
Defines functions makeFormulae

Documented in makeFormulae

#' Make all possible formula
#' This functions creates a list of formulae that contain all possible linear, quadratic, and two-way interaction terms from individual terms in an object of class \code{formula}. The formulae respect marginality conditions (i.e., they will always include lower-order terms if higher-order terms are included in a formula). Note that if there are more than several terms (i.e., >=3) and interactions and/or quadratic terms are desired, then formula generation may take a long time.
#' @param formula 	A \code{formula} object with \emph{just} linear terms.
#' @param intercept Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default) then all models include an intercept.  If \code{FALSE} then then formula will specify that regression occurs through the origin (e.g., \code{y ~ -1 + etc.})
#' @param interceptOnly Logical: If \code{TRUE} then an intercept-only model is included in final set.
#' @param linearOnly Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default) then models with only linear terms are included in final set (plus other kinds of models if desired).
#' @param quad Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default), then include quadratic terms.
#' @param ia Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default), then include 2-way interaction terms.
#' @param verboten Character vector of terms that should not appear in the models. Ignored if \code{NULL} (default). You can use this argument, for example, to exclude specific interactions (e.g., \code{'x1:x2'}, but also include the converse, \code{'x2:x1'}), or power terms (e.g., \code{'I(x1^2)'}). Note that to ensure proper matching, you need to use a double backslash in front of each parenthesis and caret (\code(^)) character.
#' @param verbotenCombos List of lists: Used to specify specific combinations of terms that should not occur together. See \emph{Details} below. Ignored if \code{NULL} (default).
#' @param minTerms Either a positive integer representing the minimum number of terms required to be in a model, \emph{or} \code{NULL} (default) in which case the smallest model can have just one term.
#' @param maxTerms Either a positive integer representing the maximum number of terms allowed to be in a model, \emph{or} \code{NULL} (default) in which case there is no practical limit on the number of terms in a model.
#' @param returnFx Function used to generate the class of the output objects. Sensible functions in include \code{\link[stats]{as.formula}} (default) or \code{\link{as.character}}.
#' @param verbose Logical: If \code{TRUE} then display progress. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A vector of formulae.
#' @details  The argument \code{verbotenCombos} can be used to specify variables or terms that should not occur in the same formula. The argument \code{verbotenCombos} is composed of a list of lists. Each sublist comprises names of two variables or terms stated as characters followed by two logical values (\code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}). The second variable/term is removed from the model if the first is in the model. If the first logical value is \code{TRUE} then the second variable/term is removed if the first variable appears alone in the formula (e.g., not in an interaction with another variable). If the first logical value is \code{FALSE} then the second variable/term is removed if the first variable/term appears in any term (e.g., as an interaction with another term).
#' Examples: \itemize{
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', TRUE, TRUE))}: Removes \code{x2} if \code{x1} occurs in the model as a linear term.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, TRUE))}: Removes the linear term \code{x2} if \code{x1} occurrs in \emph{any} term in the model.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', TRUE, FALSE))}: Removes \emph{any} term with \code{x2} if the linear term \code{x1} occurrs in the model.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, FALSE))}: Removes any term with \code{x2} if any term has \code{x1}.
#' }
#' Quadratic terms and interaction terms can also be used, so: \itemize{
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x1:x2', TRUE, TRUE))}: Removes \code{x1:x2} if \code{x1} were in the model.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'I(x2^2)', TRUE, TRUE))}: Removes \code{I(x2^2)} if \code{x1} occurs in the model.
#' }
#' Note that inexact matching can remove terms incorrectly if inexact matches exist between names of terms or variables.  For example, if using an inexact match, then \code{verbotenCombos(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, FALSE))} will find any term that has an \code{x1} (e.g., \code{x11}) and if it exists, remove any term with an \code{x2} (e.g., \code{x25}). Note that reciprocally removing predictors makes little sense since, for example \code{list(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, FALSE), list('x2', 'x1', FALSE, FALSE))} removes all formulae with \code{x2} if \code{x1} appears then tries to find any models with \code{x2} that have \code{x1} (of which there will be none after the first set is removed).
#' @examples
#' makeFormulae(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, maxTerms=3)
#' makeFormulae(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, ia=FALSE, maxTerms=3)
#' verboten <- c('x1:x2', 'I(x1^2)')
#' makeFormulae(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, verboten=verboten, maxTerms=3)
#' makeFormulae(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, maxTerms=3)
#' verbotenCombos <- list(list('x1', 'x2', TRUE, TRUE))
#' makeFormulae(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos, maxTerms=3)
#' @export
makeFormulae <- function(
	intercept = TRUE,
	interceptOnly = TRUE,
	linearOnly = TRUE,
	quad = TRUE,
	ia = TRUE,
	verboten = NULL,
	verbotenCombos = NULL,
	minTerms = NULL,
	maxTerms = NULL,
	returnFx = stats::as.formula,
	verbose = FALSE
) {

