
Defines functions lpfilter.dec lpfilter straight_decimate.default straight_decimate.ts straight_decimate minfilt.default minfilt

Documented in lpfilter lpfilter.dec minfilt minfilt.default straight_decimate straight_decimate.default straight_decimate.ts

#' Minimum phase filtering
#' @description
#' Desc
#' @details
#' Det
#' @name strain-filtering
#' @aliases minfilt
#' @param y numeric
#' @param scenario character
#' @param verbose logical; should messages be given?
#' @references
#' D.C. Agnew and K. Hodgkinson (2007),
#' Designing compact causal digital filters for low-frequency strainmeter data,
#' Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,
#' vol 97, 1B, 1-99, doi: 10.1785/0120060088
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{straight_decimate}},
#' \code{\link{lpfilter}},
#' \code{\link{minphs}},
#' \code{\link{strain-package}}

#' @rdname strain-filtering
#' @export
minfilt <- function(y, scenario=c("ones_to_fivem","fivem_to_onehr"), verbose=TRUE) UseMethod("minfilt")
#' @rdname strain-filtering
#' @export
minfilt.default <- function(y, scenario=c("ones_to_fivem","fivem_to_onehr"), verbose=TRUE){
  y <- as.vector(y)
  scen <- match.arg(scenario)
  data("minphs", envir=.strnEnv) 
  minphs <- get("minphs", envir=.strnEnv)
  by2 <- minphs$by2
  by3 <- minphs$by3
  by5 <- minphs$by5
  # Sets the minphs list indices, and the decimation factors
  # todo: Add ndec attr to minphs list components (?!)
  decs <- switch(scen, 
         ones_to_fivem=list(inds=c(1,1,2,3,3), ndecs=c(2,2,3,5,5)),
         fivem_to_onehr=list(inds=c(1,1,2), ndecs=c(2,2,3)))
  ndecs <- decs$ndecs
  decseq <- seq_along(decs$inds)
  tt <- try(
    for (n in decseq){
      ni <- decs$inds[n]
      ndec <- ndecs[n]
      if (verbose) message(sprintf("stage %i: by %i",n, ndec))
      y <- lpfilter(y, minphs[[ni]], ndec)
  if (class(tt)=="try-error") n <- n - 1
  attr(y,"ndec") <- ndecs[1:n]

#' Straight decimation
#' @description Performs a simple, straight decimation.
#' @details
#' This is to be used with a proper low-pass filtering algorithm to
#' reduce data volume without introducing aliasing effects, or to
#' decimate an index series (e.g. for plotting, etc.).
#' \emph{No filtering is applied, so this will introduce aliasing if
#' used improperly.}
#' The \code{\link{ts}} method uses \code{\link{window}}
#' @param y numeric
#' @param ndec integer; the decimation factor
#' @param ... additional parameters; Used only for \code{\link{ts}} method.
#' @aliases decim
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{lpfilter}}, \code{\link{strain-filtering}}
straight_decimate <- function(y, ndec=1, ...) UseMethod("straight_decimate")
#' @rdname straight_decimate
#' @export
straight_decimate.ts <- function(y, ndec=1, ...){
  ndec <- as.integer(ndec)
  if (ndec>1){
    yf <- frequency(y)/ndec
    #   y <- straight_decimate(as.vector(y), ndec)
    #   if (ndec >= 1) y <- ts(y, frequency=yf)
    y <- window(y, frequency=yf, ...)
  attr(y,"ndec") <- ndec
#' @rdname straight_decimate
#' @method straight_decimate default
#' @export
straight_decimate.default <- function(y, ndec=1, ...){
  ndec <- as.integer(ndec)
  if (ndec>1){
    y <- as.vector(y)
    inds <- seq_along(y) %% ndec == 1
    y <- y[inds]
  attr(y,"ndec") <- ndec

#' Causal lowpass filtering with decimation
#' @details Applies a single-sided convolution filter with the filter
#' weights (\code{wgts}) to the data (\code{y}).  The decimation factor
#' is set with \code{ndec} but is only applied when \code{ndec>1}.
#' @export
#' @aliases lpdfilter
#' @param y numeric
#' @param wgts numeric; convolution filter weights
#' @param ndec integer; the decimation factors to use
#' @param frq integer; the sampling frequency of \code{y}
#' @param plt logical; should the decimation stages be plotted?
#' @param ... additional parameters to \code{\link{ts}} in the case \code{y}
#' does not have class \code{'ts'}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{straight_decimate}}, \code{\link{filter}}, \code{\link{strain-filtering}}
lpfilter <- function(y, wgts, ndec=1){
  y <- straight_decimate(stats::filter(y, wgts, method="convolution", side=1), ndec)

#' @rdname lpfilter
#' @export
lpfilter.dec <- function(y, frq=1, ndecs=c(2,5), plt=FALSE, ...){
  ndecs <- as.integer(ndecs)
  stopifnot(all(ndecs %in% c(2,3,5)))
  env <- new.env()
  data('minphs', envir=env)
  minphs <- get("minphs", envir=env)
  weight.list <- list(NA, minphs$by2, minphs$by3, NA, minphs$by5)
  yf. <- if (!is.ts(y)){
    ts(y, frequency=frq, ...)
  } else {
  if (plt) plot(yf., type=ifelse(length(y)<5e3,"p","l"))
  for (n in seq_along(ndecs)){
    dec <- ndecs[n]
    wgt <- weight.list[[dec]]
    yf. <- lpfilter(yf., wgt, dec)
    if (plt) lines(yf., col=(n+2), lwd=1+n/2)
  attr(yf.,"ndec") <- ndecs
abarbour/strain documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 11:44 p.m.