#' @title Classes for fasterRaster locations, rasters, and vectors
#' @aliases GVector
#' @rdname GLocation
#' @exportClass GVector
GVector <- methods::setClass(
contains = "GSpatial",
slots = list(
projection = "character",
nGeometries = "integer",
nSubgeometries = "integer",
geometry = "character",
table = "data.table"
prototype = prototype(
projection = NA_character_,
geometry = NA_character_,
nGeometries = NA_integer_,
nSubgeometries = NA_integer_,
table = data.table::data.table(NULL)
function(object) {
info <- .vectInfo(object)
if (!info$catsValid) {
"Vector has invalid topology. See the *Details* section in `fast()` on how to correct topology."
} else if (!all(object@geometry %in% c(NA_character_, "points", "lines", "polygons"))) {
paste0("@geometry can only be NA, `points`, `lines`, or `polygons`.")
# } else if (length(unique(.vCats(object)) != object@nGeometries)) {
# "The number of @nGeometries is not the same as the number of unique `cat` values in the vector attribute table in GRASS."
# } else if (object@nGeometries > object@nSubgeometries) {
# "The number of sub-geometries in @nSubgeometries must be <= the number of geometries in @nGeometries."
} else if (object@nGeometries == 0L) {
"GVector has no geometries."
} else if (nrow(object@table) > 0L && nrow(object@table) != object@nGeometries) {
"The data.table in @table must be a NULL table (data.table(NULL)), or\n it must have the same number of rows as @nGeometries. See the *Details* section in `fast()` on how to correct topology."
} else {
} # EOF
#' Create a GVector
#' @description Create a `GVector` from a vector existing in the current **GRASS** session.
#' @param src Character: The name of the vector in **GRASS**.
#' @param table A `data.table`, `data.frame`, `GVector` with a table, or character. This can be `data.table(NULL)` or `data.frame(NULL)` if there is no table associated with the vector. If a character, this is interpreted as the name of the table in **GRASS**.
#' @param build Logical: If `TRUE` (default), build topology using **GRASS** module `v.build`.
#' @param extensive Logical: If `TRUE`, do extensive topological checks using `v.build`. The default is `FALSE`.
#' @param cats `NULL` (default) or an integer vector: Values of the "cats" (categories) of the vector in **GRASS**. This is useful *only* for speeding up the `GVector` creation process when the "cats" have already been ascertained.
#' @param fail Logical: If `TRUE` (default), and the vector either has a 0 east-west or north-south extent, then exit the function with an error. If `fail` is `FALSE`, then display a warning and return `NULL`.
#' @returns A `GVector` (or `NULL` if `fail` is `TRUE` and the `GVector` would be invalid).
#' @seealso [.makeGRaster()]
#' @keywords internal
.makeGVector <- function(src, table = NULL, build = TRUE, extensive = FALSE, cats = NULL, fail = TRUE) {
if (inherits(table, "GVector")) table <- table@table
if (is.null(table)) table <- data.table::data.table(NULL)
if (!inherits(table, "data.table")) table <- data.table::as.data.table(table)
if (is.null(cats)) cats <- .vCats(src, db = FALSE)
nGeoms <- length(unique(cats))
nSubgeoms <- length(cats)
info <- .vectInfo(src, cats = cats)
# NB test for zero extent... note that lines and points can have zero extent
if (is.na(info$geometry) || (info$geometry == "polygons" & ((info$west - info$east) == 0 | (info$north - info$south) == 0))) {
msg <- "Vector has no geometries."
if (fail) {
} else {
# build topology
if (build) {
args <- list(
cmd = "v.build",
map = src,
option = "build",
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"),
echoCmd = FALSE
if (extensive) args$flags <- c(args$flags, "e")
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
location = .location(),
mapset = "PERMANENT",
workDir = faster("workDir"),
crs = crs(),
projection = info[["projection"]][1L],
topology = info[["topology"]][1L],
sources = src,
geometry = info[["geometry"]][1L],
nGeometries = nGeoms,
nSubgeometries = nSubgeoms,
extent = c(info[["west"]][1L], info[["east"]][1L], info[["south"]][1L], info[["north"]][1L]),
zextent = c(info[["zbottom"]], info[["ztop"]]),
table = table
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