
#' Agreement between rankings
#' Summarise the concordance between one or more caracteristics from a baseline
#' ranking
#' @author Nicolas Greliche, Sam Dumble and Kauê de Sousa
#' @family summarise functions
#' @aliases agreement
#' @param baseline an object of class 'rankings' or 'grouped_rankings' 
#' that serves as baseline for comparing the other characteristics
#' @param a list of objects of same class and dimensions of 
#' \code{baseline} to be compared
#' @param labels a character to specify the name of compared characteristics
#' @param x object of class 'gosset_agree' for the plotting method. 
#' Generates a 'ggplot' object that can be passed to any ggplot2 method
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods. See details
#' @return A data.frame with summary of agreement:
#' \item{labels}{the labels for each characteristic}
#' \item{kendall}{relative Kendall rank correlation coefficient}
#' \item{first}{relative agreement of the first item in the baseline being 
#' ranked first in}
#' \item{last}{relative agreement of the last item in the baseline being 
#' ranked last in}
#' @seealso \code{\link{kendallTau}}
#' @details  
#' \code{minlength} an integer, passed to \code{abbreviate()} to define the
#'  minimum length of the abbreviations
#' @examples 
#' # from the breadwheat data
#' # Compare the overall performance against
#' # rankings on germination, grain quality and yield
#' data("breadwheat", package = "gosset")
#' R <- rank_tricot(data = breadwheat,
#'                  items = c("variety_a", "variety_b", "variety_c"),
#'                  input = c("overall_best", "overall_worst"))
#' compare <- list()
#' compare[[1]] <- rank_tricot(data = breadwheat,
#'                             items = c("variety_a", "variety_b", "variety_c"),
#'                             input = c("germination_best","germination_worst"))
#' compare[[2]] <- rank_tricot(data = breadwheat,
#'                             items = c("variety_a", "variety_b", "variety_c"),
#'                             input = c("grainquality_best", "grainquality_worst"))
#' compare[[3]] <- rank_tricot(data = breadwheat,
#'                             items = c("variety_a", "variety_b", "variety_c"),
#'                             input = c("yield_best", "yield_worst"))
#' labels <- c("Germination", "Grain quality", "Yield")
#' a <- summarise_agreement(R,
#'                 = compare,
#'                          labels = labels)
#' p <- plot(a)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_bar facet_wrap coord_flip 
#' geom_text scale_y_continuous theme element_text labs
#' @export
summarise_agreement <- function(baseline,, labels = NULL){

  B <- baseline
  CC <-
  # check if both objects have the same class
  same_class <- lapply(CC, function (x) {
    .same_class(B, x)
  # if not, stop
  if (!any(unlist(same_class))) {
    stop("baseline and are objects of different class \n")
  if(.is_grouped_rankings(B)) {
    B <- B[1:length(B),, as.grouped_rankings = FALSE]
    CC <- lapply(CC, function(x) {
      x[1:length(x),,as.grouped_rankings = FALSE]
  if(.is_rankings(B)) {
    B <- B[1:length(B),, as.rankings = FALSE]
    CC <- lapply(CC, function(x) {
      x[1:length(x),,as.rankings = FALSE]
  # number of rows 
  n <- nrow(B)
  # calculate Kendall correlation
  Kendall <- lapply(CC, function(x) {
    kendallTau(x, B)[[1]]
  # take the first ranked item in B
  B_first <- apply(B, 1, function(x) {
    names(x)[which(x == 1)]
  # take the last ranked item in B
  B_last <- apply(B, 1, function(x) {
  # take the first ranked item in CC
  CC_first <- lapply(CC, function(y) {
    as.vector(apply(y, 1, function(x) {
      names(x)[which(x == 1)[1]]
  # take the first ranked item in CC
  CC_last <- lapply(CC, function(y) {
    as.vector(unlist(apply(y, 1, function(x) {
  # compare first and last from B and CC
  first <- lapply(CC_first, function (x) {
    a <- x == B_first
    sum(a) / n
  last <- lapply(CC_last, function (x) {
    a <- x == B_last
    sum(a) / n
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- paste0("Characteristic ", 1:length(CC))
  result <- data.frame(labels = labels,
                       kendall = unlist(Kendall) * 100,
                       first = unlist(first) * 100,
                       last = unlist(last) * 100)
  class(result) <- c('gosset_agree', 'gosset_df', class(result))

#' @rdname summarise_agreement
#' @method plot gosset_agree
#' @export
plot.gosset_agree <- function(x, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  scales <- dots[["scales"]]
  if (is.null(scales)) {
    scales <- 100
  if (scales == 1) {
    if (any(unlist(x[c("kendall", "first", "last")]) < 0)) {
      labs <- c(-1, -0.50, 0, 0.50, 1)
      brks <- seq(-100, 100, by = 50)/100
      lims <- c(-1, 1)
      rnd <- 2
      labs <- c(0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1)
      brks <- seq(0, 100, by = 25)/100
      lims <- c(0, 1)
      rnd <- 2
    x[c("kendall", "first", "last")] <- 
      lapply(x[c("kendall", "first", "last")], function(y){
      y <- y / 100
  if (scales == 100) {
    if (any(unlist(x[c("kendall", "first", "last")]) < 0)) {
      labs <- paste0(seq(-100, 100, by = 50), "%")
      brks <- seq(-100, 100, by = 50)
      lims <- c(-100, 100)
      rnd <- 0
      labs <- paste0(seq(0, 100, by = 25), "%")
      brks <- seq(0, 100, by = 25)
      lims <- c(0, 100)
      rnd <- 0
  # coerce labels to be in the order as provided by input
  labels_lv <- x$labels
  # coerce capital letter in type
  names(x) <- c("labels","Kendall","First","Last")
  # put data in a long format
  x <- split(x, x$labels)
  x <- lapply(x, function(z) {
    ag <- as.vector(t(z[2:4]))
    ty <- as.vector(names(z[2:4]))
    la <- unlist(rep(z[[1]], 3))
    data.frame(labels = la, 
               type = ty, 
               agreement = ag,
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  x <-"rbind", x)
  # convert type into factor 
  x$type <- factor(x$type,
                   levels = c("Kendall","First","Last"))

  # and labels into factor
  x$labels <- factor(x$labels,
                     levels = labels_lv)
  agreement <- x$agreement
  labels <- x$labels
  type <- x$type
  # plot
  p <- 
                    x = agreement,
                    y = labels,
                    fill = type
                  )) +
      stat = "identity",
      position = "dodge",
      col = "gray50",
      show.legend = FALSE
    ) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(. ~ type) +
      ggplot2::aes(x = agreement / 2,
                   label = round(agreement, rnd)),
      fontface = 2,
      alpha = 1
    ) +
      labels = labs,
      breaks = brks,
      limits = lims
    ) +
      axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15, face = 2),
      strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15, face = 2)
    ) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "", y = "")

agrobioinfoservices/gosset documentation built on April 28, 2024, 3:07 p.m.