
#' Phase 3 Main
#' Computes the LP-optimal solution to the munition-target pairing problem for
#' phase 3, and reports results.
#' @param opRisk.wt numeric, the weight given to operational risk. To not consider operational risk, use opRisk.wt = 0.
#' @param colDmg.wt numeric, the weight given to collateral damage. To not consider collateral damage, use colDmg.wt = 0.
#' @param cost.wt numeric, the weight given to cost. To not consider cost, use cost.wt = 0.
#' @param opRisk.const numeric, the constraint for operational risk objective value, in sortie-kilometers. If not supplied, assumed to be unconstrained.
#' @param colDmg.const numeric, the constraint for collateral damage objective value, in number of expected civilian casualties. If not supplied, assumed to be unconstrained.
#' @param cost.const numeric, the constraint for cost objective value, in thousande of dollars. If not supplied, assumed to be unconstrained.
#'@param probDestructRequired numeric, the proportion of an area target that must be destroyed before that target is considered inoperable. Note: Airfield targets will always have a 100% required destruction.
#' @return list with the decision, the optimal solution for munition-target pairing, the targets per platform, the objective function values for each of the three objectives, and the raw output from the rglpk.
#' @export
Phase3.Main <- function(opRisk.wt, colDmg.wt, cost.wt, opRisk.const = Inf, colDmg.const = Inf, cost.const = Inf, unitDestructRequired = 0.3, campDestructRequired = 0.05){

  db <- Phase3.InitializeData()

  ## Set up decision variable data.table...
  ## written for speed rather than readability right now.

  decision.var <- CreateLPDT(db)

  ## Set Objective Function Coefficients #######################################

  # First two are zero to allow for introduction of binary variables to ensure
  # that at most one of MGM-168 and ZMGM-168B is used.

  decision.var <-
    decision.var[db$tgt.mun.eff[tgt.category == 'Personnel', .(mun.id, 'civ.MER (m)' = `MER (m)`) ],
                 on = 'mun.id' ]

  obj.fun.opRisk <-
      c( decision.var[, af.risk], 0, 0 )

  obj.fun.colDmg <-
    c( decision.var[, ifelse( tgt.type == 'area', 0, pi * `civ.MER (m)`^2 * DENSITY ) ], 0, 0 )

  obj.fun.cost <-
    c( decision.var[,`cost ($K)`], 0, 0 )

  obj.fun <-
    opRisk.wt * obj.fun.opRisk + colDmg.wt * obj.fun.colDmg + cost.wt * obj.fun.cost

## Constraints #################################################################

  # data.table to hold constraints for the linear program. The first row holds
  # the RHS of the constraint. The second row holds the direction of the
  # inequality, with -1 for <=, 0 for ==, and  1 for >=.
  constraint.var <-
      'variable' = c( 'RHS', 'dir', decision.var[,paste0(mun.id,':',tgt.id)], 'bin.MGM-168', 'bin.ZMGM-168B' ),
      'oneATACMS.1' = c( 1, -1, rep(0, nrow(decision.var) ), 1, 1),

      'qty.MGM-168' =
        c( 0, -1, decision.var[, as.numeric(mun.id == 'MGM-168')],
                  (-1) * db$mun.attr[mun.id == 'MGM-168', avail.qty], 0),

      'qty.ZMGM-168B' =
        c( 0, -1, decision.var[, as.numeric(mun.id == 'ZMGM-168B')],
                  0, (-1) * db$mun.attr[mun.id == 'ZMGM-168B', avail.qty] ),

      'qty.AGM-158A' =
        c( db$mun.attr[mun.id == 'AGM-158A', avail.qty], -1, decision.var[, as.numeric(mun.id == 'AGM-158A')],
                  0, 0 ),

      'qty.AGM-158B' =
        c( db$mun.attr[mun.id == 'AGM-158B', avail.qty], -1, decision.var[, as.numeric(mun.id == 'AGM-158B')],
                  0, 0 ) )

  ## All targets must be destroyed

  decision.var[tgt.type == 'point',
               est.mun.rqmt := 1 / (reliability * pKB(mer = `MER (m)`, cep = `cep (m)` ) )]

  decision.var[ grepl('^SAM ', tgt.id), est.mun.rqmt := est.mun.rqmt * 2 ]

  decision.var[tgt.type == 'area',
               `:=`('mun.wide' = `width (m)` / (sqrt(2) * `MER (m)`), 'mun.long' = `length (m)` / (sqrt(2) * `MER (m)`) ) ]

  decision.var[tgt.type == 'area',
               `:=`('est.mun.rqmt' = ceiling( unitDestructRequired * pmax(1, mun.wide) * pmax(1, mun.long) / reliability) ) ]

  decision.var[grepl('Training Camp', tgt.id) & tgt.type == 'area',
               `:=`('est.mun.rqmt' = ceiling( campDestructRequired * pmax(1, mun.wide) * pmax(1, mun.long) / reliability) ) ]

