
#' Cell data from simulated single cell epigenomes from 5 bulk H3K27Ac melanoma profiles.
#' Counts matrix from simulated single cell epigenomes from 5 bulk H3K27Ac melanoma profiles. Coverage of these cells ranges
#' from 26,940 to 59,580 reads per cell. Three of these cell lines are classified as melanocyte-like (MM001, MM011, MM034), 
#' the other two are mesenchymal-like (MM029, MM047)
#' @format A matrix with 100 cells and 112,701 regions.
#' @source Verfaille, Imrichová & Kalender-Atak et al. (2015, GSE60666)
aertslab/cisTopic documentation built on April 6, 2024, 9:31 p.m.