
Defines functions solve_multivariate solve_univariate

Documented in solve_multivariate solve_univariate

#' Solve unidirectional constrained problem
#' This function minimizes \eqn{\beta} in the 1D problem
#' \eqn{1/2 * ||y - x \beta||_2^2 + \lambda |\beta|} subject to
#' either \eqn{\beta <= 0} or \eqn{u + v\beta <= 0} (coordinate wise).
#' The analytical solution of this problem is given by
#' \deqn{\beta* = min(0, (y'x + \lambda) / x'x ).}
#' when using the first constraint and is slightly more
#' complex when using the second constraint
#' (refer to the corresponding vignette)
#' @param y a vector of size n.
#' @param x a vector of size n.
#' @param u a vector of size n.
#' @param v a vector of size n. Column of the incidence matrix.
#' @param constraint_type Character. "beta" (default), "yhat" or "none".
#' Ensures that all coordinates of \eqn{\beta}
#' (for \code{constraint_type = "beta"}) or \eqn{u + v\beta}
#' (for \code{constraint_type = "yhat"}) are negative.
#' @inheritParams estimate_shifts
#' @return The scalar solution \eqn{\beta} of the 1D optimization problem
#' @export
#' @examples
#' solve_univariate(1:4, -(4:1), 2)
solve_univariate <- function(y, x, u, v, lambda = 0,
                             constraint_type = c("beta", "yhat", "none"),
                             ...) {
  constraint_type <- match.arg(constraint_type)
  ## Compute unconstrained estimator
  ytx <- sum(y * x) ## crossprod(y -z, x)
  if (abs(ytx) <= lambda) beta <- 0
  if (ytx < -lambda) beta <- (ytx + lambda) / sum(x^2)
  if (ytx > lambda)  beta <- (ytx - lambda) / sum(x^2)
  ## Check constraint
  if (constraint_type == "none") return(beta)
  ## Compute feasible set
  if (constraint_type == "beta") {
    beta_min <- -Inf
    beta_max <- 0
  } else { ## constraint_type == yhat
    ## Rounding to avoid numerical errors
    u[abs(u) < 10 * .Machine$double.eps] <- 0
    v[abs(v) < 10 * .Machine$double.eps] <- 0
    ## Upper bound of feasible set: min_{i: v[i]>0} (-u[i] / v[i])
    v_plus <- v > 0
    if (any(v_plus)) {
      beta_max <- min(-u[v_plus] / v[v_plus])
    } else {
      beta_max <- Inf
    ## Lower bound of feasible set: max_{i: v[i]<0} (-u[i] / v[i])
    v_minus <- v < 0
    if (any(v_minus)) {
      beta_min <- max(-u[v_minus] / v[v_minus])
    } else {
      beta_min <- -Inf
  ## Check that feasible set (u + v * beta <= 0) is not empty
  if (beta_min - beta_max > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
    stop("The constraint is not feasible. Consider changing the constraint.")
  ## Project unconstrained estimate beta to feasible set [beta_min, beta_min]
  max(beta_min, min(beta, beta_max))

#' @rdname solve_univariate
#' @param beta0 The initial position of beta.
#' @param X A matrix of size  x p.
#' @param prob A vector of probability weights for obtaining the coordinates
#' to be sampled.
#' @param max_it Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param mat_incidence Incidence matrix from the problem. Used only if
#' \code{constraint_type} is set to \code{"yhat"}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return the estimated value of beta
#' @export
solve_multivariate <- function(y, X, lambda, beta0, mat_incidence,
                               prob = NULL, max_it = 500,
                               constraint_type = c("beta", "yhat", "none"),
                               ...) {
  constraint_type <- match.arg(constraint_type)
  p <- length(beta0)
  beta <- beta0

  yhat <- X %*% beta
  if (constraint_type == "yhat") {
    J <- mat_incidence %*% beta
  # fn_obj <- compute_objective_function(y, X, lambda)
  ## Fast alternative to compute_objective_function leveraging
  ## the fact that we have access to yhat (= X %*% beta)
  fn_obj <- function(beta) {
    sum( (y - yhat)^2 ) / 2 + lambda * sum(abs(beta))

  ## update_coord only has side effects
  update_coord <- function(coord, ...){
    betai <- beta[coord]
    xi <- X[, coord]
    yhat_minus_i <- yhat - betai * xi ## X[ , -coord] %*% beta[-coord]

    if(constraint_type == "yhat") {
      # Ji <- J[coord]
      Ti <- mat_incidence[, coord]
      J_minus_i <- J - betai * Ti

    # update betai
    if(constraint_type != "yhat") {
      betai <- solve_univariate(y = y - yhat_minus_i, x = xi, lambda = lambda,
                                constraint_type = constraint_type, ...)
    } else {
      betai <- solve_univariate(y = y - yhat_minus_i, x = xi,
                                u = J_minus_i, v = Ti, lambda = lambda,
                                constraint_type = "yhat", ...)
      J <<- J_minus_i + betai * Ti

    # update beta
    beta[coord] <<- betai
    # update yhat
    yhat <<- yhat_minus_i + betai * xi ## X %*% beta

  it <- 1
  eps <- 10 ^ -8
  progress <- +Inf

  ## Keep track of objective value
  obj_vals <- fn_obj(beta0)

  while (it < max_it && progress > eps && obj_vals > 0) {
    ## Update coordinates in random order (rather than random coordinates)
    coord_order <- sample(p)
    for (coord in coord_order) {
      update_coord(coord, ...)
    ## Store current objective value and compute progress
    it <- it + 1
    new_obj_vals <- fn_obj(beta)
    progress <- abs(new_obj_vals - obj_vals) / obj_vals
    obj_vals <- new_obj_vals

  list(par = beta, value = obj_vals, method = "lasso",
       iterations = it, last_progress = progress)
abichat/zazou documentation built on Sept. 8, 2021, 6:53 a.m.