#' Categorize trauma data
#' This function adds Abbreviated Injury Scores (AIS), Injury Severity Scores (ISS), and other descriptors of injury to a dataframe.
#' For each observation this function will
#' \enumerate{
#' \item assign a severity (AIS) and ISS body region values to each valid ICD-9 or ICD-10 injury diagnosis code,
#' \item add variables for maximum severity of each body region,
#' \item calculate ISS, "New ISS", maximum AIS, and a regression-based mortality prediction,
#' \item select first 4 e-codes/mechanism codes and categorize major mechanism, minor mechanism, and intent
#' @param df A dataframe in wide format containing ICD-9 and/or ICD-10 diagnosis codes with a common column name prefix.
#' Diagnosis codes should be character strings and may have a decimal or not.
#' @param dx_pre Prefix for diagnosis code column names (example: dx1, dx2, etc.)
#' @param icd10 Should ICD-10 codes be included? Must be one of: TRUE, FALSE, "cm", or "base".
#' \itemize{
#' \item TRUE - ICD-10 codes will be processed by the program
#' \item FALSE - Any ICD-10 codes in the data will be ignored.
#' \item "cm" - ICD-10-CM codes will be processed by the program
#' \item "base" - Basic ICD-10 (international) codes will be processed by the program
#' }
#' @param i10_iss_method Method for calculating ISS from ICD-10 codes. Ignored if icd10 = FALSE. Must be one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "roc_max_NIS" Table derived empirically from National Inpatient Sample (NIS) maximizing area under an ROC curve. For ICD10 codes not in NIS the mapping based on TQIP data will be used as a backup. This option is recommended if the user's data are similar to NIS data.
#' \item "roc_max_TQIP" Table derived empirically from the Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) data maximizing area under an ROC curve. For ICD-10 codes not in TQIP the mapping based on NIS data will be used as a backup. This option is recommended if the user's data are similar to TQIP data.
#' \item "roc_max_NIS_only" Table derived as for "roc_max_NIS", but injury ICD-10 codes not in the NIS dataset will be ignored
#' \item "roc_max_TQIP_only" Table derived as for "roc_max_TQIP", but injury ICD-10 codes not in the TQIP dataset will be ignored.
#' \item "gem_max" Table derived by mapping ICD-10-CM to ICD-9-CM using the CMS general equivalence mapping tables and then to AIS and ISS using the ICDPIC table inherited from the Stata version. Mapping conflicts handled by taking the max AIS.
#' \item "gem_min" Same as "gem_max" except that mapping conflicts are handled by taking the min AIS.
#' }
#' @param calc_method ISS calculation method:
#' Method 1 (default) will assign an ISS of 75 if any AIS is 6.
#' Method 2 will change any AIS = 6 to 5 and then calculate ISS normally.
#' @param verbose Should updates be printed to the console? TRUE or FALSE (default). This can be helpful for long running computations.