	# get response and predictor(s)
	resp <- all.vars(formula)[1]
	preds <- all.vars(formula)
	preds <- preds[2:length(preds)]

	# stop making candidate models when this number of terms have been reached
	stopAt <- if (is.null(maxTerms)) { length(preds) } else { min(length(preds), maxTerms) }

	### linear term-only models

		if (verbose) omnibus::say('Making formulae with just linear terms...')

		linearModels <- list()

		for (countTerms in 1:stopAt) {

			modelAsList <- apply(utils::combn(preds, countTerms), 2, as.list)
			for (count in seq_along(modelAsList)) linearModels[[length(linearModels) + 1]] <- unlist(modelAsList[[count]])


		if (!is.null(verboten)) linearModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(linearModels, verboten=verboten)
		if (!is.null(verbotenCombos)) linearModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(linearModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)
		models <- if (linearOnly) { linearModels } else { list() }

	### quadratic models

		if (quad) {

			quadModels <- list()

			### all quadratic models with just linear terms that appear also as quadratic terms

				if (verbose) omnibus::say('Making formulae with just linear terms that appear also as quadratic terms...')

				for (countTerms in 1:stopAt) {

					modelAsList <- apply(utils::combn(preds, countTerms), 2, as.list)
					for (count in seq_along(modelAsList)) quadModels[[length(quadModels) + 1]] <-
						c(unlist(modelAsList[[count]]), paste('I(', unlist(modelAsList[[count]]), '^2)', sep=''))


				# remove models above a given order
				if (!is.null(maxTerms)) {

					numTerms <- unlist(lapply(quadModels, length))
					wantModels <- which(numTerms <= maxTerms)

					selectModels <- list()
					for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- quadModels[[want]]
					quadModels <- selectModels


				# remove models with forbidden term combinations
				if (!is.null(verboten)) quadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(quadModels, verboten=verboten)
				if (!is.null(verbotenCombos)) quadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(quadModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)

			### models with linear terms that do not also appear as quadratic terms

				if (verbose) cat('Making formulae with quadratic and appropriate linear\n
								  terms plus linear terms that do not also appear as\n
								  quadratic terms...')

				for (countQuad in seq_along(quadModels)) {

					for (countLinear in seq_along(linearModels)) {

						quadModels[[length(quadModels) + 1]] <- unique(c(linearModels[[countLinear]], quadModels[[countQuad]]))



				# remove redundant models
				quadModels <- .removeRedundantModels(quadModels)

				# remove models above a given order
				if (!is.null(maxTerms)) {

					numTerms <- unlist(lapply(quadModels, length))
					wantModels <- which(numTerms <= maxTerms)

					selectModels <- list()
					for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- quadModels[[want]]
					quadModels <- selectModels


				# remove models with forbidden term combinations
				if (!is.null(verboten)) quadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(quadModels, verboten=verboten)
				if (!is.null(verbotenCombos)) quadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(quadModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)

			# remember
			models <- c(models, quadModels)


	### models with 2-ways interactions

		iaModels <- list()

		if (ia & length(preds) > 1) {

			# all models with 2-way interactions where linear terms also appear in interaction terms
			if (verbose) omnibus::say('Making formulae with two-way interaction and appropriate linear terms...')

			for (countTerms in 2:stopAt) {

				theseTerms <- utils::combn(preds, countTerms)

				linearRows <- nrow(theseTerms)

				for (countTermOne in 1:(linearRows - 1)) {

					for (countTermTwo in (countTermOne + 1):linearRows) {

						theseTerms <- rbind(theseTerms, paste(theseTerms[countTermOne, ], theseTerms[countTermTwo, ], sep=':'))



				for (countModels in 1:ncol(theseTerms)) iaModels[[length(iaModels) + 1]] <- c(theseTerms[ , countModels])