  ## To get numbers for the estimated munitions to disable aircraft at airfields

  tgts.airfield <-
        package = 'ORSAMAC.Capstone'), as.is = TRUE ) )

  tgts.airfield[, `:=`('width (m)' = pmin(width, height) * 100000, 'length (m)' = pmax(width, height) * 100000 ) ]

  tgts.airfield[, 'area' := `width (m)` * `length (m)`]

  tgts.mun.airfield <-
      expand.grid('mun.id' = db$tgt.mun.eff[,unique(mun.id)],
                  'tgt.sid' = tgts.airfield[,unique(tgt.sid)],
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      )[tgts.airfield[,.(tgt.id, tgt.sid, `length (m)`, `width (m)`)], on = 'tgt.sid'
        ][db$mun.attr[,.(mun.id, `cep (m)`, reliability)], on = 'mun.id'
          ][db$tgt.mun.eff[tgt.category == 'Light-Skinned Vehicle', .(mun.id, `MER (m)`) ], on = 'mun.id' ]


  tgts.mun.airfield[,`:=`('mun.wide' = `width (m)` / (sqrt(2) * `MER (m)`),
                          'mun.long' = `length (m)` / (sqrt(2) * `MER (m)`) ) ]

  tgts.mun.airfield[,`:=`('est.mun.rqmt' = ceiling( pmax(1, mun.wide) * pmax(1, mun.long) / reliability) ) ]

  tgt.airfield <- tgts.mun.airfield[,.('est.mun.rqmt' = sum(est.mun.rqmt)), by = c('tgt.id', 'mun.id') ]


  for( i in seq( nrow(tgt.airfield) ) ){

    decision.var[tgt.id == tgt.airfield[i,tgt.id] & mun.id == tgt.airfield[i,mun.id],
                   est.mun.rqmt := tgt.airfield[i,est.mun.rqmt] ]



  for( tgt in decision.var[,tgt.id] ){

    if( grepl('^SAM ', tgt ) ){

      constraint.var[, eval(paste0('ffe.',tgt)) := c(1, 1, decision.var[, (tgt.id == tgt) / est.mun.rqmt ], 0, 0 ) ]

    } else {

      constraint.var[, eval(paste0('ffe.',tgt)) := c(1, 1, decision.var[, (tgt.id == tgt) / est.mun.rqmt ], 0, 0 ) ]



  if( opRisk.const < Inf ){

    constraint.var[, 'maxOpRisk' := c(opRisk.const, -1, obj.fun.opRisk) ]


  if( colDmg.const < Inf ){

    constraint.var[, 'maxColDmg' := c(colDmg.const, -1, obj.fun.colDmg) ]


  if( cost.const < Inf ){

    constraint.var[, 'maxCost' := c(cost.const, -1, obj.fun.cost) ]


  const.mat <- as.matrix(constraint.var[3:nrow(constraint.var), j = -1])

  const.dir <- unlist(lapply(c(constraint.var[variable == 'dir',-1]), FUN = function(x){ ifelse( x == -1, return('<='), ifelse( x == 1, return('>='), return('==') ) ) } ), use.names = FALSE )

  const.rhs <- unlist(c(constraint.var[variable == 'RHS',-1], use.names = FALSE ) )

  lpSolution <-
    Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = obj.fun,
                          mat = t(const.mat),
                          dir = const.dir,
                          rhs = const.rhs,
                          types = c( rep('C',nrow(decision.var) ),'B','B'),
                          verbose = TRUE)

  decision.var[,'lp.soln' := lpSolution$solution[1:(length(lpSolution$solution)-2)] ]

  if( 'MGM-168' %in% decision.var[ lp.soln > 0, mun.id] ){
    decision <- 'ATACMS IV-A is used in optimal solution'
  } else if( 'ZMGM-168B' %in% decision.var[ lp.soln > 0, mun.id]){
    decision <- 'ATACMS IV-Z is used in optimal solution'
  } else {
    decision <- 'No ATACMS used in optimal solution'

  out <- list( 'decision' = decision,
               'mun.used' = decision.var[ lp.soln > 0, .(tgt.id, Latitude, Longitude, weapon.sys, mun.id, lp.soln)],
               'platforms' = decision.var[,.('targets' = sum(lp.soln > 0), 'munitions' = sum(lp.soln)), by = 'weapon.sys'],
               'obj' = lpSolution$solution * obj.fun,
               'obj.risk' = sum(lpSolution$solution * obj.fun.opRisk),
               'obj.colDmg' = sum(lpSolution$solution * obj.fun.colDmg),
               'obj.cost' = sum(lpSolution$solution * obj.fun.cost),
               'lp' = lpSolution)

  return( out )

aecoleman/ORSAMAC.Capstone documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:04 p.m.