dbRegionsLoc: Genomic location for the database regions

dbRegionsLocR Documentation

Genomic location for the database regions


  • dbRegionsLoc_hg19_v9: Contains the location for HUMAN regions in the database hg19-regions-9species.all_regions.mc9nr (hg19,refseq_r45, motif collection v9).

    Source: hg19__refseq_r45__ClusteredUniformDHS_all_merge_cleaned2_features_rm-insul_rm-exons2_extend.regionid-location.bed

  • dbRegionsLoc_mm9_v9: Contains the location for MOUSE regions in the database mm9-regions-9species.all_regions.mc9nr (mm9, refseq_r70, motif collection v9).

    Source: mm9__refseq_r70__regulatory_regions.regionid-location.bed

  • For drosophila, use the function getDbRegionsLoc


Documentation for the data

See Also


aertslab/RcisTarget documentation built on March 7, 2024, 11:21 p.m.