			# remove models above a given order
			if (!is.null(maxTerms)) {

				numTerms <- unlist(lapply(iaModels, length))
				wantModels <- which(numTerms <= maxTerms)

				selectModels <- list()
				for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- iaModels[[want]]
				iaModels <- selectModels


			# if there are any IA models
			if (length(iaModels) > 0) {

				# remove models with forbidden term combinations
				if (!is.null(verboten)) iaModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(iaModels, verboten=verboten)
				if (!is.null(verbotenCombos)) iaModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(iaModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)

				# all models with 2-way interaction terms with appropriate linear terms and some other linear terms that are not part of interaction terms
				if (verbose) omnibus::say('Making formulae with two-way interaction and appropriate linear terms plus other linear terms that are not part of interaction terms...')

				for (countIa in seq_along(iaModels)) {

					for (countLinear in seq_along(linearModels)) {

						iaModels[[length(iaModels) + 1]] <- unique(c(linearModels[[countLinear]], iaModels[[countIa]]))



				# remove redundant models
				iaModels <- .removeRedundantModels(iaModels)

				# remove models above a given order
				if (!is.null(maxTerms)) {

					numTerms <- unlist(lapply(iaModels, length))
					wantModels <- which(numTerms <= maxTerms)

					selectModels <- list()
					for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- iaModels[[want]]
					iaModels <- selectModels


				# remove models with forbidden term combinations
				if (!is.null(verboten)) iaModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(iaModels, verboten=verboten)
				if (!is.null(verbotenCombos)) iaModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(iaModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)

				# remember
				for (count in seq_along(iaModels)) models[[length(models) + 1]] <- iaModels[[count]]



	### models with quadratic and interaction terms

		if (quad & ia & length(iaModels) > 0) {

			iaQuadModels <- list()

			# add quadratic and interaction models
			if (verbose) omnibus::say('Making formulae with all possible two-way interaction, quadratic, and appropriate linear terms...')

			for (countQuad in seq_along(quadModels)) {

				for (countIa in seq_along(iaModels)) {

					iaQuadModels[[length(iaQuadModels) + 1]] <- c(quadModels[[countQuad]], iaModels[[countIa]])



			# remove redundant models
			iaQuadModels <- .removeRedundantModels(iaQuadModels)

			# remove models above a given order
			if (!is.null(maxTerms)) {

				numTerms <- unlist(lapply(iaQuadModels, length))
				wantModels <- which(numTerms <= maxTerms)

				selectModels <- list()
				for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- iaQuadModels[[want]]
				iaQuadModels <- selectModels


			# remove models with forbidden term combinations
			if (!is.null(verboten) & length(iaQuadModels) > 0) iaQuadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(iaQuadModels, verboten=verboten)
			if (!is.null(verbotenCombos) & length(iaQuadModels) > 0) iaQuadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(iaQuadModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)

			### add linear terms that may not be in combined quad and interaction models

			if (verbose) omnibus::say('Making formulae with all possible two-way interaction, quadratic, and appropriate linear terms plus linear terms not already in formula...')

			# if there are still any IA quadratic models
			if (length(iaQuadModels) > 0) {

				for (countIaQuad in seq_along(iaQuadModels)) {

					for (countLinear in seq_along(linearModels)) {

						iaQuadModels[[length(iaQuadModels) + 1]] <- c(linearModels[[countLinear]], iaQuadModels[[countIaQuad]])



				# remove redundant models
				iaQuadModels <- .removeRedundantModels(iaQuadModels)

				# remove models with forbidden term combinations
				if (!is.null(verboten)) iaQuadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariables(iaQuadModels, verboten=verboten)
				if (!is.null(verbotenCombos)) iaQuadModels <- .removeVerbotenVariableCombos(iaQuadModels, verbotenCombos=verbotenCombos)

				# remember
				for (count in seq_along(iaQuadModels)) models[[length(models) + 1]] <- iaQuadModels[[count]]



	### remove models below a desired order
	if (!is.null(minTerms)) {

		numTerms <- unlist(lapply(models, length))
		wantModels <- which(numTerms >= minTerms)

		selectModels <- list()
		for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- models[[want]]
		models <- selectModels