#' @return A dataframe identical to the dataframe passed to the function with the following additional variables
#' added:
#' \itemize{
#' \item sev_1-sev_n: AIS severity for diagnosis codes 1..n
#' \item issbr_1-issbr_n: ISS body region for diagnosis codes 1..n
#' \item mxaisbr1-mxaisbr6: maximum AIS severity for each of the 6 ISS body regions
#' \item maxais: maximum AIS severity over all ISS body regions
#' \item riss: computed injury severity score
#' \item niss: new injury severity score
#' \item ecode_1-ecode_4: first 4 mechanism/E-Codes (including ICD-10 if requested) found in each row of data
#' \item mechmaj1-mechmaj4: CDC external cause of injury major mechanism for each E-Code captured
#' \item mechmin1-mechmin4: CDC external cause of injury minor mechanism for each E-Code captured
#' \item intent1-intent4: intent for each E-Code captured
#' \item lowmech: lowest CDC external cause of injury major mechanism for all E-Codes captured
#' \item Pmort: The model predicted probability of mortality (only added if using ICD-10 codes with one of the roc_max methods)
#' }
#' @details Data should be in wide format:
#' \tabular{rrrrr}{
#' ID \tab dx1 \tab dx2 \tab dx3 \tab etc. \cr
#' 31416 \tab 800.1 \tab 959.9 \tab E910.9 \tab \cr
#' 31417 \tab 800.24 \tab 410.0 \tab \tab
#' }
#' Codes for AIS severity:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1 = Minor
#' \item 2 = Moderate
#' \item 3 = Serious
#' \item 4 = Severe
#' \item 5 = Critical
#' \item 6 = Unsurvivable
#' \item 9 = Unknown
#' @examples
#' df_in <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
#' ident dx1 dx2 dx3
#' 31416 800.1 959.9 E910.9
#' 31417 800.24 410.0 NA
#' ")
#' df_out <- cat_trauma(df_in, "dx", icd10 = FALSE)
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
cat_trauma <- function(df, dx_pre, icd10, i10_iss_method, calc_method = 1, verbose = FALSE){
# Verify input #
if(!is.data.frame(df)) stop("First argument must be a dataframe")
if(NROW(df) == 0) stop("Data contains no observations. It must contain at least one row.")
if(!is.character(dx_pre)) stop("Second argument must be a character string")
# ensure dx_pre is a valid variable name
if(make.names(dx_pre) != dx_pre) stop("Second argument must be a valid variable name in R")
if(!(calc_method %in% c(1,2))) stop("calc_method must be either 1 or 2")
if(!(icd10 %in% c(TRUE, FALSE, "cm", "base"))) stop("icd10 must be TRUE, FALSE, 'cm', or 'base'")
if(icd10 == FALSE) i10_iss_method <- ""
if(i10_iss_method == "roc_max") stop("The roc_max option has been depricated. Please use roc_max_NIS, roc_max_TQIP, roc_max_NIS_only, or roc_max_TQIP_only instead.")
if((icd10 != FALSE) && !(i10_iss_method %in% c("roc_max_NIS", "roc_max_TQIP", "roc_max_NIS_only", "roc_max_TQIP_only" ,"gem_max", "gem_min"))) stop("i10_iss_menthod must be roc_max_NIS, roc_max_TQIP, roc_max_NIS_only, roc_max_TQIP_only, gem_max, or gem_min.")
# Check if user entered a correct prefix for the diagnosis code variables in the input file
# Determine how many diagnosis code variables there are in the data
regex_dx <- paste0("^", dx_pre, "([0-9]+)$")
dx_colnames <- grep(regex_dx, names(df), value = TRUE)
# replace full column name with first capture group and convert to number
dx_nums <- as.numeric(sub(regex_dx, "\\1", dx_colnames))
num_dx <- length(dx_nums)
if(num_dx == 0) stop("No variables with prefix found in data")
# make sure df is not a tibble and if it is convert back to regular dataframe
df <- data.frame(df)
# Treat icd==T the same as icd=="cm"
if(isTRUE(icd10)) icd10 <- "cm"
# If ICD10 codes are requested then add ICD10 codes to the lookup tables
# The i10 mappings for n codes were created by using both CMS general equivalence mappings
# and Dave's empirical method
# The i10 mapings for e codes (mechanism) were created using CDC injury mechanism grid
# See documentation and prelim directory for details
if(icd10 %in% c("base", "cm")){
etab <- rbind(etab_s1, i10_ecode)
ntab <- switch(i10_iss_method,
roc_max_NIS = rbind(ntab_s1, .select_i10_data("NIS", icd10)),
roc_max_TQIP = rbind(ntab_s1, .select_i10_data("TQIP", icd10)),
roc_max_NIS_only = rbind(ntab_s1, .select_i10_data("NIS_only", icd10)),
roc_max_TQIP_only = rbind(ntab_s1, .select_i10_data("TQIP_only", icd10)),
gem_max = rbind(ntab_s1, i10_map_max),
gem_min = rbind(ntab_s1, i10_map_min))
} else {
ntab <- ntab_s1
etab <- etab_s1
# Merge diagnosis code variables with N-Code reference table to obtain severity #
# and ISS body region variables for each diagnosis code and add them to the data #
# message("inserting severity and body_region columns")
for(i in dx_nums){
# create column name
dx_name <- paste0(dx_pre, i)
# pull just the diagnosis code column of interest
df_ss <- df[ , dx_name, drop = FALSE]
# add row variable for sorting back to original order
df_ss$n <- 1:NROW(df_ss)
# strip out decimal in all codes
df_ss[ , dx_name] <- sub("\\.", "", df_ss[ , dx_name])
