ordFusion <- function(x, y, u = NULL, z = NULL, offset = rep(0,length(y)), lambda,
model = c("linear", "logit", "poisson", "cumulative"), restriction = c("refcat", "effect"),
scalex = TRUE, nonpenx = NULL, frac.arclength = NULL, ...)
model <- match.arg(model)
model <- switch(model, linear="linear", logit="logit", poisson="poisson", cumulative="cumulative")
restriction <- match.arg(restriction)
## Check the x matrix
if(!(is.matrix(x) | is.numeric(x) | is.data.frame(x)))
stop("x has to be a matrix, numeric vector or data.frame")
stop("Missing values in x are not allowed")
## Check the response
stop("y has to be numeric")
if(model == "logit" & any(!is.element(y[!is.na(y)], c(0,1))))
stop("y has to be 0/1 coded")
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
if((model == "poisson" | model == "cumulative") &
(any(abs(y[!is.na(y)] - round(y[!is.na(y)])) > tol) | any(y[!is.na(y)] < 0)))
stop("y has to contain nonnegative integers")
## Check the other arguments
if(length(offset) != length(y))
stop("length(offset) not equal length(y)")
{if(max(nonpenx) > ncol(as.matrix(x)))
stop("max(nonpenx) > ncol(x)")}
## ordinal predictors
x <- xord <- as.matrix(x)
px <- ncol(x)
kx <- apply(x,2,max)
xnames <- colnames(x)
grp <- rep(1:px,kx-1)
x <- coding(x, constant=FALSE)
x <- x[!is.na(y),]
lmbd <- lmbs <- sort(lambda, decreasing = TRUE)
## nominal predictors
if (length(u) > 0)
if(!(is.matrix(u) | is.numeric(u) | is.data.frame(u)))
stop("u has to be a matrix, numeric vector or data.frame")
stop("Missing values in u are not allowed")
u <- as.matrix(u)
if(nrow(u) != length(y))
stop("u and y do not have correct dimensions")
stop("Entries of u have to be of type 'numeric'")
if(any(abs(u - round(u)) > tol) | any(u < 1))
stop("u has to contain positive integers")
pu <- ncol(u)
ku <- apply(u,2,max)
unames <- colnames(u)
grp <- c(grp,rep(max(grp)+(1:pu),ku-1))
u <- coding(u, constant=FALSE, splitcod=FALSE)
u <- u[!is.na(y),]
nonpenu <- 1:pu
pu <- NULL
nonpenu <- NULL
ku <- NULL
## metric predictors
if (length(z) > 0)
if(!(is.matrix(z) | is.numeric(z) | is.data.frame(z)))
stop("z has to be a matrix, numeric vector or data.frame")
stop("Missing values in z are not allowed")
z <- as.matrix(z)
if(nrow(z) != length(y))
stop("z and y do not have correct dimensions")
stop("Entries of z have to be of type 'numeric'")
pz <- ncol(z)
znames <- colnames(z)
grp <- c(grp,max(grp)+(1:pz))
z <- z[!is.na(y),]
nonpenz <- 1:pz
pz <- NULL
nonpenz <- NULL
xuz <- cbind(x,u,z)
offset <- offset[!is.na(y)]
y <- y[!is.na(y)]
## fitting
nonpen <- c(nonpenx, px+nonpenu, px+ifelse(length(pu)>0,pu,0)+nonpenz)
if (length(nonpen) > 0)
nonpen2 <- 1:ncol(xuz)
nonpen2[!is.element(grp,nonpen)] <- -1
nonpen2 <- nonpen2[nonpen2 > 0]
nonpen2 <- NULL
if (model == "linear")
if (is.null(frac.arclength))
frac.arclength <- 1
flmodel <- glmpath(xuz, y, nopenalty.subset = nonpen2,
family = gaussian, standardize = scalex,
frac.arclength = frac.arclength, ...)
else if (model == "logit")
if (is.null(frac.arclength))
frac.arclength <- 0.1
flmodel <- glmpath(xuz, y, nopenalty.subset = nonpen2,
family = binomial, standardize = scalex,
frac.arclength = frac.arclength, ...)
else if (model == "poisson")
if (is.null(frac.arclength))
frac.arclength <- 0.1
flmodel <- glmpath(xuz, y, nopenalty.subset = nonpen2,
family = poisson, standardize = scalex,
frac.arclength = frac.arclength, ...)
xgrp <- grp[1:ncol(x)]
if(model == "cumulative")
q <- length(levels(factor(y))) - 1
flmodel <- ordinalNet(x=x, y=factor(y), lambdaVals = lmbd/length(y),
family="cumulative", link="logit", ...)