	### remove models above a desired order
	if (length(models) > 0 & !is.null(maxTerms)) {

		numTerms <- unlist(lapply(models, length))
		wantModels <- which(numTerms <= maxTerms)

		selectModels <- list()
		for (want in wantModels) selectModels[[length(selectModels) + 1]] <- models[[want]]
		models <- selectModels


	### remove redundants
	if (length(models) > 0) models <- .removeRedundantModels(models)

	### make model formulae
	if (length(models) > 0) {

		forms <- list()
		for (countModels in seq_along(models)) {
			forms[[countModels]] <- paste(resp, '~', ifelse(intercept, '1 +', '-1 + '), paste(models[[countModels]], collapse=' + '))

		if (interceptOnly) forms[[length(forms) + 1]] <- paste(resp, '~', 1)

		forms <- sapply(forms, returnFx)

	} else {
		forms <- returnFx(character())



#' Remove formula with unwanted terms.
#' This function takes as an argument a vector of character strings representing formulae and returns a potentially shortened list without formulae containing a certain term.
#' @param forms Vector of characters each representing a formula.
#' @param verboten Either \code{NULL} (default) in which case \code{forms} is returned without any manipulation. Alternatively, this is a character list of terms that are not allowed to appear in any model in \code{forms}. Models with these terms are removed from \code{forms}. Note that the order of variables in interaction terms does not matter (e.g., \code{x1:x2} will cause the removal of models with this term verbatim as well as \code{x2:x1}). All possible permutations of three-way interaction terms are treated similarly.
#' @return A list of character elements representing formulae.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.removeVerbotenVariables <- compiler::cmpfun(function(
) {

	# ensure each variant of an interaction term is represented
	for (i in seq_along(verboten)) {
		if (grepl(verboten[i], pattern=':')) {

			splitTerms <- strsplit(verboten[i], split=':')[[1]]
			swappedTerms <- if (length(splitTerms) == 2) {
				paste0(splitTerms[2], ':', splitTerms[1])
			} else if (length(splitTerms) == 3) {
					paste0(splitTerms[1], ':', splitTerms[3], ':', splitTerms[2]),
					paste0(splitTerms[2], ':', splitTerms[1], ':', splitTerms[3]),
					paste0(splitTerms[2], ':', splitTerms[3], ':', splitTerms[1]),
					paste0(splitTerms[3], ':', splitTerms[1], ':', splitTerms[2]),
					paste0(splitTerms[3], ':', splitTerms[2], ':', splitTerms[1])

			verboten <- c(verboten, swappedTerms)



	verboten <- unique(verboten)

	# remove formulae with undesired term(s)
	removeThese <- numeric()
	for (countModel in seq_along(forms)) {
		if (any(forms[[countModel]] %in% verboten)) removeThese <- c(removeThese, countModel)
	if (length(removeThese) > 0) forms <- forms[-removeThese]


#' Remove formula with unwanted combinations of variables.
#' This function takes as an argument a list of character strings representing formulae and returns a potentially shortened list without formulae containing certain combinations of variables.
#' @param forms List of characters each representing a formula.
#' @param verbotenCombos Either \code{NULL} (default) in which case \code{forms} is returned without any manipulation. Alternatively, this argument can be used to specify variables or terms that should not occur in the same formula. The argument \code{verbotenCombos} is composed of a list of lists. Each sublist comprises names of two variables or terms stated as characters followed by two logical values (\code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}). The second variable/term is removed from the model if the first is in the model. If the first logical value is \code{TRUE} then the second variable/term is removed if the first variable appears alone in the formula (e.g., not in an interaction with another variable). If the first logical value is \code{FALSE} then the second variable/term is removed if the first variable/term appears in any term (e.g., as an interaction with another term). 
#' Examples: \itemize{
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', TRUE, TRUE))}: Removes \code{x2} if \code{x1} occurs in the model as a linear term.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, TRUE))}: Removes the linear term \code{x2} if \code{x1} occurred in \emph{any} term in the model.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', TRUE, FALSE))}: Removes \emph{any} term with \code{x2} if the linear term \code{x1} occurred in the model.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, FALSE))}: Removes any term with \code{x2} if any term had \code{x1}.
#' }
#' Quadratic terms and interaction terms can also be stated, so: \itemize{
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'x1:x2', TRUE, TRUE))}: Removes \code{x1:x2} if \code{x1} were in the model.
#' \item \code{verbotenCombos=list(list('x1', 'I(x2^2)', TRUE, TRUE))}: Removes \code{I(x2^2)}.
#' }
#' Note that inexact matching can remove terms incorrectly if inexact matches exist between names of terms or variables.  For example, if using an inexact match, then \code{verbotenCombos(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, FALSE))} will find any term that has an \code{x1} (e.g., \code{x11}) and if it exists, remove any term with an \code{x2} (e.g., \code{x25}). Note that reciprocally removing predictors makes little sense since, for example \code{list(list('x1', 'x2', FALSE, FALSE), list('x2', 'x1', FALSE, FALSE))} removes all formulae with \code{x2} if \code{x1} appears then tries to find any models with \code{x2} that have \code{x1} (of which there are none).
#' @return A list of character elements representing formulae.
#' @keywords internal
.removeVerbotenVariableCombos <- compiler::cmpfun(function(
) {