# For ICD 9 codes we do not need to check the format since only valid codes will be matched
# when we merge in the ISS from the lookup tables
# Note that this assumes that no ICD 10 codes will inadvertently be matched to ICD 9 codes
# I think this is true but am not 100% sure yet.
# OK...I did some checking and V codes are a problem.
# V12 is both a valid I9 and I10 code for example
# E codes are also a problem if we strip the decimal. E800 after decimal stripping
# is in both I9 and I10 (E80.0).
# Luckily we are only dealing with a subset of I9 and I10
# for the N-codes
# The I9 subset only include codes that start with 8 or 9
# The I10 subset only includes codes that start with S or T
# for the E codes (nature of injury codes)
# I10 start with "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y"
# I9 start with "E"
# Is it possible that an I9 V code gets classified as I10?
# Yep seems so. V20 will be matched with I10 even though it could be an I9 code.
# The same is not true of the ICD 10 codes since there are placeholder "X" characters
# allowed. If the user requests ICD 10 then we need to validate ICD 10 codes and
# the process them according to what Dave did when he created the empirical table.
# The National Trauma Data Standard used by NTDB considers valid ICD-10-CM injury
# codes to be those in the ranges S00-S99, T07, T14, T20-T28, and T30-32.
# ICDPIC-R recognizes only these codes in the calculation of injury severity from ICD-10
# and also requires that the codes have a decimal point in the fourth position and the
# letter 'A' in the eighth position (indicating an initial encounter).
# We only need to do this processing for the roc_max method.
# If user is using the GEM then the code validation is automatically handled
# through the merge just like in the icd9 case.
if(icd10 == TRUE & i10_iss_method == "roc_max"){
i9_valid <- c("8","9","E")
i10_valid <- c("S","T","U","V","W","X","Y")
# get rid of codes that do not start with a valid character
df_ss[ , dx_name] <- ifelse(substr(df_ss[,dx_name], 1, 1) %in% c(i9_valid, i10_valid), df_ss[,dx_name], NA)
# any codes starting with V are assumed to be ICD 10
# if the code is I9 (starts with 8, 9, or E) then leave it alone
# otherwise
# if the code starts with "S","T","U","V","W","X","Y" then process by
# checking that 7th (last) character is an A and then stripping it off
# stripping the first X found and any characters after it
process_i10 <- function(s){
stopifnot(is.character(s) | is.na(s))
ret_val <- NA
s <- sub("\\.", "", s)
if(!substr(s,1,1) %in% c("S","T","U","V","W","X","Y")) {
ret_val <- s
} else if(nchar(s) < 7 & !grepl("X", substr(s, 2, nchar(s)))) {
ret_val <- s
} else if(nchar(s) != 7) {
ret_val <- ""
} else if(substr(s,7,7) != "A") {
ret_val <- ""
} else if(substr(s,5,5) == "X") {
ret_val <- substr(s,1,4)
} else if(substr(s,6,6) == "X") {
ret_val <- substr(s,1,5)
} else {
ret_val <- substr(s,1,6)
# process the codes
df_ss[ , dx_name] <- sapply(df_ss[ , dx_name], process_i10)
# tst$dx12 <- sapply(tst$dx1, process_i10)
# process_i10("S80.812A")
# process_i10("S0189")
# unique(substr(i10_map_emp$dx,1,3))
# unique(substr(i10_map_max$dx,1,3))
temp <- merge(df_ss, ntab, by.x = dx_name, by.y = "dx", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
# reorder rows after merge
temp <- temp[order(temp$n), ]
