

## Riedel-Sidorenko-Parker taper optimization

# some params
nd <- 512 # num data
ntap <- 10 # num tapers
nrm <- 40 # sharpness of the peaks rel 2*variance
# create a pseudo spectrum
# with broad peaks
x <- 0:(nd-1)
riex <- rnorm(nd) + nrm*abs(cos(pi*x/180) + 1.2)
riex <- riex + 8*nrm*dcauchy(x, nd/3)
riex <- riex + 5*nrm*dnorm(x, nd/2)
# some flat regions
riex[riex<25] <- 25
ried <- dB(riex, invert=TRUE)

# optimize tapers
rtap <- riedsid(riex, ntaper=ntap) # deprecation warning
rtap2 <- riedsid2(riex, ntaper=ntap)
rtap3 <- riedsid2(riex, ntaper=ntap, fast=TRUE)

# plot
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=rep(1.3,4), mai=rep(0.6,4))
# ... the mock spectrum
plot(riex, type="h", xaxs="i", ylim=c(0,200), 

# ... tapers
plot(rtap2, col=NA, xaxs="i",
     main='Original and Optimized tapers', 
     ylim=c(0,max(c(ntap, rtap,rtap2,rtap3)))) 
# original tapers:
abline(h=ntap, lty=2)
# optimized tapers
lines(rtap, col="red")
# 2 and 2-fast
lines(rtap2, lwd=3, col="blue")
lines(rtap3, col="cyan")

abarbour/psd documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 8:56 a.m.