	# stores indices of models to be removed
	removeThese <- numeric()

	for (countModel in seq_along(forms)) {

		for (countVerboten in seq_along(verbotenCombos)) {

			# is matching exact or not?
			exactMatch1 <- unlist(verbotenCombos[[countVerboten]])[3]=='TRUE'
			exactMatch2 <- unlist(verbotenCombos[[countVerboten]])[4]=='TRUE'
			# does the exact term appear in the formula
			logicalExact1 <- forms[[countModel]] %in% verbotenCombos[[countVerboten]][1]
			logicalExact2 <- forms[[countModel]] %in% verbotenCombos[[countVerboten]][2]
			exactTerm1 <- any(logicalExact1)
			exactTerm2 <- any(logicalExact2)
			# if so what is its index?
			exactIndex1 <- which(logicalExact1)
			exactIndex2 <- which(logicalExact2)
			# does a form of the term appear in the formula?
			logicalLoose1 <- grepl(forms[[countModel]], pattern=verbotenCombos[[countVerboten]][1])
			logicalLoose2 <- grepl(forms[[countModel]], pattern=verbotenCombos[[countVerboten]][2])
			looseTerm1 <- any(logicalLoose1)
			looseTerm2 <- any(logicalLoose2)
			# if so what is its index?
			looseIndex1 <- which(logicalLoose1)
			looseIndex2 <- which(logicalLoose2)
			# want exact matches for both terms
			if (exactMatch1 & exactMatch2) {
				if (exactTerm1 & exactTerm2) removeThese <- c(removeThese, countModel)
			# want exact match for first term, loose match for second
			} else if (exactMatch1 & !exactMatch2) {
				if (exactTerm1 & looseTerm2) removeThese <- c(removeThese, countModel)
			# want exact match for second term, loose match for first
			} else if (!exactMatch1 & exactMatch2) {
				if (looseTerm1 & exactTerm2) removeThese <- c(removeThese, countModel)
			# want loose match for both terms
			} else if (!exactMatch1 & !exactMatch2) {

				if (looseTerm1 & looseTerm2) removeThese <- c(removeThese, countModel)
		} # next verbotenCombos list
	} # next model

	if (length(removeThese) > 0) forms <- forms[-removeThese]

#' Remove redundant model forms from a list of models
#' This function takes as an argument a list of character vectors. Each set of character vectors represents terms in a formula, and each element of a specific term in that formula. It returns a possibly shortened list with vectors culled.
#' @param formList List of character variables each in formula format.
#' @return List.
#' @keywords internal
.removeRedundantModels <- compiler::cmpfun(function(
) {

	formList <- lapply(formList, FUN=function(x) sort(unique(x)))
	numTerms <- sapply(formList, length)
	keep <- list()
	for (thisTerms in unique(numTerms)) {
		listTheseTerms <- formList[which(numTerms==thisTerms)]
		listTheseTerms <- if (thisTerms==1) { matrix(sapply(listTheseTerms, paste), nrow=1) } else { sapply(listTheseTerms, paste) }
		newTerms <- rep('eq', ncol(listTheseTerms))
		for (countRow in 1:nrow(listTheseTerms)) newTerms <- paste(newTerms, listTheseTerms[countRow, ])
		uniqueTerms <- unique(listTheseTerms, MARGIN=2)
		for (countCol in 1:ncol(uniqueTerms)) keep[[length(keep) + 1]] <- c(uniqueTerms[ , countCol])
adamlilith/statisfactory documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 10:37 p.m.