# reorder columns and drop dx and n
temp <- temp[ , c("severity","issbr")]
if(calc_method == 2){
# replace severity=6 with severity=5
temp[which(temp$severity == 6), "severity"] <- 5
#rename columns
names(temp) <- paste0(c("sev_","issbr_"), i)
# add temp columns to dataframe
# message(paste0('inserting columns for ', dx_name))
df <- .insert_columns(df, dx_name, temp)
# Create variables for maximum AIS/ISS body region. #
# i=1
# message("calc max ais for each body region")
# body regions are coded as text
body_regions <- unique(i10_map_max$issbr)
# make usable for column names
issbr_names <- gsub("/", "_", body_regions)
# for each of the 6 body regions loop through dx codes and get max ais for that body region
for(i in body_regions){
# Get severity columns and multiply by 1 if they are for body region i and 0 otherwise
# This uses element-wise multiplication of matricies
# all severity columns as a matrix * Indicator matrix of body region columns (entries 1 or 0)
temp <- df[ , grepl("sev_", names(df)), drop = FALSE] * (1*(df[ , grepl("issbr_", names(df))] == i))
# convert all zeros to NA. zeros represent severity values not associated with body region i
# temp <- data.frame(t(apply(temp, 1, function(x) ifelse(x==0, NA, x))))
# take max (excluding 9) and assign to mxaisbr_i
# severity score of 9 implies unknown severity.
# Thus we want to exclude these as long as there is at least one known severity for the body region
# However if all severity scores for the body region are 9 then we will assign maxaisbr a value of 9
df[ , paste0("mxaisbr_", gsub("/","",i))] <- apply(temp, 1, function(row){
# convert all zeros to NA. zeros represent severity values not associated with body region i
row <- ifelse(row == 0, NA, row)
maxaisbr <- 0
} else if(all(row == 9, na.rm = TRUE)){
maxaisbr <- 9
} else {
maxaisbr <- max(c(0, row[row != 9]), na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate maximum severity over all ISS body regions. excluding 9s #
# define function to convert 9 to 0
c9to0 <- function(x) ifelse(x == 9, 0, x)
# df$maxais_ex9 <- pmax(c9to0(df$mxaisbr1),
# c9to0(df$mxaisbr2),
# c9to0(df$mxaisbr3),
# c9to0(df$mxaisbr4),
# c9to0(df$mxaisbr5),
# c9to0(df$mxaisbr6))
# assign maxais
# this is a bit complicated
# if all maxbr_i are in (9,0,NA) then the max should be 9
# if there is at least one positive maxbr_i that is not 9 then we need to exclude the 9s
# for each row in df...
df$maxais <- apply(df, 1, function(row){
# select mxaisbr columns
row <- row[grepl("mxaisbr", names(row))]
# if the max excluding 9 is zero then include 9 so that if there is a 9 then the max will be 9
maxais <- as.numeric(NA)
} else if(max(c9to0(row), na.rm = TRUE) == 0){
maxais <- max(row, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
maxais <- max(c9to0(row), na.rm = TRUE)
df$maxais <- as.numeric(df$maxais)
# Calculate ISS value. #
# ISS is calculated as the sum of the squared three highest maxaisbr varaiables for a given person.
# We need to exclude 9s in this calculation.
df$riss <- apply(df, 1, function(row){
# select the max ais variables for a given row
temp <- row[grepl("^mxaisbr", names(row))]
# for some reason apply is converting these to char. We will convert them back to numeric
# also convert 9s to 0
temp <- as.numeric(c9to0(temp))
