
# tuning of methods

#' Evaluate parameters
#' Evaluate a set of parameters for a given method with a given metric.
#' @param data_list a list of data matrices with continuous data of format
#'   samples x features (with the same number of samples).
#' @param method a string being the name of the built-in method to be used or a
#'   'method list' with the same format as the built-in ones.
#' @param grid the grid generated in `tuning()`.
#' @param metric a string being the name of the built-in metric to be used or a
#'   'metric list' with the same format as the built-in ones. If the chosen
#'   metric is internal, be sure to choose a metric corresponding to the kind of
#'   data returned by the chosen method.
#' @param true_partition a factor or integer vector being a classification of the
#'   patients. It will be used with external metrics.
#' @param grid_row the row indicating the set of parameters to be tested in the grid

#' @param return_metric logical. To return the result of the method instead of the value of the metric.
#' @return the value of the metric or the result of the method if `return_metric` is TRUE
evaluation <- function(data_list, method, grid, grid_row,
                       metric = NULL,
                       true_partition = NULL,
                       return_metric = TRUE) {

  ## Preconditions & preparation:
  # get all the args from the method:
  full_args <- as.list(base::formals(method))

  # add the data: (not in the grid because of it's size):
  full_args$data_list <- data_list

  # add the args of the grid:
  full_args[colnames(grid)] <- as.list(grid[grid_row, ])

  if (return_metric) {
    full_args$minimal_return <- TRUE
  ## Main
  res <- do.call(method, full_args)

  ## Postconditions & return

  if (!return_metric) {
  } else {
      pred_partition = res$partition,
      true_partition = true_partition,
      data_for_metric = res[[res$element_for_metric]]

#' Tunes the methods to have the best set of parameters
#' tuning considers a list of values of parameters (grid_support) to be tested
#' (all the combinations are tested) and find the set of parameters that have
#' the best value for the metric selected.
#' To use a custom method, just pass your function method. Your function has to
#'   respect the following structure:
#'   * Input: function(data_list, param_1, param_2, ..... , param_x, ...)
#'   * Output: A list with:
#'     * partition: an integer vector labelling the sample
#'     * element_for_metric: a character that indicates the name of the element
#'     used with an internal metric for validation. It can be NULL.
#'     * output_1
#'     * ...
#'     * output_x
#' @param data_list a list of data matrices with continuous data of format
#'   samples x features (with the same number of samples).
#' @param method a string being the name of the built-in method to be used or a
#'   'method list' with the same format as the built-in ones. See Details
#' @param grid_support a list with a set of value for each parameter to be
#'   tuned. The typo has to be correct. Use formals(method$func) to know all the
#'   available parameters.
#' @param metric a string being the name of the built-in metric to be used or a
#'   'metric list' with the same format as the built-in ones. If the chosen
#'   metric is internal, be sure to choose a metric corresponding to the kind of
#'   data returned by the chosen method.
#' @param true_partition a factor or integer vector being a classification of the
#'   patients. It will be used with external metrics.
#' @param parallel logical, TRUE for parallel computing (default and
#'   recommanded).
#' @param plot logical, set TRUE to plot the metric evaluation of each grid
#'   point to have an overview of the impact of the variation of the parameters
#'   on the value of the considered metric.
#' @param verbose logical, set FALSE to avoid printing of informations
#' @param save_results logical, to save the result of tuning in `path_to_file`
#' @param file_name filename finishing by .RData or .rda
#' @param path_to_file if save_results, results of the tuning are save to this
#'   path
#' @param ncores integer, the number of core to be used for the parallel
#'   computation.
#'   If NULL, it takes the maximum number of cores - 1, using the function
#'   \code{\link[parallel]{detectCores}}.
#' @return a list:
#'  * $metric_val contain the best value of the metric
#'    among all the grid
#'  * $parameters is the corresponding set of parameters
#'  * $method_used contains the name of the tuned method, to know where the
#'   result comes from.
#'  * $method_res contains the result of the method, i.e. a partition and the
#'   data returned by the method, to allow external and/or internal validation
#'   by other metrics.
#' @export
tuning <- function(data_list, method, grid_support, metric,
                   true_partition = NULL,
                   parallel = TRUE,
                   ncores = NULL,
                   save_results = FALSE,
                   file_name = "./tuning_result.RData",
                   plot = TRUE,
                   verbose = TRUE) {

  ## Preconditions & preparation:
  if (is.character(method)) {
    method <- get_method(method)
  if (is.character(metric)) {
    metric <- get_metric(metric)

  grid <- base::expand.grid(grid_support, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  l <- dim(grid)[1]

  ## Main

  # because sometimes it's too long, we warn the user:
  if (verbose) print(paste0("Evaluation of ", l, " possibilities..."))

