#' @title Classes for "fasterRaster" locations, rasters, and vectors
#' @aliases GRaster
#' @rdname GLocation
#' @exportClass GRaster
GRaster <- methods::setClass(
contains = "GRegion",
slots = list(
projection = "character",
datatypeGRASS = "character",
nLayers = "integer",
names = "character",
minVal = "numeric",
maxVal = "numeric",
activeCat = "integer",
levels = "list"
prototype = prototype(
projection = NA_character_,
datatypeGRASS = NA_character_,
nLayers = NA_integer_,
names = NA_character_,
minVal = NA_real_,
maxVal = NA_real_,
activeCat = NA_integer_,
levels = list(data.table::data.table(NULL))
#' Evaluate the @levels column slot of a `GRaster`
#' @description Test whether a list of "levels" tables is valid. First column must be integer. Must have >= 2 columns.
#' @param object A `GRaster`.
#' @returns `TRUE` if invalid, `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @noRd
.validLevelTable <- function(object) {
levels <- object@levels
nlevs <- .nlevels(levels)
for (i in seq_along(levels)) {
nr <- nlevs[i]
if (nr != 0) {
if (object@datatypeGRASS[i] != "CELL") {
# } else if (nr == 1L) {
# return(TRUE)
} else if (!inherits(levels[[i]][[1L]], "integer")) {
#' Evaluate the @activeCat slot of a GRaster
#' @description Test whether `@activeCat` values are valid.
#' @param object A `GRaster`.
#' @returns `TRUE` if invalid, `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @noRd
.validActiveCat <- function(object) {
bad <- FALSE
numCols <- sapply(object@levels, ncol)
isFact <- is.factor(object)
if (any(isFact & is.na(object@activeCat))) {
bad <- TRUE
} else if (any(isFact & (object@activeCat < 1L | object@activeCat > numCols))) {
bad <- TRUE
#' Evaluate whether a raster's datatype can accommodate levels
#' @description A `GRaster` must have the `CELL` datatype to have levels.
#' @param object A `GRaster`
#' @returns `TRUE` if invalid, `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @noRd
.canMakeRasterCategorical <- function(object) {
dt <- object@datatypeGRASS
numLevels <- nlevels(object)
if (any(numLevels > 0L)) {
out <- any(dt[numLevels > 0L] != "CELL")
} else {
out <- FALSE
#' Test if GRaster is valid
#' @noRd
function(object) {
if (!all(object@datatypeGRASS %in% c("CELL", "FCELL", "DCELL"))) {
paste0("@datatypeGRASS can only be NA, ``CELL`, `FCELL`, or `DCELL`.")
} else if (!is.na(object@dimensions[3L]) && object@dimensions[3L] <= 0L) {
"Third value in @dimensions must be NA or a positive integer."
} else if (!is.na(object@resolution[3L]) && object@resolution[3L] <= 0) {
"Third value in @resolution must be NA or a positive real value."
} else if (object@nLayers < 1) {
"@nLayers must be a positive integer."
} else if (object@nLayers != length(object@sources)) {
"@nLayers is different from the number of @sources."
} else if (object@nLayers != length(object@names)) {
"@names must be @nLayers in length."
} else if (object@nLayers != length(object@minVal)) {
"@minVal must be @nLayers in length."
} else if (object@nLayers != length(object@maxVal)) {
"@maxVal must be @nLayers in length."
} else if (length(object@activeCat) != object@nLayers) {
"The number of @activeCat values must be the same as the number of @nLayers."
} else if (length(object@levels) != object@nLayers) {
"The number of tables in @levels must be the same as the number of @nLayers."
} else if (.canMakeRasterCategorical(object)) {
"Only rasters of datatype `CELL` can be categorical."
} else if (.validLevelTable(object)) {
"Each table must be a NULL `data.table`, or if not, the first column\n must be an integer, and there must be >1 columns."
} else if (.validActiveCat(object)) {
"@activeCat must be `NA_integer_`, or an integer between 1 and the number of columns in each `data.table` in @levels, minus 1."
} else {
} # EOF
#' Create a GRaster
#' @description Create a `GRaster` from a raster existing in the current **GRASS** session.
#' @param src Character (name of the raster in **GRASS) or a `rastInfo` object.
#' @param names Character: Name of the raster.
#' @param levels `NULL` (default), a `data.frame`, `data.table`, an empty string (`""`), or a list of `data.frame`s, `data.table`s, and/or empty strings: These become the raster's [levels()]. If `""`, then no levels are defined.
#' @param ac Vector of numeric/integer values >=1, or `NULL` (default): Active category column (offset by 1, so 1 really means the second column, 2 means the third, etc.). A value of `NULL` uses an automated procedure to figure it out.
#' @param fail Logical: If `TRUE` (default), and the raster either has a 0 east-west or north-south extent, then exit the function with an error. If `fail` is `FALSE`, then display a warning and return `NULL`.
#' @returns A `GRaster`.
#' @seealso [.makeGVector()]
#' @keywords internal
.makeGRaster <- function(src, names = "raster", levels = "", ac = NULL, fail = TRUE) {
if (inherits(src, "rastInfo")) {
info <- src
src <- info$sources
} else {
info <- .rastInfo(src)
if (!all(.exists(src))) stop("No raster was created in GRASS. The error is likely in the calling function.")
# test for zero extent
if (any(abs(info$west - info$east) < omnibus::eps()) | any(abs(info$north - info$south) < omnibus::eps())) {
msg <- "Raster has 0 east-west extent and/or north-south extent."
if (fail) {
} else {
# levels: convert empty strings to NULL data.tables and data.frames to data.tables
if (is.null(levels) || all(levels == "")) levels <- data.table::data.table(NULL)
if (!inherits(levels, "list")) levels <- list(levels)
levels <- lapply(levels, data.table::as.data.table)
if (length(levels) == 1L & length(src) > 1L) for (i in 2L:length(src)) levels[[i]] <- levels[[1L]]
# active category and levels
if (is.null(ac)) {
ac <- rep(NA_integer_, length(levels))
for (i in seq_along(levels)) {
if (is.null(levels[[i]]) || (is.character(levels[[i]]) && levels[[i]] == "")) {
ac[i] <- NA_integer_
levels[[i]] <- data.table::data.table(NULL)
} else if (!inherits(levels[[i]], "data.table")) {
ac[i] <- 2L
levels[[i]] <- data.table::data.table(levels[[i]])
} else if (inherits(levels[[i]], "data.table")) {
ac[i] <- 2L
} else {
ac <- as.integer(ac)
ac <- ac + 1L
# nLayers <- length(info$sources)
nLayers <- length(src)
if (length(names) < nLayers) names <- rep(names, length.out = nLayers)
out <- methods::new(
location = .location(),
mapset = "PERMANENT",
workDir = faster("workDir"),
crs = crs(),
projection = info[["projection"]][1L],
topology = info[["topology"]][1L],
extent = c(info[["west"]][1L], info[["east"]][1L], info[["south"]][1L], info[["north"]][1L]),
zextent = c(info[["zbottom"]][1L], info[["ztop"]][1L]),
nLayers = nLayers,
dimensions = c(info[["rows"]][1L], info[["cols"]][1L], info[["depths"]][1L]),
resolution = c(info[["ewres"]][1L], info[["nsres"]][1L], info[["tbres"]][1L]),
sources = src,
names = names,
datatypeGRASS = info[["grassDataType"]],
minVal = info[["minVal"]],
maxVal = info[["maxVal"]],
activeCat = ac,
levels = levels
out <- .makeUniqueNames(out)
# out <- droplevels(out, layer = 1L:nLayers)
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