# Take the three highest, square them, and sum the result
# print(temp[order(-temp)[1:3]])
# what if there are only two?
# In that case this code will sum the squares of the highest two
# Is this what we want?
# Replace ISS value with 75 if maximum severity is 6. This implies that the person is dead.
# 75 is the max ISS score 3(5^2) = 75
df[df$maxais == 6,"riss"] <- 75
# Replace ISS value with NA if maximum severity is 9.
# If maxais is 9 then it implies that there were only injuries of unknown severity
df[df$maxais == 9, "riss"] <- NA
# Calculate the New Injury Severity Score (NISS) #
# ISS is calculated as the sum of the squared three highest ais varaiables for a given person.
# We need to exclude 9s in this calculation.
df$niss <- apply(df, 1, function(row){
# select the max ais variables for a given row
temp <- row[grepl("^sev_", names(row))]
# convert NA to 0
temp <- as.numeric(temp)
temp <- ifelse(is.na(temp) | temp == 9, 0, temp)
# Take the three highest, square them, and sum the result
# Replace ISS value with 75 if maximum severity is 6. This implies that the person is dead.
# 75 is the max ISS score 3(5^2) = 75
df[df$maxais == 6,"niss"] <- 75
# Replace ISS value with NA if maximum severity is 9.
# If maxais is 9 then it implies that there were only injuries of unknown severity
df[df$maxais == 9, "niss"] <- NA
# Merge diagnosis codes with E-Code reference table to obtain major #
# mechanism, minor mechanism and intent variables for up to 4 #
# E-Codes and add them to the data. #
# get ecode column names
ecode_colnames <- paste0("ecode_", 1:4)
#create ecode columns
df[ , ecode_colnames] <- NA
# for each row extract the first 4 ecodes and add them to the e-code columns
# icd10 e-codes do not start with E.
# get a list of all ecodes (includes icd10 code if requested)
ecode_regex <- paste0("^", etab$dx, collapse = "|")
df[ , ecode_colnames] <- t(apply(df, 1, function(row){
# remove decimal
row <- sub("\\.", "", row)
# get all e codes using pattern matching
row_ecodes <- stringr::str_extract(as.character(unlist(row)), ecode_regex)
# remove na values
row_ecodes <- na.omit(row_ecodes)
# save first 4 Ecodes
# loop through e codes and add associated variables from e code table
for(i in 1:4){
col_name <- paste("ecode_", i, sep="")
# subset dataframe: pull just the diagnosis code column of interest
df_ss <- df[,col_name, drop = FALSE]
# add row variable for sorting back to original order
df_ss$n <- 1:NROW(df_ss)
# strip out decimal
df_ss[,col_name] <- sub("\\.","", df_ss[,col_name])
# merge in ecode variables
temp <- merge(df_ss, etab, by.x=col_name, by.y="dx", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
# reorder rows after merge
temp <- temp[order(temp$n), ]
# drop dx and n
temp <- temp[,c("mechmaj", "mechmin", "intent")]
# rename columns
names(temp) <- paste(c("mechmaj", "mechmin", "intent"), i, sep="")
# add columns to dataframe
df <- .insert_columns(df, col_name, temp)
# Add mortality prediction if possible #
if(stringr::str_detect(i10_iss_method, "NIS|TQIP") && icd10 %in% c("cm", "base")) {
if(verbose) print("Calculating mortality prediction")
coef_df <- .select_i10_coef(prefix = stringr::str_extract(i10_iss_method, "NIS|TQIP"), icd10)
stopifnot(max(coef_df$intercept, na.rm = TRUE) == min(coef_df$intercept, na.rm = TRUE))
intercept <- max(coef_df$intercept, na.rm = TRUE)
# create hash table
coef_df <- coef_df[!is.na(coef_df$effect), ]
effect_hash <- coef_df$effect
names(effect_hash) <- coef_df$dx
calc_mortality_prediction <- function(dx){
# dx is a character vector of diagnosis codes for one person
x <- sum(effect_hash[sub("\\.", "", dx)], na.rm = TRUE) + intercept
mat <- as.matrix(df[,grepl(paste0("^", dx_pre), names(df))])
df$Pmort <- apply(mat, 1, calc_mortality_prediction)
# set rownames
rownames(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
# return dataframe
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