  # evaluation of every possibilities:

  if (parallel) {
    # cluster setup
    if (is.null(ncores)) ncores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores, type = "FORK")

    # computation
    execution_time <- system.time(evaluations <- parallel::parLapply(
      cl = cl,
      X = 1:l,
      fun = function(grid_row) evaluation(
          data_list = data_list,
          method = method,
          grid = grid,
          grid_row = grid_row,
          metric = metric,
          true_partition = true_partition,
          return_metric = TRUE

  } else {
    execution_time <- system.time(
      evaluations <- lapply(1:l, function(grid_row) evaluation(
          data_list = data_list,
          method = method,
          grid = grid,
          grid_row = grid_row,
          metric = metric,
          true_partition = true_partition,
          return_metric = TRUE
  if (verbose) {
      "... done in ", round(execution_time[3], 3),
      " seconds", "!"

  ## Postconditions & return

  # Find the best set of parameters

  if (verbose) print("Find the best parameters...")

  if (metric$maximize) {
    max_ind <- max.col(t(evaluations))
  } else { # Minimizing x is equivalent to maximizing -x
    max_ind <- max.col(-t(evaluations))

  if (verbose) print("... done !")

  if (plot) {
      x = 1:l, y = evaluations,
      xlab = "grid points", ylab = metric$label,
      main = paste0(metric$label, " for all grid points")

  # Reconstruct the result:
  res <- evaluation(data_list, method, grid, max_ind, metric, return_metric = F)

  # Build return list:
  res_list <- list(
    method = method,
    method_res = res,
    best_parameters = as.list(grid[max_ind, ]),
    metric = metric,
    best_metric_value = evaluations[[max_ind]],
    all_metric_values = unlist(evaluations),
    parameters_grid = grid,
    grid_support = grid_support

  # Save the computation:
  if (save_results) {
    tuning_result <- list(
        date_of_execution = Sys.Date(),
        time_of_execution = execution_time,
        tuning_result_list = res_list
    save(tuning_result, file = file_name)
  # Return:

#' An overview of the results with all available metrics
#' overview_metrics use the result of the tuning and diagnoses it using a list
#'   of selected metric. It's useful to see how other metrics evaluate the
#'   result tuned with only one given metric which is subject to biases.
#' @param method_result a list returned by built-in methods i.e. a list with an
#'   element `partition` and `data_returned`. To use directly the result of the
#'   function tuning, use the element $method_res of the result of the tuning.
#' @param internal_metrics a character vector indicating the name of internal
#'   metrics to be used. Be careful, the internal metric used must correspond to
#'   the data returned by the selected method (a distance matrix? an affinity
#'   matrix?, a feature matrix? ...)
#' @param true_partition factor or integer vector being a classification of the
#'   patients to be used with external metrics.
#' @param print logical. Print or not the values of metrics in the console.
#' @param plot logical. Plot or not silhouette graph
#' @param external_metrics a character vector with the name of external metrics
#'   to be used with the provided ground-truth. If NULL, all the external
#'   metrics are evaluated.
#' @return a data.frame with the value of metrics.
#' @export
overview_metrics <- function(method_result,
                             internal_metrics = NULL,
                             true_partition = NULL,
                             external_metrics = NULL,
                             print = T,
                             plot = T) {

  ## Preconditions & preparation:
  all_metrics <- get_metric(list_format = TRUE)
  internal_metrics_list <- NULL
  external_metrics_list <- NULL

  # First select internal_metrics:
  if (!is.null(internal_metrics)) {
    internal_metrics_list <- all_metrics[names(all_metrics)

  # Then select external_metrics
  if (!is.null(external_metrics)) {
    external_metrics_list <- all_metrics[names(all_metrics)
  } else {
    # otherwise, if a ground-truth is provided, it selects all external metrics.
    if (!is.null(true_partition)) {
      mask <- rep(FALSE, length(all_metrics))
      i <- 1
      for (metric in all_metrics) {
        if (!metric$internal) {
          mask[i] <- TRUE
        i <- i + 1
      external_metrics_list <- all_metrics[mask]
  # concatenate the list
  actual_list <- do.call(c, list(internal_metrics_list, external_metrics_list))
  l <- length(actual_list)

  ## Main
  if (l == 0) {
    stop("Neither internal metric nor ground-truth provided,
         please provide a ground-truth (and/) or a list of internal metrics")
  } else {
    # compute the values of metrics in actual_list
    metrics_values <- data.frame(value = 1:l, metric = names(actual_list))
    rownames(metrics_values) = names(actual_list)
    for (metric in actual_list) {
      metrics_values[metric$name, "value"] <- metric$metric(
        pred_partition = method_result$partition,
        true_partition = true_partition,
        data_for_metric = method_result[[method_result$element_for_metric]]
  ## Return
agapow/subtypr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:33 a.m.