#' Add a database table to a GRASS attribute table
#' @description `.vAttachDatabase()` adds a table to a **GRASS** vector. This table is meant to be "invisible" to most users--they should use interact with attribute tables using the `GVector` slot `@table`. Some functions require tables (e.g., [extract()] and [spatSample()]). **This function is mostly of use to developers.**
#' @param x A `GVector` or the name of a vector in **GRASS**.
#' @param table Either `NULL` (default), or a `data.frame` or `data.table`, or a numeric or integer vector:
#' * If `NULL`, then a bare minimal table will be created with a column named `cat`, holding sequential integer values.
#' * If a `data.frame` or `data.table` and no column is named `cat`, one will be created with sequential integer values. If the table does have a column named `cat`, then it should have integer (not just numeric) values.
#' * If a `vector`, then these are coerced to type `integer` and used to define the `cat` column.
#' There should be one row/value per geometry in `x`.
#' @param replace Logical: If `TRUE`, replace the existing database connection.
#' @param cats Either `NULL` (default), or an integer vector: This is provided as a means to save time by passing `cats` to this function if it has already been generated by a calling function.
#' @returns Invisibly returns the [sources()] name of a vector in **GRASS**.
#' @aliases .vAttachDatabase
#' @rdname vAttachDatabase
#' @keywords internal
.vAttachDatabase <- function(x, table = NULL, replace = TRUE, cats = NULL) {
if (inherits(x, "GVector")) {
src <- sources(x)
} else {
src <- x
if (replace || !.vHasDatabase(src)) {
# if no table
if (is.null(table)) {
if (is.null(cats)) cats <- .vCats(src, db = FALSE, integer = TRUE)
table <- data.frame(cat = cats)
# if table is a vector
if (inherits(table, c("numeric", "integer"))) {
table <- as.integer(table)
table <- data.frame(cat = table)
# if table does not have a "cat" column
if (!any("cat" %in% names(table))) {
if (is.null(cats)) cats <- .vCats(src, db = FALSE, integer = TRUE)
catsRenum <- omnibus::renumSeq(cats)
table <- table[catsRenum, , drop = FALSE]
cats <- data.frame(cat = cats)
table <- cbind(cats, table)
# columns <- names(table)
# classes <- sapply(table, "class")
# for (i in seq_len(ncol(table))) {
# if (classes[i] == "integer") {
# columns[i] <- paste0(columns[i], " INTEGER")
# } else if (classes[i] == "numeric") {
# columns[i] <- paste0(columns[i], " DOUBLE PRECISION")
# } else {
# nc <- nchar(table[ , i])
# nc <- max(nc)
# columns[i] <- paste0(columns[i], " VARCHAR(", nc, ")")
# }
# }
# save table to disk
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
tft <- paste0(tf, "t")
utils::write.csv(table, tf, row.names = FALSE)
classes <- sapply(table, class)
classes[!(classes %in% c("numeric", "integer", "character", "Date"))] <- '"String"'
classes[classes == "numeric"] <- '"Real"'
classes[classes == "integer"] <- '"Integer"'
classes[classes == "character"] <- '"String"'
classes[classes == "Date"] <- '"Date"'
classes <- paste(classes, collapse = ",")
write(classes, tft)
# import table as database
srcTable <- .makeSourceName("db_in_ogr_table", NULL)
cmd = "db.in.ogr",
input = tf,
output = srcTable,
# key = "cat", # error
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
# disconnect existing table
if (.vHasDatabase(src)) {
cmd = "v.db.droptable",
map = src,
flags = c(.quiet(), "f")
# connect database to vector
args <- list(
cmd = "v.db.connect",
map = sources(x),
table = srcTable,
layer = "1",
# key = "frid",
key = "cat_", # adds an underscore, for some reason
# flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite", "o")
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
if (grassInfo("versionNumber") <= 8.3) args$flags <- c(args$flags, "o")
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
# args <- list(
# cmd = "v.db.addtable",
# map = src,
# columns = columns,
# flags = .quiet(),
# intern = TRUE
# )
# info <- do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
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