Defines functions .rwr_find_closest rwr_find_closest_type .rwr_find_seeds_between_attribute rwr_find_seeds_between_attributes rwr_top_k_graph remove_unconnected_nodes random_walk_restart

Documented in random_walk_restart rwr_find_closest_type rwr_find_seeds_between_attributes

#' Random Walk with Restart
#' This function performs a propagation analysis by random walk with restart
#'  in a multi-layered network from specific seeds.
#' @param X an igraph or list.igraph object.
#' @param seed a character vector. Only seeds present in X are considered.
#' @param r a numeric value between 0 and 1. 
#'  It sets the probability of restarting to a seed node after each step. 
#' @return 
#' Each element of X returns a list (class = 'rwr') 
#' containing the following elements:
#' \item{rwr}{a \code{data.frame}, the RWR results for each valid seed.}
#' \item{seed}{a character vector with the valid seeds}
#' \item{graph}{\code{igraph} object from X}
#' If X is a \code{list.igraph}, the returned object is a \code{list.rwr}.
#' @seealso 
# \code{\link[RandomWalkRestartMH]{Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex}}, 
#' \code{\link[netOmics]{rwr_find_seeds_between_attributes}}, 
#' \code{\link[netOmics]{rwr_find_closest_type}}
#' @examples
#' graph1 <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(
#'     list(from = c('A', 'B', 'A', 'D', 'C', 'A', 'C'), 
#'          to = c('B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'D', 'F', 'G')), 
#'     directed = FALSE)
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c('A','B','C'),
#'                                   value = '1')
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c('D','E'),
#'                                   value = '2')
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c('F', 'G'),
#'                                   value = '3')
#' rwr_res <- random_walk_restart(X = graph1, 
#'                                seed = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'))
# @importFrom RandomWalkRestartMH create.multiplex
# @importFrom RandomWalkRestartMH compute.adjacency.matrix
# @importFrom RandomWalkRestartMH normalize.multiplex.adjacency 
# @importFrom RandomWalkRestartMH Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate left_join
#' @importFrom purrr imap_dfr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
random_walk_restart <- function(X, seed = NULL, r = 0.7) {
    # check X is graph or list of graph
    X <- check_graph(X)
    # check seed
    seed <- check_vector_char(X = seed, var.name = "'seed' ")
    # check r
    r <- check_single_numeric_value(r, min = 0, max = 1, var.name = "'r' ")
    # delta
    delta <- 0.5
    res <- list()
    if (is(X, "list.igraph")) {
        # apply RWR on each graph
        for (i in seq_along(X)) {
            Xi <- X[[i]]
            Xi <- remove_unconnected_nodes(Xi)
            index_name_i <- ifelse(
            ## possible implementation to benchmark: extract graph component
            ## and make couples with seeds and matching subgraph
            seed_xi <- intersect(seed, igraph::V(Xi)$name)  
            # prevent the error: 'Some of the seeds are not nodes of the network
            # rwr layer names: to change if we include some day multiplex
            # network
            layers_name <- ifelse(
            # multiplex <- RandomWalkRestartMH::create.multiplex(L1 =
            # Xi,Layers_Name=layers_name)
