
FPWMClassObj <- setClass(
  # Set the name for the class
  # define the slots
  slots = c(
    xid = "character",
    id = "list",
    betalevel = "list",
    score= "list",
    sp = "numeric",
    parentmatrix = "matrix",
    parentbeta = "matrix",
    forked = "data.frame"
  # Set the default values for the slots.
  prototype = list(
    xid = "",
    id = list(),
    betalevel = list(),
    score= list(),
    sp = 5,
    forked = data.frame(),
    parentbeta = matrix(),
    parentmatrix = matrix() )

setGeneric(name = "updateFPWMClassObj",
           def = function(theObject,xid,
                          id, matrix, betalevel,score, sp,  forked, parentbeta,parentmatrix)

setMethod(f = "updateFPWMClassObj",
          signature(theObject = "FPWMClassObj"),
          definition = function(theObject,xid,
                                id, matrix, betalevel,score, sp, forked, parentbeta,parentmatrix)
            if (missing(theObject))
              stop("No FPWMClassObj object.Please use 'theObject = '")
            if (!missing(xid))
              if (!is.character(xid))
                stop("'xid' should be character!")
              theObject@xid <- xid
            if (!missing(id))
              if (!is.list(id))
                stop("'id' should be list!")
              theObject@id <- id
              if (!missing(matrix))
                if (!is.list(matrix))
                  stop("'matrix' should be list!")
                theObject@matrix <- matrix
              if (!missing(betalevel))
                if (!is.list(betalevel))
                  stop("'betalevel' should be list!")
                theObject@betalevel <- betalevel
              if (!missing(score))
                if (!is.list(score))
                  stop("'score' should be list!")
                theObject@score <- score
            if (!missing(sp))
              if (!is.numeric(sp))
                stop("'sp' should be numeric!")
              theObject@sp <- sp
            if (!missing(forked))
              if (!is.data.frame(forked))
                stop("'forked' should be data frme!")
              theObject@forked <- forked
            if (!missing(parentbeta))
              if (!is.matrix(parentbeta))
                stop("'parentbeta' should be matrix!")
              theObject@parentbeta <- parentbeta
            if (!missing(parentmatrix))
              if (!is.matrix(parentmatrix))
                stop("'parentmatrix' should be matrix!")
              theObject@parentmatrix <- parentmatrix

aidaghayour/FPWM documentation built on June 15, 2020, 8:19 p.m.