
#' Creates task's metadata object.
#' The function will create basic metadata describing the the object recipe.
#' @param code Character vector with code. Each element of the vector will be treated as separate line.
#' @param source.path Alternative way of specifying code to run. \code{code} and \code{source.path} are mutually exclusive, and required.
#' @param metadata.path path to the task's metadata file without extension. The metadata will not be saved with this command, but
#'    the path information is nevertheless required, as it is a mandatory part of the task's metadata specification.
#'    If path is relative, it will be assumed to be relative to the current working directory.
#' @param flag.never.execute.parallel if set, the task will never trigger parallel execution of dependent tasks. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param execution.directory directory relative to the metadata.path, which will be set as the current directory when the
#'    code is run.
#' @return task's metadata object. One might want to complete object's creation with complementary functions
#'    \code{add.parent} and \code{add.object.record}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{add.parent}}, \code{\link{add.objectrecord}}
create.metadata<-function(code=NULL, metadata.path, flag.never.execute.parallel=FALSE, execution.directory='', source.path=NULL)
  if(!is.null(code) && !is.null(source.path)) {
    stop(paste0("You cannot give both code and source.path arguments!"))

  if(is.null(code) && is.null(source.path)) {
    stop(paste0("You must provide either code or source.path argument"))

  base_path <- pathcat::path.cat(getwd(),dirname(metadata.path))

  checkmate::assertPathForOutput(metadata.path, overwrite=TRUE)
  if(!is.null(source.path)) {
    source.path <- pathcat::path.cat(base_path, source.path)
    source.path <- pathcat::make.path.relative(base_path, source.path)
    if(!file.exists(pathcat::path.cat(base_path, source.path))) {
      stop(paste0("File under source.path ", pathcat::path.cat(base_path, source.path), " doesn't exist!"))
    code<-readLines(pathcat::path.cat(base_path, source.path))

  if (a!='')
    stop(paste0("Invalid code: ", a))

  metadata<-list(code=code, path=metadata.path, parents=list(), objectrecords=list(), flag.never.execute.parallel=flag.never.execute.parallel, flag.force.recalculation=FALSE, execution.directory=execution.directory)

  if (!is.null(source.path)) {
    metadata<-c(metadata, codepath=source.path)


#' Adds parent (ancestor) record to the existing metadata.
#' You specify parent record when you need another task to be already
#' computed as dependency before starting with the current one.
#' If the parent's record with specified name already exists, it silently overwrites it.
#' @param metadata child metadata you wish to add ancestor to. You can create task's metadata from scratch with \code{\link{create.metadata}}.
#' @param parent metadata with the dependency object. Child will remember the relative path to the object, even if it is not saved to disk yet.
#' @param parent.path either relative to path of \emph{child metadata} object or full path with the
#'   ancestor's metadata file.
#' @param flag_remember_absolute_path If set, the parent will be remembered by its absolute path, rather than relative (default)
#' @param name name of the object's name in the parent task you with to import.
#' @param aliasname optional argument. If set it specifies alternate name of the imported
#'   \code{name} object as it is used by the task's R code. This setting allows great
#'   flexibility in naming task's output objects.
#' @return modified \code{metadata} argument that includes specified parent's record.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{create.metadata}}, \code{\link{add.objectrecord}}
add.parent<-function(metadata=NULL, name=NULL, parent.path=NULL,  parent=NULL, aliasname=NULL, flag_remember_absolute_path=FALSE,
  if(is.null(parent) && is.null(parent.path)){
    stop("You must provide either parent or parent.path")

  if(!is.null(parent.path) && !is.null(parent)) {
    if (parent$path != parent.path) {
      stop(paste0("Ambivalent options encountered: parent.path (",parent.path,
                  ") and the parent object, that points to the different directory: ", parent$path))

  if(!is.null(parent)) {
    parent.path <- parent$path

  if(!is.null(parent.path)) {

  if (is.null(name) && is.null(aliasname))
    name<-purrr::map_chr(parent$objectrecords, 'name')
  } else {
    if(is.null(aliasname)) {
    if(is.null(name)) {
      name<-purrr::map_chr(parent$objectrecords, 'name')
  if(length(aliasname)!=length(name)) {
    stop("Length of aliasname and name must be the same. In name is not specified, aliasname must have length equal to the number of exported objects")


  parentnames<-unlist(purrr::map(parents, ~.$aliasname))

  if(length(parentnames)>0) {
    if (sum(aliasname %in% parentnames)>0)
      tmp<-aliasname %in% parentnames
      stop(paste0(paste0(aliasname[[tmp]], collapse=', '), ' is already present in parents of ', metadata$path))
      #stop(paste0('Object(s) ', paste0(aliasname[[tmp]], collapse=', '), " is/are already present in parents of ", metadata$path))

  path<-pathcat::path.cat(getwd(), dirname(metadata$path), parent.path)
  if(!flag_remember_absolute_path) {
    path<-pathcat::make.path.relative(base.path =  pathcat::path.cat(getwd(), dirname(metadata$path)),
                                      target.path = path)
  new_parent<-list(name=name, path=path, aliasname=aliasname)

  if(path %in% names(parents) && !flag_overwrite_parent) {
    if(!identical(new_parent, parents[[path]])) {
      stop("Parent ", path, " is already present in the list of parents")