            #multiplex <- RandomWalkRestartMH::create.multiplex(
            multiplex <- create.multiplex(
                LayersList = list(L1 = Xi),
                Layers_Name = layers_name
            # adj_matrix <- RandomWalkRestartMH::compute.adjacency.matrix(
            adj_matrix <- compute.adjacency.matrix(
                x = multiplex, 
                delta = delta)
            adj_matrix_norm <- 
                # RandomWalkRestartMH::normalize.multiplex.adjacency(
                    x = adj_matrix)  # time/RAM consuming
            res_tmp <- list()
            for (seed_xi_i in seed_xi) {
                # rwr_res <- RandomWalkRestartMH::Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex(
                rwr_res <- Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex(
                    x = adj_matrix_norm, 
                    MultiplexObject = multiplex, 
                    Seeds = seed_xi_i,
                    r = r
                res_tmp[[seed_xi_i]] <- rwr_res
            if (!is_empty(seed_xi)) {
                res[[index_name_i]] <- list()
                res[[index_name_i]][["rwr"]] <- purrr::imap_dfr(
                    res_tmp, ~{
                        .x$RWRM_Results %>%
                            dplyr::mutate(SeedName = .y)
                ) %>%
                        by = c(NodeNames = "name")
                res[[index_name_i]][["graph"]] <- X[[i]]
                res[[index_name_i]][["seed"]] <- seed_xi
                class(res[[index_name_i]]) <- "rwr"
            class(res) <- c("list.rwr")
    } else {
        # X is a single graph
        Xi <- remove_unconnected_nodes(X)
        ## possible implementation to benchmark: extract graph component and
        ## make couples with seeds and matching subgraph
        seed_xi <- intersect(seed, igraph::V(Xi)$name)  
        # prevent the error: Some of the seeds are not nodes of the network    
        # rwr layer names: to change if we include some day multiplex network
        # layers_name <- ifelse(!is.null(names(X)[i]), names(X)[i], 'graph')
        layers_name <- c("graph")
        # multiplex <- RandomWalkRestartMH::create.multiplex(L1 =
        # Xi,Layers_Name=layers_name)
        multiplex <- create.multiplex(
            LayersList = list(L1 = Xi),
            Layers_Name = layers_name
        adj_matrix <- compute.adjacency.matrix(
            x = multiplex, 
            delta = delta)
        adj_matrix_norm <- normalize.multiplex.adjacency(
            x = adj_matrix)  # time/RAM consuming
        res_tmp <- list()
        for (seed_xi_i in seed_xi) {
            rwr_res <- Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex(
            #rwr_res <- RandomWalkRestartMH::Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex(
                x = adj_matrix_norm, 
                MultiplexObject = multiplex, 
                Seeds = seed_xi_i,
                r = r
            res_tmp[[seed_xi_i]] <- rwr_res
        # all seeds for a graph X has been computed -> merge result (more
        # efficient than having seperate results + associated graph)
        if (!is_empty(seed_xi)) {
            res[["rwr"]] <- purrr::imap_dfr(
                res_tmp, ~{
                    .x$RWRM_Results %>%
                        dplyr::mutate(SeedName = .y)
            ) %>%
                    by = c(NodeNames = "name")
            res[["graph"]] <- X
            res[["seed"]] <- seed_xi
        class(res) <- c("rwr")

