
Defines functions qzscores

Documented in qzscores

#calculates final z-scores and factor scores, and extracts main results for Q method
qzscores <- function(dataset, nfactors, loa, flagged, forced = TRUE, distribution = NULL) {    
  # Validation checks
  if (0 %in% colSums(flagged)) warning("Q analysis: One or more of the factors extracted have no flagged Q-sorts and no statement calculations can be made on that specific factor. 
Inspect the 'loa' and 'flagged' tables carefully to see if you missed any flag.")
  # calculate number of Q sorts and number of statements
  nstat <- nrow(dataset)
  nqsorts <- ncol(dataset)
  #A. select FLAGGED Q sorts
  floa <- flagged*loa #as.data.frame(loa); floa[which(!flagged, arr.ind=T)] <- 0 # the latter does not work in old versions of R
  #B. calculate FACTOR WEIGHTS for each Q sort, in a new matrix -needs to be a data.frame to perform variable calculations
  fwe <- as.data.frame(apply(floa, 2, function(x) x/(1-x^2)))
  #C. calculate Z-SCORES for each sentence and factor 
  #-- new matrix for wsubm*ssubmn (original matrix * q sort factor weight), and transpose
  wraw_all <- list()
  n <- 1
  for (i in fwe) {
    wraw_all[[n]] <- t(t(dataset)*i)
    names(wraw_all[[n]]) <- paste("wraw_",n,sep="")
    wraw_all[[n]] <- as.data.frame(wraw_all[[n]])
    n <- n+1
  #-- sums, average and stdev for each statement
  zsc_sum <- data.frame(cbind(1:nstat))
  zsc_mea <- data.frame(cbind(1:nstat))
  zsc_std <- data.frame(cbind(1:nstat))
  row.names(zsc_sum) <- row.names(dataset)
  row.names(zsc_mea) <- row.names(dataset)
  row.names(zsc_std) <- row.names(dataset)
  n <- 1
  while (n <= ncol(floa)) {
    zsc_sum[,n] <-      rowSums(wraw_all[[n]])
    zsc_mea[,n] <- mean(rowSums(wraw_all[[n]]))
    zsc_std[,n] <-   sd(rowSums(wraw_all[[n]]))
    n <- n+1
  colnames(zsc_sum) <- paste("z_sum_",c(1:ncol(floa)),sep="")
  colnames(zsc_mea) <- paste("z_mea_",c(1:ncol(floa)),sep="")
  colnames(zsc_std) <- paste("z_std_",c(1:ncol(floa)),sep="")
  #-- z-scores for each statement
  zsc <- matrix(NA, ncol=nfactors, nrow=nstat)
  row.names(zsc) <- row.names(dataset)
  n <- 1
  while (n <= ncol(floa)) {
    if(sum(flagged[,n]) == 0) {} else {zsc[,n] <- (zsc_sum[,n]-zsc_mea[,n])/zsc_std[,n]}
    n <- n+1
  colnames(zsc) <- paste("zsc_f",c(1:ncol(floa)),sep="")
  #D. FACTOR SCORES: rounded z-scores
  if (forced) {
    qscores <- sort(dataset[,1], decreasing=FALSE)
    if (sum(apply(dataset, 2, function(x) sort(x) != qscores)) > 0) stop("Q method input: The argument 'forced' is set as 'TRUE', but your data contains one or more Q-sorts that do not to follow the same distribution. 
 For details on how to solve this error, see 'help(qmethod)', including Note.")
  if (!forced) {
    if (is.null(distribution)) stop("Q method input: The argument 'forced' is set as 'FALSE', but no distribution has been provided in the argument 'distribution'.")
    if (length(distribution) != nrow(dataset)) stop("Q method input: The length of the distribution provided does not match the number of statements.")
    if (!is.numeric(distribution) & !is.integer(distribution)) stop("Q method input: The distribution provided contains non-numerical values.")
    qscores <- sort(distribution, decreasing=FALSE)
  zsc_n <- as.matrix(zsc)
  f <- 1
  while (f <= ncol(floa)) {
    if (length(unique(zsc[,f])) == length(zsc[,f])) {
      zsc_n[,f] <- qscores[rank(zsc[,f])]
    } else {
      zsc_n[,f] <- qscores[rank(zsc[,f])]
      # statements with identical z-score
      izsc <- which(round(rank(zsc[,f])) != rank(zsc[,f]))
      uizsc <- unique(zsc[izsc,f])
      for (g in uizsc) {
        izscn <- which(zsc[,f] == g)
        zsc_n[izscn,f] <- min(zsc_n[izscn,f])
    if (sum(!is.na(zsc[,f])) == 0) zsc_n[,f] <- rep(NA, length(zsc_n[,f]))
    f <- f+1
  colnames(zsc_n) <- paste("fsc_f",c(1:ncol(floa)),sep="")
  f_char <- qfcharact(loa, flagged, zsc, nfactors)
  brief <- list()
  brief$date        <- date()
  brief$pkg.version <- packageVersion('qmethod')
  brief$nstat       <- nstat
  brief$nqsorts     <- nqsorts
  brief$distro      <- forced
  brief$nfactors    <- nfactors
  brief$extraction  <- "Unknown: loadings were provided separately."
  brief$rotation    <- "Unknown: loadings were provided separately."
  brief$cor.method  <- "Unknown: loadings were provided separately."
  brief$info <- c("Q-method z-scores.",
                  paste0("Finished on:             ", brief$date), 
                  paste0("'qmethod' package version: ", brief$pkg.version),
                  paste0("Original data:           ", brief$nstat, " statements, ", brief$nqsorts, " Q-sorts"),
                  paste0("Forced distribution:     ", brief$distro),
                  paste0("Number of factors:       ", brief$nfactors),
                  paste0("Extraction:              ", brief$extraction),
                  paste0("Rotation:                ", brief$rotation),
                  paste0("Flagging:                Unknown: flagged Q-sorts were provided separately."),
                  paste0("Correlation coefficient: ", brief$cor.method))
  # brief <- paste0("z-scores calculated on ", date(), ". Original data: ", nstat, " statements, ", nqsorts, " Q-sorts. Number of factors: ",nfactors,".")
  qmethodresults <- list()
  qmethodresults[[1]] <- brief
  qmethodresults[[2]] <- dataset
  qmethodresults[[3]] <- loa
  qmethodresults[[4]] <- flagged
  qmethodresults[[5]] <- zsc
  qmethodresults[[6]] <- zsc_n
  qmethodresults[[7]] <- f_char
  names(qmethodresults) <- c("brief", "dataset", "loa", "flagged", "zsc", "zsc_n", "f_char")
  class(qmethodresults) <- "QmethodRes"
aiorazabala/qmethod documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 1:25 a.m.