nloglik <- - flmodel$loglik
constant <- constrefcat <- t(flmodel$coefs[,1:q, drop=F])
xc <- - t(flmodel$coefs[,-(1:q), drop=F])
lmbd <- c(max(flmodel$lambda),lmbd[lmbd < max(flmodel$lambda)])
flx <- predict(flmodel, s = lmbd, type = "coefficients",
mode = "lambda")
constant <- flx[,1]
xuzc <- t(flx[,-1,drop=F])
xc <- cbind(xuzc[1:ncol(x),])
for (j in 1:max(xgrp))
xc[xgrp==j,] <- apply(xc[xgrp==j, ,drop=FALSE],2,cumsum)
if (length(xnames)==0)
xnames <- paste("x",1:px,sep="")
xnames <- rep(xnames,kx)
xnames <- paste(xnames,":",sequence(kx),sep="")
xcoefs <- matrix(0,length(xnames),ncol(xc))
xcoefs[sequence(kx)>1,] <- xc
xcrefcat <- xcoefs
if (length(u) > 0)
if (ncol(u) > 1)
uc <- cbind(xuzc[ncol(x)+(1:ncol(u)),])
uc <- rbind(xuzc[ncol(x)+1,])
if (length(unames)==0)
unames <- paste("u",1:pu,sep="")
unames <- rep(unames,ku)
unames <- paste(unames,":",sequence(ku),sep="")
ucoefs <- matrix(0,length(unames),ncol(uc))
ucoefs[sequence(ku)>1,] <- uc
ucoefs <- NULL
unames <- NULL
if (length(z) > 0)
if (ncol(z) > 1)
zcoefs <- cbind(xuzc[length(grp)+2-(ncol(z):1),])
zcoefs <- rbind(xuzc[length(grp)+1,])
if (length(znames)==0)
znames <- paste("z",1:pz,sep="")
zcoefs <- NULL
znames <- NULL
## Effect coding / sum to zero restriction
if(restriction == "effect")
modelbjk <- xc[1:ncol(x), ,drop=F]
transcoef <- matrix(NA, ncol(x), ncol(xc))
transb1 <- matrix(NA, px, ncol(xc))
for(j in 1:px){
means <- drop(apply(modelbjk[grp==j,,drop=F], 2, function(x) mean(c(0,x))) )
for(i in 1:ncol(xc)){
transcoef[grp==j,i] <- beffcjk <- modelbjk[grp==j,i] - means[i]
transb1[j,i] <- - sum(beffcjk)
xcoefs[sequence(kx)>1,] <- transcoef
xcoefs[sequence(kx)==1,] <- transb1
if(model == "cumulative") constant <- sweep(constant, 2, apply(transb1,2,sum), "+")
if(model == "cumulative")
coefs <- rbind(xcoefs, constant)
thetanames <- paste("intercept:", sequence(q), sep="")
rownames(coefs) <- c(xnames, thetanames)
flmodel$lambda <- flmodel$lambdaVals*length(y); flmodel$model <- "cumulative"; flmodel$xlevels <- kx; flmodel$zcovars <- 0; class(flmodel) <- "ordPen"; flmodel$restriction <- "refcat"
flmodel$coefficients <- rbind(xcrefcat, constrefcat)
fits <- predict(flmodel, newx = xord, type = "response", ...)
colnames(coefs) <- lmbd
coefs <- rbind(constant,xcoefs,ucoefs,zcoefs)
rownames(coefs) <- c("intercept",xnames,unames,znames)
fits <- predict(flmodel, newx = xuz, s = lmbd, type = "response",
mode = "lambda")
colnames(fits) <- lmbd
colnames(coefs) <- lmbd
rownames(fits) <- NULL
ladd <- sum(lmbs > max(flmodel$lambda))
if (ladd > 0)
cadd <- matrix(coefs[,1],nrow(coefs),ladd, byrow = FALSE)
fadd <- matrix(fits[,1],nrow(fits),ladd, byrow = FALSE)
coefs <- cbind(cadd,coefs[,-1])
fits <- cbind(fadd,fits[,-1])
coefs <- cbind(coefs[,-1])
fits <- cbind(fits[,-1])
colnames(coefs) <- colnames(fits) <- lmbs
rownames(fits) <- NULL
nloglik <- NULL
out <- list(fitted = fits,
coefficients = coefs,
model = model,
restriction = restriction,
lambda = lmbs,
xlevels = kx,
ulevels = ku,
zcovars = length(znames))
structure(out, class = "ordPen")
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