#' @importFrom igraph delete_vertices simplify degree
remove_unconnected_nodes <- function(X) {
    # remove unconnected nodes but does not simplify
    X.simplified <- igraph::simplify(X)
    isolated_nodes = which(igraph::degree(X.simplified) == 0)
    X = igraph::delete_vertices(X, isolated_nodes)

#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull top_n
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph set_vertex_attr V
rwr_top_k_graph <- function(X, RWRM_Result_Object, Seed, k = 15) {
    Top_Results_Nodes <- RWRM_Result_Object %>%
        dplyr::filter(SeedName == Seed) %>%
        dplyr::top_n(n = k, wt = Score) %>%
    Query_Nodes <- intersect(
        c(Seed, Top_Results_Nodes),
    Target_Nodes <- intersect(Top_Results_Nodes, igraph::V(X)$name)
    if (!purrr::is_empty(Query_Nodes)) {
        top_k_graph <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph = X, 
                                                vids = Query_Nodes)
        top_k_graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = top_k_graph, 
                                               name = "rwr", 
                                               index = Seed, 
                                               value = "seed")
        top_k_graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = top_k_graph, 
                                               name = "rwr", 
                                               index = Target_Nodes, 
                                               value = "target")

#' RWR Find seeds between attributes
#' From rwr results, this function returns a subgraph if any vertex shares 
#' different attributes value.
#' In biological context, this might be useful to identify vertex shared between
#'  clusters or omics types.
#' @param X a random walk result from \code{random_walk_restart}
#' @param seed a character vector or NULL. If NULL, all the seeds from X 
#' are considered.
#' @param attribute a character value or NULL. 
#' If NULL, the closest node is returned.
#' @param k a integer, k closest nodes to consider in the search
#' @return 
#' A list of igraph object for each seed.
#' If X is a list, it returns a list of list of graph.
#' @examples 
#' graph1 <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(
#'     list(from = c("A", "B", "A", "D", "C", "A", "C"), 
#'          to = c("B", "C", "D", "E", "D", "F", "G")), 
#'     directed = FALSE)
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c("A","B","C"),
#'                                   value = "1")
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c("D","E"),
#'                                   value = "2")
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c("F", "G"),
#'                                   value = "3")
#' rwr_res <- random_walk_restart(X = graph1,
#'                                seed = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
#' rwr_res_type <- rwr_find_seeds_between_attributes(X = rwr_res, 
#'                                                   attribute = "type", 
#'                                                   k = 3)
#' @export
rwr_find_seeds_between_attributes <- function(X, 
                                              seed = NULL, 
                                              k = 15, 
                                              attribute = "type"){
    # check X
    if(!(is(X, "rwr") | is(X, "list.rwr"))){
        stop("X must be a random walk result")
    # check k
        k <-  check_single_numeric_value(k, min = 0, 
                                         max = 200, 
                                         var.name = "'k' ")

    } else {
        k <- 15
    # check seed  # if seed is null, all seeds found in rwr are considered 
        # don't check if all seeds are in vids -> NULL results anyway
        seed <- check_vector_char(X = seed, 
                                  var.name = "'seed' ", 
                                  default = NULL)
    # check attribute
    attribute <-  check_vector_char(X = attribute, var.name = "'attribute' ", 
                                    default = "type",
                                    X.length = 1)
    if(is(X, "rwr")){
        if(is.null(seed)){ # seed = all seeds 
            seed <- X$seed  # can be NULL
        res <- .rwr_find_seeds_between_attribute(rwr = X, 
                                                 k = k, 
                                                 attribute = attribute, 
                                                 seed = seed)
        class(res) <- "rwr.attributes"
    } else { # X is list.res
        # should not be run on list.res because each item 
        # contains a unique cluster
        res <- list()

        for(i in seq_along(X)){
            index_name_i <- ifelse(!is.null(names(X)[i]), names(X)[i], i)
            if(is.null(seed)){ # seed = all seeds 
                seed_i <- X[[index_name_i]]$seed  # can be NULL
            } else {
                seed_i <- seed
            res[[index_name_i]] <- .rwr_find_seeds_between_attribute(
                rwr = X[[index_name_i]],
                k = k,
                attribute = attribute,
                seed = seed_i)
            class(res[[index_name_i]]) <- "rwr.attributes"
        class(res) <- "list.rwr.attributes"

#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr
.rwr_find_seeds_between_attribute <- function(rwr, 
    res <- list()
    for(seed_xi in seed){
        # print(seed_xi)
        top_k_graph <- rwr_top_k_graph(X = rwr$graph, 
                                       RWRM_Result_Object = rwr$rwr, 
                                       Seed = seed_xi, k = k)
        # find different cluster
            if(nrow(table(igraph::vertex_attr(top_k_graph)[[attribute]])) >= 2){
                # generic version
                res[[seed_xi]] <- top_k_graph

#' RWR Find closest nodes
#' From a rwr results, this function returns the closest nodes from a seed with 
#' a given attribute and value.
#' In biological context, it might be useful to get the closest Gene Ontology
#'  annotation nodes from unannotated seeds.
#' @param X a random walk result from \code{random_walk_restart}
#' @param seed a character vector or NULL. If NULL, all the seeds 
#' from X are considered.
#' @param attribute a character value or NULL. If NULL, 
#' the closest node is returned.
#' @param value a character value or NULL. If NULL, the closest node for a given
#'  attribute is returned.
#' @param top a numeric value, the top closest nodes to extract
#' @return 
#' A list of \code{data.frame} for each seed containing the closest nodes per
#'  seed and their vertex attributes.
#' If X is \code{list.rwr}, the returned value is a list of list. 
#' @examples 
#' graph1 <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(
#'     list(from = c("A", "B", "A", "D", "C", "A", "C"), 
#'          to = c("B", "C", "D", "E", "D", "F", "G")), 
#'     directed = FALSE)
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c("A","B","C"),
#'                                   value = "1")
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c("D","E"),
#'                                   value = "2")
#' graph1 <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = graph1, 
#'                                   name = 'type', 
#'                                   index = c("F", "G"),
#'                                   value = "3")
#' rwr_res <- random_walk_restart(X = graph1,
#'                                seed = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
#' rwr_find_closest_type(X=rwr_res, attribute = "type", 
#'                       seed = "A")

