco_dataload}} and \code{\link{unavco-methods}}
#' @examples
#' consistent(1:10)  # does nothing but return
#' # ensures all possible data points are represented
#' library(zoo)
#' xc <- consistent(zoo(1:9, c(1,3:10))) # note the NA at index 2
#' na.approx(xc) # interpolate, for example
consistent <- function(dat, ...) UseMethod("consistent")

#' @rdname consistent
#' @export
consistent.default <- function(dat, ...){

#' @rdname consistent
#' @export
consistent.unavco <- function(dat, ...){
  dat.z <- zoo::as.zoo(dat)
  dat.cz <- consistent(dat.z)
  # reassemble...
  times <- as.POSIXct(format(time(dat.cz)), tz = 'UTC')
  dat.c <- data.frame(times, dat.cz[,1])
  rownames(dat.c) <- NULL
  names(dat.c) <- names(dat)

#' @rdname consistent
#' @export
consistent.zoo <- function(dat, verbose=TRUE, ...){
  # Make sure there is an observation at
  # every point from the beginning of time
  # to the end of time, for the sampling rate
  nms <- names(dat)
  zdelt <- deltat(dat)
  adelt <- ave_deltat(dat)
  bad.samp <- zdelt != adelt
  if (bad.samp & verbose) warning(paste("sampling mismatch: zoo =", zdelt, "but average =", adelt, "-- using trimmed average"))
  delt <- ifelse(bad.samp, adelt, zdelt)
  st <- start(dat)
  en <- end(dat)
  # reformat if posix -- hopefully this catches all
  if (all(!is.numeric(st), !is.integer(st))){
    st <- as.POSIXct(format(st), tz = 'UTC')
  if (all(!is.numeric(en), !is.integer(en))){
    en <- as.POSIXct(format(en), tz = 'UTC')
  time.seq <- seq.int(from=st, to=en, by=delt)
  nnew <- length(time.seq)
  new.dat <- zoo::zoo(rep.int(NA, nnew), order.by=time.seq)
  dat.m <- merge(dat, new.dat)
  dat.c <- zoo::zoo(data.frame(dat.m[,1]), order.by=time.seq)
  names(dat.c) <- nms
abarbour/pborepo documentation built on April 27, 2022, 8:47 a.m.