#' Register task's output object.
#' If you run tasks not for side effects, but for creating R objects, you need
#' to formally register each of them.
#' Each registered object gets cached to its own, unique file after a script run.
#' It can also be specified as a dependency of another task.
#' After script run, all objects that are not registered will be removed from memory.
#' If the object's record with specified name already exists, it will be silently overwritten.
#' @param metadata already created metadata you wish to add ancestor to. You can create task's metadata from scratch with \code{\link{create.metadata}}.
#' @param name name of the object's name
#' @param path location of the cached file with the computed object. The path can
#'   be absolute or relative to the metadata's path.
#' @param compress optional. You can specify the compression method of the resulting object.
#'   When used \code{'xz'} compression, the computer will try to compress it with the
#'   parallel \code{pxz} application, if it is available on the system.
#' @return modified \code{metadata} argument that includes specified object's record.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{create.metadata}}, \code{\link{add.parent}}
#' @export
add.objectrecord<-function(metadata, name, path=NULL, compress='xz')
  if (is.null(path))
    path = file.path(dirname(metadata$path), name)

  checkmate::assertChoice(compress, c('xz','gzip','bzip2',FALSE))
  objectnames<-sapply(objectrecords, function(x)x$name)
  if (name %in% objectnames)
    #Już jest ta nazwa w parentrrecords... Najpierw usuwamy poprzednią
    warning(paste0('object "', name, '" is already present in the exports of the task. Overwriting.'))
  path=pathcat::make.path.relative( base.path = pathcat::path.cat(getwd(), dirname(metadata$path)), target.path = path)

  objectrecords[[name]]<-list(name=name, path=path, compress=compress)


#' Add additional source file to the task.
#' @param metadata already created metadata you wish to add the source file to. You can create task's metadata from scratch with \code{\link{create.metadata}}.
#' @param filepath Path to the file, if the file is already existing (it can be relative to the task's path)
#' @param code Optional string with the contents of the file. If specified and the file does not already exist, the file will be created
#'        with this contents.
#' @param flag.binary If set, the file will be checksummed in binary mode rather than line-by-line. Checksumming line-by-line has the advantage of
#'        being independent on a way the newline character is encoded into the file. When source is input as source string, the \code{flag.binary}
#'        is automatically set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param flag.checksum If set (which is default), the file's contents will be examined to check for changes when evaluating freshness of this job.
#' @return modified \code{metadata} argument that includes additional source file or NULL if error.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{create.metadata}}, \code{\link{add.parent}}
#' @export
add_source_file<-function(metadata, filepath, code=NULL, flag.binary=FALSE, flag.r=NULL, flag.checksum=TRUE)
  if(is.null(flag.r)) {
    if(flag.binary) {
      flag.r = FALSE
    } else {
      flag.r = TRUE
  filepath <- depwalker:::get.codepath(metadata, filepath)
  checkmate::assertPathForOutput(pathcat::path.cat(getwd(), dirname(metadata$path), filepath), overwrite=TRUE)
  if (file.exists(filepath))
    if (!is.null(code)) {
      # Sprawdzamy, czy istniejący plik ma ten sam kod
      if (code != existing_code)
        stop(paste0("The code file ", filepath, " already exists, but with different contents."))
  } else {
    if (is.null(code))
      stop("You must either specify filepath to the already existing source file, or put the source code in the code parameter.")
    writeLines(code, filepath)
    message(paste0("Written ", length(code), " lines into ", filepath, "."))
  metadata<-append_extra_code(metadata, filepath, flag.checksum,flag.binary = flag.binary, flag.r = flag.r)

#' Function that appends file path to the metadata. It does no checking, it simply
#' updates the data structure.
append_extra_code<-function(metadata, filepath, flag.checksum, flag.binary, flag.r)
  filepath=pathcat::make.path.relative(base.path =  pathcat::path.cat(getwd(), dirname(metadata$path)), target.path = filepath)

  if (is.null(metadata$extrasources))
  } else {
  extrasources[filepath]<-list(list(path=filepath, flag.checksum=flag.checksum, flag.binary=flag.binary, flag.r=flag.r))
adamryczkowski/depwalker documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:51 a.m.