#' @export
rwr_find_closest_type <- function(X, 
                                  seed = NULL, 
                                  attribute = NULL, 
                                  value = NULL, 
                                  top = 1){
    # check X
    if(!(is(X, "rwr") | is(X, "list.rwr"))){
        stop("X must be a random walk result")
    # check attribute or replace with default value
    attribute <- check_vector_char(X = attribute,
                                   X.length = 1, 
                                   default = NULL,
                                   var.name = "'attribute' ")
    # check value or replace with default value
    value <- check_vector_char(X = value, 
                               X.length = 1, 
                               default = NULL, 
                               var.name = "'value' ")
    # check top
    top <- check_single_numeric_value(top, var.name = "'top' ")
    # check seed  # if seed is null, all seeds found in rwr are considered  
        # don't check if all seeds are in vids -> NULL results anyway
        seed <- check_vector_char(X = seed, 
                                  var.name = "'seed' ", 
                                  default = NULL)
    if(is(X, "rwr")){
        if(is.null(seed)){ # seed = all seeds 
            seed <- X$seed  # can be NULL
        res <- .rwr_find_closest(rwr = X, user.attribute = attribute, 
                                 seed = seed, 
                                 user.value = value, 
                                 top = top)
        class(res) <- "rwr.closest"
    } else { # X is list.res
        # should not be run on list.res because each item 
        # contains a unique cluster
        res <- list()
        for(i in seq_along(X)){
            index_name_i <- ifelse(!is.null(names(X)[i]), names(X)[i], i)
            if(is.null(seed)){ # seed = all seeds 
                seed_i <- X[[index_name_i]]$seed  # can be NULL
            } else {
                seed_i <- seed
            res[[index_name_i]] <- .rwr_find_closest(rwr = X[[index_name_i]], 
                                                     user.attribute = attribute, 
                                                     seed = seed_i, 
                                                     user.value = value, 
                                                     top = top)
            class(res[[index_name_i]]) <- "rwr.closest"
        class(res) <- "list.rwr.closest"

#' @importFrom dplyr filter top_n left_join select everything across mutate
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
.rwr_find_closest <- function(rwr, user.attribute, user.value, seed, top){
    res <- list()
    for(seed_xi in seed){
        rwr.res.filtered <- dplyr::filter(rwr$rwr, SeedName == seed_xi) 
        # fix to use pivot_longer with different cast columns (integer/logical,)
        rwr.res.filtered <- rwr.res.filtered %>% t %>% t %>% as.data.frame()
        rwr.res.filtered <- tidyr::pivot_longer(rwr.res.filtered, 
                                                names_to = "attribute", 
                                                values_to = "value", 
                                                -c(NodeNames, Score, SeedName),
                                                #values_ptypes = 
                                                #    list(value=character())
                                                ) %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), as.character))
            rwr.res.filtered <- dplyr::filter(rwr.res.filtered, 
                                              attribute == user.attribute)
            rwr.res.filtered <- dplyr::filter(rwr.res.filtered, 
                                              value == user.value)
        rwr.res.filtered <- dplyr::top_n(x = rwr.res.filtered, 
                                         n = top, 
                                         wt = Score) %>%
            dplyr::select(c(NodeNames, SeedName)) %>% 
        if(nrow(rwr.res.filtered) > 0){
            res[[seed_xi]] <- dplyr::left_join(
                by =  c("NodeNames" = "NodeNames", "SeedName" = "SeedName")) %>% 
                dplyr::select(c(NodeNames, Score, SeedName), 
    #res <- purrr::map_dfr(res, ~.x)
abodein/netOmics documentation built on April 16, 2024, 2:59 p.m.